RCA Scenium HDLP50W151YX1, Scenium HDLP61W151YX1 User Manual

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To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose
this product to rain or moisture.
Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do
IR,_ _ _._To,_ _._1 not remove cover (or back). No user serviceable
'"" DONOT'O'P_N'_"| parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service
J personnel.
_This indicates This indicates
"dangerous voltage" inside _ important instructions
the product that presents a accompanying the product. risk of electric shock or
personal injury.
Refer to the identification/rating label located on the back panel of your product for its proper operating voltage. FCCRegulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user's authority
to operate it. Cable TV Installer: This reminder is provided to call your attention to Article 820-40 of the National Electrical
Code (Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1) which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to
the point of cable entry as practical. Warning: The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that no objects filled with liquids, such
as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
Important: This television isa table model and isdesigned to sit on a firm, flat, surface. Don't place the TV on soft
carpeting or similar surface because the ventilitation slots on the bottom of the unit will be blocked resulting in
reduced lifetime from overheating. Also, make sure the stand or base you use is of adequate size and strength to prevent the TV from being accidentally tipped over, pushed off, or pulled off. This could cause personal injury and/
or damage the TV. Refer to the Important Safety Instructions packed separately.
Product Registration
Please fill out the product registration card (packed separately) and return it immediately. Returning the card
allows us to contact you if needed. For U.S. customers: Your RCA Scenium Consumer Electronics product may also
be registered at www.rcascenium.com/productregistration. Returning the card allows us to contact you if needed.
Product Information
Keep your sales receipt to obtain warranty parts and service and for proof of purchase. Attach it here and record
the serial and model numbers in case you need them. These numbers are located on the product.
Model No.
Serial No.
Purchase Date: Dealer/Address/Phone:
VCR Plus+, C3,PlusCode, G-LINK, and GUIDE Plus+ are trademarks of Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc. andlor its related affiliates.
The VCR Plus+ and GUIDE Plus+ systems are manufactured under license from Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc.
andlor its related affiliates.
VCR required for recording.
Thank you for choosing RCA Scenium
Congratulations on purchasing this RCA Scenium High Definition "lblevision (HDTV) t_eaturing DLPTM (Digital Light Processing TM) technology--a true viewing experience. Your purchase decision represents an
investment in a new generation of technology-- DLPTM and HDTV. Even/hough this is a technologically advanced HDTV, it is the most user-f_dendly of its kind-- with comprehensive on-screen instructions that
guide you/hrough all of the TV's features.
This introduction describes three reasons why an RCA Scenium HDTV featuring DLP TM technology is an excellent choice:
DLPTM--brilHance in color, design, and technology Why RCA Scenium DLP TM is better?
Other Key Features of owning an RCA Scenium HDTV
Part 1: DLP TM- brilliance, in color, design, and technology
RCA Sceniuln brings you brilliant pictures with Digital Light Processing TM system (I-)LP TM) -- a brilliantly choreographed, engineering malwel that combines microscopic mirrors, light, and color to bring you the
best and brightest pictures possible.
Fold Mirror
Light Pipe
Color Wheel
Fold Mirror
Condenser Lens
Relay Lens
Arc Lamp
Projection Lens
How DLPTM Works
In genei_al, I-)LPTM colnbines inicroscopic inirrons, a specially designed semiconductor, and a color wheel
to adjust light to display the most brilliant, accurate images! Your DLPTM HDTV doesn't use Ca/hode Ray
Tubes (CRTs), which means you don't have to worry about screen burn (fixed video images burning onto
the screen permanently) or convergence (realigning the CRTs). The diagram on/he lefi illustrates the
complex system.
Thin and Light
The efficiency of DLPTM technology enabled our design team to create a high-performance HDl_V/hat is about 16 inches thin and weighs less than 100
Lamp Replacement
DLP technology uses a special lamp. Eventually, you'll need m replace/his lamp (part number
260962). To order a lamp, call 1-800-338-0376 or go to www.rca.com. For quick relZerence, write/he date you purchased this TV and/he model number here:
Model No.
Digital Light Processing, DLP and DLP Cinema are trademarks of Texas Instruments. All other products and names may or may not be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Part 2: Why RCA Scenium DLPTM is better?
DLPTM is just part of the story. You have chosen to embark on |he next generation of TV viewing-- Hr)TV. There are many technological advancements that make HDTV better |han analog TV, but them are basically three things about HDTV that bring you a superior viewing experience: (1) resolution, (2) aspect ratio, and (3) digital signal and sound.
Resolution (it's math...that works for you)
The crisp, lil_elike picture people rave about when experiencing true HDTV is due to the resolution this technology provides. The resolution is measured by calculating the number of active lines of pixels. A pLxel (which stands tk)r picture
element) is a small dot. The picture you see on your "IV is composed of these dots.
A regular, analog television (called analog) only has a resolution of about 200,000 pb_els (480 vertical pLxels x 440 horizontal pixels = 211,200 pLxels). The HDTV fbrmat is capable of morn than 2 million pLxels (1,920 x 1,080 = 2,073,600).
Morn pixels equals morn detail. In summary, HDTV is capable of resolution that is up to 10 times the resolution of/lie picture on a regular, analog TV!
Format Analog (NTSC) HD Digital (ATSC) Total Scan Lines 525 1125
Efli_ctive Scan Lines 480 1080
Aspect Ratio 4 : 3 16 : 9 Max Resolution 720 x 480 1920 x 1080
Sound 2-ch Stereo 5.1 ch Surround
16:9 Aspect Ratio
4:3 Aspect Ratio
Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio is simply the width and height of the picture. Regular "INs use a 4 x 3 (also written 4:3) aspect ratio, which means the picture is a little wider than it is tall (a screen that is 20 inches wide is about 15 inches tall).
When/l_e standards were being developed fbr television broadcasting in
1941 by the NTSC (the National Television Standards Committee), it made
sense to adopt the 4 x 3 aspect ratio that/he film industry was using at that time.
As TVs dropped in price and people prospered in/he 1950s, the movie industry had to find a way to get people out of their living rooms and back
to the movie theatres. That's when they created/lie 16 x 9 (also written 16:9) aspect ratio (also called widescreeen format). When the standards tbr HDTV
were being developed by the ATSC (Advanced "Pelevision Standards Committee), the 16 x 9 aspect ratio was chosen as the tbrmat for HDTV.
This widescreen tbrmat makes sense because it's much closer to/l_e way we see. Our field of vision is actually much wider/hart tall because of our
peripheral vision. Not only is it closer to the way we see, but the pictures are crisper and cleaner with more detail in/he close-up and panoramic views.
Digital Signal and Sound
The analog television broadcast system that has been used in the United States fbr the past 50 years transmits signals as electronic waves. These waves can suffer degradation as/he signal _avels to your home. Additionally, /he analog waves are
susceptible to interl_rence from planes passing overhead, weather, and household appliances. Digital signals, in con_ast to analog signals, can be reproduced precisely because/he images are transmit/ed and received
using the computer language of ls and 0s. Such precision yields a signal that is capable of displaying studio-quality picture and Dolby Digital 5.1 channel sound.
Part 3: Other Key Features of owning an RCA Scenium HDTV
There are other HDTVs on the market-- even some that use DLP technology. But your RCA Scenium HDTV has been designed with features that will enhance your "IV viewing, and fbatures that provide flexibili/y to build on the digital revolution that is taking place. A summary of your TV's most unique features fbllows. Chapter 3 provides more detail about
these f_atums and inl_Jrmation about additional t_atums.
Integrated HDTV Tuner with QAM
RCA was the first to offer an integrated tuner with its HDTVs (no need fbr a set-top box to receive digital programming). Now, we've gone one better-- your HDTV's tuner is ready fbr digital cable (no need fbr a cable box to view unscrambled, digital cable, programming). The tuner is able to decode all 16 fbrmats of digital television broadcasts and it can interpret
digital cable signals because it includes the ability to decode QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) encoded programming.
Note: A cable box map be necessao_ to view scrambled and/orpremium channels. Contact your cable provider for
more i*zfi_rmation.
TruScan Digital Reality
Optimum picture performance occurs when the picture intended is/he picture presented. TruScan Digital Reality intelligent signal processing recognizes incoming video signals and progressively converts them to achieve optimum digital picture
performance. It also recognizes when original film sources have been modified and automatically conve_ls/he analog frame rate back to its original fbrmat to bring out the detail_a process commonly rel;erred to as revense 3:2 pulldown.
User-friendly Features Help You Personalize Your TV
You can customize your TV to fit your viewing taste and match the lighting where you watch "IV by using Personal Presets and/or/he automatic picture
quality settings: Vibrant, Natural, and Cinematic. You can adjust different Input Jacks to different settings and the "IV will automatically adjust the
picture accordingly.
Help Text: The elaborate, on-screen help describes your TV's t)atures and explains how to use them.
GUIDE Plus+ System: The on-screen programming guide helps you navigate through hundreds of channels so you can quickly see what's on
and tune directly to a specific show from the guide! You can use the So_1 t;eature to search listings. You can even set up remindens to watch a certain
show via the GUIDE Plus+ system's Watch menu.
FireWire® with Two-Way DTVLink®
Control your 1EEE-1394 components via your HDTV! Just link them toge/her via the 2-way DTVLink jacks and you can network your high-speed compatible 1394 digital components. The two-way jacks allow/he audio and video signals to flow
into and out from the 1394 components, such as the DVR10 (see below).
Compatible with the Optional DVR10 Hard Disk Drive -- Pause Live Digital TV and record digital programs
RCA oilers an Audio Video Hard Disk Drive (model DVR10) with IEEE 1394, available at your local RCA dealer or www.rca.com. The DVR10 Audio Video Hard Disk Drive (AVHDD) component lets you pause live TV, record shows, and
play/hem back without adding another box to your entertainment system (it records digital, ATSC broadcasts only). For purchasing details, go to your local consmner electronics retailer or www.rca.com.
With an Ethernet connection and a web browser built into your "IV, you can access the Internet from your TV*. To use the web browsei; you'll need a high-
speed connection, such as a DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) unit or cable modem and a subscription to an 1SP (Internet Selwice Provider). DSL, cable modem, and
ISP subscription sold separately.
*The browser has limitations and might not be able to interpret all files, such as
TOget the most out of your HDTV'sweb
browser,purchasethe keyboard(model streaining at.tdio and video. KBRg55TA1)designed specificallyfor your TV
(go to page 84for ordering information).
Audio System
Enioy the great sound system in your HDTV with 30 watts total powen Yottr HDTV has front speakers with two 1" tweetens and two 5" midrange drivers to create incredible sound. A 7-band on-screen graphic equalizer allows customization of the
sound quality. SRS "lYuSurround XT provides surround sound technology and with two rear speaker outputs, enjoy/he feeling of full surround sound. For those who w'ant to hook up a home theatre audio system, there is an optical Dolby
Digital output as well as a 50-watt center channel input.
Record Output Jacks
Because the VCRs in most households are analog and can't interpret digital signals, recording HDTV broadcasts wasn't possible without purchasing additional equipment. That's why RCA added Record Output Jacks to/his HDTV -- the
RECORD OUTPUT with its AUDIO OUT L/R iacks enable you to record both analog and digital programs to an analog VCR. RCA understands how you watch "IV and what is necessary to make/he transition to HDTV seamless.
CinemaScreen TM
Check out the black, borderless flame around your HDTV's screen. This is not just a design t_eature- the CinemaScreen actually enhances contrast. Feel like you're part of the picture with CinemaScreen.
What's Next?
If you didn't have your HDl_V prol;essionally installed, go to Chapter 1 fbr instructions. The rest of this User's Guide explains the f)atures in more detail, the remote control, and the menu system.
Note: For U.S. customers: If you prefer, we can provide you with the name (g_an Authorized Service Representative
who will visit your home fi_r afee to install your electronics entertainment system and to inst_wct you in its operation.
For details about this service, call 1-888-206-33 59.
DTVLink®CertificationLogo isa U.S.registeredmarkof CEA. FireWireisa trademarkof AppleComputer,Inc., registeredin the U.S.and other countries.
TalblM @f Con't n'ts
Key Features Overview ................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: Connections & Setup
Things to Consider Before You Connect ........................................................................................ 8
Choose Your Connection ................................................................................................................. 9
How to Connect: TV + VCR + DVD Player ............................................................................. 10
How to Connect: TV + Satellite Receiver + VCR .................................................................... 11
How to Connect: TV + Receiver with Dolby Digital + Speakers ........................................... 12
How to Connect: TV + A/V/Receiver + Speakers + Use TV as Center Channel .................... 12
How to Connect: TV + Speakers Without A/V Receiver ....................................................... 14
How to Connect: TV + Router via the HDTV's ETHERNET Jack ............................................ 15
How to Connect: TV + DTVLink® and/or 1394 Components ............................................... 16
How to Connect: TV + Set-top Box Using DVI-HDTV (Digital Visual interface) .................. 17
Explanation of Input Jacks and Cables ........................................................................................ 18
Back of the TV ................................................................................................................................ 20
Why You Should Connect the G-LINK Cable ................................................................................ 23
How to Find the Remote Sensor ............................................................................................ 23
Placing the G-LINK Wands ..................................................................................................... 23
The Front of Your TV ..................................................................................................................... 24
Button Lighting (available on some models) ........................................................................ 24
Front Input Jacks ..................................................................................................................... 24
Front Panel .............................................................................................................................. 24
Plug in the TV ................................................................................................................................. 25
Put batteries in the remote ........................................................................................................... 25
Turn on the TV ............................................................................................................................... 25
Use the Remote Control to Complete the Assisted Setup .......................................................... 25
Complete the Assisted Setup ........................................................................................................ 26
Set the Menu Language ......................................................................................................... 26
Complete Channel Search ...................................................................................................... 26
The GUIDE Plus+ System Setup .............................................................................................. 26
What to Expect .............................................................................................................................. 30
Next Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Chapter 2: Using the Remote Control
The Buttons on the Remote Control ............................................................................................ 32
Programming the Remote to Operate Other Components ........................................................ 34
Now to Use the Remote After You've Programmed It ............................................................... 35
The Learning Feature .................................................................................................................... 36
Volume Punchthrough Feature ..................................................................................................... 38
Using the Input Button ................................................................................................................. 39
Remote Code List ........................................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 3: Using the TV's Features
About the Channel Banner ........................................................................................................... 42
Digital or Analog TV Channels ..................................................................................................... 43
About the GUIDE Plus+ System .................................................................................................... 44
Parental Controls ........................................................................................................................... 48
How V-Chip Works for the USA and Canada ............................................................................... 49
Auto Tuning Feature ...................................................................................................................... 55
PIP (Picture-in-Picture) Operation ................................................................................................. 56
Using the Web Browser ................................................................................................................ 58
1394 Recording .............................................................................................................................. 59
TalblM @f Con't n'ts
Chapter 4: Using the TV's Menu System
Menus, On-screen Help, and Control Panels ...............................................................................
Picture Quality Menu ....................................................................................................................
Picture Settings .......................................................................................................................
Picture Presets .........................................................................................................................
Auto Color ...............................................................................................................................
Color Warmth .........................................................................................................................
Noise Reduction ......................................................................................................................
Advanced Settings ..................................................................................................................
Reset Controls .........................................................................................................................
Audio Menu ...................................................................................................................................
Equalizer Presets .....................................................................................................................
Audio Processor ......................................................................................................................
Sound Logic .............................................................................................................................
Audio Language .....................................................................................................................
SAP (Second Audio Program) .................................................................................................
Balance ....................................................................................................................................
Fixed/Variable Out ..................................................................................................................
Digital Audio Out ...................................................................................................................
62 64 64 64 65 65
65 65 56
66 67
67 68 68 68
68 69 69
Time Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 70
Connections Menu ......................................................................................................................... 70
Antenna lnfo ........................................................................................................................... 70
Channel Search ....................................................................................................................... 71
Software Upgrade .................................................................................................................. 71
Signal Source ........................................................................................................................... 71
Signal Type .............................................................................................................................. 71
Auto Tuning ............................................................................................................................ 72
1394 Setup .............................................................................................................................. 72
Special Features ...................................................................................................................... 72
Ethernet Setup ........................................................................................................................ 72
Preferences Menu .......................................................................................................................... 73
Closed Captioning .................................................................................................................. 73
Screen Format ......................................................................................................................... 74
Record Output ........................................................................................................................ 75
Color Scheme .......................................................................................................................... 75
Translucency ............................................................................................................................ 76
Menu Language ...................................................................................................................... 76
Button Lighting ...................................................................................................................... 76
Digital Channel lnfo ............................................................................................................... 76
Lamp Power ............................................................................................................................ 76
Chapter 5: Reference
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 78
HDTV Specifications ...................................................................................................................... 82
Accessory Information .................................................................................................................. 84
Limited Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 87
Care and Cleaning ......................................................................................................................... 88
FCCInformation ............................................................................................................................. 89
Index ............................................................................................................................................... 90
Things to Consider Before You Connect
Choose Your Connection
Why You Should Connect the G-LINK Cable
The Front of Your TV
Put Batteries ir the Remote
Turn on the
Use theRemote Control to Complete
the Assisted_ Setup
Complete the Assisted Setup
What to Expect
Next Steps
Graphics c( ntained within this publication are fi)r representati( n on{}.
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
Things to Consider Before You Connect
Protect Against Power Surges
Connect all components before you plug any of their power cords into/he wall outlet or power strip. NEVER plug
your "I_Vinto an ou/let that is con_rolled by a wall switch.
Turn off the TV and/or component(s) before yon connect or disconnect any cables.
Make sure all antennas and cables are properly grounded. Refer to the Important Safi_guards sheet packed with your "FV.
Protect Components from Overheating
Don't block ventilation holes on any of/he components. Arrange the components st) that air can circulate freely.
Don't stack components.
If yon place components in a stand, make sure yon allow adequate ventilation.
If yon connect an audio receiver or amplifier, place it on the top shelf so the heated air Dora it won't flow around other components.
Position Cables Properly to Avoid Audio Interference
Insert each cable firmly into the designated jack.
Use Indirect Light
Don't place the TV where sunlight or room lighting will be directed toward the screen. Use soli or indirect lighting.
Using a Stand
This television is a table model and is designed to set on a firm, fiat surthce. Placing the TV on sott carpeting or a like surface can block/he bottom ventilation slots and result in reduced lifetime due to overheating. Make sure the stand or
base you use is of adequate size and strength to prevent the "I_Vfrom being accidentally tipped over, pushed off, or pulled off. This could cause personal iniulT and/or damage the "FV.Refer to the Important Satiety Instructions packed
Cables You Need to Connect Components to Your TV
The pictures below show the cables (not supplied) you may need tbr the connections represented in this book.
Note: Pleaselocate the G-LINKcable (provided) when you're getting ready to set up your r_ You need to connect
this cable to your TVand to your VCRand/or cable box in order for all of the features of the program guide to work
S*Video cable
Coaxial cable DVI_D cable
A/V Cable
Digital Optical Cable 1394 Cable
Composite Video Audio/Video cable
Speaker Wire
Component Video
Y,Pb,Pr cable
8 Chapter
Choose Your Connection
There am several ways to connect your HDTV, depending on the components you want to connect and the quality of/he signal you want to achieve. Please use the fk)llowing chart to determine which connection is best fkJryou. Proceed to the
appropriate page and connect your TV, For more inlk)rmation about the relationship between the cables, jacks, and the quality of the signal you see on your "IV, go to page 18.
Components Cables Needed Connection Title Go to...
Coaxial Audio/video
Component Composite
G-LINK Coaxial
Audio/video Component
Composite G-LINK
Speaker wire
Coaxial Audio/video Speaker wire
Coaxial Ethernet
1394 6-pin
(no power)
Coaxial Digital Visual
Interface (DVI)
TV + Satellite Receiver + VCR
TV + Speakers Using HDTV's Center Channel
TV + A/V Receiver + Speakers Using HDTV's
Center Channel
TV + Router + Computer + Cable
TV + Digital VCR1 + Digital DVD1 + Digital
Video Recorder + Digital VCR2 + Digital
TV + HD Set-top Box
page 10
page 11
page 14
pages 12, 13
page 15
page 16
page 17
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
Note for U.S. Customers: If you
prefer, we can provide you with
the name of an Authorized Service Representative who will
_ visityourhome fora fee to install your electronic entertainment
system and to instruct you in its operation. For details about this
service, call 1-888-206-3359. For additional assistance while using
_M v your RCA product, please visit
How to Connect: TV + VCR + DVD Player Connect G-LINK Cable (see page 23)
1. Connect your cable or off-air signal to AI_ENNA A.
If"you have cable and an off-air antenna, connect tile cable signal to AI"_FENNA A INPUT (antenna A is the only source fkJr the GUIDE Plus+ system). Connect the olin-air antenna to ANTENNA B INPUT. If you have only an olt2air antenna,
connect it to ANTENNA A INPIFK
Connect your DVD Player to your TV. Connect the DVD player's component (Y P,, PR) and audio outputs to INPUT 3 on the •IV using component cables. If your
DVD player has composite audio/video and an S-Video output, use INPUTs 1 or 2 and use the S-VIDEO iack instead of the VIDEO jack.
Notes: If you are using an S-Video cable (INPUT I or 2) or component video cables, you must also use audio cables. The S-Video cable and component video cables only transfer video information.
If your DVD player has a component video output, we recommend you use the component video input on the TVinstead of the composite video orS-Video connection. Don't forget to also connect audio cables when using the component video cables.
Connect your VCR to your _. A. Coimect the VCR's audio/video outputs to INPUT 1 (audio/video) on the TV using composite audio/video cables.
B. Connect the VCR's audio/video inputs to RECORD OUTPUT on the l_V. This enables recording of digital programs
(unless copy protected, using DVI HDTV or component video fkJrlnats), as well as analog programs.
Viewing the Components
1. Turn on tile TV and the component(s) you want to view.
2. Press the TV button on the remote control.
3. Press the IN1 UT button on the remote control to scroll through the Video Input Channels.
The VCR can be viewed on the INt UT 1 channel.
The DVD player can be viewed on the INPUT 3 channel.
Note: You can set up the rg to automatically tune to the correct Video Input Channel. This is called Auto Tuning. (See
Chapter 3 for more information.)
Go to page 23
10 Chapter
Connect G-LINK Cable (see page 23)
How to Connect: TV + Satellite Receiver + VCR
1. Connect your cable or off-air signal to ANTENNA A. If you have cable and an off-air antenna, connect the cable signal to ANTENNA A INPUT (antenna A is |he only source f_Jrthe GUIDE Plus+ system). Connect the ol_-air antenna to ANTENNA B INPUT. If you have only an ol]_air antenna,
connect it to ANTENNA A INPUT.
2. Connect your VCR to your TV. A. Com_ect the VCR's audio/video ou/puts/o INPUT 1 (audio/video) on the "IV using composite audio/video cables.
B. Connect the VCR's audio/video inputs to RECORD OUTPUT on the l_V. This enables recording of digital programs (unless copy protected, using DV1 HDTV or component video tk)rmats), as well as analog programs.
3. Connect your Satellite Receiver to your 'rv. Connect the satellite receiver's audio/video output jacks to the INPUT 2 AUDIO (R and L) and VIDEO jacks on the TV using composite cables. If your satellite receiver has an S-Video output, you can make the video connection by using the S-VIDEO jacks instead. If your satellite receiver has component outputs, then use INPI.IT 3 or 4.
Note: If you are using an S-Video cable or component video cables, you must also use audio cables. The S-Video cable and component video cables only transfer video information.
Viewing the Components
1. Turn on the TV and the coinponent(s) you want to view.
2. tress the TV button on the remote control.
) 3
3. tress the IN1 UT button on the remote con/rol to scroll through the Video Input Channels.
The VCR can be viewed on the INPUT 1 channel.
The satellite receiver can be viewed on the INPUT 2 channel.
Note: You canset up the rv to automatically tune to the correct Video Input Channel. This is called Auto Tuning. (See
Chapter 3 for more information.)
Go to page 23
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
Audio Connections
With the audio versatility of your HDTV, you can choose various connection options depending on tile type and quality of sound that you want. Choose one of the options or relier to the user's manual of each component that you are
connecting to get the best results.
Connect audio/video receiver (speakers connected to receive0 using the digital audio outpu/ jack /o your TV (best sound).
Connect audio/video receiver (speakers connected to receiver) to your "IV (better sound).
Connect speake*:s to your TV (good sound).
How to Connect: TV + Receiver with Dolby Digital + Speakers
If you own a receiver with Dolby Digital® or PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) audio receiver that uses an optical cable-wpe input, connect an optical cable tk)r excellent audio quality (shown on opposite page).
1. Connect one end of the optical cable to the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT jack on your TV to the DIGITAL OPTICAL INPUT Jack on your receiver/amplifier receiver.
If your receiver can decode Dolby Digital and PCM, go to Audio menu, select DigitalAudio Output, and select AutoSelect (recommended) or PCM option.
If your receiver can decode only PCM, go to Audio menu, select Digital Audio Output, and select PCM option.
If you want to use your "IV as the Center Channel, use speaker wire to connect the audio receiver's CENTER SPEAKER OUTPUT to the TV's CENTER CHANNEL INPUT as shown on the opposite page.
3. Use speaker wire to connect the Audio/Video receiver to external front and rear speake_:s. Relier to your audio receiver manual to complete speaker hookup to the receiver.
How to Connect: TV + A/V Receiver + Speakers + Use TV as Center Channel
1. Connect the FIXE1-)/VARIABLEAUDIO OUTPUT from the l_V to an A/V receiver using audio cables.
2. Be sure to go to the Fixed/Variable Out screen in the Audio menu and select whether you want the FIXED/ VARIABLEAUDIO OUTPUT jacks to send fLxed volume audio or variable volume audio.
Fixed Output provides fLxed-level audio output from the TV. This audio output is ideal tkJr connecting to an A/V receiver that has its own volume control.
Va_qable Output provides variable-level audio output. Volume levels are con_olled by the volume controls on the TV and TV remote control.
3. If you want to use your "IV as the Center Channel, use speaker wire to connect the audio receiver's CENTER SPEAKER OUTPUT to the TV's CENTER CHANNEL INPUT as shown on the opposite page.
4. Use speaker wire to connect the Audio/Video receiver to external front and rear speake_:s. Relier to your audio receiver manual to complete speaker hookup to the receiver.
Notes: Theexternal speaker rating is 8 ohms with 30 watts total power handling capabilities.
*Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. "Dolby" and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
12 Chapter I
Caution: DO NOT connect your audio/video receiver's outputs or center channel output to the red and black EXTERNAL SPEAKERSOUTPUT on the TV Damage to the TV may result.
How to Connect: TV + Speakers Without A/V Receiver
Back of Right Rear Speaker Back of Left Rear Speaker
- +
of Left Front
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
You can connect two external speakers to |he TV: one to the RIGHT terminal, and one to the LEFT terminal.
1. If necessary, remove the vinyl covering from the ends of the speaker wire and twist the wire core.
2. Open the lever on the speaker terminal.
3. Insert the wire core into the hole. Be sure to connect the (+) to (+) and (-) to (-).
4. Close the levei_ Pull gently on _he wire to see that it's connected securely.
5. Set the SPEAKER SELECT switch to 1NT W/EXT SURR.
If you connect speakers and place the EXT/1NT W/EXT SURR switch on the TV back panel in the INT W/
EXT SURR position, you get audio from tile internal speakers as well as L minus R from both external speakei_s. This connection gives you a ma/rL,_ surround eltk:ct.
If you connect speakers and place the switch in the EXT position, you get audio from the external speakei_s only. The TV's internal speakers are turned off.
6. Go to the Audio menu and Fixed/Variable Out screen and make sure Variable Out - Spealaers On is selected.
Notes: When connecting the speaker wire, make sure you connect the positive (+) terminal on the TV to the positive (+) terminal on the speake_
One side of the speaker wire is usually marked with a white stripe to help you match the terminals correctly. If the (+) and (-) terminals are not matched properly, the speakers will not be "in phase," causing reduction
in bass frequencies.
Speaker wire Do not allow the wire core to touch other wires or terminals. Damage to
components could result if the cores of two wires touch. Arrange the speakers in your TV room to achieve maximum sound quality.
Caution: DO NOT connect your audio/video receiver's outputs or its center speaker output to the red and black EXTERNAL SPEAKERS OUTPUT
on the T_ Damage to TVmay result.
Back of RightSpeaker
Back of LeRSpeaker
14 Chapter
Cable Modem/DSL Internet
How to Connect: TV + Router via the HDTV's ETHERNET Jack
The illustration above provides you with a general connection to the TV's ETHERNET jack so you can maximize your HDTV's browser to surf the Internet. You don't need to connect a computer to the router to surf the Intemet. A computer is
only needed if you want to view photos or graphics stored on your computer on your l_V screen. An Internet Selwice Provider subscription is necessary to access the intemet.
You should know:
Only use the Ethernet connection, if"you are connecting a router to the TV's ETHERNET jack.
The router must have DHCP capabili)y.
Only use this connection if you have purchased/he keyboard designed lk)r this HDTV (page 58 has ordering infbrmation) because a keyboard is needed to el_k_ctively surf"the Internet via your HDTV's internal web browser.
You'll need to use the manuals that accompany your router and other lnternet components fi)r specific ins)ructions.
A router enables you to network several components, such as a compute_; cable modem, or DSL modem. You will need to set up each component that is connected to the router. See/lie manuals flint came with/lie router and/lie components you are connecting lk)r specific instructions.
To connect the router to the "IV, use a CAT 5 cable (not provided) to connect the ETHERNET Input Jack on the back of your HDTV to the ETHERNET Output Jack on/lie router.
The complexi)y of the setup required to make all of the components and the router work wi/h your HDTV depends upon your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Most ISPs will automatically fill in the inlk)rmation needed during setup, but if you are
asked for specific information while setting up/lie router and other components you will need to contact your ISP.
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
Digital Video Recorder Digital VCR
_ Digital VCR
_l Other 1394 Component
Hub Connection
Fastest_ f_ Siowest
How to Connect: TV + DTVLink and/or IEEE-1394 Components
Two connection methods when connecting IEEE-1394 and DTVLink components are: component-to-component or hub. The component-to-component method is each component connected in a chain-like fashion, one to the o/her with the first component in the chain connected to the Dl_VLink jack on the "IV. The hub method is basically the same but using both
1394 jacks with two chains of components connected. Your TV is a con_ol center t_)r the connected compatible components, automatically recognizing each component and placing it in the Input list.
Note: If you've tuned to a 1394input, you can control some basic transport functions on the component like RECORD, STOP,FASTFORWARD,REVERSE,PAUSE,and PLAYwhen remote is in TVmode.
Three types of 1394 connector,s are available on 1394 components; 4-pin connector (no power); 6-pin connector (with power) and 6-pin connector (without power supplied). Your HDTV has a 6-pin connector (wi/hout power supplied). Both
the 4-pin and 6-pin connectors are capable of sending digital audio, digital video, and digital control signals back and tbrth between components. In addition, the 6-pin connector is capable of sending low voltage electrical powei: If you should
have some components with 4-pin connectors, 4-to-6 pin adapter cables are available from your local elec_onic stores.
You should know:
Connect your 1394 components to either DTVLink (1394) jack.
Only compatible 1394 components are to be connected to the DTVLink (1394) inpu//output jack.
Do not loop the 1394 components back to the "IV. That is, each 1394 connection chain should have only one connection point to/he TV, or/he network might not work.
Place the slower components at the end of the chain and the faster ones closest to the TV in the chain t_Jr thster communication speed. See component's manual tkJr1394 network speed.
The TV can't decode DV t_Jrmat of some camcorders, but it can decode/accept MPEG2 t_Jrmat from some camcorders.
Note: The TVsends audiolvideo through the 1394jack (labeled DTVLink) only to a component that enforces video copy protection.
16 Chapter
HD Set Top Box
How to Connect: TV + Set-top Box Using DVI-HDTV (Digital Visual Interface)
DVI-D Connector
DVI Cable
(not provided)
Digital Visual Interfbce is a specification created hy/he Digital Display Working Group to support analog and digital signals on a single interlace. This uncompressed digital vide() interface is hecoming
more prevalent and is expected to hecome widely used l_)r digital display components. The idea hehind the connector is that it could eventually replace the 15-pin VGA connector in c(msumer
electronic components. There are three dilI)rent DVI formats: DV1-A tk)r analog signals, DV1-D tk)r digital signals, and
DVI-I fbr integrated signals (both analog and digital). Your TV has a DV1-D tk)rmat connector and supports some digital signals. "ll_e fbmlat is used for
direct digital connections between source video and provides a higher-quality image than analog. It eliminates the analog conversion process and improves the connection.
You should know:
A DVI cable has a 15 t_et (5 meters) distance limitation.
Audio inlkm_ation is carried separately; therefore, connect audio leli and right cables.
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
Explanation of Input Jacks and Cables
This section describes the jacks and cables you might use to make connections (cables may be ordered separately by using the order form on page 85). There are several ways to connect components to your TV.
Difl_rent jacks and cables provide a different level of perfkmnance. It's important to remember the different degrees of picture improvement for comparison. The component jacks are considered an excellent improvement; S-Video and
composite jacks are considered very good, while connecting components with the antenna RF connection is good.
I vm_
DVI-HDTV (Digital Visual Interface-High Definition Television) Connector
DVI-HDTV is an uncompmssed, high-speed digital visual interface designed to deliver digital video in its native tk)rmat. It suppo_ls the overlay of high-
resolution graphics used by some program guides and interactive components.
Note: Remember to connect the left and right audio cables for Input 5
(DVI-HDTV)because the DVI-HDTV cable carries only the picture signal,
not the sound.
DTVLink® (Digital Television Link) Connectors
1-)TVLink uses a fbrmat better known to some as IEEE-1394 or FireWire®. DTVLink is a compressed digital video input/output ofl:ering an IEEE 1394-type
connection that meets/lie CEA specifications. This connection is a high-speed and inexpensive way of interconnecting 1394 compliant consumer electronic
components. If your 1394 component has the DTVLink logo on it, it should work with/llis "IV. You can use eidmr or both connectors to link your
components but don't connect the components in a loop.
Notes: Audio and video information is carried on asingle wire.
The TVoutputs audio/video through the 1394jack (labeled DTVLink) only to a component that enforces video copy protection.
Digital Audio
Output Jack
Digital Audio Out Jack and Optical Cable
The optical cable is used to connect an audio receiver with Dolby Digital or PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) audio receiver to your "IV. If you own a receiver
that uses an optical cable input, you can use an optical cable to connect the TV to that receiver tk)r the best sound quality.
Note: This TV's optical digital output jack fully complies with the
international standard governing this type of jack (IEC958), and is
designed for connection to a Dolby Digital (AC-3_ or PCM) receiver or
Dolby Digital (AC-3 or PCM) decode_ Older equipment, some of which is
not fully compliant with IEC958, may not be compatible with the Dolby
Digital bitstream. Such a connection using anything other than a Dolby Digital (AC-3 or PCM) receiver or decoder could create a high noise level,
causing damage to headphones or speakers.
Ethernet Jack and Cable
This jack is used to connect a router, cable modem or DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) unit wi/h a CKF 5 (ethernet) cable (not provided). It is recommended that
you only connect a router to dlis jack although you could connect a DSL/cable modem directly.
DTVLink® Certification Logo is a U.S. registered mark of CEA. FireWire® is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
18 Chapter I
Component Jacks
Component Video (Y.Pb*Pr) Jacksand Cables
The Y, Pb, Pr jacks allow you to connect a component, such as a DVD player. This connection provides excellent picture quality because the video is separated into three signals. To ensure maximum picture quali/y, use three
video-grade cables tbr tile connection.
Note: Also, remember to connect the left and right audio cables because
the Y.Pb.Pr cables carry only the picture signal, not the sound.
S-Video Jack
S-Video Jacks and Cables
The S-Video (separate video) jacks provide better picture quality than die regular video jacks because the color (chrominance, also called chroma) part of
die signal is separated from the black and white (luminance) part of the picture. If a component you're connecting to your "IV (like a DVD player) has an
S-VIDEO jack and composite video, connect the component to the "IV with an S-Video cable (not provided) tbr a better quali_y picture.
Note: Remember to connect the left and right audio cables because the S-Video cable carries only the picture signal, not the sound.
V L F_
A_dio/Video Jacks
Composite Audio/Video Jacks and Cables (RCA-type)
These jacks are used tbr most audio/video connections between components. The audio/video iacks are olden color coded (yellow fbr video, red fbr right
audio, and white fbr left audio). This is also called composite video.
Note: If your component hasonly one output for audio (mono), connect it
to the left (white L/Mono) audio jack on the TVand don't connect the
right (red) audio part of the cable.
FIF Jack
RFJacks and Coaxial Cables (F-type)
t@'iacks are primarily used fl_r reception of off'air broadcasts and cable signals (possibly older VCRs or cable boxes). The RF and coaxial iacks on the "IV are
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
Back of the TV
The diagrams below illustrate jacks fkmnd on the back of the TV. When connecting cables, be sure to connect corresponding outputs and inputs (video in to video out, right audio in to right audio out, etc.).
VmEC @
Caution: Connect external
speakers only to the TV's
EXTERNAL SPEAKERS terminals. DO NOT connect your audio/video
receiver to the red and black EXTERNAL SPEAKERS terminals.
Damage to TV may occu_
RIGHT and LEFT EXTERNAL SPEAKER Terminals Used to connect
external speakers if you don't have an audio amplifier or receiver. For use, if you want better sound than the TV's speakers. See page 14.
SPEAKER SELECT - EXT. or INT W/EXT SURR Switch Lets you direct
where the output of the TV's internal speakei_s goes. With the switch in the EXT position, you hear the external speakers connected to the TV. In INT W/EXT SURR position, you hear tile TV's internal speakers and external speakei:s connected to tile "IV fbr a matrix surround sound effect.
Note: To turn the TV'_ internal speakers on and off, press MENU on the remote control and choose Audio. Then choose Fixed/Variable Out from
the menu and choose an option.
FIXED/VARIABLE AUDIO OUTPUT L/R Provides fixed-level or variable-
level audio output from the television. Fixed/Variable is an option in the Audio menu, details on page 66.
Fixed controls the volume through the audio/video receiver. Variable controls the volume through _V.
20 Chapter
Caution: Do not connect the A/V
receiver's CENTERCHANNEL output to the TV'sEXTERNAL
SPEAKERSterminals. Damage to
TVmay occu_
INTERNAL SPEAKER SOURCE - TV / EXT AMP Switch "rv Position Sound comes from TV's internal speakei_s.
EXT AMP Position Internal speakers are used tk_ran exlernal center channel. When an external audio/video receiver's center channel
output is connected to the TV's center channel input, center channel audio comes out of the TV's internal speakers.
CENTER CHANNEL TERMINALS Connect the audio/video receiver's
center channel output to the TV's center channel input. Switch the INTERNAL SPEAKER SOURCE to EXT AMP position.
Inputs 3/4 can be used as either a component video (Y P8 P_) input or a composite video (V)
input. The TV auto detects the connection with
Y P8PR having highest priorit_
PiP cannot be displayed from component (Y*Pb*Pr) inputs.
VIDEO INPUT l/AUDIO INPUT 1 Connect an NTSC (analog) component.
V (VIDEO) provides composite video connection and connector is usually
L/MONO AUDIO provides leli audio connection and connector is usually
Note: If your component hasonly one output for audio (mono), connect
it to the left (white L/Mono) audio jack on the TVand don't connect the
right audio part of the cable.
R AUDIO provides right audio connection and connector is usually red.
S-VIDEO lets you connect an S-Video cable tBr better video quality picture
to a component with S-Video capability, such as a VCR or DVD player. When using S-Video, make sure to connect the two audio cables as well as
the S-Video connector.
VIDEO INPUT 2/AUDIO INPUT 2 Provides connection/o a second NTSC (analog) video component such as a VCR. The iacks are as described fbr INPUT 1.
VIDEO INPUT 3/AUDIO INPUT 3 Connect an optional component (Y P,_PR) video source, such as a DVD player or satellite receiver. Note that it is essential to
match tile color coded com_ectors between a compatible component and the TV.
AUDIO 1UL/MONO ]l_e audio jacks provide stereo sound. When com_ected,
audio volume f?om the main front and rear speakers are variable.
V (VIDEO) provides comp(xsite video cormecdon and connector Lsttsually yellow.
Y P*_PR Unlike a single video input, component video maintains the video
signal as three separate parts through these three jacks. To ensure maximum picture quality, use three video-grade cables for the Y P_ PR
connections. Accepts 480i, 480p, 1080i signals. Has priority over V connection.
VIDEO INPUT 4/AUDIO INPUT 4 Provides connection to a second optional component video source, such as a DVD player or satellite receiver. The iacks
are the same as described in INPI.IT 3.
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
VIDEO INPUT 5/AUDIO INPUT 5 connections.
Provides DV1-HDTV and analog audio
L/MONO AUDIO provides lef_ audio connection and connector is usually
R AUDIO provides right audio connection and connector is usually red.
DVI-HDTV provides a digital video connection from a video source to the TV.
RECORD OUTPUT Connect a VCR or DVD-recorder to record mainly digital (or analog) programs from Antenna A or B and inputs (excluding DVI-HDTV and some component video tkmnats) while TV is turned on. You must leave "IV on same
channel you are recording.
VIDEO provides composite video connection and connector is usually yellow.
AUDIO L provides left audio connection and connector is usually white.
AUDIO R provides right audio connection and connector is usually red.
Note: When recording from this output, remember to tune to the channel you are recording.
Digital Audlo
Output Jack
DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT Use a digital optical cable (or SPD1F cable) to connect your "IV to a compatible Dolby Digital or PCM receiver or decodei: Dolby Digital
offe_:s theatre-quality sound (six audio channels). Use the Digital Audio Out screen in/he Audio menu to select Auto Selector PCM as the output tbr this jack.
ETHERNET Connect a router, cable modem, or Digital Subscriber Line to/he TV using an Ethernet cable (CAT 5). Do not connect a telephone cable because of risk
of tim or shock. A green light on/he jack means that an active network has been detected. An orange light means the dam is ei/her being sent or received.
DTVLink Use eidmr or both connectors to connect compatible DTVLink (IEEE-
1394) components but don't loop the components togethei: When connecting
several components, use a hub or component-to component method. Be sure to connect/he t_astest of the 1394 components closer to the connection point of the
l_V and the slower components fi.trthest away. Details on page 16.
ANTENNA A INPUT / ANTENNA B INPUTs Used to connect an oflLair antenna and/or cable "IV signal to the "IV. If you have both cable and air, connect cable to
ANTENNA A and ofl_-air to ANTENNA B. If you have air only, connect it to ANTENNA A. These inputs are also used to receive programming and connect
older components.
G-LINK Connect the G-LINK cable for VCR one touch recording and/or cable box control with GUIDE Plus+ system.
22 Chapter I
Why You Should Connect the G-LINK Cable
The G-LINK cable enables the GUIDE Plus+ system (the on-screen interactive program guide) to work wi/h your VCR and/or cable box.
Cable Box - If your TV is connected to a cable box, you must connect the G-LINK cable to receive "IV program listings tkJryour area and to tune directly to a channel when the program guide is on
your TV screen. VCR- If your TV is connected to a VCR and you don't connect the G-LINK cable, one-touch VCR
recording and timed recordings won't work. The o/her fk:atures of the guide will work properly.
G.LINK cable
G-LINK wands
How to Find the Remote Sensor
You have to place the G-LINK wands in front of the remote sensor on the VCR and/or cable box. Some cable boxes and gcRs have the remote sensor labeled on the unit. If"|he remote sensor isn't
labeled on your VCR and/or cable box, you need to use the remote control that came wi/h the VCR and/or cable box to locate the sensor.
1. Turn off the VCR and/or cable box.
2. Hold/he remote control (not the one that came with your TV, but the one that came with/he cable box and/or VCR to which you're attaching the G-LINK cable) so that it is touching the front of the component.
3. Slowly move the remote control across the front of the component (VCR or cable box) while you press/he power button on and o1_ You must press and release the power button each time you move the remote (holding down the button won't work).
4. When |he component turns on, you've located the VCR's or cable box's remote sensor.
If you have both a VCR and a cable box, it
doesn't matter which
wand is connected to which box_
If you don't have both a cable box and a VCR
connected to your T_,
just coil the cable of the
extra G-LINK wand with a
twist tie and leave it
behind the T_
Placing the G-LINK Wands
Place the G-LINK wands in front of the remote sensor on your VCR and/or cable box approximately one inch away from the remote sensor (see below).
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
The Front of Your TV
Button Lighting
Your HI-)TV with DLP technology has a top-light t_ature above tile buttons on tile front of tile TV. You can adiust/he brighmess (including off') of/he light through/he TV's menu system. Go to the Main Menu, highlight and select Prcfi.rences.
Go to the Button Lighting feature and make your adiustments by using the lef_ and right arrow buttons on the remote.
Front Input Jacks
The TV has fi'ont input jacks for convenience in connecting a camcorder, digital camera, or video game: an S-VIDEO input, one set of composite AUDIO/VIDEO inputs, and a headphone jack. Look fbr a hinged door and press to open the cover.
Please note the illustration below is iust an example of how jacks might appear.
Notes: When you plug in headphones, the rV's internal and external speakers,Fixedlgariable Audio Output, and Digital Audio Output are automatically turned off.
When connecting a component that usesa monaural cable, suchassome camcorders, use the Left (mono) input jack to
get sound from both speakers.
HEAVE _ @_
Notes: The front panel illustration shows a typical front panel layout. The exact look may be different from the one on the front of your TIZ
If you use the Front Button Block feature, the front panel no longer
provides access to the menus. The Front
Button Block feature disables all front
panel buttons but not the jacks. For more information, see Chapter 3.
Buttons on the Front of the TV
If"you cannot locate your remote, you can use the front panel of your TV to operate many of the TV's t_eatures. MENU/OK Brings up the Main menu. When/he menu system is displayed, pressing MENU/OK selects highlighted items.
12tI_ Scans up through the currant channel list. In/he menu system, it moves the highlight up in the menu and adjusts menu controls.
Ctlv Scans down through the channel list. In/he menu system, it moves the highlight down in the menu and adjusts menu controls.
¥OI,4 Decreases the volume. In/he menu system, it moves the highlight let'_to items and adjusts menu controls. ¥OI, F Increases the volume. In/he menu system, it moves the highlight right to items and adjusts menu consols.
(Power) Turns the TV on and oil'. The indicator in the button lights when "IV is on.
24 Chapter
Plug in the TV
Plug the fiat end of the cable into the power jack on the back of the "FV.Then plug the other end of the power cord into an appropriate wall outlet. Be sure to insert the plug completely. Do not
plug into an outlet controlled by a light switch.
Note: When you first plug your TV into an outlet, the Power indicator on the front panel
will light for approximately 15 seconds and then go off during the initialization of the TV The TV can only be turned on after the Power indicator goes off. This happens every time
power is reapplied to the TV
Put Batteries in the Remote
Remove/l_e battery compartment cover from the back of tl_e remote by pushing down on the tab and lifting cover.
Insert 2 fresh "AA" batteries. Make sure the polarities (+ and -) are aligned con'ec/ly.
Replace the cover.
When remote batteries are low, the component
button(s) corresponding to the mode you're in
flashes when you press a button. Also, a
message might appear on the TV screen and
disappear within a few seconds. Press CLEAR to remove.
pip swap CH. C'[RL ,_p
TV button
Turn on the TV
Press TV on the remote, or press POWER on the TV's front panel.
Note: Pressingthe rv button turns on the rv and puts the remote into TV mode. "TV mode" means that the buttons on the remote
control operate the TV'sfunctions.
Use the Remote Control to Complete
the Assisted Setup
The technical term is "Navigation" - how you move through the on- screen menus. The method is the same throughout the menu screel_s:
highlight your choice and select it. To highlight a menu item, put the remote into "IV mode by pressing the
TV button then MENU. Press the arrow buttons on/l_e remote to highlight one of the items listed in the menu. Use/lie up or down arrow button to
move up or down. Use the right or left arrow button to move right or leli. "12)select the item that you ve hlghhghted, press OK.
Note: Highlighted means that the menu item stands out from
other menu items on the list (appears darker, brighter, or a different color).
CQnn c' @ns S ' up
To access the setup menus, press MENU and choose Assisted Setup.
Complete the Assisted Setup
Your TV's menu system allows you to adjust your TV's f_atures to be configured to work properly. On-screen information helps you choose set/ings
to match your setup. The t_rst time you turn on your TV,/he AssisWd Setz_p screens appear automatically. Select Begin Setup to start or select Cancel Setup
to exit.
Set the Menu Language
1. Use arrow buttons to highlight your prefi_rred language f_Jrthe
menu system.
2. Press OK to select that language.
3. Select Continue Setup.
Channel Search takes several minutes because the TV is searching for all possible analog and
digital channels. You may want to leave and come back latex
If you move to a new ZIP or postal code, or if
any of your information changes and you need
to access the setup screens from the TV's main
menu-- press MENU, choose GUIDE Plus+
Menu, and choose GUIDE Plus+ Setup, then choose "No, repeat setup process."
Complete Channel Search
Even/hough this initial channel search can take several minutes, it is i_:r_pormnt to complete in order fkJryour "I_Vto display channels and programming.
1. Highlight Full Search with arrow button and press OK to tell the TV to begin searching for channels. A progress report appears on the screen.
2. When search is complete, press OK.
3. Select Continue Setup.
Notes: If you skip Channel Searchnow, you can accessit later through the Connections menu. SeeChapter 4 for more details.
If cable box isconnected to ANTENNA A, Channel Searchcannot work.
The GUIDE Plus+ System Setup
Important Note: If you have a VCRandlor cable box connected to the
TV,you need to connect the G-LINK cable to use the GUIDE Plus+ system. If you didn't connect the G-LINK cable, go to page 23. Disregard the screen that tells you to refer to the Quick Setup sheet--all of the
instructions are included in this User's Guide.
The GUIDE Plus+ system is a no-fi_e, on-screen interactive program guide that lists what shows are on TV in your area. In order to receive program listings,
you need to complete/he following steps. Select GUIDE Plus+ Menu and follow help text at bottom of screen.
Step 1: Identifying Your TV's Location
1. If your country is highlighted, press OK on the remote control. If your counti T isn't highlighted, press the up or down arrow button on the
remote control to highlight your country and press OK.
26 Chapter
Use |he nuinber buttons and/or _he a_ows on your remote to enter your zip code or postal code. Press OK when you're finished.
Note: If your postal code contains letters, press the up and down arrow buttons on your remote to enter letters, and press the right arrow button to go to the next space. The left arrow button also moves the highlight
to the left.
Step 2: Configuring for Cable
The next series of screens asks you about your cable setup. To supply your "IV with the correct "IV program listings, the GUIDE Plus+ system needs to know if
your TV is connected to a cable l_V connection.
Notes: If you have two off-air antennas connected (one to ANTENNA A and one to ANTENNA B) and you aren't getting the guide listings, try swapping the antennas.
You cannot tune to digital channels from the GUIDE Plus+ system if you
have cable service or a cable box connected unless an off-air antenna is connected to Antenna B.
1. If your TV is connected to cable, highlight Yes and press OK. If your TV isn't connected to cable, highlight No and press OK. (STE;P 3:
Configuringfi)r a VCR appears--go to page 28.)
2. If you have a cable box connected to/his "IV, highlight Yes and press OK
Notes: The next series of screens is very important because the GUIDE Plus+ system must find the correct cable box information in order to receive the correct TV program listings.
If you don't have a cable box connected to this TV, highlight No and press OK (STEP3: Configuring for a VCR appears--go to page 28).
Highlight tile channel on ANTENNA A where you have to tune your "IV to see cable box programming, and press OK (a screen appears reminding you to connect your G-LINK cable to your l_V and cable box).
Notes: If not using INPUT1 (VIDEO1/AUX), you must connect to ANTENNA A not B.
Channel 03 is the most common. Choose Video l /AUX if your cable box is connected to your TV with audio/
video cables instead of a coaxial cable. Go to page 8 for pictures of these
cables. If you choose Video 1/Aux, then connect the cable box to the INPUT I on back of T_
+ 66 hidden pages