Does NOT Operate Independently!
Works with RCA TC25255RE2, TC25270RE3
and the TC25250 & TC25210 Series
V i S Y S
Expandable up to
10 Cordless Handsets
Interactive Product Demo

DECT 6.0 Cordless Accessory Handset
TC25055RE1 Technical Specifications
Cal ler ID in C ordle ss Hand set
5 Lev els & Off
1. Th is fe ature r equir es subs cri ption t o the Cal ler ID se rvice f rom loc al ph one com pany an d is not av ailab le
in ca ll area s. To ope rate th e call- waiti ng fe ature , user mu st subs cribe t o Cal ler ID na me/nu mber wi th
cal l-wai ting sp ecial c ombin ati on serv ice.
2. Wa rra nty d etail s avail able fr om lo cal dea ler.
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Illust ration of produ ct finish may var y from actual c olor.
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