RCA LRK40G45RQD Owner’s Manual

Roku @ Streaming Stick TM
(Roku Ready@ vers on) Included
Pal Ne.: f_NOS40f_24015
O2 O2
04 05
Check Accessories 05
Setup TV Table Stand 05 Select TV Location 05
Connection and Using 05
Choosing TV Channel 07 Selecting Input Source 07
Channel Bar 08
Adjusting Volume 08
EPG (Electronic Program Guide) 08
Adjust the OSD Screen 08
Quick Menu 08 Channel Menu 08
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Congratulations on your purchase! As you enjoy your new product. please keep these safety tips in mind :
The Issue
The home theater entertainment experience is a growing trend and larger flat panel displays and
popular purchases. FloweveD flat panel displays are not always supported
on the proper stands or installed according to the manufacturer's recornrnendations.
Flat panel displays that are inappropriately situated on dressers, bookcases, shelves, desks, speakers,
chests or cab may fall over and cause injury.
This _anufatturer Cares!
The consumer electronics industry is comrnitted to ruskin(7 horne entertainment enjoyable and safe
Tune Into Safety
- One size does NOT fil all, follow lhe manufacturer's recommendalion for Ihe safe installalion and use of
your fiat panel display.
- Carefully read and understand all enclosed inslructions for proper use d this product.
- Don't allow children Io climb on or play wilh fumilure and Ielevision sets.
- Don'I place flal panel displays on furnilure Ihal can easily be used as steps, such as a chest of drawers.
- Remember thai children can becorne exciled while watching a pPogr_im,especially on a "larger than life" flat
panel display Care should be Iaken Io pla(_o or inslall the display where il eannol be pushed, pulbd over, or knockod down.
- Care should be taken to route all cords and cables eennected to the panel display so that they cannot be pulled or grabbed by curious children,
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iMuchas gracias por su uso del presente producto! Cuando usted disfru_ de su nuevo producto, por favor" ten_
en cuenta los conseios de s%uridad:
Posbles Problemeas
- La experiencia de enlretenirniento de cine en casa es una lendencia crecienle y los grandes monitores
de panlalla plans son muy populares. embargo los monitores de panLaNa plans no se
ban instalado siempre en los soportes adecuados o instalado de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de
- Los monilores de panLaNa plana que se ban insialado inadecuadament en tocadores estanterfas,
estantes, escrilorios, oradores, baOle s o earFos se pueden cant y causar el dano corporal.
iAI Fabritante le Importa
- La indus[ria electrCnica del consurnidor est_ eompromeIida a hacer el en[re[enirnienlo de casa
agradable y seguro
Ajustar Hasta Seguridad
Un tamado fljo NO es adecuado pars redes, siga las
recemendacbnes de fabricsnte psra la inslalaclon segurs y
el uso de su monitor de pantalla plans
Lea con cuidado y entienda tedas las instruccbnes
sdjuntss pars el use prepk) de esle preducle.
No permits a los niflos s subir sl equipo o jugar con
muebles y televiskTnes.
No cloque los menitores de pan alia plans en el mueble
quese puede/laSt ff]cihnente come escslcn, sst come uns comeda.
Recuerde que bs nidos pueden llegsr a ser exdtados al vet uns pregramscbn, especialmente en el meniter de psntaNa plans "l i_:_sgla_ de que vida". El cu}dado se I:ie_e que
empezar pot poner o inslalar el monblr dende ne se pu(xJe empujar, dalener al caslade del camine ni echar abaje.
El cuidade se tbne que empezar pot encaminar todos
los cordones y cables conectados al monitor de pantalla plans pars que ne se puedan bar e agarrar conectados
sl menitor de pantaNa plans pars que no se pueden tirar e agarrar per los nihos cunesos.
El CCmo y OoCnde tJsted usar Su
Mo iitor de Pa' ',tails Plalla
Mama La Diferr÷ncia
We've built a smarter TV= includes Roku"Strearning Stick'°moku R_dvwers_o.)
No wires, MHL port powers streaming stick
Control with Roku Ready _TV remote
Please register your product at www,r¢a.¢o_
P!ensei_ep your sale_ _ceipl arid keep the I_COldd 1hese_ialnumber
and the d_e ofpUl_lsasehi o_el ¸ to receivewar_n V pal_S and _el_ice The !_elial number is;located at a!e back of a!e -S
Serial Number
Date of Pumhase
and mobile app
i_availabb some restrrct o,ls may apply 20_4 Horr,e _x Offie Ir,c Allrghts rest,fred Su_ptlc_l _ oth_ _rr ents m_ be requl_ to_s oontent _ _ln ch_,n_
Fc__am_e, Net_ _equlres a paid ub_o_lptlon, wN® gbes you a_ to tTcMe and W sh_ tltl_ Inthe Ne_ _t_ea_llng _t alc_
an_or regl t_ tr_emark_ of _k_,lnc lathe _ed State_ andother oount_e_ Avallabllltyof1 _p HDvld_ limit_ bY chann_ pr_lder and_d of broadband _r_n_Uon
VId_ pla_c_ of per_nal m_la via the _ku a_ I_ IItTIt_ to lOS and _t Andtold'_ d_
Cable Connections 05
Side Panel Connections 05
L/onr](_CLing iAV L/.)[f}[DOSIL@ VKJ@O LJevIcu L#O
Connecting YPbPr Component device 06 Connecting HDMI device 06
How to obtain various kinds of Input Sources 06
06 07
Keypad Buttons 07 Front Panel 07
Turning On and Off 07
/ l _-i'/a( e _:erT iiks )/
_ al e _1,41o_ 1,4a[7 I't4_D/\ I'<1R C IdaIu/,,i Of HDf,4/L/c ru In , L2 (
Picture Menu 08
Audio Menu 08
_me Menu
Setup Menu 09 Lock Menu 09
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- Use a rYiOt,lr][ that has been reeomrnended by the display manufacturer and/or listed by an independent laboralory (such as UL,CSA,ETL).
- Follow all h_slructions supplied by the display and wall mounl manufacturers.
- If you have any doubts aboul your abilily to safely inslall your flal panel display, eonlacl your retailer aboul professional inslallaIion.
unsure conlact a professional inslaller.
- A minirnurn of two people are required for inslaNation. Flat panel displays can be heavy.
Caution and Warnin 8
Cauon:ro reducehe rskof ele tric shock,do notremove coverorback Nouser_serviceablepartsinside
Refersevcing toqualffedservicepersonnel
e ibe_ltriangle s tended toalet theset tothe p_eser,ceofunnsulateddangerousv Itagewithinthe
p_oduct enclosurethat may h_, of suffli_,n
I_ Thelghtn n 9 flash with arrowhead ymbo[ wthi_s arl
mag,li ude o con'dtut_,adskofele_tri ho_k
int_,ndedto alert h user to the pmsenteof fl_port;mt operatng arid manteraal(e(serv(:ifg)
I 5_ f he exclamation point wi h n arl eqwlater_l tdar_gle is
instructionsinthe Itera_urea_omp,snyingtheTV
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- Use una montura que se ha recomendadop or el fabrieanle de rnonilor y/o Iislado pot un laboratorio independienle(como UL, CSA, ETL).
-Siga todas las instrucciones ofrecidas por el fabricanle de monitor y montaje de pared.
- Si usled Iiene cualquier duds sobre su habilidad pars inslalar seguramente su monilor de panlalla plans,
eonlacle a su dislribuidor pars la inslalacbn profesional.
- Compruebe que la pared adonde se est,. monlando el rnonilor es adecuada. Algunos rnontajes de la pared no son diseriados pars ser montados a paredes con lachenes de acero o la vieja conslrucci6n de bloque de
eeniza. Si usted est& inseguro, conlacle aun inslalador r)rofesional.
- Pot Io menos dos personas se requieren pars lainslalaciOn. Los monilores de panlalla plans puede ser pesados.
Fcc /nformaffon
Thb equipment has beers tested and found to cemply with the
Nmils fer a Class B digital devbe, pursuant Io Part 15 ef the FCC rules.
These limits are designed 1:oprevide reasenable prolection againsl
harm ul interfereHce in a msidential inslallation.
This equipment genera es, uses and can radiate radio frequency eHergy and, if not installed and used in accerdance
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference 1:o radio Commulficafions.
However, Ihere is no Guaranlee that inlerforence will net eccur in a particular inslallation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be detern_ined by tun-ring the
equipment off and on+ the user is enceuraged 1:otry Io cerrect Ihe interference by one or more of the following measures:
ReorieHt or rP,Iocate the r(£seiving antenna. Increase the separation belween the equiprneHI and the receiver.
Connect the equiprneHI into an outlet en a circuil diflorent free
that o which the m,ceiver is connected.
Censull Ihe dealer or an experienced radio/rV techniciar_ for
Device complies with FDA radiation performance standards, 21 CFR subchapter.
Caution: (hwisible) laser Radiation when epen. De net stare inlo beam.
I. Read these instructions.
2. Keep Hsese instructions.
3. H_d all warnings.
4. Follow all inslrucllons.
5. Do not use his apparatus near waler. For example, do not use neala laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimrHing poel,
and the like.
6. Clean enly wilh dry cloth.
7. Do net block any ventilalion openings. Ins all in accordance with the rnanuflr_cturer's inslruc ions. Slots and epenings in the cabinet
back or bottorrr are provided for ventila ion, to eHsure reliable eperation ef the TV and to pretect il frorn overhea ir% These epenings must not be blocked er covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the fV en a bed, sofa, rug, or elher
similar surface.
8. Do Hot iHstaN Heal any heat seurces such as radialors, hea registers, stoves, er other apparatus (including ampNfiers) that preduce heat.
9. De not defoal the safiely purpese of the polarPed er grocfl_dh-_g type plug. A polaIized plug has two blades with one wider thar_ the
elher: A greunding lype plug has two blades and a third gr_Tunding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is previded for your safely. If he previd_J plug does not fi into yeur eutlM, censull an
electrician for replacement of the ebselete eutkg.
10. Protect he power cord from being walked on or pinched padricularly al plugs, convenience receptacles, and the poinl where
they exil free the apparalus.
11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the n lanu[aoturelR
12. Use enly wilh cart, stand, tripod, brackel, er table specified by
the nsanufachxer, er sold with Ihe apparalus. When a cart is used, use caution when reeving the carl/apparalus
combination Io avoid injury free tip over. A Pd and cart cerr_bh_alion should be moved with care. Quick
si"ops, e/xcessive ferce, and urlever/surfaces may cause Ihe IV and cart combinallon to everlum.
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning slorms or when unused
fer long periods of time.
For added prolection for Ibis IV receiver during a Iighlning st"ore, er when i is leR unused fer long periods ef time, unplug it free the
wan outIM and discennect antenna er cable syslem. This will prevent damage Io the fV due Io lightning and power line
14. Re[er all servicing 1:o qualified service personnel. Servicing is
required when the apparatus has b_n damaged is asy way, such as power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has b_,n spilled or ohjects have fallen inlo the apparatus, the apparalus has been exposed Io rain er moisture, dees net eperate nomsally, er has
beers drepped.
15. This IM should be eperated only frem the lype ef power supply
indicated on the raling label.
If cuslomer is not sure he type of power supply in yeur home,
consult your appliance deale_ or local power cempan% For IV
remole control ballery pewer_ re/er to Ihe operaling inah uctions.
16. The TV set shall nol be exposed to dripping or splashing. No
ebj_;ts filled wilh liquids, such as vases, shaN tx_ pla(>_ on Ihe %/set
17. Never push ebjects of any kind into this IV thr_Tugh openings
as H4_y may touch dangereus voltage or ether ebctrical paris that
could re,suit in fire er ebclric sheck. Never spill Nquid ef any kind into
the IV.
18. Unplug the ?d free the wall oullel bebre cleaning. De not use liquid er aere cleaners. Use a damp clolh for clearfing.
19. ]his TV should newer be placed nP,_r or over a radialor or heat resource. This IV should net be placed in a buill dn inslallalion such
as a bookcase or rack unless preper ventilation is previded or the
marlu[achsrer's irlM'ructions have b_n adhered to.
20. Do no1 place this Pd on an unstable cart, sland, l:ripod, bracket,
or table. The IV may 1all, causing serious inju_' to someone, and serious damage Io the appliance.
21. Do not allempt to service this ]M by yourself b_;ause opening
or removing cevers may expose you to dangereus high voltage or elher hazards. Rder all servicing to qualified service persennel.
22. This devbe compNes wiH-_Pa_ 15 of the FCC Rubs. Operation is subject to the feNowing Iwo cendilions: (1} this device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2} this devbe lnusl accept
any inter[erence received, including interference that may cause
undesired eperation.
23. WARNING: Ib preveHt injury, this apparalus musl be securely
allached to the floer/waN in accerdance wilh the h-_staNatbn
24. fo reduce he risk of ekx;tric sheck, the greunding of cenler pin
of plug must be mainlained.
25. If an oulside anlenna or cable system is cennected Io Ihe IV, be sum the antenna or cable system is geunded o previde seme
protection against vollage surges and built-up static charges.
Section 810 o[ the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFP/_ NO.70,
provides infermation wih respecl 1:o preper g_>unding of the mast
and supporting struclure, grounding of the lead in wire Io an antenna discharge uni, size of grounding cenductors, location ef antenna discharge unil, connection to gr_Tunding electrodes, and
requiremenls fer the greunding eleclredes. (See figure A)
Safety Strap
eaution: Pushing, pulling or clirDbing on the TV rnay cause the ]V falling. Do nol let children clirrrb or hang on he IV. Always place Ihe
Pd on a sturdy, level, slable surface Ihat can hold Ihe weigh of ]M And if possible, secure Ihe IV according to the h_struction below (Note: the fastening co/npor_ents such as screws are not suppli_J with fV).
Step one: Insert the M6 mounting screws into the upper two wall mounting screw heles and fasten Ihem (Figure B).
Step two: Insed anchors Io wall and connect the bolts and anchors wilh ropes or chains (Figure C).
............................... Wall
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Before Turning On 71/
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Check Accessories
Check the,accessories that arepacked wilh your fV,
(refe,r te Quick Start Guide)
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Setup TV Table Stand
Please re[orto Quick Star1Guide to carry out stand inRtalling,
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Select TV Location
Select a flal, slable lable to place your IV see Please fellow the
saf_ty instructions when placing Ihe fM
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Connection and Using
After t lacing your ]V properly, you can connect the TV wilh power
supply and cable cernponents, For further irfformation, see page 5 _:_ _([i
1:o page 6. HDMI-DVI sable Ge to page 6
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the fire1 sep in connecting your Pd is obtaining the signal. Yeur
IV I RK4OG4h[_QD has a back panel, which allows you 1:o receiws analog and/or digi al telrwision channels via ANT/CABI E jack, Beore cennecting },our 1'7. dei"emsir_e using an antenna or a cable
seraice to eblain the signal.
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A_ Anfenna
Conn_;t the antenna 1:o fV via coaxial cable en AN]TeABLE jack
ef the back _anel. You are ready to receive air local digital and
analeg channels.
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B_ Cable TV service
Conn_st the cable IV wan jack 1(7 IV via ceaxial cable ors
AN I/C/CLE ack of Ihe back pan& Yeu are ready Io receive offair
local digital and analog channeb.
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C_ Set-Top Box
¢ e
If yeu use a set- op bex, you may need te call yeur cable company
er satellite service previder, which use a special corfl/_;tion, please
refer 1:oIhe user's guide d sebtop bex.
/WOW/[o not p,/__g 2>eAB :ca: urd ax ha:e' a:: comoffshe( _a// ttTe
:a>aaec//ons 77ru, T'/:Tees act s/poe/t (_/\iA;/as'a/gab/a :::_anad
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Choose };our Connecffons
IV I RK40G45RQD suppor/s various connections o other devices (such as DVD, VCR, Setep box, etc.). Please feNow the tabb Io cheese the cabbs which adapl to your devbe.
HDMI IN 2iDVl, l/ARC HDMI cable
Roku/HDMI3 Roku Stleaming Stick
(4 /rot Mrlo/</_ /,/t( ce/d 14,'/ ,'o_ (oru ,(: oh&r d,w(: ,f o TW
Connecffng AV Composite device (Good Video Ouality)
Composi e connector will be shared wiH_ Compenent Y cenneclor: fb connect a cernposile/W dovice, such as a DVD player, feNow these s?'eps:
I .Connect the COMPOSITE jack on the side of fY to the video eulput jacks ef drwbe via video cabb (yeNow).
2.Connect Ihe I AUDIO R jacks on he side ef IV to the audio eulput jacks ()f dovice via audio cable.
Notice rise left clsannel jack and plugs are white and the dghl charfl/el jack and plugs are red.
Note: AY s/C/,'F# be/o ,_s /o ce_ ;'p>s/te w,:_c F/ s:, /d>:7 oi d:Te:> sfl/jh J h _s/_ g l/rfl gee<: </,':d>l y qil _fi/i:
Composite Video Connection The picture belew is an example of a connection using the
cempesile video jack,
Cables Inferrnddon
Video/Audio cable
Audio Cable
i COMPONENT video cable
E_ ................. <_,TIJ
/ih s/_i_
bl H L eabb
See the below
Go to page 6
Go to page 6
ConnecUng _{PbPr Component device
(Better Wdeo Quality,)
e e
fo connect a compenent device, such as a DVD player, feNow
ttlese ,s_eps:
1.Connect the COMPONENT iN Y/Pb/Pr jack on the side of IV 1:o
the videe eulpul jacks ef dovbe via videe cable (green, blue and
2.Connect the I AUDIO R jacks ors the sue of TV 1:othe audio
output jacks of device via audio cable.
Notice the left channel ack and plugs are while and the right
channe ack and pugs are red.
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',,foe _ F J* F/c .K, :/ (:; >nT_/x}nerl ,fide) T , /f v _ ,fi)e / t_as t7etter ¸ drsyay qua/i/A
Component Video Connection
Fhe picture below is an example of aconnection using the cen _p(Tnent video) jack.
Connecting HDM/ device
(Best Y7deo Quality)
rb connect a HDMI device, such as a DVD player; please Corfl/ec_ the HDMI l/ARC, 2/DVI lack on the side ef rv 1:o the output
jacks of device via HDMI cable.
k> connect a DVI device, via DVI port ef PC er Device and HDMI jack ef IV:
1. Connecl Ihe HDMI 2/DVI jack en the side ef IV 1:othe I)VI pod ef PC via HDMI DVI cable.
2. Connect the L AUDIO R jack en the side ef IV to the audio eutput jack of computer wih audio cable (dual channel RCA jacks
1:o3.5me slereo jack er the I AUDIO R jack). Pa connect an ARC HDMI OUT device, please connect Io the HDMI
inpul port ef the dovice such as amplifier,
Nete: 7 HD'X/ OHK/t Deh /iue AX #£necru /ne_iece h a (:on" )act
a://o'v/a'uo s,7/(;s/<4e /o/ tl'arts,'?/ttRg r C(:x _/x_,<<se(: d'g,;!;d (;L_!;_ Jt
::,t/Trr-s UTe a (( and yia';:e ::;;0/7a/yra he amn_: ::a 7#:as# ha:, U?e ben :D:/#:sy (7! _N}
> HD/,,ii DI, i 7hie/7"ar_r#e ,!>n/,' wd,e sr_ l;i f/or} D/i ,'>>H of
)Yid,ase o h,D/,'fi/akofTI i:e/ N_"ro 7rfin/. /Pue nrl(:i
_udiooutp4toL-AUDiOS,(:/,e_TV5 /,p ne/
HDMI Connection he pbtum below is arl example ef a cenrlecliorl using the HDMI
videe jack,
i\ktte: 7; Ro/<!/ St _>ambg St c.'k/:; afro#o? eonoected _//tt 7/////3 2 ff yOU vxuat [0 l/!e Miit yOUsh{a//{7_ rerr}ove _;fk/Sb'Tarl)fflg
Stick ker_/r?iv/_7
How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources
/Vler connection is done, press INPUT button en remote contrel er IV top panel o choese the inpul source you need, P_}e page 7, Bash Operalbn of Pd.
H_AD PNON_; Connect a S,5mrn headphone lot personal audio, USB: Connect your USB slorage device to enjoy music/pholo files
e orl your Pd (Also used fer service purpose). e
NDbll IN
® HDMi l/ARC, P/DVI, Roku/HDMI3 : (High Definition Multim_Jia Interface} e It prevides an uncompressed digital connec'tien that carries beth video e and audio data by way of an integrated mini plug cable.
e ARC: (Audio Return Channel) Adopted in IV output Old SitS} audio, can be
connected to the device suppotring ARC, transmit the rV sound to the device. MHL: (Mobile High-Definition Link) Te slandard HDMI input, tlanslnit
e the video/audb fl_om poltable electronic device (cellphone, dutal e camera,digital video camera} to TV set. ® Note:/:o/<_, HD/fi,':_/Te/t s >oo/t/,,/_H if }o wa_t :c ,se ,M;H[,
@ }o can se it ai/ r :i/sca/'dir_g Rek_ Ste>ant/ng st/(:k e eO[4_ON_NT W_b/_r: Connect a dovice that has cornponent ® video jacks, such as a DVD player. Io access d_:_v'iceconnected
to the Y/Pb/Pr jack, press the INPUT buIIon oil your remote; Ihen
e press the up/down arrew Io select Cornpenent. Press Ihe OK bullorl
a lasl to confirm.
e _ Y/_b/Pr (Gom[:_o_ent VTdee): Thoy provide good picture quali y
because Ihe video signal is sepam ed hlto three components. Use
three videe grade or component video cables fer the cennecfior_. e When using Y/Pb/Pr, make sure yeu connect left and right audio ® cables to Ihe AUDIO IN R/I jacks.
L-AUDIO=R_ OO_aPOSlT[; Connect an /W device tha has
e cornposite video jacks, such as a VCR or a DVD player. Io access e device cenrlected to these jacks, press the INPUT button erlyour
e remote; then press Ihe up/down strew to select AM. Press the ¢ ENTER button al lasl 1:ocenfirm.
e _ AUDIO IN L: left audio channel cennection. The left audio ÷ connector is usually while. For morlo audio sources, be sure 1:o
e use the lefl AUDIO INPU I, e
AU#IO IN R: Right audio channel conneclion. The righl audio
connector is usually red.
@ e
ANT/CABLe; Connect to receive Ihe signal free your anlenna or
cable via coaxial cable.
_igital A_die o_t; Connect a coaxial cable for digital audio
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Keypad Buttons
e ¢
If you cannot locate your remote, you can use the keypad buttons
on yeur rv 1:ooperate many Pd features,
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Displays the Seurce Select List.
Displays the IV Main Menu.
Scans up through the channel Iisl. In Ihe IV menu system, it acls like the up arrow on the remole contrel and can be used 1:oselec_ menu options.
Scans down threugh the channel Iisl. In the Pd menu syslem, il acts like the down arrow en the remee contrel arid call be used to sebct menu oplions.
Increases he volume. In the TV menu syslem, it acts like the right arrew on the remete cenlrel and can be
used o select mersu options.
Decreases the volume. In the IV menu syslem, it acts like the leR arraw ors he remole centrel and can be used
1:oselect menu options. rums the IV on and off.
Front Panel
About remote centrol working distaHce and
angle, see Ihe quick slarl guide
Power/Star_dby I_dTcator; Light up in red when the fV is in slaHdby mode. Iighl out when Ihe IV is en.
Re_ete Oo_trel Se_ser; Remote conlrel IR senseh which receives hffrared ray sent by remote conlrel.
Codes for Cox Communications: 0178 Codes for Comcast: 10178
Codes for Dish Network: 627 Codes for Fios Verizon: 0205, 0057, 0493, 0775
Turning On and Off
eonnect the AC cord to power the LED ICD IV At this time the
IV will enler slandby mode and power indicator will turn red. Use
Power button ((_)) on the top panel d IV or en the remote control to turn on the Pd After switching effthe fV fer 5 seconds, you can turrl oil Pd again.
Choosing TV Channel
Tuning Te A_alog Oha_els an analog channel has a channel number begirflfing with "A'. input Ihe digital number with numeric butlons directly and press
OK huron Io confirm. For e,xarnpb, to walch analog clsannel "A51 ", press "5", "1 ", "OK" on remete conlrol in sequence.
Note: A/tt (x gh tf><;;_ ss re aeak>g 7!/s;geq/a:,il//,7/;: R Ame/7<a, 14,'(/ese/yf/tTI/i'2aC!iOes ia/" sere (:anat>s/h/l: ds(
Tu_i_g Te Digital Ohannela A digilal channel has a channel number beginning with 'D'L input the main digital number wih numeric but ons direclly, Ihen press "" button en remote control and input the sub number at last.
For example, to walch analog channel "D31 1 ", press "3", "I ", "", "1", "OK" on remee centr_Ti in sequence. ehanging Channels Directly _¢au can use CHA button to increase
channel number and CHv e decrease channel number. When ne OSD (On Screen Display) is used, the up/dewn arrews
can abe work as CHA/CHv buttens.
Selecting Input Source
Press INPUT buton on remele control o display Source Select Iisl.
Use up/down arrews 1:o highlight he source you need and press OK to
Source Select
$.... @......
Press the OK button on the remote control when CaD (on screen display)is net used, the channel bar wt} appear on the Bogem of the screen. It displays the run ent channel's inkxmation, The following list
describes the items on the channel ha,
Dt4ot ATe(-1
Jan0/07:10 Sat
If the channel is analog A is dis :}layed, If il's a digital channel, D is displayed, For exampb, il_ the pictures above, A2 is an analog c _annel, and DS0 1 is a digital
channel( 1 is a sub channel numbeG Display the current [\/signal type. Db:>bys whether the current channel is
behg broadcasted in stereo or inono, If the current channel is digital, this space
wit be SAP (Second Audio Program) language,
Db/ays the signal resolutio/,
@3/OO Displays the screen aspect ratio,
Display the CO status (onor off),
JanoOt 07:t0 Sat Dis:Flays current program date a_d time.
t,)te #/ ntrn ti _:'d _t(:£ //<ens ion )e), AnL(te_e )3i)"/e the deuirie /}) symiro/ are traa_emar_s ef i)(riir[ ¸' L aborater/se
_.].] If the channel is Dotay Digital AC 3, the
doubb D symbol is displayed.
Adjusting Volume
Press the VOI mAiO[ button on the remote control to adiust the volume, If yoH want to switch sound oil, press MUTE, When CaD
{On Scroe / Display} is not used, the arrows bthrig} t can also work as VO[ VVO[ _ buttons,
EPG (Electronic Program Guide)
Press EPG button on the remote control, the ebclronic pregram guide w}/appear }n the center of screen, The electronic [>K>gram
guide gives t_e IX/[xegram playing project, You can use bfi:/dg _t arrows to switch pages,
Adjust the OSD Screen
The CaD (On Screen Display) menu enables you to approach to the PV funct ons,
Te use CaD menu system, press MENU b itton on remete conheL then use bihright avow to h[ghlght an o[xion from QUICK, CHANNEl,
PICTURE, AUDIO, TIME, SETUP or [OCK and press OKidewn
To exit the O$D menu;
P'ess the _Y button, The menu will cba from the screen, Press the MENU button repeatedly until the menus disappear.
Quick Menu
The Quick Menu contains menus and provides you a quick way to ap[>reached the main settings that may be most )ossibly and
flequently approached, Picture Mode, Sound Mode, Closed Caption, Sbep Time, and Channel I isL
- The Sig lal ]ype option nlay be set incorrectly, Go to page 8 fer detailed i_structions,
The channel may be bla]k, Try to seamh tile cha inel again or change al iother chanheL
The scan< is [is% but the picture is poor.
- If you can orly get black and white :Jctures from exten/al dovce that you've connected to your %4 maybe it is dne to the video cables is not
soHnected wel, or they are connectg_ wrengly, Check the connection stabilly first, then check the correctness, [or AV iHput, the yellow video sable connects to the yellow Video Ill jack on the side of your [M For Conlponen input, the three Y, Pb, Prvideo cables (rod, blue, ahd gF!en)
should be connect to the corresponding i_put janks on the side of your [\/.
Check the antenna sol mections, Make snre al of the sables am. f}nr_ly connected to the fV jack on side of your fV [fy adjusting the color features to improve,
There is no sound_ but the picture ie fine.
- The sound might be muted, hy pressing the MUlE button to restore sound,
Fer using b,V or Component, re.member to connect the deviceb left and right aodio ontpnt correctly, ]he let shaHnel cable is white and tile right chanhel cable s red, Please match tile cables and jacks according to their colors, Tile sonnd settings may not be set correctly Go to page 9/or more informat on,
Ifyonr audio sourne _as only erie lank or is a (Inohe) audio source, nlake sure you have plugged the connect}on into tile Audio In Ljaek (whiM.)on
tile ]M
The bat(otis as the side panel don_t work.
- The side pahel may be locked (disabled). Use the remote sontml to turn orl the ]M
Select the Keypad Lock function in the PAREN]AL eontro} Menu and
press OK to uncheck tile Iocki sg statos,
U _plug the ]M frem tile AC povver for 10 minutes and then plug it back,
rum the IV on and try agan,
The _ turss off a_expectedly_
The electna/ic preteclon circui m%/ have beeh activaled because ol
a power surge, Wait 30 seconds aid then tun/the FV on again, If this _appens hequenly, the volt Lge in your house inay be abnormal If the oher electronic eguipment in your horne cant work nonnaNy, consult a qualified service pereonnel,
Can't semect a ce_ai_ chanr_eL
The challhel may be blocked or not approved ill the PARENTAl
control Menu,
The channel may be skipped in challnel list }h CHANNEL Me_u,
Check the blocking and sk}pp}hg stalus of channel,
The stereo sound pe_orma_ce is bad.
- It may be a weak station, Use the AUDIO Menu and set Anlog Sound
as Mono,
A black box appears os the screeso
- Closed captioning inU/t be on, Check Closed Caption il tile SFIUP menu. Go to page 10 for more ins(tactic is,
Problems with the NDB_I Octane(tics.
- Make sum the HDMI device (I}\/D, video garner, etc,} is turn(el on alld tile cables arefimlly conh_;l_d, If problems still occnr, turn off yonr device
_nd reconnect it, Resel tile power by onplogging tile power cord and plugging i again,
if a 'No Signal" message appears on screen , tie HDMI dcvice
sn't responding, Contact the manufacturer ef the HDMI device for further assistance,
If you have black bars en each side of your picture (which means the iV can not d splay a full screen image), the device
you connected "night have a switch er a Tienu option allowing you to change the pctum quality eutplg that will fix this.
Choose either 720p o_ 1080k
The Remote costrol doesH't work°
- Them may be an AC power [alum or tile power cord unplugged in, Somehihg might be blocking be ween the remole conlrol ahd the F_mole sensor on the front cxaiel o[ the Make snm there is a clear path,
The remote may not be aimed directly at tie [\L The bakledes i_ the remote may be weak, dead, or i is(ailed i icormcly,
Put new batteries ih the remote,
Yo_ are experie_cir_g problems with V-Chip/_arestal Coetro[s.
If tile rating limits dent work, you must lock the se tings, Go to the
Main Menu (press MENU on your remote}, select P/tREN]YtL control to shock the so.(tings.
A2 Air Slereo
CC 48G
Jan01 07;10 Sal
Channel Menu
The Channel Menu enabbs you to ,<'ear('h vkwv and _xlit channel, <',
t [s avalable il_ [\/mode only
Auto Scan
Execute al_ auto channel search,
Show / Hide
Enter sub menu and press OK to show or hide the I%/channel,
Channd List
Displays a channel list, it shews the current c anl els, Press OK to go to IV chanl el directly n sub inenu,
Signal Type Select your IV signal type: Air or Cable,
DTV Signal( In DTV Mode) Dbpby how strong your [M sigl al s,
Picture Menu
The Picture Menu contains menus and controlu to configt re thn, way the picture appears, The Picture Menu options apply to the vide(> for the main Pd and VIDEO NPUT selections. All )icture options can be applied to each input
Picture Moa_ Choose the preset visual mode of your IV: Standard, Mevb, Llse< r'yl_aluic, Power Savhg,(Oniy il_User mode
you can adjust Bdght°_ess, Contrast, Color, Tint and Sharpness, Changes to Power Saving mode can decrease the >ower
Color Mode
This optbn allows you to select one of three automatic color adjustments: Cool for a bk/er palette of picture colors; Normal or Warm for a redder palette of color.
Screen Size
Screen Size: Select a screen aspect ratio, (Availabb ratio: WkJe,
Cinema, Zoom, and Normal,) Please choose the ratio that apples to yeur video signal fonnat best,
Noise Reduction
Sol noise reductbn as Off/low/Medium/High, Pica NoDe redi cr/o£ if, as to rad/ / e tfe pk t /ra _t _tic or 4;! ;>tsee infer, vance l-is fr_ 4x re /s ergoer iafy sefi l £}r p t)v/r#ng +
(:/' (r picb#e it ra <k _,/ ;Io{} si_# / conUitfi:/s Bynamic Contrast
Set dynamic contrast Off/low/Medium/High,
Video Style
if you connect the HDMWDVI pod of PC to HDMI jack of the IV" and the video sig _al is 1080p, please choose the compatible
video styte; Video, (}raphic,
Audio Menu
The Audio Menu lets you adjust audio output Sound Mode
Choose the preset sound mode of your TV: Standard, Sob, User, bynamic, Only n Use( mode you can adjust Bass ffeble, Balance,
Audio Language
Select digital Pd audio language type: English, French or Spanish (only avatabb for D[V chanl el).
Analog Audo Output
Select analog IV audio sound type: Stereo, Mono or SAP (only available in PV mode),
D@ital Audio Ouf,r)uf
Set the audio output type as Off, PCM or Raw, Please set this option according to your power amplifier.
Creates a SD sound surround from standard stereo material, with deep and rio en[ancemenL
What else ca_ I do?
Ifyou've been through the Tmubbshoolng section and nothing has fixed yonr problem, try rebooting your [M Note that after a taboo(, yon may leed to rub your Pdt} sough tile setop process again, [o taboo(, unplug the pevver cord from tile wall on(let or power strip, K_s@your TV unplngged tot abort( 5 m nutes, Then plog in the ]V and turn it on, See if tile problem s fixed, If the problem remains, then please vist tile Costomer Support
Menu at www.rca,com or updated [7\Qs or contact RCA Customer Support rt the support number previded in your W mr _nly s_rd,
200 ......
V_SA 200 x 100 j M6 screws, length 12mm
r,i(,r , /, /x: n:£/r,our s, !?OrCO?,2ffX>dff?F7 aooos ons,s soi{/y/u?r k [OVff-K>
V_.'e_. ao#du r,_>eusta,@g soec//tahc_a b# ot /e ws,'/ i;'a,/£ if rtU need ?e moa _, p/u_se eonsa/f raft rse /'>cu/:Avn?_r £.r _ L_/</i
B YYo sfrong!y swgest to set the wt// !lomf ,//fh eqas?merzs o, sp;,ec/f/_aiK>n ,_, ordered if not, /rappropr-aie /rsta/,',/,/g may euase
:_%mage £; (_oar.e or oeef_ C 144rsi,f¢f/es 2,st ;..r;ak¢@ ..oar IV a_'lu_s,'238 ff}ches/gxn/d 4.a! te
['t//_ff 0 /rim,n ca/;_"_qid>ncr" _se
1. Do not set up the wall mo_lnt by yourself. Please contact
quatfied professionals for installation,
2. The iV should net be mounted on walls or surfaces which have an an91e more than 10 degrees with vertical direction. Otherwise
the Pd set may fall. 3, The walls for inountin9 must have enou9h stren9th to hold t_e
whole weight o[ IV seL For examlab, concrete wall and brickwork are eligible. Do not place the mount on soft walls such as ead.h walls and plaaterboard, 4, if store parts of differe _t specifications (such as screws) are used durhg inounting, consult with qualified >rofessionals to make sure t[ese [)arts are safe and effective. ¢
.£, Bdore attaching the base to wall, ensure the hobs for anchors are n keeping wit/t_e installing rules. Otherwise there inay exist
some potential pK)biems, e
6. Do not place any heating source under your television, Or else,
it can cause fire. 7, Do not place the Pd near anything dripping, Iransducers and e
high voltage wires should be kept far away from the apparatus e too, Or else, [t may cause creepage, electric shock or bad e resor!_nce, e
8, Do not [)lace FV in a ocation where ooN[sion or vibration is
liable to hap :)on,
Audio On/}.
Press OK button to activate audb only mode, The Pd wit output only
sound and the lED [CD panel wil be ttaned eft, To restore normal
¢ @
playing, hold POWER butR>n for three seconds,
Auto Volume
Set aLtO voume contrel oweff,
e e
Equalizer Settings
The seven band graphic equa/zer allows you to adjust the audio
frequer_cy settings, You can select one of the equalizer presets
(Off, Pop, Rock, Jaz/) or create your own >ersonal >reset (UseG
@ @
Time Menu
e e
The Time Menu lets you change the FV time snttings,
Sleep Timer
Set the sleep timer(Off, 5, 10, 15, S0, 60, 90, 120, 180,240 Min),
The IV will automatically enter standby mode after filnes up,
¢ e
Show'in(} the oounby's thne zone, you can Set Time one Off
Eastern, Central, Mo_lnta}n, Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii, Samoa,
Newfoundland, Atlantic.
e e
Auto Clock
s ¢
Select auto clock on/eft, Auto clock helps you synchrot he your
IRi time to standard tilne drom DTV sigl air,
Set your Pd time inanuaty (needs to turn oft aulo cbck), press up/
@ e
down and left/d9ht arrow to config the current thne,
e ¢
Wake Up
ant the Wake Up time for your iV, after enters menu, you can
use the up/down and left/right arrow on the remote control to
adjust it,
OSD D/eplay Duration
Set the time how bn9 to display CaD inenu(t_ Sec, 15 Sec, 30 S_m,
45 Sac, 60 See),
¢ @
Setup Menu
The Setup Menu bts you config the iV with your >references,
@ ®
Menu Language
Set the menu language,
A_aHable languages; English, French and Spanish,
¢ e
Menu Transparency
Set the menu trans:>arency inode: 0%, 2[_%, 75%, 100%,
Closed Capffon
Set the closed caption, The deta/is as follows,
e e
Capffon Display
a ¢
Select the caption display cc on or cc off,
Digital Caption Tky)e
Select t_e digital closed captien type: service1, service2, ServiceS,
e e
SaM(e4, ServiceS, Service(].
O/g/fa/ Cap[ion Style
Sa't the digital closed caption style. Ariel" changhg, you can preview
the caption style in the bottom.
¢ @
Mode: Decide whether you can change the settings on the ee
Dbpley Style.
CC Size: Set t_e CC font size (Ddatlt, Normal, [arge, Small).
CC Font: Set the CC font {Default For!! 0 7),
CC Opacity Color: Set the ec opacity color (De[auk, Solid,
Flashing, Translucel< Transparent).
Text Color: Set the CC text color (De[auk, White, Red, Green,
Blue, Yelew, Magenta, Cyan),
CC Background Opacity: Set the CC background opacity (Ddault,
e e
Sold, Flashing, Transklcent, Trans ::>arent),
CC Background: Set the ec backgrou M color (De[auk, Whke,
Red, Oreen, Blue, Yelew, Magenta, eyan),
9, in order to avokJ unexpected falling of the Pd set, do not put
any streng force on TV or wall mount after installing,
e ¢
10, Be sure to unpklg the Pd before installing, Keep anything hard
or sharp away from the screen panel to prevent the scuffhg,
@ e
11, After il_stating, if them is any need to inove the cabil et, Aease
contact the qualified p_ofessio/als,
e e @ @ e
e e ¢ e
With USB Media Play, you can enjoy music and photo files stored
il_ a USB storage device on your RCA I\L
Connecting a USB storage device
Connect a USB storage device to the USB por_ in the back of tile iV
Press "INPUT" and select "USB",
'USB Meda Play" reenu will appear,
@ @ @
USB 2.0
e e
e @ @
¢ @ a e
e @ e s @
Playing back £hoto files
Press arrow (_/_) to select "Photo" and press "OK". The fib er folder list w}}} show up, Pl_ss arrow(_/_) to select a
fib or folder Press "OK" , and yeu wi}} be given several eptions to view photo fibs,
You can dkeetly open and playback the file, View thun/bna}ls tcr
photo preview, or play slideshow.
e a
Playing back Music files
Press arrow (4/_) to select "Music" and press "OK",
The file ot folder list will show up, Press arrow(_/_) to select a
fib or folder Press "OK" to playback the music file you selected,
Playing back Mode files
Press anx_w (_/_) to select "MOVIE" and press "OK",
The fib o/folder list w}}} show up, Pl_ss arrew(_L/_) to select a
fib or telder Press "OK" to playback the movie file you selected.
Pla}_ng back Text files
Similar to the photo menu, Yeu can use TEX] T/enu to access and
e ¢
display text on your RCA rv,
@ e
Media Support Specification
Spa rt _i!
Photo JPG/JPEG files Must( WAV files
Movie MPG files J
C¢irt£_ O,: ot off t!e r/o( d,%<o ectUb'Buto,_{/cerfc ',H rio he i/_r, ;;/!p,*?g back p_at_n ot ,')s<
<iris nrr,y esu/t it; iess (f r/,#_, ot </_,in,lge to Ue USB sto;,tge ,ieriar ,uxi B(,A /, at esoons//e/rlr _f} ,/_ <!e/o <:_/ass o/, di _£a 0/? £f e {] s£e/; r/_e(S vk e
@ a
Aft reset
Execute reset to iV system, AI se!ting wi/be reset to factory default
i/c) r', ii (Y<!)S ,If))O_ff;[r(;O ff(/ (Oi*t _r_ rr>,(_ar>(t ) t_! _( _/
,#a;/f !/x c
Blue Back
Sebct Blue Back on or off, }f the Bkle Back is turned on, the [M will display _ blue background when there is no signal input
No Signal Power Off Sebcl a time period l(x 'No Signal Power Off", B!e Pd will shut off after that period of time while no signal We suggest you turn on this
function when Blue Back is turned on, It may hurt the I ED I CD Panel f blue screen s on lot too long,
Adopted in Pv' output of digital audio, can be connected to the
device suppoding ARC, transmit the I%/sound to the device,
Lock Menu
The lock Menu enables you to lock program with special content, :renal key board _nd input source.
Parental Control
When the Parental Control Menu is accessed frem the Main Menu, you need to enter )assword to unlock the menu functioH, Please
enter your four digit password with i_ulneric keys 0-9. Non: 7_e
on{jr:d_xts_ v,r rdi< 00()0
* After unlocking, the items in parental control menu can be usDd.
Change PiN Change the PiNof parental menu,
Input Block
This option allows you to lock or unlock the input source, The soc rce blecked can not be chosen froln input list unbss you hput the correct parental password.
Set the V Chip, The detail is as follows,
US WChip
Set the US V Chip r dings which contains two sub menus:
rv Rating and Movie Rating,
Movie Rating
Select the r _tilg bvel you want to block: (}, PG, P(} 1S, R, Ne 17,X,
FV Rating Select he rating level you want to block: IV Y, FVY7 IV G,
Pd PG, Pd 14, PdMA, D,[, ,%,V I\i, Ifyou have hlcoked a lower
bvel rating, the higher rathgs wll be blocked too,
Cana@ I:.Ch@ Set the Canada V Chip ratings which contains two sub menus:
English Rating and French Rating,
English Rating
Sekx_tthe rating level you want to block: C, e8 h G, P(}, 14h 18 F
French Rating
Select the rating bvel you want to bbck: (}, 8ansi, 1Sans< 16ans h 1Sans <
,'7,:_te 77cur u[rgs ,,',_ ,_,,O_)/e o if/i>e bnt i<,_s.:_ ,s se k_g
/,¢ 2rf! _?i,!t? _K>n Block Unrated Show
Bloc[< at the unrated program.
Clear Down/ca<able Data
Activate or downloadabb rating data. f available,
Keypad Lock
Select this option to bbck or unblock the lRi's side panel butto/s so that they can't be used,
Clear Channel LLsf
This option allows you to execute Char Chal_ _el [[st function, This function will reset the whole TV systeln to facto'y default (not only reset CaD menu),
sebd your remote: Off, remote1 or remote2, this is for special
i!_,_i@iiiiiiiiiiii]eiiii!!ii!iiiigiiiigiiiiigi!iiiiiiiiii i::__:_ _!_!_i_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]
, Diagonal Display Size 40 inches
, Television System ATSC/NTSC sysbm
Channel Coverage VHF : 2-d3 UIqF : 14-69
, , CATV: 1-d35 ,
]÷mperature , -20t; _.+60( -4F --+140+F ,
Humidity , {No condensalon) .
' ' A_%0qi0V, S0H_ JPowerSupply i i RF input Cable/An{anna]
Connection Component × 1 Interface Video input
Audio input AV× 1
Resolution 1920× 1080
Audio output, Headphone × 1, Digital Audio Out x 1
ComponenVlqDML mode 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
Dimerlsiorls i Wit[{out
Weight i Without
i stand 36AW x 21.7'H ×3.9D J With stand 20.3LBS(9.2KGS) i stand 19.4LBS(8.SKGS)
Power Consumption lessthan 59W
hot/r6 ,t:_)eei c rice! ed C )in? deign "6 eu)/mt to char;>6 a'i_'r<xit no_ne
©overage - Labor For a period of i2 months from date of purchase of your RCA e
product, we will pay an authorized RCA service center the labor charge to i_pair any defects in m;rtenals or workmansh p in your television,If your television is unrepairable we wll previde you with a
tdurbished unit of the same er better medek
©overage - _arts e
Fer a pedod of 12 months from date of purchase of your RCA e
product, we will pay an authorized RCA service center for the e
new,o_ at our option, refurbished replacement parts needed to
repair any defects in material or work'eanship in your television, if your televb}on is unrepa table we wi/provide you with a refurbished e
unit of the same or better modek s
©overage - L_D L©_ _at/el e
Fer a pedod of 12 monthn from date of purchnse of your BCi\ e
product, we w/I pay an authorized RCA service center for the e
new, or at our opt on, refurbished LFD [CD panel needed to repair any detects in matedal o/workniansh}p in your television, f your e
television is unmpairable we will previde you with a relurb shed unit e of the same er )editor model, e
_ow te Obtain1 Se_w[ce e
For assistal_se (U,S,A) - ]f yon purchased RCA preduct ill e
U,S,A, [)lease <;all 1888977-6722, e Or visit www,R]a,com The service represent_yt[ve will review your optiorls k)r service, e As a convenience we ofer three ways to obtain warranty service, s
Ybn nlay man your preduct to the address provided by the service
mpmsel_tative, you may take your product to all aothorized service e sel4er, or you may reqoesl ill home service (servicer wll determine ff e
product is serviceable in iome or nlust be taken back to local service e (;enter for repair), Service representative will snpply instructions for
preferred service, At the tinle of service proof of pumhase such as original receipt, will be /equired, Only 37" LCD size and _bove _m
applisable for in _ome serNce, e
American TVstandard
Storage ]emperature is
Operating Temperature is 0'(7-.+50<i +3T}, - +12T},
Storage Humidity ; Lessthan 85%RH
OperationHurqidity: Lessthan 80%RH (No condensation}
' i
AV × 1
connected with RokuStream}rigstick.)i
e e e
Roku @ Streaming Stick TM (Roku Ready@ Version)
e e
e e e e e
e e e e e
What to do
Start Streaming
You can enjoy the Roku streaming stick by pressing the Roku button on remote control,
e e
Connect to network"
Now you can grab your remote and jump right into guided
setup, Have your i_etwork name and password ready and do
e e
the fellowing:
Select your network from the list of available networks,
Enter your network password, if you use one, Remembeh
Network past:avoK:]s are case sensitive.
e e
What to do @ont O
Complete guided setup
Continue fotowing the on screen i]structions and you'lL
Get the latest software,
A:[RESET BUTTON] Used to reset Roku Streaming Stick
B: [STATUS LIGHT] Signifies it is on when !it, or activlty when flashing
I ink the Roku Streaming Stick to your Roku account on your
cornputer_ Your Roku account:
Dudng setup, you'l be prompted to create your Roku aecount onfne at rok Lcom/Ink, Your Rok_ Streaming Stick wil generate a unique
code that links your player to your new account Roku acco_ Ints are free, And whte ava/d credit card number s required to create yota
account, rest assured you wit only be charged if you authorize
purehases of apps and games from the Roku Channel Store,
e e
Get more information about Roku, inc.
You can get more in[on nat}on about Roku, }nc, froln hemepage
( www.roku.cou0,
e e
e e e e e e
e e
DVD mode of TV LRK40G45RQD
[M I RK40G45RQD has a built in DVD player module, which
you can use to watch DVD disk, The following operat}en guide
gives the DVD module insRuetion,
e e e
7. HOW to enter DVD mode [mr X/ L /U<40G45RQD
Pass INPU] button on remete co/tro, select "DVD" in the Source Select
menu (see page 7), then press OK o" right arrow te enter DVD mode, The
[}VD wil start payng automat eally f there s a dsk n DVD modue If not,
e e
the ]V wi display a stand)y screen as shown And a "No DisC' message
wi appear on se een,
h/ore; 7're Ty <Ui (flY? re )if) 7?OUr- auron:lh_o} s/r-t ;of sd;rt a (#sk, SO
7?a:P _ ¢ / JO: 7?O:S- :/:s SO,t
Items Not Covered By Limited Warranty
Your limited warranty does not cover the following items:
Un insta/ation, installation and adjoslmen of costomer sontrols and
operating instmctior L
Bafferies and customer replacement fuses
Danlage due to nisose, abuse, heglgence or negleet including but, not
limited to, dan lage resulti igfrom exposoe) to mobtn/e, hunidty or saJt
Inab}Nly to receive a signal due to problenls nol caosed by tile produst,
Damage to the product dne to images burnt into the screen, Prodoct pomhased or serNced outside of Cmartry of Original
i,e, Purchased USA can not be serviced }n Mexico/Purchased in
Mexico can iot be sewiced in USA,
Produst modified or incorporated into other products.
Daraage due to _ets of nattae, indndi _g but _ot Ii';rited to,lightning
damage or flooding,
Service calls which do not involve any defect in irl _teri _ls or
©omrr_ercial Use _xcl_ded
s e
This lmited warranty only apples to products used for personal use ahd does not cover any product used for nstitutional, commercial or
rental pug/oses,
e @
¢ e e
Cabe_ara-Trabajo Durante un periodo de 12 nleses desde la re(ha de compra de su
pn)doclo RCA, pagaremos a nn cehho aotorizado de sewieo de RCA el cargo de mano de obra para mparar cnalquier defeclo en mate<ales
o malo de ohm en el televisor Si su televisor es irreparable clue le proporcionara una unidad
reasondic}onad _del misn_o modelo o superior, @obe_ra / Recambioe
Durante un periodo de 12 meses desde la re(ha de comprs de su pmducto RCA, pagaremos a un cehtm autorzado de servicio de RCA
para nn reempb_ar ya sea con partes noevas o reacondicionadas, o s noestra opcion, pare mparar snalqn}er defecto del irlaterial o mano de
obm en eltelevisor, Si su televisor es [reparable que le pmpo/cionara una unidad
macondkJonada del mismo modelo o superior, Panel de ©obe_ar,a-L_D LOD
Dursnte un periods de 12 meses desde la fecha de compm de su products RCA, pagammos un centre autorizado de servicio de RCA
pare un menlplayar la panta/a LED /RD, ya sna con pan(alia nuevs o reacondkJonada, o a nuesha option, para reparar cualquier defncto delmaterial o mano de obra en la panta/a de su televisor, S[ su televisor
es ir/eparable que le pmporsionar _u_a unid _d macondicionada del
#C/ - of_C/'> /den /:A Mrr g n rt
_//} q ied!: :'7<:_ ),' ON Corporatisn
2. insert a disk to DVD phyer InserttheDVDdiskwth re[actorsurfaeefaeng thefront of ]M,
'::;;71:7:; _
,,LLLiI iTM !Ji
Disk reflector surface facing the front at TV.
#,<4 )e ?Ct rs} ?/// _is: t_:<:'h / te_ d/k )Y) !r Od [e r L'/ o, d / t@ @:;k o, et/_ , t ,
4. DVD basic opemtbns
Yot can contro the DVD Paying with keypad on D\/D modLe or wth emote con(re, Fo operating ntermatio/, see the [clew,
Note: AboLt DVD contro buttons on remote eontro, see the quick start
gLde of aeeesso ies with your TM
Play/paise the disk:/Vter nserting the disk to DVD rood lie, the ]V wl
pay /)'gD dsk aLtomat caly, You can use PLAY/P/kUSE btlton to e st spend the play ng, Press again, the FVwll restore play ng, e
Stop playi_g_ [:)wing play ng, yo_ can ise SlOP bXton to stop pwing, }f e you pess S]OP once, the/)YD wll be stepped brefy Press sroP agan, it e wil qtep eo_rp ntey and the dek n I)Yl) _rodt e no Ionqer wheele, e
E_eat the disk: Yo_ can press FJE(N butten to eject the dsk fm'm DVD e modLIle, Aid [)tees EJEG] aga r', the DVD wl load the dick renewedy, e
1hief _netion i enabled only when DVD mode is on, e
acing backward er forward: You can press FR for fast review and FF fo _ast?_'n,vad, You can as() press PREV to rekrn to the previous chapter,
and pess NIX> te skip to next eba)ler
5. /)Y/) Q.Mf/'VU
press Q,MENU butto / on the/emote and then you wl see the Q,Men _show ng on year se/een, Use up/down te choose the function you need: Title Menu, DVD MenL, Zoom, St bt tie, Audo
Lang age, Repeat, Repeat A B, Prey, Next, DVD ant J@, Title Me_: Choose Title Menu, yo_ can eset the dsk to the tte menu,
It equas to qeet ng and loading the disk agan, DVD _tesa_ Choose I)VD MenL, yOLwl retLrn to the oct menL of e erent
I)'gD fLnet on, Zoe_: Choose Zoom, you can zoom n the screen foe2 times, 3 trees o"
4 trees from cent/e, ]his rune(ion p ovide a better view of the content orate near semen centre,
$_title: Choose Subtt e, you can swteh the ava abe subt t es n DVDdsk, Aadio La_g_age_ Choose ALdio Language, yOL can switch the a_/aable
aLdo anguage n DVD disk. Repeat; Choese Repeat, you can switch between chapter epeat, tlle repeat
and al repeal Repeat A-Be Choose Repeal AB once to snt the epealing orign and
Choose t twiee to set the/epeating end. DVDosetap me_,l: Choose DVD Set@, a spa(if s setup menu fer DVD wil
disp ay on seeen This men4 is espeeia y prepared to/DVD control 6 DVD Setup Munu
@erreral setup page Press QMNU button on the remote to d splay QMenu Use up/down and OK button to enter DVD Setup menu "here exist three sub menus n DVD Setup menu, the frst one s General Setup TV _isp[ay
Set the "V d splay shape O$_ La_Ig
Set the DVD OSD anguage as English, French or Spanish Last _emePy
Se_ t on to re rorze the as( point Du Jr#playng the DVD f you change to anothe mode w'd then come back to DVD mode t car/play
auto r'aticaly from the nst stop point
f']): rS/:; U_;D_St _ L tLs:,'7{ff:TL; /_*S /TT:;rTas ,'Ls,)con L; ),,ss )/{,{/:L,Ir,
ne:;d 7,> _:!cn t!;_;fPt!(<n Ins _n/ii,en(et!efi:c.r!c( h:}sh/ne:xa
( i',d _rrx ip_c
ndsmo modelo o superior- Oomo @brewer Servicio
Pare asistencia en Eslados Unidos (E,U,A) si conlpm nn apamto RC/\ en E,U,A, favor dellamar aL 18889778722
o visffe: www, ma,com El repmsentante de Servic[o mvisara sus opdones para el servb}o,
Para su comod}dad b offecemos tins fonnas de obtener servicio de gamn ia,
Usted puede enNar su pmducto a la direc(Jon proporcionada par el representan e de servic}o, usted puede Nevar su pmducto _ un
centro de servicio autodzado, o puede solkJtar en el servicio a doi%cHio ( _dmhgstrador detemlinara si el producto se encuentm en
func onambnto en casa o debe set fevado de vuelt _a servicio Iosal tecnico pare su a!paracion),
El/epmsentante del Servicio le pn)poaclonam las instrucciones pamel servkJo preferido,
Se mquiere del comprobante de compra origillal, Solo ee les dam servicio a Domicilo a [blew;ores de 3/ " pulgadas de
t _ma]o y mac gmndes,
Ebmentos no cubiertos par la garantia Nmitada Su garanda Nmitada no cubre los siguientes temas:
Un [nata[aeion, montaje y ajuste de con(ix)los del (lento e insttuociones
de funcionarniento,
[ as p[las y los fusibles de _s}puesto al cliente, Danos par usa indebido, abuso, n%gligencia o descuido incluyendo
aero no limitado a, los danos der}vados de la exposicion a la humedad, la humedad o la ssl,
Ineapacidad para recibir la senal debido a los problen/as que no
son causadas par el produeto,
Danos en el preducto debido a las maqenes de grabadas en la
Preduetos comprades e prestar servieios fuera del pals de con/pra
r j: Comprado en Estados Unidos no puede prestar nervicios en Mexico/Comprado en Mexico no puede prestar serv}cios en Estados Un[dos,
Prr>ductos modificados o }ncorporados a otres preductos, Danos debidos a fenorr/enos de la naturaleza, ineIwende peK:l no imitado a, danos [)or rayos o inundaciones,
[ as lamadas de serv do que no implquen cualquier detseto en
matedabs omano de obra,
Uso ©omeroial _xcl_sio_ Esta garantia treitada solo se ap/ca a los productos utlizados para
uso persenal o, y no cubre todos los preduetos utilzados con fines nstitucionales, oometeiales o de alquiler,
de este preducto, mchaza cualquier otra gamntia, expmsada o implicada (INCl UYENDO TODAS IA,S GARAN] IAS IMPLJCI]7\S DE COMERClAL lYAClON O IDONEIRAD PAW\ UN PROPOSI] O PA[_,TICULi\R), NO i iformac on verbal o escrita par parte CORP DE EE,UlJ,, In(;,,
sus agentes, con(rafts(as i]dependbntes, representantes de ventas, empleados, comer( antes minorh_tas, mayoristas o cualqQer otto tereem DEBEPAN croat nna garaht}a ni aumentar, Amplar o modificar el a[cance de esta gararltia lm tada,
EN CORP [ EUU,, Inc, no sere mspo mable pot danos especia}es, ncidehtales o consecuentes resultantes DEI USO DEL PRODUCTO O
DERIVADOS DE UNA VIOl ACION gamntia expresa o mp/cta de este producto, ES]/\ eAI:_AN NA LIMI fADA Y RESPONS/\BILDADES
sontenida el el se rige por las I eyes del Estado de Indiana, SAI VOPROI41BIDO POR LA I.EY APLICABI E, CUALQUIER GA_V\NTIA
de garanda (S) menc[onado a _teriormente. Esta gamnt}a le otorga demchos legales espedficos y US]ED ]AMBIEN PUEDE TENER
_[Ce tin 77arc, r %#st dA de );yoiiceei;Ai
ON Corporation
B, Spaaker scrap page Press Q,MENU _utton on the remote to display QMenL Use up/down
_' and OK Latton to enter DVD Set@ menu and t/on pre_s left/ ght arrow e to choose S )eaker Setup Page, The o )crating melhod is eimilar with e the General Settp Page
e Dowr_mix e Ths opton is preset as Stereo, ]sat mesns the DVD payer wil oxput a
two channel C(LdO si(jr_al r/R) to TV front R./eakers (left/ ght) ¢, Pratereaee page
Press Q,MENU button on the remote to di%/lay Q Menu, Use up/dewn
e and OK bt tton to citer DVD Set@ menu and then press left/r ght arrow e
to Prefe/e lee Page ]he opera1 ig method s smar wth the General
e Setup Page, e
e TV Type e Set the TV type as PAL, Ago or NTSC,
[,[ot en/ (: r ) !D edr_ iS k/17([ tore. SC 4 i ;>gas [,oi / ?'p f,/ ;C /_ /c i/e?, ,Si (. ? /SO / /:/[ 0 S :_/:
on di:>_ /,ri ire !}' ,!n. ?r ; [(-,t iwte fyr _oei ?/(- _P
Set the DVD atdo angt age,
Set the DVD SL >tit e anguage,
Disc I'_tes _ Set the DVD dsk men( a image,
Set the parenta eontro rating as KD SAF, G, PG, PG13, PGR, R, NC17 or ADULT, ]o change ths option, yo_ need passwo d, and the oegla
one s"0000", Default
Reset the [)VD setup menL optiens as faetory defa _t
What'e the moot co.veriest way to view Nigh Defi_itio_ {ND} vide?
Connect an antenna to the TV Input jack to view free local digital
shannehx Ybu may need to purchaee an antenna, (See page 5 for more
information about antenna setup),
VNit vvvvvv,antennavveb,org for assistance in deciding what lype of
mtenna to use to mseive the Iosal digit t s _a/s]eN av il _ble to you,
After entering your location, thb mapping progranl tells you vvh[ch local
_nalog and digi al stalons are avatabb using a certain anlenna,
Are there other ways to view Nigh Defimitior_(ND} video?
Resider rising ;.<nantenns as irlentierled above, yon ean Flit;()use a se[
lep bex o receive digal Ndeo, Centsnl your cable serw;e provkier
or sateINte pmwJer to pun;hase (iigital pregramnling and haw} them
connect he box o eneum you are viewihg chanllele in he bee way.
@ ¢
Now do I tell ar_ a_alog cha_ael from a digital (hansel?
Press the OK button to dbplay the Channel Bar, When no eSD (Oi Screen Display) is used,L eok at the topright corner of the screen,
All 'A" is dispk_yed for an analog shanneI,A '<D"is diepbyed for a digit
shannel,#kfe: ftc_, fte I/,s/<:g7Y:,:v_na,*a.a:qa beea cd o# a,
res( ,'_m ::/:/(d?t"/wn( h(.n(./:,';/firsr;nx?i:ne/#;,o( r<,(ii::O
e ¢
Why are there bars o_ my ecree_ a_d ca_ I get rid of them?
Most digital video is sent in a 16/9 format which flls your screen, but is sometimes sent ih 4./3 which does not fill your screen, It depends oil
how the star}on or device co inected to your TV is formalfihg the video,
If there are barn on the screen, Check Screen size n the picture mode
to try a difiemn format t_al: may eliminate the bars, Some bars can't be
removed becaose o[ tile wa_/the/ormat is sent by the breadcaster, The
format changes as you choose screen sze type in tile pictom mode and
the fonnat type is displayed at the bofforn of the screerl, For more
information oll screen size, go to page 9,
e ¢
Why dace chassel eearch fisd a lot of chas_el% bat wher_ I
try to ta_e to thor% there's eothi_g there?
Some cha _neb don't carry programming, such as video On Demand,
Whei channels are u _available, your P,/screen is blank or appears like
show, You probably want to remove these cha inels from your channel
lis, Remove these in the Channel List Menu, Go to p_ge 8 for morn nhamation.
e e e
¢ e
Limited Warranty: Roku warrants the Roku Sgeaming St}ok havJwam
agablst defects in materials and workmanship under nonHal use for a
period of one (1) year hem the date of purchase("Warranly Period"),
If Roku deten nines thai the Roku S roaming Stick's hardware is dole(live,
Roku will either repak tie oit or replace the u/it wih either a new or rebutt Roku Streaming Stick, at its optiorh If the Warranly Period _as expired or is
otherwise not app/cable (see scope and lmRation on Warranty below), we
will return the Roku Streaming Btick to you, More in[anna(ion about this
warranly can be found al www,roku,com/support,
e ¢
Reb4m and Warranty Service Process: Please access and review the
online help resonrces at /eview the onlne help resoumes aS www,
roku,coln/._xJpport before seeking warraHty service,To returh or obtain
warranly service for a Roku Streaming Stick, you nust first obtain a Returh
Memhandise Anthorization (RM/\) number from a Cuslomer Support
e e
Represen alive (CAR) al Roku, Customer Support contael in/ermation Cnh be
found by visiting www.roku,com/support, RMA nombers expire thir;y days
from }ssnance, Roku may attempt to troubbshoot a wavanly related problem prior to issning RMA numbes
¢ e
Please be prepared to provide addi ional nlonnation upo/request Ohce a
RMA number is obtained, you moet ship yonr Roku Streaming Stick, freight
prepaid, together with proof o[ purchase and all accessories, in either tie
original packaging or packaging affordi/g an eqoal degree of protect}on, to
the Roku authorized distribntion faelily identified by tile CSR, Failure to
retur _ ally of the accessories could result ill a delaY/ alld/or result in an
invoice to you or credit to Roku for the n}ssihg accessories,
Important: When emailing %r a RMA immber, please preNde the foIowihg
information wffh your mquesl: (a) model nombeh (b) serial nomber, (c)
problem descripl}on, (dr solrware version (located ill the Rystem Configure
t}on menu), re) date of purchase, (f) place of porchase (re seller or onlihe
place or pnrehase), and (g) retch/ shipping address (P,O.boxes are nol
accepted). Scope of and Limitation ca Warranty: The warrant% on the Roku
Streaming Stick is Bn}ted to the repair or replacement of defeclve units as described in tile limited Warrahly sectio i above. This warranly does nol cover eoetomer training or education, inetallation, set up adios(inert s, or
sig/al reception problems, This warranty also does no cover ally ssue
relaled to the service provded by your service provider, includ ng bnt nol
Ihnited to service disruption, changes in service tenns, changes in olferings,
changes in k>nnat, or technical problems, T/is warmnly does iot cover
damage due to acts of God, accident, inisuse, abuse, negligence,
eommemial use or modification of, or to ally part of, your Roku S reaming
Stick, This warranty does lot cover damage due to in@roper operation or
naintenance, connect[o _to improper voltage supply o/altempled repair
by anyone other than a facilily au horzed by Rokn to service your Roku
Streaming Siick, This warranty does not cover eonsunlables (such as roses
and batteries),
Legal No(lees; [ edeml Commu Jcatiorl Corn nbsio i Inlerference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply wffh the lmis for a
Class B digital device, pnrsuant to Par! 15 of the [T}C Rnles,
These limits am designed to provide reasonable proteclon against ian nfol
interference in a residenlal [nslalRtiorl, This eqoipmenl generates, oses ahd
can radiale rado [reqnen<%,energy and, if nol inet:dled and us_] in accordahce
with the instructiorls, may cause /an nlul interk!re lee to mcHo comnluninations,
Iqewev:_, them is no gussan1_s_that inlerk_erlee wll no1 ooenr in a [)_rstisuhr
inslaJhlon, Ifthb equipl n_-/t does cau_] hs£ nM inluRer(_r_ k) ra4io or h£evNon
F_;cT>lion,which can be detere;in_ by tu/ ing the equipment off And orl, the
user ie e _oouraged lo try to carted the interfemn_ by one o! the k>llewing
R_sienl or relocale the r_eiving antenna,
Inerea,se the separation belvr_)n 1he_nipmenl and mneiver,
Connect the _xtuipnlent into an outlel orl a drsuit dilk!rent from that to which
tie receiver is conner!e<,
Ck}nsu_ the deabr or an expr_bnced roHkk/V te<hnieian for help Thb devk_
comples with PsA 15 oflo fiie 1clawing two (_x iditions: (1)]hb devk_ may not
cause harmtJ irrt_Nerence, and (2) this devk;e must accept any intnderence
received, including inlederence thal may cause undesired operation,
FCC Caution: Any changes or modificalone no expres.qy approved by the
pady respons[bb lor eomptanse could void the user's authorN? to opemle
tlge equipment IEEE 80,11 b or 80,1 lg operatic i of T_is pmduet in the
@ e
U,S,A, isfin nware Ih]dted to eha reels 1 through 11,
Why does it take a long time whe_ I search the cha_els at first time?
If you have boll analog and digital chanhels, the Pd is looking for al
availab e channels in tie channel list, Ifyou do ha_/e digital cha inels, the
fV }s also searching for scrambled channels, ion scrambled channels,
_nd each sub channel of that digi al chan _el, I cas't co_ect to my wireless home _etwork d_ri_g gaided
Turn oil the iV ahd Select Roku Input, the seWngs Ih the wifi select sect on, Make sum Select your neNvork from tile list of available
/elworks, Ener your Network password, if you use one, Remember, nelwork passwords are case sensit ve, If yoo hnve fur _ed off SSID broadcasting on you( wireless router; you can add
your he work by sole( ing '<My network is not shown" from tile '<wireless" screen,
My WIFI Strength is ve@, weak, What should I do ? If you are not getdng 3 or nora signal-strength bars above your wirebss network, adjust the location oyour Roku Ready iV
and/or wireless routen Make sure them are no obstructions, like cement wails, belween yoor Roku Ready TV and yoor wireless
ronter, What adapter would you _ecommend for t_se with Roku Ready ]W ?
Roku Ready iV am compatible with n/ost home wireless lie(works, Ahy wireless v)nter or access po}n that supports the 802,1 lb/g/h wireless protocols shouN work, incloding newer 802,11 ndual band
ronters and access points, If I can't see Roku Screen when Iturn on the ]'V, What should I do?
Please Cheek the Roko Stick rear on TV,
1,If Roku stisk pewer tght orl, pleaae push reset button, 2,If Roku Stick power light off, Please re nova Roku Cover oi back
side of [%: and nnpulg Rokn Streaming Sick alld plug ill again and dose Roku Cover.
Identifying Problems
If them am _ny problems when using the predust, pie _sesonsuIt the list below, If the list doee not solve the problem, call out Cu.ttomer
Servk;e Cerlter immediately
TV Problems
The _4 cas't be t_r_ed or_o
Make sure tie AC cord is plugged ill,
Check the wal outlet, make sum tile AC output works normally
and stably
Tile side panel may be locked (disabled), Use tile u.'mole control
to turn orl the P4
Select the Keypad I_eck fu iction ir the I_:\REN[7\I control Menu and press OK to uncheck the locking status,
There is _o picture or scald bat the _ is a_ a_d the_ is a "No Sigsal" e[gr_ at1 screen.
Are you trying to use all input soume with no device connected to it? [er using other video/audio device, make sure the external deuce
works _orm lly first, then pve_s INPUT and choose the right _put soume,
Wireless Radio Use: This device is restricted to indoor use when operation i/the 5,15 to
5,25 GHz frequenny band,
IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: Tills eqnipment complies with
FCC radatio i exposure lmits set forthfer all uheo itrelled environmenl, Thb
equipment ehould be ine/alled and operated with milimum distance 20cm
between the mdRto and your body, This tra iemilter nust not be eolk_:;ah_d or
opera ing in co _juiotio i with any ofher antenna or transn/ilter,
Note to US model owner:
To comply with US FCC regolalon, the country selection funefion has been completely removed from all US nlodels, The avalabilly of some specific
ehaunels and/or operational ftequen W bands am country dependent and are fin nware program ned at the factory to nlatch the irtended destination, The fb nware seWng is ilot accessible by the end useh
Industry Canada statement This device co np/es with RSS210 o the Indostry Canada Rules, Operation is subject to tie k}low}ng two conditions: (1)this device nay Hot cause harmM }n erference, and (2) this device must accept any in edemnce
received, including in er[nrence thai nay eaose undesired opemton,
Oe d, eRos/rif e<:t conk_rme & :s, nonne ('s_/:_270 dtnduslr_} (}anada a,eRiK;_bk), aax apRareiN radioexemp/:s de/Ky_noe, S'onfolio[/armament as[
su/ot aux </eua cond, hons su/vanms: (7)/e d:sRosl/if ne do# pas p_}da/:e de brou//,bge p:6/ad:b, ab/e, et (2) ce @sRas,hf dod aooep/e: four brou///;_ge
recsu_ y oonr,n:s9 an broai//nge sasoeD/ibie <]eprr)voqaoe un Poflc/ionnengent
Safety Precautions the Roku Sheanl ng Stick has been desglled wth the highest concert i for safe_y, Howew_r, any electrical device, if used improperly, has the potentiM for e_using fire, eleetrical shock or personal inju/y,
Yo help eneure aeciden free operation, k;llow hesn guNeli/es:
Observe all vvaminge, precautions alld inetraetions,
Stop ose, u iplog he devicn that the [_oku Sgeamil/g E(tick is il/serted bite ham he electricM outlet and disoolHe)ct any other (shies inunediately, if g/e Roku Rtreaming Stick or the device forlctione h/an abner nsl manner,
produces unusual sounde or smells or beoomes too hot to on(h,
For inore infonnation or] produot safety alsJ trout)leshooth/g, pk;ase go to www,rokwcom/support
Use and handling
The Roku Ready s!bks phy ga nes, but the gaming re note is seld _}parably,
When playing video games, use ill a well /t area and stand or sit as far away from the screen as possible,
Take a 1015 n}nute break every hour f prying vide ganes a[id avoid
ptolo _ged use of the remote.
Stop playing video games if you begi_ to k;el tired o ifyou experience
d[soomk)rt of pain in your hands or arns while operation the remote if the co id}t}on pevJsts, consnlt a doctor,
If you experience any of the k)llowing health problems, dis(on(inca ose of tile Rokn Streaming Stick }mmedialely:
Dizziness, nausea, fatigue or symptoms simiar to motion sickness, Dk:sx nfort or pain ill a part d the b(xJy, such as eyes, ears, hands, or arms,
If syn/ploms persist, consul your physic}an,
Keep the Roku Streaming Siick ahd ally acces.sorbs, including the relnohh out of the reaah et small ehtdren,
* Do no touch the Rokn Strea ning Stick during all electrical ston n, * Do not allow lquid, snlall pariicles or other foreign objects to get into the
Roku Streaming Stick or accessories,
* Do no! expose the Roku Streaming Stick to srnoke or steam, * Do hot expose the Roku Streamihg Stick or accessories to high, telnpem
tures, high humidly or direct suI tght
ROKUeh the ROKU [ ogo, ROKU READYe) the ROKU READY I.ogo, and
STRFAMING STICK TM are trademarks and/or registeled trademalks of Rol(t] Ino }n the finite< States and other countl}es
ON Coop US, IncL
10920 Via Rontera, Ste 540
San Diego, CA 92127, t I S,A, ?} 2014 ON Corpora:on
ROA is a trademark at RCA Trademark 1'41ar_agement SAS used anger Iiaellse to OI7 rerporaLierl,
ACA es una mar(ado RCA Pademark Management SAS usada bajo/ceneia de ON Co(potation