RCA LRK65G55R120Q Owner’s Manual

(Roku Ready @ version)Included
We've built a smarter TV= includes
Roku_Streaming Stick"cRoku Readyw,,lo.) * No wires, MHL port powers streaming stick
. Control with Roku Ready TV remote
Please register your product at _ww,rca.¢@_ P!ensekeep your sale_ _ceipl and keep the re(Old of the _e_ialnumber
and 1hed_e of pu_lsase ino_el ¸ 1o receivewal_nV pal_!_andSol.ice The selial number islocated at the back ofthe rv
Serial Number
Date of Purchase
Roku @ Streaming SticW M
and mobile app
su_ptlon _ oth_ payment_ m_ be requlr_ to ac_s aont_t _ _ln chm_el_ For _ample, N_ ,_ulres a _ld ub_crlptl_, whl_ gt_es you a_ to trc_le and W sh_ titles In the Ne_ _t_eaTiIng_t alc_
m,_or regl t_ tr_arks of Rok_, Inc la the UnitedState_ and other ooum,e_
Part Ne,: RNOS65R24014
02 02
04 O5
Check Accessories 05
Setup TVTabb Stand 05 Select TV Location 05
' ' 05
Cable Connections 05 Side Panel Connections 05
Connecting AWComposite video device 05 ConnectingYPbPr Component device 06 Connecting HDMI device 06
Keypad Buttons 07 Front Panel 07
Turnin9 On and Off 07
EiJ/:,#i, h, hlL)f:4i/ogo, i_d h gf ) fr > /_4Ulna::7i7 i t lla;e u'e 17// HTri<t :>/I_dj/<f_l';J
:>f EiDM/ t ic e/_slr_ 7 L[ :7
Choosing TV Channel 07 Selecting Input Source 07 Channel Bar 08
Adjusting Volume 08
Adjust the OSD Screen 08
Quick Menu 08 Channel Menu 08
Picture Menu 08
Audio Menu 09 Time Menu 09
Setup Menu 09 Lock Menu 10
@ ® e
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Co%rgtulsdons on your purchase! As you enjoy your new produ_,
please keep these safety tips in mind :
@ ®
e e e
The Issue
@ @
The home theater enlerlainrnent experience is a
growing trend and larger flat panel displays and
@ e
popular purchases,
However, flat panel displ%/s are not always supported
¢ e
on the proper stands or instaNed according to the
manufacturer's recomrnendations,
¢ @
Flat panel displays that are inapproprialely sitJaled
on dressers, bookcase shelw_s, desks, speakers,
chests or cab may fall over and cause injury,
e ¢ e
¢ @
This _anufacturer Cares!
@ e
The consumer electronics ind01strg is cornrnitted to
rnaklng home entertainment enjoyable and safe,
@ e
- Use arnount that has been recornrnended by the display manufacturer and/or listed by an independent
laboratory (such as UL,CSA,ETL),
- Follow all instructions supplied by the display and wall mount rnanufacturers
- If yell have aqy doubts about your ability to af®ly in tall your fiat ia<_Jieldi play, contact your r®tail®r about
professienal installatien.
e e
- Make sure that the wall where you are moundng the display is appropriate Some block corstruetiof_ Ifyou are
unsure, contact a professional installer.
@ @
- A rninirnurn of two people are required for installation Flat panel disf_lays can be heavy.
@ @
e e
Caution and Warning
e e
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¢ e
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® e ¢ e
e e
Caution:Tareducethe riskofelear cshock,do not remove coverorback Noi se_-.serviceablepartsinsde
Referservcngto qualiRsdservcepersonnel
eqabteral triangle s intended to ale_t the user to te presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the
ploduct endoslre that may be of ,,(trident
A The ligP'tn ng flash wth arrowhead symbol, withil an
magatude to con Stute a rsk of electd shok
intendedto aler he user to he presenceof important operatng and m,Jntena,,ce(servdrg} instructionsintheliteratureaccompanying(herr
A The exclamation pc nt w th _ a_ equ lateral tda/_gle a
Tune Into Safety
- One size does NOT fit all, follow the manufacturer's recornn/endation for the safe installation and use of
your flat panel display.
- Care[ully read and understand all enclosed inslructions for proper use of this product
- Don't allow children to cNrnb on or play with
furniture and television sets.
- Don't place fiat panel displays on furniture that can
easily be usc,das steps, such a_ a chest of drawers,
- Remember that children can become excited while
watching a prografn, espccially on a "larger than life" flat
panel display Care should be taken to place or install
the display where it cann(£ be pushed, pulled oveL or
knocked down,
- Care should be taken to route all cerds and cables
connected to the panel display so that they cannot be
pulled or grabbc,d by curious children,
= J
e @ @
e @ @
iPluchss grscias pot su uso del presente producto!
@ e
Cuando usted disfru_ de su nuevo producto, pot favor"
en cuensa los consejos de s%uridad:
@ @ e @
Pos%les Problemeas
@ @
- La experiencia de entretenirniento de cine en casa
es una tendencia creciente y los grandes monitores
¢ @
de pan(alia plans son muy populares.
embargo, los monitores de panlalla plans no se
han instalado siempre en los soportes adecuados o
instalado de acuerdo con las reeomendaciones de
e e
- Los monitores de pantaNa plans que se hart
instalado inadecuadament en to(adores estante#as,
estantes escritorios oradores, ba01e s o earpos se
¢ ¢
pueden ca_r y eausar el daho corporal
@ e @ e
¢ @
iAI Fabricante le Importa
@ ¢
- La industria electr6nica del consumidor est,.
eomprometida a hacer el entretenirniento de casa agradabb y seguro.
@ ¢
- Use una mentura que se ha recomendadop or el fabricante de monitor y/o lislado pot un laboratorio
independiente(como UL CSA, ETL).
e e
- Siga todas las h_strucciones ofrecidas per el fabrieante de monitory rnontaje de pared.
- Si .............................................................
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u_,uu ,u_ e uu_qu_t;r _u_a. sobro su habilidad pars instalar s®gurasiont(_ su tnonitor do iaantalla ialana,
contacte a su distribuidor pars la instalaci6n profesional
- Compruebe que la pared adonde se estS. montande el rnonil.or es adecuada. Algunos montajes de la pared no son diseflados pars set montados a paredes con tachenes de acero o la vieja conslruceiOn de bloque de
ceniza. Si usted estD. inse.gure, con(acre a un instalador profesional.
- Por Io rnenos dos personas se requieren pars la instalaci6n. Los monilores de pan(alia plans puede ser pesados.
Fcc Information
this equipment has been tested and found 1:o comply with the Moils let a Class B digilal device, pursuant Io Pad 15 of the FCC rules,
[hese Iknils are designed to provide reasonabb prelection againsl harmful interf_mr_ce in a residerflial inslallalion,
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and+ if not installed and used in accordance
with the instruc ions, may cause harmful irfleHerence to radio CorrTnurficalions.
I Ioa/ever; (hera is rio Quararltee thai inlerftsmnce a/ill rK)t occur in a particular installation.
I C6moy Doonde Usted us_ Su
Monito_ de Pannta!18 Plr_na
Ajustar Hasta Seguridad
Un tamafte fijo NO es adecuado pars todos, siga las
racomendadones de tabricante pata la inslalacion segura y el uso da su monitor de pan(alia plana
Lea (son cuidado y entienda todas las instruccienes
adiuntas para al uso prepk) de este predudo,
Na permits a los ni_Ses a subir al aquipo e jugar (;on
muables y telavUanes.
No doque los monitores de pantaNa plana en el muebla
quese puade usar fi']cllmente come escal6n, as[ como una comoda,
Recuerde que k)s ni_Saspu(xJen Ilegar a set exdtaclos al vet
una prograrnacion, aspe(;ialmente en el/nonilor de pan(alia plans "m{_s grande que vida", El cuidade se tiene que
e/npezar pot ponar o inslalar al menielr donda no se puede empnjal, dolener al castado del (amine ni echat abajo,
El cuidado se tiene que empezat pot encaminar todos
k)s cordones y cables conectados al monitor de pan(alia plana para que no se puedan tirar o agarrar conaclados
al monitar de pantalla plans para qua na se pueden tirar o agarrar pot las nifSos curiosos,
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
intarferance by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna, increase the separa ion belween the equipment and the receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlr,,I on a circuil diflorent frem
that to which the receiver is connected,
Consull Ihe dealer or an ex )erienced radio/IV technician for
Device complies with FDA radiation performance standards, 21 CFR subchapter: Caution: (invisible) laser Radiation when <)pen,
Do rK)t slate inlo beam.
I. Read these h]structions,
2. Kom,_pthese insMuclions, 3, Heed all warnings.
4. Fallow all h-_si"n._cfions, S, Do not use this apparalus near waler, For example, do not use
near a laundry tub, in a wal basement, or near a swin]n]ing pool, and the like.
6. Clean only with dry cloth.
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Inslall in accordance with
the manufacturer's inslrucIions. Slols and openings in he cabinc_" back er bottom are provided for ventilation+ le ensure reliable operalion of the Pd and to protect it from everhealing, These openings must not be blocked or covered, The openings should
never be block_ by placing the fV on a bed, sofa, rag, or othar
similar suffix(e,
S. Do not instaN near any heat sources such as radiators haat
registers, stoves, or ether apparalus (including ampNfiers) thai preduce Ixual.
9, Do not defeat Ihe saPaty purpose of the polarized or gr_bunding type plug, A polarizcud plug has two blades with one wider han the elher, A grounding type plug has Iwe blades and a third glounding
prong, Ihe wide blade er the thh'd prong is provided for your
saltily, If the pr_avided plug does not fit inlo your ouflaL consult an electrician fer replacement of Ihe obsolete outlal,
I 0. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
particularly al plugs, convenience receplacles, and the point where thoy exit frem the apparatus,
I 1, Only use altachmer_ts/accessories specified by the
12. Use only with cart, stand, tripod, brackel, or table sp_;ifk_J by
the manufaclurer; or sold wilh the apparalus, When a call is us_xJ, use caution when re(wing the carWapparalus
con_bination to avoid injury frem tip ever, A TV and car combination should be moved with care, Quick
sops, excessive force, and unevan surfaces may cause the rv and cad cornbinafion to everlurrl,
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused
for long periods of lime,
For added protection 1or this TV receivar during a lightning storm,
or when it is loll unused for long periods of time, unplug il from the wall oullal and disconn_;t antenna or cable syM'em,
rhis will prevent damage to Ihe rv due to Iightnirlg arid power line sun#es,
14, RaPar all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is raquired when the apparalus has been damaged in alv way, such
as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparalus, the apparatus has been exposed to lain or moiM'ure, does not operale normally, or has been drepped,
I S. This ]V should be operaled only frem Ihe lype d power supply indicated on Ihe raling label,
if customer is not sure the type o[ powe_ supply in your t_orne,
consult yeur appliance deale_ or local powe_ company, For ]V
ramote corllrel baltery power, refer to the operatirlg inslructiorls, 16, The rv sel shall not be exposed o dripping or splashing, No
objeds filk_ w_'h liquids, such as w_ses, shall be placed on the IV sot.
17, Never push objects of any kind into this Pd through apenings
as thay may touch danger_us vol age or ether electrical parts Ihal could resull in firs or eb_;tric shock, Naver spin liquid of any kind into
the rv.
18, Unplug the Pd frem the wan ouIlel be[ere cleaning, Do n(X use
liquid or aare cleanars. Use a damp clelh fer cleaning.
19, This Pd should never be placcxt near or ever a radiator or heat
resource, This IV should net be placcq in a builtoin installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is pr(wid_J or the
manufacturer's inslrucliorls tlave been adhered to,
20, Do not place this IV on an unstabb cart, sland, tripod, bracket or 1:able, the fV may fall, caush-lg serious h-ljury 1:o som_)rle, and serious damage Io the appliance,
21. Do not allempl to service his Pd by yourself because opening or re,meving covers may expose you 1:o dangereus high voltage or
other hazards, Refer all sarvicing Io qualFk_J service personnel,
22, This dovice complies wih Pall 15 of the FCC Rules. Operufion is subject a Ihe following two conditions: (1) his device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)his device musl accept
any in erfemnce n:_ceived, ir_cluding h-_ted'arence that may cause undesir_J operalion.
23. WARNING: [b prevent injury, this apparalus musl be securely attached to the floor/wall in accordance wilh the installation
24, rb requce the risk of eleclric shock the grounding of center pin of plug muM" be maintained.
25, If an outside antenna or cable syM'em is COl][leclrx}t o the TV, be sure the antenna or cable syM'em is greund_J 1:oprovide some
protection against voltage surges and builloup stalic charges, Section 810 of the Na ional Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA NO,70,
pravides infennalion with rospect Io preper grounding of the maM" and supporting structure, grounding o[ the lead in wire to an
an enna discharge unil, size af grounding conduclors, location of antenna discharge unil, connection 1:o grounding electrodes, and r_4uirerner/ts fer the greurlding ek_;trodes, (See figure A)
(NEC SCeON 810=20}
(NO S CT_ON 810_2t )
Safety Strap
Caution: Pushing, pulling or climbh-_g on the IV may cause the rv falling, Do not le/childran climb or hang on he fV, Always place Ihe
Hg!l_ A (Nmc_T 280,P_,nTH>
Pd on a ,_;turdy, level .stable surface thai carl hold the weight of fV, And if possible, secure Ihe iV according Io the inslruction below (Note: ]he faM'ening components such as screws are not suppNed wilh IV),
Step one: Insert the M6 mounting screws into the upper two wan /nounth_g screw holes and faslen thern (Figure B), Step two: h_sert anchors to wan and connect the bolls and anchors wilh repes or chains (Figura C),
@ @ ¢ e
@ e
Before Turning On TV
@ e
Check Accessories
@ @
Check the accessories thal am pack_J with your rM
(refer Io Quick Sial(Guide,)
e @
Setup TV Table Stand
Please refer 1:o Quick Star Guide to cam,, oul stand installing.
@ @
Select TV Location
@ ¢
Select a flat, slable table Io place your IV set. Please follow the
safely instructions when placing the IV,
@ @
Connection and Using
After placing your IV preperl% you carl conrlect the IV with power
supply and cable components. For fudher information, s_, _page S
to page 6,
@ ¢ ¢ @
@ @ @ ¢ ¢ @
The first M'ep in connecting your IV is obtaining the signal, Your
Pd LRK6SGSSR120Q has a back panel, which allows you to receive analog and/or digital television channels via AN]/CABLE jack, Befere, connecting your rv, determine using an anlenna or a cable
service Io oblain Ihe signal,
¢ e
A. Antenna
e ¢
Connect the antenna to rv via coaxial cable on AN I/CABLE jack
of he back panel. You are ready 1:o receive air local digilal and
analog channels,
¢ ¢
B. Oable TVserdce
Connect the cable IV wall jack to IV via coaxial cable on
ANI/CABLE jack of the back panel, You am raady o receive <)flair
local digilal and analog channels,
@ @
C. Set- 7:c#:;,Box
If you use a sol top box, you may nc£_d to call your cable company
¢ ¢
or salellile service previder; which use a sp_;ial connection, please
refer to the user's guide of s_ -top box,
/Wore: lo rot h/_g 2>e AC ca: u#i ax ht_e, t_dt:on_o/dd_ed air tfe
co/Ta&cgar_s 77}u, 7'/:£s:s ao S T._ee/i (_/\iX _aa':a ::a_b#: :::haa/e#
@ ¢
¢ @ ¢ e
00=t20v i i _x
@ ¢ @
3 , ° :
¢ @ @
@ e @ ¢ @
AC _ower Cord
I I_, _Jg ,,,_
C_bb rs Antelna
i ,._gl_ >--"4
Choose Your Connections
Pd I RK65G55R120Q suppods various connections to other deqces
(such as DVD, VCR, Sel top box, elc,), Phase feNow the table to choose Ihe cabbs which adapl Io your device.
Cables Is formation
VideoiAudM cable
Audio Cable
COMPONENT video cable
See the below
Go to page 6
NDMI=DVIcable ' Go to page 6
Roku/HDMB Roku Streaming Stick
.....> _/,>p/ g t> A( <<>/"n _ >)'o/<o_/>t:to!>c twt:_to
Connecting A V Coni_os/te device
(Good Video Ouafity)
Composite connedor will be shared with Component Y connector, re connect a composite A_/dovice, such as a DVD player, follow
(hess slops:
1.Connect the COMPOSITE jack on the side of IV 1:o the video
output jacks of @_vice via video cable (yellow),
2.Connect the I_AUDIO-R jacks on the side of IV 1:othe audio
output jacks of device via audio cable.
Notice the let channel jack and plugs are while and the right
channel jack and plugs are r_, Note: A! sigr , / be/er .Ts to t:o/> pos/te vide #his kirk:7 { via',:
sd#na/ !>as /es_ /;u good :kap/;_y c/_#t},;
Composite Video Connection
The picture below is an example of a connection using the composite video jack,
HDMI cable
Go to page 6
Connecting YPbAr Component device
(Better Video Qua/it},;)
@ e
[e connect a component device, such as a DVD player, foNow these sleps:
I ,Connect he COMPONENT iN Y/Pb/Pr jack on H_e side of Pd to
the video output jacks of device via video cable (grean, blue and
2.Connect the L AUDIO-R jacks on the side of rv to the audio
oulput jacks a device via audio cable,
Notice H_e lefl channel jack and plugs are white and the right
channel jack and plugs are red,
/\k>te: Y,7 'h//- __c/':, , /a cc," _<>e_et yP:7_e>77/s/dnd ef yP:i,::> ss{/t, d
f>, s £>et/,/" d,<;f#;_yemir(}
¢ @
Component Video Connection
the picture tx_low is an example of a conn_;tion using the component
video jack.
@ e
¢ @ ¢
@ @ e
@ ¢ ¢
@ @ ¢
@ e
ConnecDPw HDM/ device
@ @
l_dest bldeo Quaff(;,;)
¢ @
rb connect a HDMI device, such as a f)VD player, please Connecl
the HDMI I//\RC 2/DVI, jack on tha sida o[rv 1:o (ha oulpul
jacks of device via HDMI cable,
@ e
rb connect a DVI dovice, via I)VI pod of PC or Davice and HDMI
jack of rv:
e e
1, Connect the HDMI 2/DVI jack on the side of IV to the DVi port
of PC via HDMI DVI cable,
¢ @
2, Connect the L AUDIO_R jack on the side of IV to the audio
e @
outpul jack of computer with audio cable (dual channel RCA jacks
to 3,5turn slereo jack or the L AUDIO R jack),
ro connect an ARC HDMI OUT device, please connect Io the HDMI
inpul pod of the device such as amplifier,
e ¢
Note: 7 HDM/ f,U/f_h /)_ L" i#on A/, U;med_:/ ir k.i, ce/ /s a : o "@,ct
at t:_o//dJco i,}!rviVa:e /e' tTunsrx'itf27g ,rs::oi oaessed c_9,!,# t:£;!,_, it
ca/7 (% /_e aLa#'e arT(: yi,: (e) s/_¢Ta/:///7 i/>e same ca),e arid/s_a.q i/_
5est @#}/a}. c _a//4,:
® @ ¢ @
¢ @
¢ e @ ¢
)" ._ ) I ) ";
hL /L / ..... t, ,r ,_ >Z'v'dt ,wpn/on L)_,i)o/>
i)V/c'ewt ' > E,)M//ck >f 7I, /: x ,!d>" l/, :/_ :,
el/c c L_/4)DiO i: /:_ /. >a 7!// _ /. _ _>e/
HDMI Connection e
The picture below is an exampb of a connection using the HDMI video jack, e
Nero: /ta/a _Str#nmi:lg SOck I _aku?dy connec od vath//D/V/3 e
2. h' vau warTt _u use it#Jr yoa s/Tea/d_a Thove / f,/k//Stt:-an_/f7 U e Stick r<:)m tiDM/,V e
How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources
After connection is done, press INPUT bullon on remote control
or Pd top panel to choose the input source you l_ee,d, See page 7, Basic Operation ef TV
N_AD _NON_." Connect a &Smm headphone for personal audio, UdB** Connect your USB ,s_orage @Tvice to enjoy/nusic/pholo flies
on your Pd (Also used fer service purpose), NDMI 11"7 ItDMI l/ARC, PJDVI, ftokuJ/tDMI3 : (I tigh-Definilion MtJ£imcsJia hW_rface)
It pmvkTas an tJnco[Tipresscd digital connactien tha carnas hoth vidco and audio data by way ef an integraled mini plug cabla,
ARC: (Audio Relum Channel) Adopted in PJ oatput of digital audio, can be connected to the dovice supporting ARC, transmit the Pd sound to the deal(e,
MHL: (Mobile High Definition Link) Ta slandard HDMI input, translnit the videWaudb frem pod'abb electronic davice (cellphone, digital camera,digital video camera) to TV set, Note: i:ok;, HD/t/H3 port s ppo/t/,8'HL if }e, wart to ,se ,'a'H[,
}o, ::ae _se it st'el :7/scasdeg £:>k_ St _:am/eg stir:r< eO[4_ON_NT W_bI_r: Connc>st a device that has component
video jacks, such as a /)VD player, [b access device connected to the Y/Pb/Pr jack, press the iNPUT buon on your remote; then
press the up/down arrew Io sebd Component, Press Ihe OK button a lasl te confirm,
Y/Pb/_r (Component Video)." They previde good picture quaNy becausa H_e vid_x) signal is separated inlo three components, Use three video grade or componen video cables for the connection,
When using Y/Pb/Pr, make sure you connect left and right audio cables Io H_e AUDIO iN R/I jacks,
L_AUDIOoR_ OO_a_O$1T_,* Connect an A}d device thai has composite video jacks+ such as a VCR or a/)VD player, lb access
device connected to these jacks, press the INPUT button on your remote; then press the up/down arrow 1:osoled AM Press the
ENTER bullon all last Io confirm,
A_DIO IN L: Lafl audio channel connection, The left audio connector is usually white. For mono audio sources, be sure 1:o
use the left AUDIO INPUL
AU#IO IN R; Right audio channel connection. The right audio connector is usually red.
ANT/CABLe; Connect 1:o receive Ihe signal frem your anlenna or cabb via coaxial cable,
_igital Audie eul.* Conned a coaxial cable for digital audio outpul.
¢ e e
Keypad Buttons
If you cannot locate your remote, you can use the keypad buttons
® e
on your IV 1:o operate many IV features,
¢ e e e e e
® e ¢ e e
e e @ @ ¢ @
e e e @ e e
¢ @ e e e
Displays the Source Select List,
Displays the IV Main Menu,
Scans ut Ihrough the channel list In he IV m_717usyslem, it acts like the up arroa/ or/ the oracle conlpal and can be, usod 1:oselecl manu options,
ON_ Scans down thr_)ugh he channel Iisl, In the ]V menu
syslem, il acts like the down arrow on he remote conlrel and can be used to select menu oplions,
VOL+ Incmases Ihe volume, In the ]V menu syslem, it acts
like the right arrow on the remote conlrel and can be used Io select rnenu eplior_s,
VOL- Decmases Ihe volume, In the TV menu sys era+ it acts
like the leR anow on the rerrK)te conlrel and can be used
to select menu oplions, rums the fV on and off,
Front Panel
About remele con(tel working dislance and angle, see the quick slart guide,
Pewe_/$_a_dby ledicater; Light up in red when the TV is in
slandby mode,, light oul when he IV ison.
Re_ete Ce_trel Senser; Remote conlrei ii_ sensor, which receiw>,sinframd ray sent by etmota corms>i,
Remote Con(rot Senso_
\\. PoweNStandby Indicator i
Codes for Cox Communications: 0178 Codes for Comcast: 10I 78
Codes for Dish Network: 627 Codes for Fios Verizon: 0205, 0057, 0493, 0775
Turning On and Off
Connect the AC cord 1:o power the LED LCD Pd, At this time the
IV will enter standby mode and power indica or will turn rod, Use
Pawer buton ((._) on the top panel of IV or on the n:imote conlml 1:olurrl orl he fM After swilchh-lg off the fV fer 5 seconds, you can
turn <)n IV again,
Choosing TV Channel
Tu_ing Te Analog eha_r_els an analog channel has a channel number b_jirlning with "A'k
Input the diqital number with numeric buttons directly and press OK bu_on 1:oconfirm, For example, to watch analog channel "AS1 ", press '%", "1 ", "OK" on remote conlrel in sequence,
/',/ot_ : A/th<:x g 2>e_+ s:, no ar a/c7 %/s/gm# ? / u/a :>/,: /e A," e/ k:a, '/a U S_JVe /_ Tt/ {_/ac//ons {0/SO/n_e _:xI)alTsI_)/l: i#S_:
Tur_i_g Te _igital Ohannele A digi aJ channel has a channel number beginnh_g wih "D", Jnpu
the m_in digilaJ number with nurnerb buRons directly, then press '" butlon on remole con(tel, and inpul the sub number a last". tot example+ 1:o walch analog channel "DS1 1"+ press "3", "I", "", "I ", "OK" on lemele con(tel in sequence.
Changing Channels Directly You can use CIM, bulton 1:o increase channel number and CIIv to decrease channal number:
When no OSD (On Screar/ Display) is used, the up/down strews can also work as CHa,/CHv buttons,
Selecting Input Source
Press INPUT button on remote contrel 1:o display Source Select list,
Use up/down arrews to highlight Ihe source you need and press OK to
Source Select
S..... ®......
Press the OK button ors the remote control, when OSD (on se_een display)is not used, the ehannel bar will appear on the Bottom of the screen, It displays the current channel's information, The fotowing list
describes the items on the channel bar,
D!4ot ATdC-t
JanO/OZ:lO Sat
Bt4o!/A2 If the channel is al alog A is displayed, If
t's a digital channel, D is dispByed, For
exampb, in the pbtures above, A2 is an analog ehannel, and Dr,0 1 is a digital channel( 1 is a sub ehannel number),
ATSC_t Display the current TV signal type,
Engtieh/Stelreo Dbplavs whether the current channel is
being broadcasted in stereo or mono, if
the eurrent channel is digital, this space
will be SAP (Second Audio Program) langNage,
480i/480i Dbplays the signal resolution,
4:81¢O Displays the screen aspect ratio.
Display the CC status (on or of[),
Jano0t 07;! 0 Sat Displays current program date and time,
If the channel is Dolby Digital AC 3, the
t,,ote: Ma_rnotu_ed _ttde _O';ense ;_{m Do'/:' ! La )e _abHos Dr:.) atd tie (PaEt/e O si mho/ a[ t[aur a a)/s of Pc/)} l :lbdRa/?Aes
doubb D symbol is displayed,
Adjusting Volume
Press the VOL m/VO[ - button on the remote contrel to adjust the volume, If you want to switch sound oP, press MUTE, When OSD (Oil Scree i Display) }s not used, the arrews bft/right can also work
as VO[/\/OI m buttons,
EPG (Electronic Program Guide)
Press EP(I b_ltton on the remote eontrel, the elecsronic pregram guide w}l appear }n the eenter of screen, The ebdro/ie aegram guide gives the TV prcgram pi:tying project, You CaR use left/right arrows to switch pages.
Adjust the OSD Screen
The OSD {On Screen Display) inenu enables you to approach to the IRi funclions,
[o use OSD menu system, press MENU button on remote contreL then use left/right arrow to dghlight an option from ©UICK,
CHANNEL, PICTURE, AUDIO, _ME, SETUP or I OCK a_d >tess OK/down burro/,
To exit the OdB menu:
Press the ic_"bt/Bon, The menu will clear from the scaa_.n, Press the MENU button repeatedly ant/the menus disappear.
Quick Menu
The Quick Menu contains inenus and provides you a quick way to approached the main settings that may be most possibly and frequently approached, Picture Mode, Sou]d Mode, Closed Caption Sleep Thneh and Channel l ist,
Channel Menu
Iqqe Channel Menu enabbs you to search, view and edit channels. it s available in [M mode only.
Identifying Problems
if there are ally probbms when using the product, phase consult the list below, If the list does not solve tile problem, call our Cuetomer
Service Center immediately,
TV Problems
The _# can't be tumad em Make sum tile AC cord is plugged in,
Check lhe wall outlet, nlake s_ae tile AC outpht works norma/y
and stably The side panel may be locked (dsabled). Use tile re,mole contrnl
to furl on tile IN4
Select the Keypad Inck funclior_ in the P/\[_EN [AI con rnl Menu
and press OF, to uncheek the Iockisg stakus,
The_ is Ha pictare Or eeand but the _ is cn and there is a "No Signar sign oH ecreen.
Are you trying to use an input source with no device connected to it? For usng other video/audio device, make sure} tile exten/al deN}ce
works normally first, then prees INPUT and choose tile rig -_tnput source, The Signal [ype option may be set incormclly, Go to page 8 for
detailed instructions, The channel nwy be blank, Try to search the channel again or ehange
another c[lanneL
The seand is f[r_e_ bat the picture ie peer_
if you car only get blank and white pictures from external device that
you've con lecled to your PZ n lab/be it is due to tie video cables is nol connecled wel, or they am connec[ed w/ongly, Check the conneclion
s[abihy frst, theh check tile correcl -ass, For AV input, the yellow vkteo cable connecls to the yellow Vdeo IHjack orl the side of yore [M for
Component nput, the throe Y, Pb, Pr video cables (red, blue, and green) should be connect to the correspond} _ginput jacks on the side of your [\/,
Check tile antenna conneclons, Make s_m_ all of the cables am tim@
connecled to the 1V jack on side of yo_r [M hy adjhsting the color featua;s to improve,
There is no scand_ bat tha picture is fine.
Tile sound nlight be muted, hy pmssi/g tile MUTE bMton to restore
For usiHg AV or Component, remember to connect the dev}ceh left
and rght audio o_£pM correctly Tile }eft c lannel came is whie and the right channel cable is red, Please malch the cables and jacks according
to thor colors, The sound seWngs may nol be set cormclly, Go to page 9 for more inforR_ation.
Ifyour audio so_ree has orty one jack or is a (mono) audio source, make
sure you have plugged tile connection into the Audio In L jack (whte) on
the [M
The buttons er_ the side parlom dcn't wcrk_
The side panel may be locked (disabbd), Use the m,rnol:e conhnl to
turn olthe 1M
Select the Keypad Lock function in tile FM,RENTAI eontml Menu and
press OK 1:ouncheck tile locking status,
Unplug the [M from tile AC power for 10 mh lusa_ and t}l_l ph_g il bank.
rum the TV on aid try agai],
The _7 turtle off anexpectedmy.
The eleclmnic protection ckeuit may have been activated because of
a power surge, Wait 30 ser;onds and then tun/tile IV on again, If this happens frequently, tile voltage ill your house ma# be abnormal, If the
olher elec mlAc equipment in you/ iome em't work nornlaNy, consul a qualfied seMce personnel
Can't select a certair_ channel
The channel may be blocked or nol approved in tile PARENTAl
control Menu,
The charulel may be skipped ill channel list ill CHANNEL Menu.
Check the blocking _nd skipping sl:/tus of channel
The stereo sound performance is bad°
It may be a weak slaton, Use tire AUDIO Menu and se_ Analof / oound
as Mono,
A black box appears or_ the scree_.
Closed caplon[ng might be on, Check Glose_/Captor in the SFUP
menu, Go to page 10 for more }nstmclons,
IPrablems with tha HBMI @cnnectie_o
Make sure the HDMI devbe (IWD, video ga net, eL) is turned Oh and tile eables are firmly connected, If problems still occur, tunl off yo_r device
and reconhee_ it, Reset the power by unplhgging the power cord and plugging [t again,
if a "No Signal" message appears on screen , the HDMI devbe
isn't responding, Contact the T/anufaeturer o[ the tDM} duviee
A2 Air Slereo
CC 48()i
Jan01 07:10 Sal
Auto Scan Show / Hde
Channel List
Signal Type 4 Ar
D_" Signal d Good
_3_' Move
Auto Scan
Execute an auto channel search.
Show / Hide
Enter sub-menu and press OK to show or hide the PV channel,
Channd Lief
Displays a channel list, It shows the ctare.nt ehanneb, Press OK to go to IX/channel directly in sub inenu,
Signal Type
Select your Pd signal type: Air or Cable. DTV Signal( In DTV Mode)
DbpBy how strong your rv sigl al s,
Picture Menu
The Picturc Mcnu contains menus and controls to configure the way tile picture appears, The Picture Menu options apply to the
video for the main IV and VIDEO INPLJT selections. All picture
optio/_s can be appled to each input,
Picture Mode Color Mode _ Warm
Screen Size _ Wide
Nose Redaction ._ Low Dynamic Contrast _ Low
Video Stye _ Video
_ Move
Picture Mode Choose the preset vist/al mode of yota PV:
eta _dard, Movie, User, b,/namic, Power Saving,(Only in User mode you can adjc st Brightness, Contrast, Color, Tint and Sharpness. Changes to Power Sa\4ng inode can decrease the power consumptiolL)
Color Mode This option alows yoc to select one of three ac tomatic color
adjustments: Cool for a bk_er i:>alet_e of pieture colors; Normal or Warm for a redder palette of color,
Screen Size
Sereen Size: Select a sereen aspect ratio, (Avatabb ratio: Wide, Cinema, Zoom, and Normal,) Please choose the ra£o that ap ::Hies
to your video signal format best,
Noise Reduction
Set noise reductien as Off/low/Medium/High, Nefe/,la/se r_,,i _ lfer, h#as r_ reface file,')ict::,_ s;uffi} o a_}
t:f>e of iaetr:,er )e 7 #s k atu e /s esoeci //) ::;efi/ fa ©rOY/;//;{ _' d/e2re, )it _/re in wear EriE/rig si/jnd / c<l difien8
Dynamic Contrast Set dynamic contrast Off/low/Medium/High,
Wote>o Style
If yogi connect the HDMIA _VI sod of PC to HDMI jack of the TV
and rhe vidae signal is 108()p, please nheose the compatible
video style." Video, Graphic, MFC Effect (Motion Flow Compensation Effec#
Set MFC Effect as OffA ow/Medium/High, MFO Effect technology removes drag from fast scenes with a
Iol of mevemen_ to previde a smoother picture, Off switehes the MFC Effect off, H}qh prevides smoother effec!, [ow provk:tes
smooth effect Med[uln sets MFC Effe(,I to medium.
for luther assistance, If you have black bars on each side of your picture (which T_eans the [V ean no_ dsplay a full scm'en image), the device
you conneeted might have a switeh or a menu option allowing you to change the pieture quality olgput that win fix this,
Choose either 720p or 1080L
The Remote control dcasn't work.
Ihem may be all AC power falum or thn power cord unplugged in,
Somelhing might be blocking belween tire remole conlrol and the remole sensor on the ffonl panel of the 1M Make sure there b a clear path,
The remote may not be aimed directly at the [M The bakleries [is tire remote may be weak, dead, or instaled incom>cly,
Put new ba terbs ii the mince,
Yea are exparie_cir_g problems with V-OMplParcr_tal Cc_trols
If tile mh/g Nmits dont work, you must lock tire self ngs, Go to the Main Menu (press MENU on your mrnote), seleet P/\REN]7\I control to check Ire settings,
What alse ca_ I de?
If you've been through the Tmubleshoo ing section and nolhilg has fixed
your problern, try mbootilg your [M Nole that after a reboot, you may
ieed to run your Pdthrough the setup pmcees again, To reboot, unplug
the power cord from tire wall curie or power strip, Keep your YM unplugged k# about ininutee, Then plug in tire ]M and turn it o], See if the problem
is fixed, If tire pnoblem mnlains, then please visit tire Customer Support Menu at www,ma,com or updated fAQs or contact RCA Custonler
Supporf at the support lumber provided in your Warmnly card,
LRK65G55R12OQ VESA400 x 200 j M6 screws, length 12ram j
/, 7/re 4/:;/_/70UF?_9 70 8@,'a# c(i / £e aecesecho'> sosi 4¢?£ el(,wck>,'7
4,t> cry/xu/v/e _'De;,,s a;s g :._,ee/b.ao_;s bit o te ; ,;;/;71e/ni/_'s£
/ >,s//o(c t(: ;m,iu_i //, "_se ro_s // ,/;r/_ ;e k, rM <l;,_/,,rh;r ;, Wf,/i
/7 Yru s r;;i giy 'mfvy/cr_"c /t' /m W_R;/ '<,_/_"whh !_iRCmOrr. o, :.pre/{;<_u';a/! /e ;;r it eJ i w,_" ;_p;'ro/Wm v' ;_:_ ul;u g ;rt# rx, leu
tmv_ge o d<A,i6e C/)ec_;/,
C,'Y>t!,s@omX rm: ;.,cuk:,_:/_.<is:7Y :,i/<u;PdD ;mte:.//h rv h,;_rh:, :Jar/r{;/?muu:_:;::tAr!_:e/r:¢e:_:r,
1, Do not set up the wall mount by yourself, Please contact
qualified p'ofessionals for nstala£on, 2, The PVshould not be mounted on walls or surfaces which have an angb more t_an 10 degrees with vedJeal direction. Otherwbe
the PV set may fall. 3, The walls for mounting must have enough strength to hold the
whole weight of PV seh For example, conemre wall and brickwork are eligible, Do not place the inount on soft walls such as earth walls and plasterboard, 4, f spare parts of different specifications (such as screws) are used dud/g mounting consuk with quaUfbd professionals to inake sure these parrs are safe and effective,
5, Before attaching the base to wall, ensure the holes for anchors are in keeping with tile ilsta}l}ng rubs, Otherwbe there may exist solne potential p_oblelns,
, i i
a a
MFC Demo (fVlotion Flow Compensation Dem@
Set MFC Demo On/OFF, It shows the difference between MFC
Effect on and off modes on the sereen,
@ @ @
Audio Menu
The Audio Menu lets you aJjust audio outpuL
@ a
®I: <,,Ie I
a @ @ @ @
@ ® a @ @ e
@ @ @ ® a
@ @ e @ @ @
a a @ @ @
.t$1. Move @ Select @_Retum
Sound Mode
Choose the preset sound mode o[ your TV: Standard, Soft, Used Dynamic, Only in User mode you can adjust Bass, Irebb, Balance,
Audio Language
Select digital iV audio language type: English, French or Spanish (only available for D]V chanl el),
Analog Audio Output
Select _nalog TV audio sound type: Stereo, SAP or Mole (oily
walabb in Pd mode), Digital Audio Output
Set the audio output type as Off, PeM or Raw, Please set this option _ccoK.fing to your power amplifier,
Sound Mode Audio Language _ Eng/sh
Analog Aadio O_.ltput _ STEREO Dgtal Adio Output 4t PCM _+
Surround _ Off Audo Only _ Off _,
Creates a 3D sound surround freln standard stereo ma_eda}, with deep and rich enhancement,
Audio On/}.
Press OK button to actbete audio only mode, The Pd will outp_ i only so_lnd and the rED I CD panel w/[ be turned off, [e m.<'tore normal
>layi% hold POWER butto/for three seconds,
@ a
Auto _h_lurTle
SetautovoJme centreon/off
a @
Equalizer Settings
The seven-band graphic equatzer alows you to adjust the audio
frequency settings. You can select one of the equalzer pres,e.ts
{Off, Pop, Rock, Jazz) or cre.ate your own personal p_eset (Use0,
@ @
Time Menu
a a
The Thne Menu ets you change the [M time settings,
@ @ @
@ @ e a @ @
e @ @ @ ®
a @ @ e @ @
@ ® a
@ @
@ @ @ @
@ @ @ @
@ @
@ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @
@ @ @ @
@ @
@ @
@ @ @
@ @ @
@ @
@ @ @
@ @ @
@ @
@ @ @
@ @ @
@ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @
@ @ @ @
'_" Move
Sleep Timer
Set the sleep timer(Off, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180,240 M[n,), The Pd will alltolnaticaly enter standby mode after times lip.
TitTle Zone
Showing the eountry's time zone, you can ,C>etTime zone OFF Eastern, Central, Meuntai, Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii, Samoa,
Newfoundland, Aflant[e,
6. Do not place any heating source under your televbion. Or else, t can cause fire.
7. Do not place the IV near anything dripping. Iransducers and high voltage wires should be kept far away from the appa'atus
too. Or else, t may cause ereepage, electric shock or bad
8, Do no_ place FV in a location where collision or vibration is
}able to happen.
9. In order to avoid unexpected failing of the Pd set, do net put
any strong foree on P_i or wail mount aHer instafin%
10, Be scae to unph_g the Pd betore instaltng, Keep anyt dng hard
or sharp away froln the sereen panel to prevent the scuffing,
11, After [l_stating, if there is any need to inove the eabineh please
contact the qualified p_ofessionals,
With USB Media Play, you can enjoy music and photo files stored n a USB storage device on your ReA fM
Connecting a USB storage device
Connect a USB arc/age device to the USB port in the back et the [M Press INPL/T" and select USB',
USB Media Play" rnenu win appear,
USB 20
P/@,/ng baek _hoto files
Press arrow (</_) to select "Photo" and p_ss "OK", The file o: folder list will show up, P/ess arrow(_/_) to select a file or telder, P:ass "OK" , and you willbe given several ept[ons to view photo files, Veu ean dimet}y open and playback the file, View thumbnails for
photo preview, or play sl deshaw,
Pl@,ing back Music files
Press arrew (</1_) to select "Music" and pK}ss "OK", The file or tulder Ist will show up, Press arn)w{_/_) to select a fib or fc,lder, Press "OK" to p}syback the music fib you seleeted,
P/@'ing baek Movie fries
Press arrew (</_) to select "MOVIE" and p_a_.ss"OK",
The fib or folder Ist will shcw up, Press arK)w(_/'lr) to select a file o/folder Press "OK" to playback the mevie file yeu seleeted, PiayLng back Text files Sbalar to the pholo menu, You can use TEXT me]u to access and display text on your RCA TV,
Media Support Specification
i * Photo JPG/JPEG fibs
i Music WAVflies
i _ Movie MPG files
j _ USB Storage USB flash drive i
j _ Fi!e System format FAT32
C_ :en /)o: g un oP 7e7/o:/,o.oru:tii./::Bst_:ac/e</>vue l,'/:Jeh: T/:; p/_s::/b m/<c;:t m:u r !aa:
nit rre/ /::iv,r,:t </4,_cr d:,:r,:,gcfo /u UbV: te;:g: <a ,;:t /:I}/,r:,rhi ;nr,#,:url)/:,Lr ,mr c':wt%c >, <,:ira,:,or,
c'_,_c: i>:_iJgf: s,_mc/P,/:_,:_:r,
Sleep Timer 4 Off T{me Zone 4 Eastern
Auto Clock 4 On _,
Clock ......../- -/-o. ,,<--
Wake Up 2014/1/18 12;0 PM OSD Dspay Duration _ 15 Sac,
Auto Clock
Selenr auto clock on/off, Allto clock helps you synchronize your IRi time to standard time (trom D[V signal),
Set your IV time manuaty (needs to turn off auto dock), pre.ss up/ down and bfWdg _t arrow to eonfig the eurrent tin]e,
Wake Up
Set the Wake Up time for your TV, attar enters menu, you can use the up/down and bft/right arrow on the remote control to
adjL/st it,
OSD Display Duration
Set the time how tong te display OSD me/u(5 See 15 Sec, 30 Sec,
4{> >ec, 60 Sect,
Setup Menu
The Setup Menu lets you eonfig tile TV with your :)references.
Menu Language < English Menu Transparency < 0%
Closed Caption
All reset
Initial Setup Wizard Blue Background _ _ On
_ Move _ sebct
Menu Language
Set the menL/langllage, Available langt_ages; English, Frond and Spanish,
Set the menu transparency mode: 0%, 25%, 75% 100%.
Closed Caption
Set the closed capt[o/ , the detail is asfo/ews,
Caption Display 4 CC Off Digital Caption Type
Digital Caption Style
Closed Caption
Show or hde closed caption
Move 4 _ Change Setthrg
Caption Display
Sebct the. ('aptkx dirpby ec e/or ('(" eft, Digital Capffon T?7)e
Select the digital closed caption type: servieel, service2, ServiceS, Service4, ServiceS, Serv}cee. e Digital Capffon Style e
Set the digital closed captor style, After changing, you can preview e the caption style in the bob'ore, e
Mode: Deckte whether you can change the settings on the ec e Display Style. ÷ CO Size: Set the ec font size (Def _ult, Normal, large, Small, e CO Font: Set the Ce font (Default Font 0 7), e ce Opacity Color: Set the OC opacity color (Defauk, Solid, e Flashing, Translucent, Transparent), e
Text Color: Set the CC text color (Defauk White, Red, Green, e Bkle, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan), e
65 inches
i i
ChanneICoverage j VHF;243 UHF;14-_69
, , CATV: 1435
Temperature [ -20([' _ +60'(: -4+p_+ 140+P ,
Humidity i OperationHumidityLess]hat,S0%RH I
Power Supply [ AC 100-120V, 60Hz
RF input i Cabb/Anbnna x 1
' iAV;_
.,tom<,,c°""°°t°"Videoinput[ _6M7__iH.DMi_i__,it_dy
, i connected with Roku Streamingsick.)
. , Audiooutput Headphonex1>DigRalAudio Out×1
Dimensionsj Without
, , +
, Power Consumption , less than 102W
;_,/et/(e :_p,( J tJo s }Sit (i S/p : U i t te _ / g rF/ :70 n( t/_
©overage _ Labor
For a period of 12 months from date of purchase of your RCA a
product, we will pay an authored RCA service center the labo/ e ctlargu to repair any defect.q in T/aturials or vvorkr;av:_hip n your
tulavisiorl,lf your television is un:epairabkt we will previde yeu vvirh a e refurbished urit of the same or La4ter modal,
©over'age = _arts a
Fo/ a period of 12 months from date of purchase of your RCA ®
product, we will pay an authorized RCA se:viee center for the a new,or at eur eptien, refurbished replaeernent parts needed to
repair any defccts in material or workmanship in your television, f e your te avision is unmpairable we will pK:Mde you with a rehJrb shed
unit of the same or better model, e ©overage = L_D L©_ Panel
Fo/ a period of 12 months frorr/ date of purchase of your RCA a
produet, we will pay an authorized RCA serv}ee center for the a new, or at our option, refurbished LED Icn panel needed to Ix@air e any defeats in matedal or workman<.glip in your television, If your e
telev[sbn is unrepaimble we will Faevide you with a refu bished unir of rhe same or better model, ÷
New to Obtai_ Service a for assistance (U,S,A) if you purchased RCA pn)duel n e
U,S,A, please call 18889/'76722. a
Or visit www,rca,conl
The serqce repmsentalve will review yo_r options for service, As a conveniellce we offer throe ways to obtahl warranty service, e
You may real your product to the address provided by the service represenlat[ve, you nlay take your product to al_ authorized service
cen er, or you ira# request ii iorne service (servicer will delermh_e f a producl is servieeable hi home or must be taken back to local service a
center for repair), Servee represeMadve will supply hlstructions for e preferred service, At the time of service proof of purchase such as e
original receipt, will be mquked, Only 37" LCD sze md above are e _pp/cable for n home service, e
Audio inputi AV × 1
Resollltion 1920× 1080
Panel Frame Rate 120Hz
Component/HDMLmode 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
, With stand 58.5"W ×35.7H x 13.0D
stand 58.5"W x 34.4H x 3.9"D
, With stand 53.7LBS(24.4KGS)
Weight Without
s_and 49.7LBS(22dKGS)
i Storage Temperalure is
Operalng ]arqpera[ure is 0'C-+50'C +32+}, _ +122+F
Storage Humidity : Less than 85%RH
_ ec Backga>und Opacity: Set the ec background opacity (Default,
e Sold, Flashil% Transbeent, Transparent),
_ ec Backgreund: Set the CC backgreund color (Ddault, White,
e Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, eyan),
A# reset
e Execcte reset to R/system, All setting will be resat to factory defauL e t,/dte/ #/: ()St)', ¢;Re:_r,¢ roe ;<,'tic _::,,;/:-:7,;/i_ ite,_ct, d e #):r//_ff?c
Blue Back
¢ e Select Bkle Back on or off, If the Blue Back is turned on, the TV
e will dbplay a blue background when there is no signal input. e No Signal Power OFF
e Sebet a tit_e period tar "No Signal Power OFF",The I_' win shut off e after that period of time while no signal We suggest you turn on this e function when Bk/e Back is turned on, It Inay hurl the [ED [ CD Panel ÷ if blue scre.en is on for too long,
e Adopted in rb' output of digital audio, can be connected to the e device s_ ipporfing ARC, transmit the IRi sound to the device,
Lock Menu
e The lock Menu enabbs you to lock p'ogram with speeia} content, ÷ panel key board and nput source,
Parental Control ....
4_ Move
@ @
Parental Control
When the Pa ental Control Menu is accessed frem the Main Menu,
you need to enter password to unlock the menu function, Phase
@ @
e_te your leul digit password with numer[e keys 0-9,/,/,4: 7}_e
o:ev,:d :_ :; r o: :/s :)000"
Afterlalloeking, rhe, items in palental control menu ear be used.
@ @
Change PIN Input Block V-ChIP
Change PiN
Change the PIN of parental menu,
Input Block
This option allows yon to lock or unlock the input source, The
souree blocked can no_ be chosen from n:)ut list unless you nput
the correct parental password.
I: Ch@ Set the V Chip, The derail [s as follows,
a @
Items Not Covered By Limited Warranty
Your limited warranty does not cover the following items:
Un iHstallalioh, h/stallatiorl and adjus nlent of c_stomer controls and
operating ilstruclo L
Battenee and customer replacement fuse
Dan]age due to re[suRe, abuse, negligence or neglect including but, nol
trailed to, dae lage resulting from expoeure to mobture, humidity or salt,
Inability to receive a signal due to problems not caused by the product,
Damage to the producl due to images bun_t nto the screen, Product p_rchased or serviced outside of Country of Original
i,e, Pumhased USA ea_ nol be serviced in Mexico/Pu/chased in
Mexico can no be serv ced ill USA,
Prodhcl modified or incorporaled into other produc[s,
Damage due to aets of lahore, ilcluding but nol Iimil:ed to,lightning
damage or flooding,
Service calIR whieh do _ot involve a_y deiect i_ materials or
workmanR rip,
Ocmmercial Use _xcludad
@ @
This Bs/ited warra 4y only apples to produels used for personal use and does nol cover any produel used for ins ilutional, commercial or
rental purposes,
@ @ @ @
a a
Durante un periodo de 12 nleses desde la fecha de compra de su produclo RCA, pagarelnos a _n centre autonzado de servicio de RCA el cargo de marc de obra pare mpamr c_alqu}er defecto en nl/tedales o nlano de obra en el televisor,
Si su televisor es irreparable que le proporeionar _ un_ unid _d reacondicionada del miRmo modelo o superior. @ebertura I Rocambios
Durante un pedodo de 12 meses desde la fecha de comfxa de su produelo RC/\, pagaremos a un centre autorizado de seMcio de RCA
para un memplazar ya sea con partes luevas o macondieionadas, o a luestra option, pare mpamr cualqGer dek}clo del nlateda} o nlano de obra en el tekMsoh
Si su tekMsor es irreparable que le proporcionam una unidad macondicionada del mismo modelo o superior, Par/al da Ocbe_ura-L_# LeD
Durante un periodo de 12 moses resale la fecha de compra de su produclo RD/\, paftammos un cenlm autorizado de service de RCA para un reemplazar la pantalla LED ICD, ya sea carl pa italia nueva o reaeondicionada, o a nuestm opcion, para reparar cualquier defeclo
dehnaknrial o mane de obra en lapanta/a de su televisor, Si su teledsor
es rrep _mble que le pmporeionsm uns u _klad m [eondicion [d [ del
Keypad Lock
Clear Channel List Remote
<_ Off
Change your 4-d git PIN
Chsnge Setting
":?Ci_ "; I of F_(;/ A///algeaie:Tt
8/iS and ii_eciuni:ie_i/canee bl/ON Corporatiorl
Block UnRated Show C_
Downloadabk Rating Clear Downloadab_e Data
Restrict movie and TV programs by US Ratings
Move @ Change Setting @ _ Return
US WCh/p Set the US V Chip ratings which contains two sub menus:
rv Rating and Movie Rating.
}%: Rating Seleet the rating level you want to block: Iv' Y, iV Y7 IV G,
Pd PC, Pd 14, Pd MA, D, [, S, V, I\/, If you have bleoked a lower
level rating, the higher rati gs will be blocked too,
i TV-PG i Parents Guidance Suggested i V i Violence i i _ J i i
Movie Rating
Sebct the rating levelyou want to bloc[<:G, PC, P(}- 1S,B, NC 17, X,
i G i (enera} Audience (no restdctkns)
i PG13 i Parenaaronglycautioned
R Reseicted, Children under 17
i i should beaccompankd byan adult
NO!!7 _ No@!hke!i!u/!deragel
X Adults only
Canada V Ch/p Set the Canada V Chip ratings which contains two sub menus:
Eng/sh Rating aid Fre,neh Rating,
English Rating
Select the rat[r g level you want to block: e, c8 _, G PC, 14 _, 18 F
C Programmingintendedforhildren underage 8
Progr;/mmingg_,n_,r;/lly_on i J<,md;/_ep able for
, h_ldrendyearsandow.r owad'lon he,town
G Ger_or</Iprogramming,uitable for <AIaudienas,
PG ParentalGuidan e
Programmng ontains h_*mesor _o;sen_
4 which m;_ynotbe uit;_bk,for vi_,wersunder<_g_,o[ .
8 _ Adult progr<m/ming
French Raffng
Select the rating level you want to bloek: G, tans+, 13ans, 16ans+, 1tans _-,
G Genoral
tans, Progr;/inmh_ggenerallyconsid/*led;/crept;/bk.for
children8 yearsandoverto watch on theirown Programmingm4ynot besutablefor
16alls 4 Prog[arY/millg is lot suitable _0[
, _ !_(f!p!:__n_!<'!! b<';_:<#'of :[£,
18afls_ Pro/j[arnmiflg restricted to adults.
mismo modelo o superior,- ¢c111e Obtoner Se_icic
Para as}slenc a en Estados Unidos (EUA) si compm un apamlo RCA en E,U,A, keor dellamar air 18889/'76/'22 o vieite: www,rea,com
El mpresenlante de Servicio revisara sus opciones para el servicio,
Pwa su comodidad le offecenlos tres fontlas de oblener servic}o de garant}a,
Usted puede enviar su producto a la d mccion pmporcionada pot el repmsenta ite de servicio, usted puede Ilevar su producto a un
cenro de servicio autorizado, o phede soNcitar en e} servicio a domicil o (admiuistrador determinara si el prodhcto se eucuentre en
funcionamierlto en casa o debe set Ilevado de w_elta _ servic}o Ioeal teen}co pare su mpamcion),
El n!pmsentante del Servicio le propomionas_ las instrucciones pamel servicio pmfeddo,
Se requiem del comproban e de eoRipra origh/al, Solo se les dam servicio a Domicilio a felevisoms de 37 " pulgadas de
tanlano y mas gmndes,
Elementos no cubie_tos pot la garantia Iimitada Su garantia Iimitada no cubre los siguientes temas:
tin instalacion, montaie y ejuste de controles del eliente e insteJedenes
de funcionamiento,
as pilas y los fusibles de repuesto al cliente,
Danos pot uso indebido, abuso, negligeneia o deseuido inehJyendo
pero no lin itado a, los danos derivados de la exposieion a la hu T_edad, la hu'aedad o la sal,
}ncapae}dad para tee}bit la senal deb}do a los p_blemas que no
son oausadas pot el ptodueto,
Danos e_ el producto debido a las in/agenes de grabadas en la
Productos comprados o prestar sew}dos fuera del pals de compta
rj: Corapmdo en E::ados L/n}dos no puede prestar serv}eios en
MexieoiComprado en Mexico no puede prestar serv}eios en
E')tados Unidos,
Produetos mod fieados o ineorp(xados a otros productos, Danos debidos a tenomenos de la naturaleza, incluyendo pero no IiTfitado a, danos pot rayos o inundaciones,
as Ilarnadas de servicio que no il'/'/pliqtJen eualquier deteeto en
matedales e marc de obra,
Use ©emereial _aet_sien
Esta garantia limitada solo se apNca a los pn)ductos idilizados para uso personal o, y no cubm todos los produetos utilizados con fines nstitucionales, comereiales o de alquiler,
de esle produclo, rechaza cualquier oku gamntia, expresada o impl cada (INCI UYENDO 101M\S I/'\5} GAW\N [IAS IMPLICI f/\S DE OOMERCIAI
IZACION O IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPOSrlo PAR rlcuI AR), NO i ifornlacion verbal o escdta pot parle CORP DE EE, UU. In<:;,, sus agentes, contmlstas independientes, reprm;entanles de ventaR, empleados, comercianles nir_odstas, mayodstas o cualquier olro temem
DEBERAN crear un_ garantia ni aumentar, An ipliar o modificar el alca ice de esta garanlia limitada.
EN CORP EE,UU. Inc, _o sere rm_pons _blepot d_nos espec ales, ncidentales o corlsecuentes reshltantes DEL USO DEL PRODUe[O O
DEI-/IVADOS DE UNA VlOI.ACION garantia expresa o implicita de este produclo, Eg]7\ GARANTIA I IMIr/\f)/\ Y BESPONSABII Nb/\DES eonlenida ene se riga pot las I eyes del Estado de Indiana,
de gamnlia (S) mencionado anteriormente, Esla garantia le otorga derechoR legales especificos y USTED ] AMF/IEN PUEDE YENER O]ROS DEBEOHOS, (:hUE PUEDEN V/\RIAB DE ES]7\DO,
#7(_/_e una:7:(t dP! Y_ b 7iicra#Ide
ON Corporation
U, te / / ese .haga are _v _#ab/, oni/ifite b e _h: _etc/ h sr. <k:,g
r:+?r:g ::h),7_Ard:
Bleck Unrafed Shew
Block all the unrated pregram,
Clear Down/oad_?b/e Date
Activa/e or dovvnloadabb rating data. if available.
Keju)ad Lock
@ @
Sebct fffis option to bloek or unblock the [M's side panel buttons so that they can't be t/sod,
Clear Channel List
This option aNows you to exect4e Clear ehannel list function,
This function will re.set the w[ole [M system to fadoty ddault (not
only reset OSD rnenu).
sebet your remote: OFF,remote1 or remote2, this is for special
® a
@ @ @ @ @
Roku @ Streaming Stick _ (Roku Ready @ Version)
® a @ @ @
@ @ a ® a
What to do
Start Streaming
You can enjoy the Roku strealrfing stick by pressing the Roku button on remote control,
Connect fo network
Now you can grab your remote aid jump right into gukJed
set@, Have your network name and password ready and do
the following:
Select your network from the list of available networks.
Enter your network password, if you use ore, Remember,
Retwork passwords are case sensitive,
What to do (cont.)
Complete guided setup
Conth4.1e following the on screen [nstalctions and you'll:
Get the leteet sefiware,
Link the Roku Streaming Stick to your Roku account on your
@ @
Your Roku account: During setup, you'll be promptad to create your Roku account chine
at roku,com/Ink, Your Roku Streaming Stick wit generate a unique
code thet Irks you _player to yolr new account, Roku accounts are
free, And whle a valid credit card number is requh'ed to create your
account, rest ass _red you will only be charged if you authorize
@ @
purchases of apps and games from the Roku ehalwel Store,
Get more information about Roku, Inc,
You can get more i#onnat[on about Roku, Inc, froln helnepage
( www, roku,com),
a @ @ @
@ a @ a @
What's tha most convenient way tc viow High Definitie_ (HD)
()onneet al anenna to the IV Inph jaek to view free IDeal (rig tal ehanneb,
You nIN need to purch se _l_ _l_enns, (So,e,page 5 for nlom in/arm tier
@ @
a @ @ @
Limited Warranty: Roku warrants the Roku Steaming Stick hardware
againsl deicers in materials ahd workmanship under nonllal use for a
period of one (1) year from the dale of purchase("Wams/ty Period"),
If Roku determ nes thai t_e Rok_ S roaming Stick's hardware s deleclve, Roku w/I ether repair tie unit or replace the unit wilh eilher a new or rebuilt
Roku Streanling Stick, at its opt}on, If the Warranly Period _as expired or is
otherwise not applicable (see scope and lmitat on on Warranly below), we
will return the Roku Streaming Stick to you, More infnRnalion aboM this
warranly call be found at www,mku,coiR/suppod:, THE f ORIGOING SF[S fORTH ROKU'S SOlE OBI IGA lION AND YOUR
@ @
Return and Warranty Service Process: Please access and mW}W the
online help resources at review t_e onlee help resources at www,
roku,coIR/._xJppod belore seeking warra/ty servicei[o rerun/ or obtain
@ @
warranly service fnr a Roku Sl:reaming Stick, yau rust firsl obain a Return
Merchandise Authorization (RMA) nun/bet from a Cuslomer Support
Represen alive (DSR) al Roku, Custonler Suppo/f contact hton Ration cnn be
found by visiling wwwzoku,coIR/s_@poM, RMA numbers expire thidy days
from issuance, Roku may attempt to troubleshoot a warranty relaled
pmblel R prior to issuing RMA nwnber.
Please be prepared to provide addi ional infon nation upoi request, Once a
RMA number is obtained, you must ship yaur Roku Streaming Stick, freight
prepaid, togelher wth proof of purchase and all accessories, in either t_e
original packaging or packagihg affording an equal degree of protection, to
the Roku authorzed distribution /acilily identified by the CSR, Failhre to
reum any of the accessories could result ill a delw and/or result n an
nvoioe to you or credit to Roku he the inissing accessories,
Important: WheH el Railing for a RMA number, please provide the h/llowh/g
information with your request: (at model number, (b) serial number, (_>)
problen/descriplioi/, (d) software version (located h/the System Configure
lion menu), (el date of purahase, (I)place of purchase (reseller or onlihe
place or purchase), and (g) reran shipping address (P,O.boxes are not
accepted), Scope of and Limitation on Warranty: The warrant% on the Roku
Streaming Stick is IbRiled la the repair or replacement of defective units as described in the Limited Warranly seclo i above, Tills warranly does not cover oustoiRer traning o/education, h/stallation, sel up adjushnen s, or
sig/al reception prnblems, Tiis warranty also does not cover any iss_e
relaled to the service provded by your service provider, including but not
Ihnited to service disruption, changes in service ten]is, changes in offerings,
changes in fanlm._t, or technical problems, This warmnly does ilot cover
da nage d_e to ao_s of God, acciden, misuse, abuse, negligence,
eo i_memal use or ino(l ficalion of, or to any part of, your Rok_ Streaming
Stick, This warranty does not oaver damage due to improper operation or
rain enance, connection to hnproper voltage supply o/altempled repair
fly atone other than a facilily authorized by Roku to service yo_r Roku
Streaming Stick, This warranty does nol cover cons_allables (such as fuses
and bal!eries),
Legal Notices: federal Commu/ic:4:ion Coral dssion Inbrlerence Stale nent
This equipmen has been tesled and fould to comply with the lmis for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Par! 15 of the fOC Rules,
These lmits am des}g ied to provide reaso iable prolect}on against ham fful
btertemnee ill a reside/tial installatiorl, This _:luipmen generates, uses and
ca/radiale radio fr:_/uency energy and, if nct inelali_J and used in aceorda/v_
with the inetrustions, may cause harmf_l interfere lue to radio co nmunkxdions,
I-towever, there is no guararlL_ that inteM_enoe will lel (x)our in a panbular
bslalb4ion, Ifthb _]uipl nent 6_>}scause ha:rnfuI inlederence to radio or lelevi%on
r_>tion, which can be delermined by turni ig tie equipment off And orl, the
ueer is;eneou/ag_l I<,>try to eoma;t the i _terferenee by one o! the folk>vying
Rw_'rien or relocale the r_)eiv[ng antenna,
Increaee the sepamtio i belw_}n the _/uipl Renl and reeeiver,
Connect the _Muipment into an outlet orl a oireuit different finn/thai to which
tie receiver is aannec!ed,
O:_,nsuRthe dealer or aJ/experienc_t radkkPv' t_:hnbian for help ]iris devk_
z)mples with Paff 15 of 1o_ie folk>wing twa _onditione: (1)%is devk_ nray not
cause hamfful bterk!rence, and (2) thie device tou!! accept any inier%rence
received, including inlederence thit Irag, sause undeeired operation,
FCC Caution: Any changes or nlodificalions no! expmesly approved by the
party mspo isible for oomptance could void the ueer's authorily to opemle
thie equipment, I EEE 80,1 lb or 80,1 lg operatic i of T_ie product in the
U,S,A, iefir i_ware lindted to cha mele 1 through 11,
A;[RESET BUTTON] Used to reset Roku Streaming Stick.
B: [STATUS LIGHT] Signifies it is on when Iit_
or activity when flashing.
about anlenna setup), Visit www,anlennaweb,orf 7for aesistance h/deciding wha type of anlenna to use to receive the local digital channels auatable
to you, After entering your location, this mapping program tells you which local analog and dig tal stations am available using a certain an enna,
Are there ether ways te vio_ High Definiticn(H_} video?
Resides us[Ill ! ae antenea as mentioned above, you can also use a set top box to receive dig[lal vdeo, Contact your cable service provider
or satelite provider to purehase digital pmgramrning and have them eonnecl the box to ensure you am v}ewieg channels in the best way,
Hew dc I tell an a_aleg char/hal frcr¢_ a digital cha_nel? Press the OK button to display the Cha i lel Bar, When io OSD
(On Sereen Display) is used,L rick ak tie toprighl comer of the scu>en,
An <W'is dispkNed for a-_ analog ch _nneLA '<D" is displayed for a digit 1
e _anneL H:,fe: (,uce 2e a:*ak, g/'/#,r,men:a i*_s >ee_ cur o// :re
r:,s(e,{,a/.U{;{?V _unok),'7a,'7ii,t(.rSO 7e:n(r/pmced :ee Wby are there bars en my screen, and can I 9el rid of them?
Most digil d video is sent ill a 16/g format which f}/s your screen, but is sometirnes sent }n 4/3 which does not fll your screen, It depends
on how the station or device connected to your TV is formatting the video, If them arc bars; orl tie screen, Check Screen size in the pictuu;
mode to try a differont h)Rnat that Ina# elim nate tie bars;, Some bars can't be remow_/because of the wa_/the foRnat is sent by the
broadcaster, The foRnal changes as you choose screen size type in the pielure mode and the fo Rlat lype is displayed al: the boHom of the
screen, for more infoRnalion or] screen size, go to page 9, Why rices channel search find a let cf channels, but whe_ I
try te tare tc them_ there's nothing there? Some channels don't carry prngrammin% such as video On Demand,
Whei channels are u-meailable, yo_r Pd screeH s blank or appears like snow, Ynu probably want to mnlove these chanHels from your channel
list, Remove these in the Charmel list Menu, Go to page 8 for rnore nfonT_afion,
Why does it take a le_g time when I search the ckanr_els at first time?
If yo_ have both analo 9 and digilal channels, the [\/is Iook}Hg for at available charnels in the channel 1st, If you do h_.wedigital channels, t_e
fV is also searching for scrambled chahneb, non scrambled cha ine}s,
_nd each sub cl_annel of thai digital cha inel, I carft contact to my wirelass kcme _atwork during guided
Jura orl the [M and Select Roku h/put, the setlnfts le the wifi select seotio i, Make sum Select your nelwork from the liar of available
nelvvurks. IZn eryour Nelwork password, if you use one, Remember, network passwonts are case sensitive, If you have
turned off SSID broadcasting on your wireless router, you can add
your nelwork by selecting '<My _etwork s _ot show:' from the
"wireless" screen. My WIFI Strength is very weak, What shonld I do ?
If you are not getting 3 or more signal strength bare abave your wireless lelwork, adjust the Iocatio i of your Roku Ready [M
and/or w reless router, Make sure there are no obstruct}or_s, Nke cement walls, between your Roku Ready Pg and yo_r wgeless
rrx_ter, What adapter would you recommend for use with Rokn Ready TV ?
Roku Ready YM are compatible wKh most home wireless networks,
Any wgeless router or access point that supports the 802,11 b/g/n
wireless protocols should work, inck_ding newer 802,11 n dual band mutere and access points,
If I can't see Roku Screen when I turn on the TV, What should I do? Please Check the Roku Stick rear on Pg,
1 ,If Roku stick power tght orl, phase push/esel bultorl, 2,If Roku Stick power/git off, Please tel Rove Roku Cover on back
side o [M and u-_puIg Rok_ Streaming Stick all(t plug n again and close Rok_ Cover,
Wireless Radio Use: This device is restricted to i/door use when operation in the 5,15 to
5,25 GHz frequency band,
IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: Tills equipment complies with
FCC radialio i exposure llniLs sel forlh for all uwz) itrolled environmenL Tills
eqGpnlenl should be inskdled and operated with minimuHi distance 20cm
belvreen the radialor alld ynur body, This transmilter must nat be collocated or
opera ng h/co _juliclion wit_ ally ather antenna or transmilter,
Note to US model owner: Ya comply with US FCC mgulalion, the oourll:ry selectior_ function has been eomplelely removed from all US models, [iie availabilily of sonle specific
eha/nels ahd/or opemlonal frequency bands are country dependen and are fir nware programmed at the fnctory to maloh the intended destination, ]he fin Rware setting is not accessible by the end ueer,
Industry Canada statement This device co nplies with RSS210 o the Ind_stry Canada Rules,
Operatioh is subject to the k}llovving two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful in ederence, and (2) this device mhst accept ahy i _terference
received, including n er[srence thai nay cause undesired operation,
/rosch tc3fTs_3//om
Oe d,epoe/t:f eel cv)nfom_e D /;_ norme (%//7270 d'/n:lus/r,_ (k_nada
:_*,e/r/k_ab/u,a[_Xap/rarei/s ra@o exeotp/s rJe/_c-er/ce,Son _)ncfk)nnernont e£f surer aux deux candbons su/vanm'_: (7)/e d, sposl/if ne da4 pas p:eduao de
breu&bge pn_/ud,s,ab/e, et (2) ce dsspc_sid do, t accop/er tout bmu///age mgu, y compn_ un brau#h_ge suscP.Rh}b/ede pmwa7uex un forlc//onnenlent
Safety Precautions
The Poku Stma nief ! Blok hae beerl desigm>d will the highest co isem far eale/y, Hovve,w_r, any eleetrbal devioe, if ueed impmpe, dy, has the pole, ntial
for o_using fire, elnetrical shock or personal inju% Yo help erasure aooiderl hee operation, k>taw these guk/eli/ee
Observe all wan]iefts, precautione and instruolons, Stop use, u iplug he dev[oe hat tile) [_oku Btreamirlg Btick b [[leel_ed into
from the electrical o_£1et and dieconnect any other cablee immedk4ely, if the i7oku Sta)an/ing Stick or the device fur_clions ill an abner nal manner, produces ueusual sounds or emells Or becomes co ho[ to OUOh,
For more information De prod_;ct safety alsJ tn)ubleehooting, pleaee go to
www,mku,col R£upporl
Use and handling
The Rok',_Ready stbks play games, bu tire gaming remole is sold separably, When playing video games, use n a well /t area and stand or sit as far
away from the screen as possible,
Take a 1015 minute break every hour f playing vide games and avoid
pmlo iged use o tire remote,
Slop pkNinf t video gaines f you begin to k_el tired of if you experience discoiRlort ol pan n your hands or arns whle operation the remo_e if the co idtion persisls, consult a doctor.
If you experience aiy of the followin 9 health problems, discontinue use of the Roku Streaming Stick hnmedialely:
Diz:iness, na_sea, fatigue or symptoms shniar to motion sickness, Dkvxx Rfortor p:k/in a pa" nf the bcxiy, such as eyes, _vs, heJ/ds, or arms,
If symptoms persist, consul your phyeic}an,
Keep the Rok_ Btrear ring Brick aid ally accee.series, including tile relnohh out ol the reaeh af small children,
Do not touch the Roku Streaming Stick during an electrical storm,
Do not allow lquid, small particlee or other foreign objeete to get into the
Roku Streamin!l Stick or acceeeodes,
Do not expose the Roku S reaming Stick to srnoke or steam,
Do not expose the Roku Sheaming Stick or accessories to high, tempera b_res, high humidity or direct sunlight,
ROKU(m, the ROKU [ ogo, ROKU READY#A the ROKU READY [ ()go, and
STREAMING STI()K _Mam trademarks rod/or r_a!i toted tr;_demarks of Rokl Inc in the United Staes and othel countries
ON Coop US, Inc,
10920 Via Fontera, Ste 540
San Diego, CA 92127, tI S,A, (2014 ON Corporaton
ROA is a trademark cf ROA _ademarR I'Vlanagemcnt SAS used under Ii®nsc tc ON Corporation,
RCA es una marcade RCA [_ademark Management SAS usada bajo/cenda de ON Co/po/ation