RCA LED60B55R120Q Owner’s Manual

P_rt.o: R.03+_Rm0+
_ p_,,_r_upp_oordor plugI_d_m_*¢llquldh_ b_ _lll+d
ISThl_W _h_Idb+o_t_d on_+r®the_ o+rf_,,,+r_upp_
Before Turning On TV OheckAccessories Checktheac_ofles thatatepackedwithyour_,/
osD _+nuolmrmJm,s....................................................
_,lJu_tTh_OSD_r_n ......................................................
_,ul,M÷nu.................................................................../ 0
Fr+quentlyA+k+d<_u++tlo._{FA<_+)............................/ 1
Troum++hooU.g............................................................/ 1
V-Cl,lpRmh,gExplanatlo._........................................../ 2
U:_VCh,pR_ll,/_S_t_n/................................................../ 2
ProductSl_Cm_mlon..................................................../ S
WarrantyC_rd................................................................/ 4
iMuchasgracas potsu usa del presenteproducto] Cuandousteddisfru_adesu nuevo producto, por
favortenga encuenta _osconsejosdesegurid_d:
S_fety S_r_p ar cording to tt_ In_trur¢lon_ ba_s,,
_utl_l pu hlng pulllr O or climbing on t[_ W i1_, raueo the W Stop O_ td]]]ng _ not leteH]drel, r]]lrlb or [_ng on the W AN,,_, q p]ar_ the W p]ar _ t[_ W ¢8e_ d_,q, on a _¢t cloth _ r ugh]Ol, to pr_ ent the LED
on a gturd/]_¢e] 8_b]e 8Llffaee t[_t can had the Weight W _d LOD panel _Olrl[_]ng _rr_ged
p_lble _ure theWar__dlngtothe]nstruct]onba_,,(Note:The
_+ 8t°P No
Ngg++_+,a2"_g_ w LED_)B55R1,,OQI__r_g_lv,4ththeWg_nd8eparat&lfrorrl
Ngur_ A the _b]net TO _tup the W table grand piece earr_ out the In_al_lon
S_l_et _ Loe_Joll Se]_t a fiat _qahie table to p]ar_ }our W et P_ ¢o]]_,, the SaCeN
]rNtruetbrN w4_n p]ar]ng the W
Nter pNe]r _ your W p ro_fly you r_ n eonn_t the W w4th r_,,e r
r_+ s
Take the B_R P_ align t[_ _r_¢_ ho]eg t[_ B_R and the W and thel, ]B_ the 6 8er _¢,_ Into the 6hoNg _1 the r_R and tighten th_n
T_ketheb_se__ _,gnfou,ho_of,he_ _ndfou,sc,_holes oftheneck_Inee_,he_,e,o the_ck_a_,dthenInee_the4sc,_ a_,d_gh,en,_m,
Connecting AV Composite device (Good Video Quality)
nrlect a compoe_e AV d_lce 8uch &_ a _D pla}_ foll_J these
1 Conn_t the COMPOSITE Jack onthe side of W to tf_ _ld_ output
20_nn_ t the h AUDIO R Jacks on the side of W to tf_ audio
_pu, jae_ofd_ce,__ud_o_b_e
Notl¢9 tf_ leR d_nr_lJa_k and pl_ are wh_e and the right chalnel Jack _ld plugs ale red
Composite Vid_ Connection
The picture ba_ is an example of aconn_tion using the _rr _site vid_ jack
Connecting YPbPr Component device (Better Video Quality)
T_:nn_ t a _ _r ponent d_lce 9_h a_ a DMD pl_er foll_ the_ I O_n nect the _M_NE_ IN y/p_, pr Jack on the _de of W to the
,_deo_pu,J_,_ o_d_ce,_a,_deo_b_e_g,_nb_ueand,ed_
20_nnect the h AUDIO RJa_k_ orlthe side of W to the audio
Notice the Idt channel Jack _ld plug8 are white ar_J the right _hanrlel
ComponentVideo Connection
_e picture f_l_ 19an exar r pie of a connection _11/g the corr ponent
Connecting HDMI device (Best Video Quality)
TO @nrlect a HDMI d_lce 9uch a_ a _D pin} Pr pl_e O_nn_t the HDMII/_I 2 Jack on the side of W to the outp_ Bck_ of d_q_9 _4a
HDMI cable
To _nrlect a_1 d_ Ice via _1 poR of PC or D_ Ice a nd H DMI
1 conr_¢¢ the HDMII/_IJa_ k on the side of W to the DVI r_ of
vb HDMI DVI _able
2 Conr _¢¢ the h AUDIO R Jack _1 _le 91de of W to the audio
ou_s_ Jark of corr puter with a_lb rable {dual channel mrA Jack to _ 51flrr stereo Jack or the L AUDIO R Jack)
tlDMI Connection
pcture _ 9 an e_rr p e o a connect on _1/g t e _
ja_k I f_l I I f I I_ h HDMI ,Id
How to Obtain Various Kinds of Input Sources
A_er c_nnectl_19 done pre_ INPUT huron on rerr ore control or W top panel to cho_e the Input s_r_9 }ou need See page 7 _91_
oth_ AV d_ Ice
Keypad Buttons
} _r w to operate rran} w features
IN PUT: DISpI_ g tf _ _ur ee Sel_t U_q _ _
_ _>_tffo_t_2_llst IntheW rrenu >sterl _a_te I Universal Remote Control Code List ,
N_theup_,,_ onthe,e,,ote,_,nt,__nd_, be_J to_ect
rr_lu option9 For Unb et_al aer/ore O_ntrd br_ld9 I_ted bel_ please u_ ac C_: S_n9 d_l through the chal/n_ i1_ ii/the W rr erlu _terr corr par_qrg r_)de and refer to } our Urlb er_al Rerr ore O_nt rol Uger
It arte like tf_ d_n arr_ on the rerr ote _)rlt rd and _n be u_J to Manual for f_,lr Ii,et ructlon for ch_glrlg W _)de to _erate the W
e_t ,,_,uoptions n_de_
VOL*: Ir_r_ the _olurr e h/the W rr erlu >_terr It act_ like the , O_de_ for DIRECW: 0178 10178 right arr_ on the rerrote control and _an be used to el_t rr enD * O_de_ for _rr e Warner Cable: 0178 10178
options * O_de_ for Cox O_r r rlunl_tl_s: 0178 VOL.: D_r_ the _olurr e h/the W r/enu >_terr It act_ like the O_de_ for C_r r_t 10178 leR arf_ _lthe rer/ore _)nt rol and 0_1 be _J to _lect i]_nu O_de_ for DI_I Ne_k 627 options Code_ for FI_ Ve,zon: 0205 0_7 _9S 0775
_OWER (e }: murT_ the W _ and off
Front Panel
i]_deLighto_ v_ntheW_or1 RelicteControlSengoraer/ote@ntrolIR9errorwhlrhrecel_P
-_-il! - Ol i i Ii
Inserting Batteries in the Remote
Rerr_Pthec_Prof_tet_ablnonthef_ckofthererlote_ntrol i
Turning On and Off i Adjusting Volume
Conn_t the AC _rd to p_er the _D LCD W At thl time tf_ W ]
the W ARer _¢lng off the W for 5 s_)r_js }ou _11 turn on W II (On Screen Dl_lay_ is r_t used t he ar r_ idt,_lght carl _leo wor k a
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