SYS-CS1 System 84 Control InterfaceThe SYS-CS1 model is intended to control the RDL System 84
Audio Mixing Matrix products.
RU2-CS1 Serial Controlled InterfaceThe RU2-CS1 model is intended to control various RDL modules
and other manufacturers’ equipment equipped with open-collector control inputs.
Note: OEM product open-collector inputs must be compatible with current capability of RU2-CS1 control outputs.
Features Common to Both ModelsBoth models include eight status input terminals to monitor
external contact (switch or relay) closures or open-collector activations. These terminals are pulled high in
the CS1 to 5 Vdc and are protected against damage by external equipment or modules that may pull these
terminals as high as 30 Vdc.
There are also eight 0 to10 volt DC outputs that have 256 steps of resolution. Each may be programmed
to operate in the 0 to 5 volt DC range with no loss of resolution. These voltage outputs may also be
programmed to ramp to any valid level at rates programmable from 0.5 seconds to 128 seconds full scale.
The ramp rate may be individually set for each output.
Front-panel LEDs are provided to indicate power, command good/error, RS-232 communication and input/
output activity. All electrical connections are on the rear panel and employ depluggable connectors. The
RS-232 serial cable is not provided. Both products are in the same size chassis which is one RU (rack unit)
high and two-thirds wide. Either CS1 model will occupy 2 of 3 bays in an available RDL RU-RA3 rack
mounting accessory.
Note: References in this manual that apply to both SYS-CS1 and RU2-CS1 will use the term: CS1
2. Computer Communications and Connections
RS-232 CommunicationThe CS1 communicates with a host controller using an RS-232 connection. It
is a full duplex product, meaning it can receive and send data simultaneously. It does not employ any
hardware handshaking but instead can use return communication codes to communicate properly. The
baud rates available are: 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200. The format is:
no parity bit
8 data bits
one stop bit
no hardware or software handshaking
RS-232 ConnectionThe required cable to connect to a personal computer’s 9 pin serial port is a
straight through 9 pin male to 9 pin female cable. These are commonly referred to as extension cables and
are usually available locally. For use on a 25 pin port, a 25 pin to 9 pin serial cable must be used. The pins
used by the CS1 are 2 (RX data), 3 (TX data) and 5 (ground). All other pins on the CS1’s RS-232 connector
are wired only to the 6 pin depluggable header to the left of the RS-232 DB-9 connector as viewed from the
rear. These are available for customer use in the event that the controller being used requires hardware
handshaking. One such example may be RTS – CTS handshaking in which case installing a jumper wire
between the pins labeled 7 and 8 may enable proper communication. When using the Windows terminal
program Hyper Terminal or Visual Basic developed applications, jumpering these extra pins will not be
For long distance communication between the controller and the CS1 a pair of RDL RU-SC2s may be
used. Refer to the RDL RU-SC2 Installation Instruction for wiring and cable diagrams.
Note: The RDL RU-SC1A is not recommended for long distance CS1 control. The RDL RU-SC1A model will not always
work properly as it is a half duplex device, which will only communicate to another RU-SC1A one way at a time.
3. Programming
Command ProtocolThe CS1 is controlled by ASCII commands received via the RS-232 connector.
A full listing and explanation of these commands is covered later in the Command Reference section.
Each command must have a terminator character appended to the end of the command to enact it. This
terminator may be the Line Feed character (ASCII 10) or the Carriage Return character (ASCII 13) or both
in either order. The CS1 may be set up via the “REN” command to send a response back to the host upon
receiving the terminator character, returning an error code. The error code will indicate a successful command
was received or one of several different error conditions occurred, enabling the programmer to troubleshoot
any erroneous command. By default the error code responses are disabled.
External InputsExternal events may be set to cause spontaneous RS-232 communication
from the CS1 to the host. These events are from changes to the STATUS INPUT pins if commands have
been issued to the CS1 to enable these alerts. By default no input alerts are active upon power up or after
an “INIT” initialization command has been sent.
Response ProtocolAll responses from the CS1 can have an optional terminator added which
may be a Carriage Return (ASCII 13) or Line Feed (ASCII 10) or both (CR + LF). The default power-up
condition is “no terminator”. Terminators are activated using the “Tn” commands covered later in the
Command Reference section.
Power-up Default ConditionsThe CS1 powers up ready to accept any command and to not provide
responses back to the computer. The power-up default sets the CS1 to include no terminators (see
Response Protocol above) with any responses. If user equipment or software requires a terminator, the
CS1 must be programmed first with the correct “Tn” command to enable outgoing terminators. If responses
are required, they should be programmed next by sending the “REN” command. Additionally, “ramp
complete” responses may be enabled by sending the “RER” command to the CS1.
Computer IssuesDuring computer boot up, the electrical levels on the RS-232 serial port pins
may vary. This may produce a communication error on the CS1 as evidenced by the flashing ERROR
LED. This can be cleared by sending any terminator character (or command with terminator) to empty the
CS1’s receive buffer followed by sending any valid command with a terminator. One suggestion for the
valid command would be “INIT” which puts the CS1 into the power-up default state.
RampingThe ramp rates are programmable for each voltage output. Each ramp is adjustable for a
nominal 0.5 to 127.5 seconds full scale. The default time for all channels is 0.5 seconds full scale. To
calculate a specific ramp completion time use the following formula:
end value – beginning value |
X full scale ramp time
where: end value and beginning value are command suffixes in the range from 0 to 255, and full scale
ramp time is the total time required to ramp from 0 (off) to 255 (fully on).