RCA ViSYS 25450 User Manual

4 Line Multi-Handset Office System User’s Guide
Please read this manual before operating this product for the first time.
Model 25450
Important Information Equipment Approval Information
Your telephone equipment is approved for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network and is in compliance with parts 15 and 68, FCC Rules and Regu­lations and the Technical Requirements for Telephone Terminal Equipment published by ACTA.
1 Notification to the Local Telephone Company
On the bottom of this equipment is a label indicating, among other information, the US number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the equipment. You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company.
The REN is useful in determining the number of devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have all of these devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most (but not all) areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed 5. To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wiring and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and require­ments adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. See installation instructions for details.
• This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company.
• Party lines are subject to state tariffs, and therefore, you may not be able to use your own telephone equipment if you are on a party line. Check with your local telephone company.
• Notice must be given to the telephone company upon permanent disconnection of your telephone from your line.
• If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the telephone line, ensure the installation of this product does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.
2 Rights of the Telephone Company
Should your equipment cause trouble on your line which may harm the telephone network, the telephone company shall, where practicable, notify you that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. Where prior notice is not practicable and the circumstances warrant such action, the telephone company
may temporarily discontinue service immediately. In case of such temporary discontinuance, the telephone company must: (1) promptly notify you of such temporary discontinuance; (2) afford you the opportunity to correct the situation; and (3) inform you of your right to bring a complaint to the Commission pursuant to procedures set forth in Subpart E of Part 68, FCC Rules and Regulations.
The telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities, equipment, operations or procedures where such action is required in the opera­tion of its business and not inconsistent with FCC Rules and Regulations. If these changes are expected to affect the use or performance of your telephone equipment, the telephone company must give you adequate notice, in writing, to allow you to maintain uninterrupted service.
Important Information
Interference Information
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are de­signed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for radio or television that is “receiving” the interference).
• Reorient or relocate and increase the separation between the telecommunications equipment and receiving antenna.
• Connect the telecommunications equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiving antenna is connected.
If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is avail­able from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering copies.
Hearing Aid Compatibility
This telephone system meets FCC standards for Hearing Aid Compatibility.
Licensed under US Patent 6,427,009.
Important Information
Important Information
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with the belt clip supplied with this product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.
CAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there are basic safety instructions that should always be followed. Refer to the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS provided with this product and save them for future reference.
Congratulations on your purchase of the RCA 25450 Telephone System. The RCA 25450 Telephone System was built to satisfy a variety of business and residential needs. A prominent feature of the RCA 25450 is the two-way radio which gives you the flexibility to add remote handset phones anywhere there is an A/C electrical outlet.
The RCA 25450 Telephone System functions like a PBX office system. Calls are handled in a way that offer similar privacy.
The RCA 25450 is ready to go out of the box. This user guide will cover the basics to get you started, explain the advanced features of the telephone, and show you how to tailor the RCA 25450 to your specific needs.
To get the most from your new phone, we suggest that you take a few minutes right now to read through this user’s guide.
NOTE: The ringer timing in this system may ring in a different sequence than other types of phone systems connected to the same line(s).
IMPORTANT: In order to use all of the features of this unit, you must subscribe to either the standard Name/Number Caller ID Service or Call Waiting Caller ID Service. To know who is calling while you are on the phone, you must subscribe to Call Waiting Caller ID Service.
IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate on electricity, you should have at least one phone in your business or home that isn’t cordless, in case the power goes out.
Table of Contents
Important InformatIon .............................................................................2
EquIpmEnt approval InformatIon ..............................................................2
IntErfErEncE InformatIon ..........................................................................3
HEarIng aId compatIbIlIty ........................................................................3
lIcEnsIng .................................................................................................3
fcc rf radIatIon ExposurE statEmEnt .....................................................4
IntroductIon ............................................................................................5
Important InstallatIon InformatIon...........................................................9
Safety PrecautionS ..............................................................................................9
inStallation GuidelineS ........................................................................................9
tElEpHonE Jack rEquIrEmEnts ..................................................................10
parts cHEcklIst (basE unIt) ................................................................... 11
parts cHEcklIst (cordlEss HandsEt) .......................................................12
pHonE InstallatIon (basE unIt) ..............................................................13
BaSe unit location ............................................................................................13
inStallinG BackuP Battery .................................................................................13
inStallinG HandSet ............................................................................................13
inStallinG tHe ac adaPtor ................................................................................14
connectinG tHe telePHone line cordS ..............................................................14
two 2-line JackS ..............................................................................................15
four 1-line JackS ..............................................................................................15
cordlEss HandsEt InstallatIon ...............................................................16
inStallinG tHe cHarGinG cradle and ac adaPtor ...........................................16
inStallinG tHe cordleSS HandSet Battery ........................................................16
inStallinG tHe cHarGinG cradle wall Mount .................................................17
reGiSterinG tHe cordleSS HandSet ....................................................................17
basE unIt layout ...................................................................................18
basE unIt fEaturEs ................................................................................19
lcd diSPlay .......................................................................................................19
naviGation Button .............................................................................................19
Soft ButtonS ......................................................................................................19
Menu SySteM ...................................................................................................19
redial Button ....................................................................................................20
line ButtonS ......................................................................................................20
line dedicate ......................................................................................................20
Pre-dialinG ........................................................................................................20
SPeaker Button ..................................................................................................21
HeadSet Button ..................................................................................................21
Mute Button .....................................................................................................21
PaGe Button .......................................................................................................21
flaSH Button ....................................................................................................21
Hold Button .....................................................................................................21
dnd (do not diSturB) Button ........................................................................21
exit Button ........................................................................................................22
MeMory ButtonS ...............................................................................................22
Store Button ......................................................................................................22
directory ............................................................................................................22
intercoM Button ................................................................................................22
reSet Button .....................................................................................................22
auto attendant Button .....................................................................................22
voice Mail Button ............................................................................................23
call tranSferrinG ..............................................................................................23
Hold MeSSaGe ....................................................................................................23
conference callinG ...........................................................................................23
Second incoMinG call .......................................................................................23
caller id ...........................................................................................................23
call waitinG ......................................................................................................24
cordlEss HandsEt fEaturEs ....................................................................24
lcd diSPlay (cordleSS HandSet) .....................................................................24
cordleSS HandSet layout ..................................................................................25
Table of Contents
cordleSS HandSet cHarGinG cradle layout ....................................................26
end/Power Button ............................................................................................27
talk Button ........................................................................................................27
Soft ButtonS ......................................................................................................27
Menu SySteM (adJuSt SettinGS and reGiStration) ........................................27
redial Soft Button ............................................................................................27
Pre-dialinG ........................................................................................................27
naviGation Button .............................................................................................27
SPeaker Button ..................................................................................................28
HeadSet Jack ......................................................................................................28
Mute ...................................................................................................................28
Hold ..................................................................................................................28
exit Button ........................................................................................................28
voice Mail Button ...........................................................................................29
voice Mail indicator liGHt ...............................................................................29
intercoM Button ................................................................................................29
call forwardinG ...............................................................................................29
conference callinG ...........................................................................................29
Second incoMinG call .......................................................................................29
caller id ...........................................................................................................30
call waitinG ......................................................................................................30
extenSion GrouPS ..............................................................................................30
usIng your rca 25450 pHonE systEm .................................................31
MakinG a call ...................................................................................................31
MakinG a call (BaSe unit) ...............................................................................31
redial (BaSe unit) .............................................................................................33
MakinG a call (cordleSS HandSet) .................................................................34
receivinG a call (BaSe unit) ............................................................................37
call waitinG ......................................................................................................38
endinG a call (BaSe unit) ................................................................................38
SwitcHinG Between audio ModeS .....................................................................39
PuttinG call(S) on Hold ...................................................................................39
Mute ...................................................................................................................40
call forwardinG (cordleSS HandSet) ..............................................................41
tranSferrinG a call to anotHer extenSion......................................................42
intercoM callS ..................................................................................................45
MakinG an intercoM call .................................................................................45
receivinG an intercoM call ..............................................................................46
end an intercoM call .......................................................................................47
iGnore and override an incoMinG line or intercoM call ..............................47
PaGinG (BaSe unit) ............................................................................................49
voIcE maIl (vm) ..................................................................................50
confiGure voice Mail (BaSe unit) ...................................................................50
reSet extenSion PaSSword (BaSe unit) ............................................................51
clear all vM Box MeSSaGeS (BaSe unit) .........................................................52
voice Mail Box ManaGeMent oPtionS (BaSe unit) .........................................52
voice Mail Box ManaGeMent oPtionS (cordleSS HandSet) ...........................57
voice Mail Box ManaGeMent oPtionS (offSite) ..............................................59
acceSS voice Mail (BaSe unit) ........................................................................60
acceSS voice Mail (cordleSS HandSet) ...........................................................64
acceSS vM (offSite location) ..........................................................................67
dIrEctory ...............................................................................................69
naviGate directory ............................................................................................69
advancEd functIons of your rca 25450 pHonE systEm .......................72
auto attendant (BaSe unit) .............................................................................72
confiGure auto attendant (BaSe unit) ...........................................................73
Hold MeSSaGe (BaSe unit) ...............................................................................76
SPeed dial (BaSe unit) ......................................................................................78
tHree-way conference callS ..........................................................................79
Second incoMinG call .....................................................................................82
extenSion GrouP SettinG (cordleSS HandSet) .................................................83
call loG .............................................................................................................84
Table of Contents
sEttIngs and adJustmEnt ........................................................................87
Menu SySteM .....................................................................................................87
BaSe unit SetuP .................................................................................................88
line dedicate (BaSe unit) .................................................................................89
Sound (BaSe unit) .............................................................................................90
cordleSS HandSet SetuP ....................................................................................94
reGiSter cordleSS HandSet (BaSe unit and cordleSS HandSet) ....................94
dereGiSter cordleSS HandSet (BaSe unit and cordleSS HandSet) .................95
clear cordleSS HandSet id (BaSe unit)..........................................................96
next cordleSS HandSet id (BaSe unit) ........................................................97
Sound (cordleSS HandSet) ...............................................................................98
PHone SettinGS .................................................................................................101
dialinG Prefix ..................................................................................................101
area codeS ..................................................................................................... 102
contraSt (BaSe unit) ..................................................................................... 104
Set tiMe (BaSe unit) ...................................................................................... 104
do not diSturB (dnd) (BaSe unit) ........................................................... 105
auto or Manual line Selection SettinGS (cordleSS HandSet) ................... 106
reSet SySteM (BaSe unit) ............................................................................... 108
HeadSet and Belt cliP oPeration................................................................... 109
rePlacinG tHe BatterieS ................................................................................... 110
Cordless Handset Battery ..................................................................................110
Handset Memory Retention ............................................................................110
Base Unit Battery ................................................................................................. 111
Battery Safety Precautions ............................................................................... 111
otHEr InformatIon ...............................................................................112
diSPlay MeSSaGeS ............................................................................................112
Sound SiGnalS .................................................................................................113
troublEsHootIng tIps ............................................................................113
caller id .........................................................................................................114
telePHone .........................................................................................................114
General Product care ....................................................................................116
cauSeS of Poor recePtion ...............................................................................116
interference inforMation ................................................................................117
sErvIcE InformatIon .............................................................................118
lImItEd Warranty ................................................................................119
Wall mountIng brackEt tEmplatE for cordlEss HandsEt ..................... 121
accEssory InformatIon (rEplacEmEnt parts) ........................................ 123
Important Installation Information
Safety Precautions
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
• Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
• Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the telephone line is disconnected from the network.
• Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
• Temporarily disconnect any equipment connected to the phone such as faxes, other phones, or modems.
Installation Guidelines
• Install the base unit near a telephone (modular) jack and an electrical outlet.
• Avoid sources of noise, such as a window by a busy street, and electrical noise, such as motors, microwave ovens, and fluorescent lighting.
• Avoid heat sources, such as heating air ducts, heating appliances, radiators, and direct sunlight.
• Avoid areas of excessive moisture or extremely low temperature.
• Avoid dusty locations.
• Avoid other cordless telephones or personal computers.
CAUTION: Always disconnect all phone cords from the Base Unit before battery installation or replacement. INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause or receive interference with TVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs. To minimize
or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. If such interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther away from appliances. Certain other communications devices may also use the 900 MHz frequency for communication, and, if not properly set, these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone. If you are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner’s manual for these devices on how to properly set channels to avoid interference. Typical devices that may use the 900 MHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/video senders, wireless computer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone systems, and some long-range cordless telephone systems.
INSTALLATION NOTE: If the 25450 Phone System shares a phone line with another type of phone system, the Auto Attendant and Voice Mail features may be interrupted. You may want to turn off Auto Attendant and Voice Mail for that line.
Connections and Setup
Connections and Setup
Telephone Jack Requirements
To use this phone, the user will need either two RJ14 (two line) or four RJ11 (one line) modular jacks in order to supply this unit with 4 phone lines. The modular jacks which may look like the one shown here. If you don’t have a modular jack, call your local phone company to find out how to get one installed.
Modular telephone
line jack
Connections and Setup
Parts Checklist (Base Unit)
Make sure your package includes the following items:
Battery Compartment Cover
Handset Cord
Battery Pack
Line Cords (4)
Charger/AC Adapter
Connections and Setup
Parts Checklist (Cordless Handset)
Make sure your package includes the following items:
Belt Clip
Cradle Bracke
Battery Pack
Battery Compartment Cover
Charger/AC Adapter
Connections and Setup
Phone Installation (Base Unit)
Base Unit Location
Place your phone on a level surface, such as a tabletop or desk, near an electrical outlet and telephone wall jack. For the best performance, place the base unit at least 3 feet away from other electronic devices such as a computer or a fax machine. Raise the antenna after the installation is complete.
Installing Backup Battery
The backup battery can provide 30 minutes of normal operation in the event of a power failure. Use only the supplied RCA Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) Base Unit backup battery.
1. Locate the battery compartment cover and battery pack packaged separately.
2. Plug in the battery pack as shown.
3. Snap the battery compartment cover in place.
4. Charge the backup battery for 10 hours before the first use.
NOTE: If the low battery icon appears in the display when electrical power is on, replace the rechargeable batteries. It is important to replace them as soon as possible to maintain unit operation when electrical power is off. As a precaution, you may want to write down any stored information you do not want erased.
IMPORTANT: If you are not going to use the telephone for more than 30 days, remove the batteries because they can leak and damage the unit.
Installing Handset
Connect one end of the Handset cord to the Handset and the other end to the Handset jack located on the left side of the Base Unit. Use only supplied RCA 25450 Handset.
Battery Compartment Cover
Black Wire
Connections and Setup
Installing the AC Adaptor
Plug the transformer end of the Base Unit AC adaptor (7.5VDC) into a standard AC electrical power outlet, plug the other end into the “Power 7.5VDC ” jack on the back of the Base Unit.
Connecting the Telephone Line Cords
Two 2-line Wall Jacks (Type RJ-14)
1. Plug one end of a straight telephone line cord into the jack on the base labeled as “L2/L1” and the other end into the two-line wall jack you are using for lines 1 and 2.
2. Plug one end of a straight telephone line cord into the jack on the base labeled as “L4/L3” and the other end into the two-line wall jack you are using for lines 3 and 4.
Four 1-line Wall Jacks (Type RJ-11)
1. Plug one end of a telephone line cord into the jack on the base labeled as “L2/L1” and the other end into the wall jack you are using for line 1.
2. Plug one end of a telephone line cord into the jack on the base labeled as “L2” and the other end into the wall jack you are using for line 2.
3. Plug one end of a telephone line cord into the jack on the base labeled as “L4/L3” and the other end into the wall jack you are using for line 3.
4. Plug one end of a telephone line cord into the jack on the base labeled as “L4/Data” and the other end into the wall jack you are using for line 4.
IMPORTANT: If you want to connect another device (such as a modem or fax machine), use the jack on the phone labeled “L4/Data”. A call picked up on Line 4 at another extension may interrupt fax, modem, or message transmissions. You must also disable the Auto Attendant and Voice Mail features for Line 4 as these will also interrupt fax, modem or message transmissions. If your wall jack is RJ-14 where two lines are integrated into one jack, you will need a splitter for the L4/Data port.
Power Outlet AC 120V
Base Unit
Adapter 7.5V
Connections and Setup
Two 2-line Jacks
(Using 4-Wire Line Cords Supplied)
Four 1-line Jacks
L4/Data L4/L3 L2 L2/L1
Line 1 Line 2
Line 3 Line 4
Cordless Handset Installation
Installing the Charging Cradle and AC Adaptor
Plug the transformer end of the AC Adaptor into a standard AC electric power out­let, plug the other end into the “Power 5.5VDC In” jack on the back of the Charging Cradle.
Installing the Cordless Handset Battery
1. Locate the back cover and battery pack packaged separately from the Handset.
2. Insert the battery pack and connect the plug on the battery pack to the jack inside the compartment. Use only the supplied RCA Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery.
NOTE: It is important to maintain the polarity (black and red wires) to the jack inside the compartment. To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is keyed and can be inserted only one way.
3. Close the battery compartment by pushing the back cover up until it snaps into place.
4. Place the handset in the charging cradle. Charge the battery for 12 hours before the first use.
NOTE: Allow the handset battery to properly charge (for 12 hours) prior to first use or when you install a new battery pack. If you do not properly charge the phone, battery performance will be compromised.
NOTE: The Cordless Handset may feel warm to the touch after charging.
Connections and Setup
Back Cover
Black Wire
Connections and Setup
Installing the Charging Cradle Wall Mount
Choose a mounting location at least 10-1/2” clearance above the top screw hole.
1. Cut out the Charging Cradle Wall Mount Template. See page 121.
2. Hold the template against the wall and mark the mounting screw positions.
3. Drill holes in wall using appropriate size drill bit.
4. Insert anchor screws into the wall. We recommend #8 pan head screws. Allow 3/16” space between screw heads and wall.
5. Press the AC adapter cord in the cord channel of the wall bracket. Allow approxi­mately 3” of cord past the end of the channel.
6. Insert the round connector on the AC adapter cord into the connection on the bottom of the charging cradle.
7. Insert the front tabs of the bracket in the square holes of the charging cradle. Swing the cradle down to snap it in place. Make sure the AC adapter cord is not pinched between the cradle and the mount.
8. Mount the assembly to the wall.
9. Plug the AC Adapter into a power outlet.
10. Insert the cordless handset into the cradle. Charge the battery for 12 hours before the first use.
Registering the Cordless Handset
Cordless Handsets purchased separately must be registered with the Base Unit before using. If the Cordless Handset was purchased with the Base Unit as a system, it has already been registered. Refer to the Settings and Adjustments section in this User’s Guide for instructions on registration.
Mounting Surface
Cord Channel
Insert tabs here
Leave 3"
from here
to plug
Loop inside to prevent pinching
Base Unit Layout
Line Buttons
Dial Buttons
Voice Mail Lines
Voice Mail
Memory Buttons
Auto Attendant
Auto Att Lines
Soft Button
Page Flash Redial Hold Microphone
Navigation Button
Volume + - / Directory-DIR / Caller-ID
LCD Display
Base Unit Features
LCD Display
The Display shows several functions and menu items of the phone system.
The first line of the display can show the Auto Attendant and Voice mail ON/OFF indicators and backup battery status, or Caller ID, date and time, or messages.
The second and third lines can show Caller ID information, messages, menu selec­tions, or editable characters.
The last line can show the various left and right soft button functions.
NOTE: When the system is not handling calls or being programmed, the LCD Display is in Standby Mode.
Navigation Button
Press 5 and 6 to scroll through records and menu selections on the display, adjust ringer volume during standby mode (phone idle), and adjust the Handset/Receiver, Speakerphone or Headset voice volume during a call. Press 3 and 4 to move the cursor on the Display during number and name editing, and to access Caller ID or Directory functions during Standby Mode.
Soft Buttons
The function of each Soft Button changes according to what is shown in the Display above it. Press to perform the function shown above the soft button.
MENU System (Adjust Settings and Registration)
Use the Menu system by pressing the soft button to access adjust­ments for sound settings, display settings, system settings, and to register Cordless Handsets.
NOTE: You must exit the Menu System before you can make a call.
Auto Attendant Indicators
L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4
Voice Mail Indicators
12/09 05:24 PM
3 New Calls
Soft Buttons
Backup Battery Status
Soft Button Functions
Date, Time
& Number of Calls, or
Caller ID Information
Arrows on Display Indicate Scrolling Available by Using Navigation Button
Display shown in Standby Mode
(The phone is not handling calls or being programmed)
Redial Button
Allows you to dial the last ten (10) numbers called. You can use the Navigation But­ton up/down arrows to scroll through the last 10 numbers dialed.
Line Buttons (4)
Four line buttons are available. Dual-colored lights in each Line button indicate:
• Line is idle (light off)
• Base Unit is ringing (flashing green quickly)
• Cordless Handset is ringing (flashing red quickly)
• Base Unit is on hold (flashing green slowly)
• Cordless Handset is holding a call (flashing red slowly)
• Base Unit in use (constant green)
• Cordless Handset in use (constant red)
Line Dedicate
The line dedicate function allows an extension (Base Unit or Cordless Handset) to be dedicated to a line.
Dial Button
Pressing the Dial button accesses an available telephone line and dials the number on the display. This allows users to pre-dial a number or review Caller ID records or Directory entries before dialing the number.
Allows you to enter a phone number before lifting the handset, pressing the Speaker, Headset, Dial, or Line (1-4) buttons to make a call.
Speaker Button
Allows you to talk to a caller hands free using the Speakerphone. The Speakerphone remains in use unless you pick up the Handset or press the Headset button.
Headset Button
Allows you to talk to a caller using a headset. The headset jack supports a standard
2.5 mm plug. The Headset operation remains for the duration of the call until you press the Speaker button or you pick up the Handset.
NOTE: If the headset is diconnected during a call, the call remains active unless the person on the line hangs up, or you press the Headset button again.
Mute Button
Allows you to temporarily turn off the microphone on the Handset/Receiver, Head­set, or Speakerphone during a call so the person on the line cannot hear you.
Page Button
Pages all Cordless Handsets. Each Cordless Handset can be paged individually using a Memory Button.
Flash Button
Sends a signal to a phone line to retrieve a dial tone after you end a call, or to per­form the call waiting feature provided by your local phone company during a call.
Hold Button
Allows you to temporarily suspend a call up to 30 minutes.
DND (Do Not Disturb) Button
Press to activate a silent ring on all incoming calls, The DND button flashes if Do Not Disturb is turned on.
Exit Button
Returns to the Standby Mode on the Display. Any unsaved changes will be discarded.
Memory Buttons
There are 16 buttons on the right panel that can have dual functions. They can be used for one-touch paging to a Cordless Handset, or as Speed Dial buttons for external phone numbers.
Store Button
Press to store speed dial numbers into the Memory buttons.
The Directory allows you to store up to 100 names and numbers.
Intercom Button
Places an intercom call to an extension (Cordless Handset) or Group ID.
Reset Button
Located on the back of the Base Unit, this button is indented to prevent accidental reset. Press to reset the Base Unit to factory settings. All Voice Mail, Auto Attendant, Caller ID, and Directory records will be erased. All Cordless Handsets will need to be re-registered if the Base Unit is reset.
Auto Attendant Button
Auto Attendant is an automated call answering feature that uses recorded messages to direct calls to extensions or voice mails. This allows you to leave the Base Unit unattended. Auto Attendant can be turned on and off on each line. You can record a separate message for each line or use the default recordings.
Voice Mail Button
Call Transferring
Allows you to move a call from one extension to another.
Hold Message
Accessed through the Menu soft button, the Hold Message function allows the user to record, play, or delete a message for callers placed on hold.
Conference Calling
The conference call function allows a caller from the Base Unit or a Cordless Handset to add a third person to a call. The call must include at least one outside line.
Second Incoming Call
Alerts you of a new call from a different line by a tone when you are on the phone. Allows you to toggle between calls.
Caller ID
Contact your local phone company to subscribe to this feature. The phone system receives and displays Caller ID information transmitted by your local phone company. This information may include the phone number, date and time. The unit can store up to 50 calls.
Call Waiting
Contact your local phone company to subscribe to this feature. This feature allows you to see on the Display who is calling when you hear a call waiting confirmation tone.
NOTE: The call waiting tone is audible only to the extension that is on the line. No other extension will hear the tone or can answer the call.
Cordless Handset Features
LCD Display (Cordless Handset)
The LCD display has a LED (Light Emitting Diode) for backlighting. The LED dims after 10 seconds of inactivity.
The first line of the Display can show the Caller ID, time and date, or can show the following status icons from left to right:
RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) - During a call, the number of bars is
proportional to the radio signal strength received
Line Indicators - Indicate the line number(s) being accessed or held.
Handset ID - Displays a 2-digit Handset ID
Battery Strength Indicator - Number of bars is proportional to the amount of
battery time remaining. Indicates charging when in charger cradle
The second and third lines can show status, Caller ID information, message, menu selections, or editable characters.
The last line shows various left and right Soft Button functions.
Smith John
Caller ID
Soft Buttons
Battery Status
Handset ID Number
Line Indicator
Cordless Handset Layout
Voice Mail
Soft Button
LCD display
Cordless Handset Receiver
Soft Button
Voice Mail Indicator
Navigation Button
(Volume + -/Directory/Caller ID)
Cordless Handset Charging Cradle
End/Power Button
Press to end a call. Press for 3 seconds to turn the handset power ON or OFF.
Talk Button
Press to place a phone call, answer an incoming phone call, or make an intercom call through the receiver or headset. The receiver or headset remains in use unless the Speaker button is pressed.
Soft Buttons
The function of each Soft Button changes according to what is shown in the Display above it. Press to perform the function above the Soft Button.
MENU System (Adjust Settings and Registration)
Use the Menu system by pressing the soft button to adjust sound settings, phone settings, and to register Cordless Handsets.
Redial Soft Button
Allows you to dial the last ten (10) numbers called. You can use the Navigation Button 5 or 6 arrows to scroll through the last 10 numbers.
Allows you to enter a phone number before accessing a telephone line by pressing the Talk or Speaker button.
Navigation Button
Press 5 or 6 to scroll through records and menu selections on the Display, adjust ringer volume during Standby Mode, and adjust the Cordless Handset receiver, Speakerphone or Headset voice volume during a call. Press 3 or 4 to move the cursor on the Display during number and name editing, and to access Caller ID or Directory functions during Standby Mode.
Arrows on Display Indicate Scrolling Available by Using Navigation Button
VM box # 01 00 new 00 old Play new
Speaker Button
Press the Speaker button to activate the Speakerphone and make a call, answer an incoming call, or make an intercom call. You can toggle between the speakerphone mode and the receiver by pressing the Talk or Speaker buttons. To end a call, press the End button.
Headset Jack
Allows you to plug in a headset. The headset jack supports a standard 2.5 mm head­set plug.
Available through the soft button. During a call, allows you to temporar­ily turn off the microphone on the Cordless Handset, headset, or speakerphone so the person on the line cannot hear you.
Flash Button
Press to send a signal to a phone line to retrieve a dial tone after you end a call, or to perform the call waiting feature provided by local phone companies during a call.
Available through the soft button during a call. Allows you to temporar­ily suspend a call up to 30 minutes.
Exit Button
Returns to the Standby Mode display. Any unsaved changes will be discarded.
Voice Mail Button
Allows you to access the Voice Mail system to play new or old messages or to change your voice mail options.
Voice Mail Indicator Light
Flashes when there are unheard voice mail messages.
Intercom Button
Press to place an intercom call to an extension (Cordless Handset ID or Base Unit ID) or a Group ID.
Call Forwarding
Allows you to forward future incoming calls from your extension to an external phone number.
Call Transferring
Allows you to move a call from one extension to another.
Conference Calling
The conference call function allows a caller from the Base Unit or a Cordless Handset to add a third person to a call. The call must include at least one outside line.
Second Incoming Call
Alerts you of a new call from a different line by a tone when you are on the phone. Allows you to toggle between calls.
Caller ID
Contact your local phone company to subscribe to this feature. The phone system receives and displays Caller ID information transmitted by your local phone company. This information may include the phone number, date and time. The unit can store up to 50 calls.
Call Waiting
Contact your local phone company to subscribe to this feature. This feature allows you to see on the Display who is calling when you hear a call waiting tone.
NOTE: The call waiting tone is audible only to the extension that is on the line. No other extension will hear the tone or can answer the call.
Extension Groups
This feature allows several Cordless Handset users to be called or paged at the same time as one group. The first Handset user to answer receives the call. There are four group ID numbers (91-94) available for Cordless Handset users.
NOTE: The Base Unit always belongs to all groups
For example, if several Cordless Handset users in a sales department decide to be called as a group, each Cordless Handset subscribes to the same group ID number. Outside and Intercom calls can be directed to that “sales” group ID number.
Auto Attendant recordings can also direct calls to Extension Groups. For example, you could record an Auto Attendant message to say; “To speak with someone in sales, press 91”.
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