Important Notice
About Temperature
About After-Image
Cleaning and
Do not us e in hot an d cold rooms ( locat ions)
● When th e unit is u sed in rooms ( locat ions) with l ow temp eratu re, the pict ure may
leave t rails o r appear sli ghtly d elayed. Th is is not a malf uncti on, and the un it will
recov er when t he tempera ture re turns to nor mal.
● Do not le ave the u nit in a hot or co ld loca tion. Also, do not lea ve the un it in a locati on
expos ed to dir ect sunlig ht or nea r a heater, as this may ca use the c abinet to de form
and the t o malfu nction.
● Stora ge temp erature: 3 2°F to +1 22°F
● Working te mpera ture: 4 1°F to +104° F
The ext ended u se of fixed im age pro gram mater ial can c ause a pe rmanent af ter-i mage
on the sc reen.
This ba ckgro und image is v iewab le on normal progra ms in the f orm of a stati onary f ixed
image . Thi s type of i rreve rsible scr een det eriorati on can be l imited by ob servi ng the
follo wing st eps:
A. Redu ce the br ightness /cont rast setti ng to a min imum vi ewing leve l.
B. Do not d ispla y the fixed im age for e xtended pe riods o f time.
C. Turn th e power o ff wh en not in a ctual use.
Important Info rmati on Rega rding Use of Vid eo Game s, Computers,
Captions or Othe r Fixed I mage Di splays.
● Do not al low a sti ll picture t o be disp layed for an extend ed peri od, as this ca n cause a
perma nent af ter-imag e to rema in on the scre en.
Examp les of st ill pictur es incl ude logos, video ga mes, co mputer ima ges, te letext and
image s displ ayed in 4:3 mo de.
● The perman ent aft er-im age on the scr een res ulting fro m fixed i mage use is no t an
opera ting de fect and as su ch is not c overed by th e warra nty.
● This produ ct is not d esign ed to displa y fixed i mages for ex tende d periods of t ime.
Do not le t image s display in 4 :3 mode f or extende d perio ds of time.
To clean this u nit, wi pe with a soft , dry clo th.
If the su rface s are extrem ely dir ty, us e a soft cl oth dipped i n a soap an d water solu tion or
a weak de terge nt solutio n.
● Use eye glass c leaner to re move st ubborn dirt from th e scree n.
● Never u se alco hol, paint t hinne r or benzine to clean t his uni t.
● Befor e using a c hemicall y treat ed cloth, re ad the in struc tions that c ame wit h the
cloth c arefu lly.