RCS TR40 Installation And Operation Manual

Model TR40 Thermostat
with Serial RS232/485 Communications
Installation and Operation Manual
PN: 141-01070
Revision 03
Applies to these TR40 Revisions or later Model Part Number Firmware Version TR40-232 001-01070-07 TR40-485 001-01080-07 TS40 WDU 001-01060-07 3.05.5 HFR-232 CU 001-00810-07 3.04.3 HFR-485 CU 001-00820-07 3.04.3
Residential Control Systems Inc.
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Econ Sys Off
Outside 60
The TR40 Thermostat provides typical thermostat functions as well as the capability to send and receive information via serial communications. This communications capability allows the thermostat’s setpoint, mode and fan operation to be changed remotely. In addition, the remote systems can request status of the thermostat’s temperature, setpoints, modes, and other system information.
The thermostat consists of two parts, a Wall Display Unit (WDU) and a HVAC Control Unit. The Wall Display Unit looks like a traditional thermostat and is the wall mounted user interface for the TR40. It provides display, control pushbuttons, and the temperature sensor. The WDU connects to the Control Unit by a 4 wire cable. The Control Unit connects to the HVAC system in place of a standard thermostat and provides thermostatic control of the system. In addition, the Control Unit sends and receives data and commands via a twisted pair serial communications connection for remote control of the system.
The Model TR40 can be used with up to 4 remote temperature sensors such as the RS15.
TR40 Wall Display Unit
The WDU has a backlit LCD graphical display, control buttons, LEDs and a digital temperature sensor. The WDU can display multiple screens. In the default thermostat screen, it shows the current temperature, setpoint, mode and manual fan mode, time, outside temperature and other informat ion.
Any changes in temperature, or control button operations, are transmitted to the Control Unit. Updates are received from the Control Unit and displayed by the WDU.
Indicator LEDs
dynamic labels
Wall Display Unit Display
The TR40 display is a graphical LCD display capable of both text and graphics. The WDU has multiple display “screens”. The main screen is the thermostat screen shown above. This screen has a “minimized” mode in which only the temperature is displayed. It reverts to this minimized mode after a timeout delay period.
Other standard screens are selected by the Menu button and include: Messages, Schedules, User Settings, and Thermostat Info. Others may be present and selectable from the menu button in special versions of the WDU.
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TR40 WDU Thermostat Screen
Run No Msg
Function Control Buttons
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Large Graphical
LCD Screen
The TR40’s LCD features a backlit display for low light and night visibility. It can be set to remain on constant or to turn out after a 20-45 second delay .
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Wall display Unit Control Buttons
All 6 buttons on the TS40 Wall Display Unit are “Soft Keys” meaning that they change functions when you change screens. The function of the buttons is defined by “on-screen labels” that are dynamic and change when you change screens. The following are definitions for the buttons for the main “Thermostat screen” and their primary mode of operation. Other screens and their button operations are defined in following sections.
Wall Display Unit LEDs
The TR40 has four LED’s that display various status information. The LEDs have dynamic “on-screen” labels that can change with the screen being displayed.
Wall Display Unit “Screens”
One of the unique features of the TS40 WDU graphical display is the ability to have multiple display screens. In addition to a main thermostat screen, menus and other control screens for special functions are provided. This makes an intuitive and easy to use “user interface”. It allows the many functions of the TR40 to be easily navigated.
You move to other screens by pressing the Menu button from the main thermostat screen. A new Main Menu “screen” will be displayed with a list of menu functions. When a menu item is selected, a new “screen” will be displayed for that function. Refer to the individual screen descriptions that follow for details on navigating each screen.
The Minimized Main Thermostat Screen
The main thermostat screen will go to a “minimized” screen after a timeout period. This presents a simple uncluttered display of the current room temperature and outside temperature (if an OT sensor is attached).
Pressing any button causes the full Main Thermostat screen to be restored and displayed.
Screen Timeouts
When you menu to other screens, you have the option of exiting those screens to return to the main thermostat screen or just waiting until the automatic screen timeout occurs that will return the display to the main thermostat screen.
The main thermostat screen normally reverts to the minimized screen after 30 seconds. This can be adjusted from 15 to 120 seconds in the User Settings Menu under Screen Timeout. You can also set the timeout period to “0”. In this case the Main Thermostat screen will NEVER timeout and revert to the minimized screen.
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Main Thermostat Screen
Sys Off
Outside 60
2 3 4
The main thermostat screen is the default display screen and is the screen that is normally displayed on the Wall Display Unit. It will revert to a minimized screen after 30 seconds of display.
Temperature Display
The WDU will normally display the current temperature from the internal digital temperature sensor or a remote sensor. The sensors have an accuracy of +/- 1°F(+/- .5°C). The WDU will display temperatures from
-63°F to 191°F. NOTE: If averaging remote sensors are attached, the display will show the average
temperature of the sensors.
Setpoint Display
The heating and cooling setpoints are displayed next to the Setpoint Up/Down buttons. In the HEAT mode, the Up/Down buttons change the heat setpoint. In the COOL mode, they change the cooling setpoint. When in AUTO mode, the buttons change the last call’s heating or cooling setpoint. Note that the setpoints will “push” each other if they are adjusted to get within the minimum Heat/Cool separation (delta T) setting. This is normally 3 degrees.
Clock Display
The current time is displayed in the upper left corner of the main screen.
Outside Temperature Display
The outside temperature is displayed in the top center of the main screen, if outside temperature information has been sent to the thermostat or a remote temperature sensor is connected to the WDU.
Main Thermostat Screen Buttons
UP and DOWN Buttons
The UP and DOWN buttons control the setpoint temperature.
Run No Msg
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Pushing the UP button will increment the setpoint value by one degree and conversely, pus hing the Down button will decrement the setpoint one degree. Pushing and holding a button down will cause the setpoint to continuously change until the button is released.
Main Thermostat Screen
The setpoint can be set from 40°F to 99°F ( 5°C to 37°C), unless limited in the Installer Settings.
Main Thermostat Screen MENU Button
The Menu button changes the screen display to the MAIN MENU screen which show what other functions are available on the Thermostat. These are dynamic and can change with the version of the thermostat you have, but the standard ones include:
Main Thermostat Screen
Menu Button
q Main Menu Screen
§ Messages
§ Schedules
§ User Settings
§ Thermostat Info
Main Thermostat Screen MODE Button
The MODE button controls the HV AC system mode. The current mode selected is displayed above the button. Pushing the MODE button will cause the mode and display to change to the next mode. The system mode cycles from Off to Heat to Cool to Auto and back to Off again with each push of the MODE button. When the HVAC system type is set to Heat Pump, the mode selection will include EH for Emergency Heat mode.
Mode Button
§ Off
§ Heat
§ Cool
§ Auto
§ EH
Off Mode : System is off. No heating or cooling will come on. Heat Mode: Only heating will occur. Cool Mode: Only cooling will occur. Auto Mode: Heating or cooling will come on according to the heating and cooling setpoints. The
system will automatically switch between heating and cooling when the temperature exceeds the setpoints.
Note that you cannot lower the cooling setpoint below the heating setpoint. The thermostat will “push” the heating setpoint lower if try to lower the cooling below the heating setpoint. It maintains a 3 degree separation between the heating and cooling setpoint. The same is true for
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raising the heating setpoint above the cooling setpoint. Again the thermostat will “push” the cooling setpoint up to maintain the 3 degree separation.
EH Mode: Only available when Heat Pump HVAC System type is selected. When there is a compressor failure with the heat pump system, setting the mode to EH will allow the supplemental heat to come on whenever there is a heat call to provide heating. It also disables the compressor outputs to prevent further damage to the system.
Main Thermostat Screen
Main Thermostat Screen FAN Button
The FAN button controls the HVAC system’s manual fan. The current manual fan mode is displayed above the button. Normally this button is in the Auto mode. Pushing the FAN button once will turn the manual fan operation On. Pushing it again will turn the manual fan off and return to the Auto mode (which means OFF unless turned on by the furnace or AC). Changes in the fan mode are sent to the Control Unit.
Fan Button
§ Auto
§ On
Main The rmostat Screen RUN/HOLD Button
The RUN/HOLD button controls the automatic schedule operation. In the HOLD mode, the current temperature is maintained until changed by manual or remote network command. In the Run mode, the schedule loaded into the thermostat is activated and setpoints will change according to the schedule and the time and day of week. There is also an AWAY mode that you can select if you press and hold the button for 3 seconds. In the Away mode, preset Heating and Cooling setpoints are used.
Run Button
§ Run
§ Hold
§ Away
(Press and hold button)
Main Thermostat Screen LED Displays
The Main Thermostat screen has the following LEDs, numbered from top to bottom, 1-4.
o LED 1 Green: System Operation display.
o LED Off, “SYS OFF” displayed > HVAC system is OFF o LED Off, “SYS MOT” displayed > Minimum Off Time (MOT) delay on is active o LED On, “SYS ON” displayed > HVAC System is running o LED On, “SYS MRT” displayed > Minimum Run Time (MRT) delay off is active
o LED 2 Green: System Economy Mode display
o LED OFF or On, “Econ” displayed > Economy or 1st stage heating or cooling only o LED On, “2nd Stg” displayed > Stage 2 heating or cooling is active o LED On, “3rd Stg” displayed > Stage 3 heating is active
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o LED On, “Vent” displayed > fresh air venting is active
o LED 3 Green: Run/Hold display. Shows state of Schedule Run/Hold Mode.
o LED Off, “Run” displayed > Schedule is running o LED On, “Hold” displayed > Schedule is off, temperature setpoint hold in effect.
o LED 4 RED: Alert LED. Used for Messaging and other system alerts
o LED Off, “No Msg” displayed > No text messages or Alerts present o LED On, Mail icon or Alert Text displayed > Message waiting or specific alert text
“Communications Error” Display
If the WDU is not properly wired or if communications to the Control Unit is interrupted, the LCD display will display “Communications Failure” at the top center of the Main Thermostat Screen (where outside temperature is normally displayed) . Momentary display of “Communicat ions Failure” caused by loss of data, will clear automatically when data communication is restored. If the “Communications Failure” display stays on, check wiring or control unit for problems.
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Main Menu Screen
The TR40 Thermostat has a menu tree that can be accessed by pressing the “Menu” button on the Main Thermostat screen. Various configurations of the TR40 can have different screen contents. The first screen that will come up is the Main Menu screen that list the other menus or functions that can be accessed. Standard screens are listed below.
Message Screen
This is a text messaging subsystem that allows message of up to 80 characters to be sent to the thermostat. Message that are received are displayed when the message screen is selected.
Schedules Screen
This screen is used to set the programmable setback schedules of the thermostat.
User Settings
This screen is used to set the Clock, Screen Timeout, F/C mode and Sensor Calibration functions.
Sensor Calibration Screen
This screen is used to change the calibration of the thermostat to display the desired temperatures. Also will allow calibration of any remote sensors attached to the thermostat.
Thermostat Info Screen
This screen shows the firmware versions of the WDU and Control Unit, HVAC system type and equipment options, and the Network address.
Messages Schedules User Settings Thermostat Info
Main Menu Screen navigation buttons:
Return to Main Thermostat Screen Select Menu Item Scroll Up to next item Scroll Down to next item
Menu Selection
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