DCN: 141-02071-01 Page 2
Setting the heating or cooling temperature setpoint
To change the Heat Setpoint you must be in the Heating mode, to change the Cool
Setpoint you must be in the Cooling mode. Pressing the Mode button will switch
between the Heat and Cool setpoints.
Setpoint Push: Note that you cannot lower the cooling setpoint below the heating
setpoint. The thermostat will “push” the heating setpoint lower if you try to lower the
cooling setpoint below the heating setpoint. It maintains a 3 degree separation between
the heating and cooling setpoint. The same is true for raising the heating setpoint above
the cooling setpoint. Again the thermostat will “push” the cooling setpoint up to maintain
the 3 degree separation.
Press a button to
go to the setpoint
change screen
Setpoint change screen
Press “DONE” button to set the setpoint and exit back
to the main thermostat screen or wait for the screen to
automatically time out.
Press the up or down arrow buttons to
set the desired temperature setpoint
Pressing the up
or down buttons
will increment the
setpoint 1 degree.
Press and hold
the button to
ramp the setpoint.
72H 80C
72H 80C72H 80C
72H 80C
Set to
Set toSet to
Set to

DCN: 141-02071-01 Page 3
Setting the System Mode: Off, Heat, Cool, Auto
System Modes
• Off: System is off. No heating or cooling will come on. If system was on, it will
turn off immediately.
• Heat: Only heating will occur.
• Cool: Only cooling will occur.
• Auto: Heating or cooling will come on according to the heating and cooling
setpoints. The system will automatically switch between heating and cooling
modes as needed to maintain the setpoints.
Special Heat Pump Mode: Emergency Heat
• Heat-E: An additional system mode, “Heat-E” for Emergency Heat will be
displayed if the HVAC system type is set to Heat Pump. If there is a compressor
failure with the Heat Pump system, setting the mode to EHEAT will allow the
supplemental Aux heat to come on first whenever there is a call for heating. It
also disables the compressor output to prevent further damage to the HVAC
Press Mode
button to
change system
72H 80C
72H 80C72H 80C
72H 80C