RCA F27695BCYX1AK4, F27695BCFE1AK3, G36695LVYX1CL, F27695BCYX1AK3, F32695BCYX1CL Setup & Features Manual

& Features
TOCOM# 15358390
To completeGUIDE Plus+Goldsetup,youi_usthave already connectedthe GUIDEPlus+
Gold controllerstoyourcableboxand VCR ifyouhave a VCR or Cablebox.Referto the
You can set up the GUIDE Plus+Gold syst_ d_ringInteractiveSettporby selectingthe GUIDEPlus+Menu frc_i_the
Main Menu.
During the Settp you will prcgram the system to display yam- local prcgram listirr3s and control ymlr cable h_x or VCR. After- you complete each screen, press OK on the remDte to advance.
Select yc%_- Country e_nd enter yc%_- ZIP @rPcstal mie.
_he _lext series of screeps asks yoa about youz- cable TV setup. If you have a cable box, you need to set the GUIDE Plus+ Gold syste@ to cormrol it. Otherwise, it may not he able to locate and download program inform_titn.
Tune youi- @3ble box to Channel 2 and then select the brand of yc%_- cable b_x frcm the choices a_-dilable. She syst_ then se_rges for the correct ccde to osntrol ymzr cable box. When your cable box switches to
_ 9 it bss los_tet th_ correct ccde.
Char_r_@Is0 or 2 4 ca_ b0 L_SedfoitilecaL}k_
boxs output cb_}rlr/o] "0" is usod foF VIDEO INPUT 1 0NPUT 2 cannot be used)
*GUIDEPlus+Goldis a trademarkof TndexSystersT_Tc,
Select Y_ if the cable box _ to charmel 9, or ND if it did not. If you select
ND, the system will try another- cole.
If_ Plus+Goldcannotre_dogpizeeitheryot_-cablebox or VCRafterseveral trie% a screenstatin_'_ableBox _CR) testfailed...Pleasec_nsultyot_-_191 and tryagaJm"appears.Youhavea choicetoeitherTry_gainor SkipCableB_ Setup. Ifthis_, yousheuld:
Doublec_heckthebrandof yourcableb_xorV<I%,e_ndtryenteringitagain.
@_c9 toi_<esmzeth_IRcontrollersem_epositionedcorrectly. Ifyoucheosetoskipthe cablebox (orVCR) setupsm_ featuresof theguidem_y
nothe availableuntily_asuccessfullycompletethisprocedure.
Once the correct i_del of cable box has been identified,yoa need to set tl_ cable
bo_<'s ctlt_itc_h_nel.
_ter the chmmel you no_lly use to view
charmels through you_- cable box-usually 3
or4. Chnsmlt ymir c_ble hax's _cn hook or yotm- cable cc_@>3ny if you are not
sure. Choose 0 to use VIDEO IN_U_ 1.
SelectYESif youhavea VCR,or_Oif pudo rst.
(AnsweringND automaticallyskipsforwardto
the endof £_dlDEPlus+Gold setup.)
T_-eyourVCRto channel2a_ndturnitoff.
_hterthebrandof yourVCR.
When the _ Plus+ Gold system correctly identifies the correct code for you_-VCR, the VCR 's t_ changes to cha_]nel9.
Select YESif the V£Rautm_tically_ to channel 9, or NOif it didnot.
If yoa select NO, the syst_ will tw angth_ ccde.
The last screen crm_s up when you've successfully fimAshed the GUIDE Plus+ Cold setup.
Remember :
Leave your cable box turned ON to download program information.
Leave your VCRturned OFF to record progran_.
Press CE to lemve the GUIDE Plus+ Cold system setup and either return to the T¢' s Interactive Setup or the H_in _nu.
EheGUII_Plus+Coldsyst_ is_otavailableuntilitccmpletesitsfirstdownlcedof programinformation.
When the power- is turned off, the TV locates a "host c_hina_el" that carries GUIDE
Plus+ Cold data contaiPing program schechie and cbmmnel l_ing im_ozmation. A
ch_el i_p is th_ list of stationsand their respectivechar_]els.
To €_surethatyourfi_ downloadof datais osmplete,you shouldleaveyou_-TV off overnight.Downlc>adscc_<m-severaltim_sa day. The TV i_mstbe tu_z_edoff for GUEOE
Plus+Gold data todownload.
If the TV loses power or is tLnplugged, GUIDE Plus+ Cold program information may he lc_t. When pswer is zestored, i_ke sure to review that the setup infom_tion is still
correct. The _]IDE Plus+ Gold program will c_qplete a download at the next available t_.
SiNce the program irl/Orri]adoN
provided by GUIDE Plus+ @old is based or] your locale, you will _eed
to Rm setup again if you move
If mmre than one amble compmny services your area, you may he prcmpted with a Channel
M_ing screen after the first _ Plus+ dswnload. You will need to identigy yo%_- cable
ccm@m_ by selecting the correct channel ntmhers for the stations in question.
Use the leftand rightarrrm_tochangethechammelgrotpandpressOK whenthe correctcgmr_elgrctpishi_hli_hted.
The TV' s i_£nu system enables you to adjust som_ of the <TdlDE Plus+ Gold settings. To access the (7JIDE Plus+ Menu press _b_7 on the remmte to bring up the Main Menu.
Using the up and down arrows, point to GUIDE Plus+ Menu and oress _b_7 or OK. The
follcwln_ opticrs are available:
Plus+ Setup Displays the GUIDE Plus+ setup screen.
_t_0 Setting up the GO]I_ Plus+ system is detailed in the he_irsing of this booklet.
Vim Demo Runs the GUIDE Plus+ demmnstration.
Plus+ Lebel Displays the GUIDE Plus+ Label menu.
Gn Displays the station r_m_ and shsws title w_ you change chammels.
Off Disable_ the Imb=_ & Title feature.
Plus+ Anto Display Displays the GUIDE Plus+ display options.
Gn Automatically displays the Guide when you use the TV button on the remmte to
tum_ @_ th_ TV.
Off Disables the Guide fro_l being displayed when you use the TV button on the
r_te to turn on the TV.
Ccn_ _ RL_S the GUIDE Plus+ de_smstraticn until it is tttrned off.
The _ Plus+ Gold system is an interactive on-scmeen prcgram guide that lists TV
schedules for youm-arem, and allows yotm- TV direct control of a cable hex &nd VCR.
Press GUIDE to bring up the GUIDE Plus+ Gold screen.
2here are five sections to a GUIDE Plus+ Gold screen:
A row of Action buttcss at the top of the screen n_Jm_ed 1, 2and3
ProTram information
A row of Menu options
_-_i listins_
Advertising and special s_hcwinfornmtion
GUIDE Plus_ Gold screens
illustrated h_this book a_e
represe_tations of what you are
likely to see Not all cha_r_els, proglams, and GUIDE Plus+ Gold
in/oHnation depicted will be
available h_your area
New loatures and option,s ca_ be
downloaded to the GUIDE Plus+ Gold system, so these too are subject to change
_mticn Program Menu BattersInfor_mtianOptions
Ad/Show £h_rmelListirrjs
To enterthe<_ide:
Press£_dlDEon the remste.
7her_ aloe th_e ways to exit the Guide: GUIDE,
Press OK to exit the GUIDE Plus+ Cold system and tune to the channel highlighted in
t_ _ listing. OK
Press GUIDE to exit the GUIDE Plus+ Cold system and tune to the channel displayed in the View window
Press CLEhR to exit the GUIDE Plus+ Cold system and return to the origirml channel.
The C_dlDEPlus+ Gold system offers six different options on the _ bar: GRID, S{IRT,
To access the Menu bar:
Press GUIDE to bring up the GUIDE Plus+ Cold screen.
Press N_NU or use the up and down arrows to highlight the Menu bar. The Grid Guide
cokes up by default.
Use the left a_ndright arrows to access oth_=r ms_ls.
Press OK, MF_7! or use the down arrow to access the menu opticrs.
The GridGuideappeaT-seachtimeyou entertheguideand displaysthe _t progrmm_ng
foreachGh&nmel.The liveprogr-_isdisplayedin thevideowindow.
Use theup e_nddswnarrrm_to browseGh&nmellistings.Use therighte_ndleftarrrm_to brcwsefutureprccjz_1listJrgs.
To select e_nother menu, press _NU to highlight the Menu ba_- and then use the left stud
rig_ arm_.
To time to a charmel, highlight the projram you want to view in the ch_,l%el listing and press(t<. Press _q to exit the 6ttide and _ttu_l to the original cbsrnel. Press
(/SIDE to exit the Guide amd tune to the chamllel in the view window.
To viewmmre informeticn about a program, a6vertise_nt or special, highlight the Gh_n/%el
listing or ad and press the INFO button. Requestinj Trcse iI-_or_mti@l ahst< a particular show will also display the PlusCode and the Shows cn Next for that channel.
Pressing _ _hile highli_in_ an ad panel will fill the screenwith ran/additional&hi!or
prcmotiorml L_fora_ticn re_rdir_ that particular prcgr_l.
Press the 7_0 batten again to exit the _xp_nded infor_mticn screen
_v_ VCl_ AUX SA_.CA_
ActionbutterswillGh_ngeaccordingtowhe£_youare intheguide.Besureto lookat the
action bar before pressing the c_]mmnd ntmbers.
When brsesing the Channel listings, the foll_ing Action huttc_s are available on the bar:
Watch Press 1 cn the r_Dte to place a timer in the Sch_le for the TV to turn cn and tune to the program highlighted in the Channel listing. When the TV turns cn the Guide will autocratically appear with the scheduled program highlighted and tuned in
the View window.
GoTo Press 2 c_lt_heremote to bring t_pt_hedirect dial bsx a_ndenter the r&_Jserof
the Ghesm.elto _nid_ you want to tune. _his will highlight the ch_nmel e_nd_t
_rs_am in the Channel listing of the Grid Guide. Press OK to tune to the highlighted
channel. If the view window is unlocked, you can press GUIDE to tune to the channel
as wall.
Record Press 3 @_ the remmte to place a timer in the Schedule for the VCR to record
the prog_-_ highlighted Ln the Channel listLng. If ysu bare a cable bmx, changLng Ghannels on the TV will not cause the cable box channel to Ghange while recording.
7he Programinformationwimdowwill displaya c_nfirm_ti@_whenyou havesuccessfully
createda timertowatchorrecord.Ifyou haveselectedtwoprcsmas_towatchor record _ni@hbeginat thesam_tirosoroverlsp,youwillr_oseivea timerccsflict1_ssage.7he Guidewillnotschedulea ccsilictingtin.r,thereforeyoumustchose hetweenthetwo prngrm_.
WhenbrowsingtheChannellops {theleftcolun_onthe Channellisting),thefollowing Actionhuttoosareavailableon thebarn-:
command nuRSe
_w VCl_ Aux _AI.C_[E
Lock/Unlock Pressi tolockor tplccktheviewwisdowtoeither-stayat one
channelasyoubrowsetheGuide {lock)or chmngeas pu br_se throughdifferent cbmmels (unlcd<).
GoTo Press 2 on the remote to bring t_pthe direct dial bsx a_ndenter the nt_Jserof
the Ghesm.elto _nich you want to tune. _his will hi_hlight the ch_nmel e_nd_t
_rs_am in the Channel listing of the Grid Guide. Press OK to tune to the highlighted
channel. If the view windsw is unlocked, you can press GUIDE to tune to the channel
as wall.
The Sor_Menu letsyou browseprogramsby category.The channeltowhich you are
_tly tuned is displayed in the video wi_m_w.
L Usethe leftandrightarrowsto selecta cateZory.WhentheSorti_ ishighlightedfor
thefirsttn_, the_i_ _tegeryisdisplmz_d,_ter thelastcatezcm/ used
hec_ th_ default. A listing of sixmtegori_ is displayed.
Use the tp e_nd dswn arrows to highlight a subcatezory. For example, highlight All stud press OK.
l W_ the listing co_s up, All _ are displayed. U_e the up and ds_ arrows to
browse the list of sorted progr-_s_one at a tit_. Use CH^ ap.dCHv to page thigh the
r_sult list. Seven days of p_m_ng are listed Ln the Sort _m.
Select _J to retur_ to the menu bar, or press £_JIDE or CLEAR to exit the GUIDE Plus+ Gold syst_u
When viewing the r_s_lts of a Sort the follcwing Action huttcss will app_z" cm the bar-:
Watch Press 1 Cn the reTote to plac_ a timer in the Scheme for the _V to ttmql cn and tune to the procjram highlighted in the ChaNnel listing. When the TV turns cn the
Guide will aut_tically appear with the scheaied p_ highlighted and tuned in
the View window.
Record Press 3 cn the remmte to place a timer in the Schedule for the VCR to record
the p_ highlightedin the £hm_mel listinj. If you have a cable bsx, c_nginj channels cn the TV will not cause the cable hex channel to change @ile recording.
The Programinformationwindowwilldisplaya co_-_irmaticn_k_enyou have successfully
createda timertowatchorrecord.If youhaveselectedtwoprogramstowatchor record _nichbeginat thesam_timeoroverlap,youwillreceivea timerconflictin£ssage.7he
Guidewillnotsc_hedulea cc_lictingti_r, thereforeyounmstchose betweenthetwo
7he ScheduleM_rmletsyou createtimersforeither"viewingorrecordingprograms.The GUIDEPlus+Goldsystemallowso_e-butt_ recordingifyou havec_PmectedtheIR
controllerto ysurVCR.SeetheSetupandGcrmectionssectionof yot_-TV'sInstructicn
_31 for mmredetails cn ccrmectin_ the IR controller.
To schedule a program to wat@h or record:
Press GUIDE to bring up the GUIDE Plus+ Gold system.
Highlighta program within the C_mn_el listing.
Select Watch or Record f rc_l the Action hattcs_ baz". The timsr is then autocratically
logged into the Schedule memu. The program information window will sho_
ccrfirm_ticn of yoar selection.
If you select Record, [_mke sure to place a blank tape in the V£R.
The Pr_gr_n information window will display a c_nfirm_tiQn vk_en you have successfully
created a timgr to watch or record. If you have selected two p_ to watch or record _nich begin at the s_ time or overlap, you will receive a timer conflict i_Tessage. The Guide will not sc_hedule a cc#_licting timer, therefore you mdst chose hetween the two progra_.
TO r_r_veor 'changethe frequencyofa s_ed event,accesstheS@heduleMenu frc_i_the _mu ba_-.
Press GUIDE to bring up the GUIDE Plus+ Gold system.
Press M_NU to highlight the _nu bar.
Use the ri_ and left arrows to hi_31i_ Schgtie.
Use the up and down arrrm_ to highlight the program you want to edit.
When viewing the Schedule lr_n_ the following Action buttons will appear- on the bar:
Remove Hi_ight theWat@hor Recordti_erycuwish to remmvefrc_i_theschedule &ndpress ion ther_7ote.
Change HighlighttheWatchor Recordtimeryou wishto chargeandpress3 on the
DAILY recordsthesameprogrameachday 5tmdaythroughFriday.
ONCE r_c_rdecrlycnthatday. WEEKLY recordstheprogrameachweekat the sametim_.
OccasioNally you will receive _ssages regarding youz-GUIDEPlus+ Gold system as well as
special progrmmlng information. You can access these lnessages from the Yessage Y_u
on the Menuba_'.
To read messages :
Highlight the t_nessage you wish to r_ad by using the up and down arrows.
Press INF0 to display the full text of the T_sss-sQe. I f the text centirmes heyer_ the
screen, press INF0 to view the next p_ge of text. Goee you have rea_ the end of the l_essage, pressing INFO closes the exp_nded information sad returns you to the _bssages screen.
W_d% viewing the Messages lrenu the following Acticn buttons will appem- on the ba_':
Remove Highlightthei_ssageyouwishto deleteandpressicn the renDte.
You_y cusV_dzethe_i listingby enablinjordisablinjthedisplayof certain channels.Forinstance,youtraydisablechannelsthatyounever-watGh.You canrestore
disabled ch_-_]els at a later peip_ Ln t_re.
Press @SIDE to bring up the <TdlDE Plus+ Gold systmu
Press NKNU to highlight the Menu bar.
Use th_ right ant left an_ws to highlight _ditor.
Use the up and do_l arrrm_ to select a channel.
_hilebrowsingtheEditorirEnuthe follo_ingActionbuttcnsareavailableon thebar:
Csmcel Press icn the remote to c_ocel any cbm_ges nmde since entering the Editor N_nu.
Change Press2 @_ theremmteto cbm_getheGh_nllelnm_er forthehighlighted _-mel line.
On/Off Press3 on thereToteto togglethestateofthe Gh_n_%elhetweenOn and Off.
Troubles so.times are causedby simple "faults" that you cmncorrect withsut the help of a
servicetechicisn.Ifyauexperienceany difficultywithyourTgorGuidesyste% checka fewbasicrem_gie_beforecallingyoarservicetechnician.
Programinformatic_doesnot download
Reviewyct_-setupinfomretionandi_kesureitis correct.
TheTVi_/stheoff in orderto dswnloadinfommticn.Leavepur TVoff overnight,for
atleasti0hsu_, to receivea downloadforymm area.
If youareusinga cableb_x,l_kes_irethecablebox iscn inorderto receive_rogr_
Scheduled Watch or Record does not occur
£bec_ _e for t9_r ccnflicts.
£hec_ that IR cGn_t rollers are attachgt securely ani directly over the r_mDte sensor.
For mmre Troubleshsoting information, see your TV User's Mmua!.
Indianapolis, IN 46290
¢)1998 Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc,
[rademark(s)_) Registered
Marca(s) Registrada(s)
Printed in USA
et fonctions
TOCOM# 15358390
Dstmr@aliserlacorZigurati@nduGUIDEPlus+Cold,lesccmtmSleursGUIDEPlus+Golddoim_nt d_j& _trecormect@ssurleciblo-s_lecteuretma_n@toscope,simsusdispnsezde l'tmdesd_ux. P_drplusded@tails,c_l_]itezlesesticaInstallatlcmeto_lne_crsdansleCuid_d_l"u_ilisatamr.
Vomspou_ez ccmfigurer le syst_a_ GSIDE Plus+ Gold _a la configuraticm
interactivec_ _i s@lecticrmant P!us+ Manu depuis le menu principal.
C' est au @surs de la ccnfiguraticn que vous prcgms_m_z 1' affichage d_ la liste d_s
_issicms lccales et le foncti_t dm ciblo-s_lecteur _ du mag_tcscoge. Apr_s
avoir t_ avec chaque _cran, appuyez sur OK sur la t_16<rm_ande pour passer &
l'_cr_m slva_t.
Activ. GUIDE Plus+
S@lecticrp_z votre pays et emtrez _otre esde gc_tal.
surlac_figura_ devotreca_mloliffusi_. Sivsusav_ztmc_bl@s@lecteur,ildoit_t1_ cc_m_nd_&partirdu syst@meC_JIDEPlus+
t@14_bmrg_r 1_ infer_m_ sur les _iss_m_s.
Riglezvstreclblo-s@lecteirmarlecarrel2, s_lecticrr_zlamarqued_ votre ca_nlo-s_lectazm
& pgrtitc_ ]allstefct_qie.Le syst_ _ _msuitele h_ ccde qui lui permettrade
ccn]randerle c_lo-s@lecteur. Lorsquele ciblo-s@lecteirLesseau carrel9, celasignifie
qu'ila trcuv_le h:n osde.
Les czInaLIX00U 24 peuvent etre u@ises
tort!me carlalde sortie du c_lbk)selectet_K"0" esLutilise pourVlDEO INPUT1 (INPUT 2 ne
1oeutetre Lltilis@)
*@_L_ plus+ Gold est b-_ _u_ dd_os£_ _ _ KF]_X Syst C{nm _rV-.
S_lectio_z Y_si leclblo-s_lecteure_tpass@ au canal9,et AOdaps le casc<_raire. Si
vcus s@lectiorp_zAO, ]e syst_ essaierat_%autrecode.
Si GSIDE Plus+ Gold ne _t ni votre _lo-s_lecme_ ni votre magn@toscopeaprgs
plusieurstlmtatlves,lemanage '_ableBox (VCR)testfailed...Pleaseosnsult_ur mmmal
and tryagein" (Echscde testd_ cabl&-s61ecteur£_CR)...Veullezonnsultervotremm_el et
de rmuveau)s'affiche.Vous psuvezsoit essayerdermuveau,soit sauterla
c_iguratic_ du ca_l_s61ectem. Si cettesitsati_ seprg_nte, _ms devez :
V6rifierde rmuveau lamarque de votre _io- s@lecteurou de votre magn_tcscopeet le
s_lecticrmarde nouweau ;
v_ifi_r que lesc_ntmSla_s IR_t placiscorrecter_nt.
Sivcus choisissezde sauteri'_tayede c_nfigurati_dn cibl_ s_lecteur(_ d_
magn6to_cope),v_s psurriezna pas avoiracc_s& certainesfc_cti_s d_critesdartsce guide.
ciblo-silecteur,vousdevezprcgra_r_rlecssal descstJechcaTol_s_l_teur.
E@trez le c_r_l utilis_ _o_ syntimiser les cs_mu_
_av_tre ca_lo-_lecte_, 96r_ral_mt 3 cu 4.
Consultez le manuel dm ctblo-s@lecteur ou le cibl_ si vsus n' &te_ pas c_tain.
S@]ecticrmez 0 pcur utiliser VIDEO _NPUT 1.
S@lecticri%ez Y}_ si vcus avez t_]nm_n_to_cope, NO si votLsn'en avez pas.
(_hrip<PiiantNO, vous passez directemsnt_ la
fin de la @p_iguraticm GOgl_ Plus+Gold.)
R_lezvotremagp__ surlecanal2 et
_trez la [_e de votre _l_to_cope.
Lorsque le systim_GUIDE Plus+ Cold id_ntifiecorrectE_!nt le code de votre magr_tcscope, le syntcniseur_ magnitcscopepasse au canal 9.
S_lecti_lez YES si lem_jni_ est syntrni_ sur le canal9,AO s'ilne i'estpas.
Si vous s_lectiorsezNO, le systi_ essaieram_ autrecode.
Get _<_an s'affiche_ la find't_leccmfigurationr@ussied@ syst@_ GUI_S Plus+Gold.
N'_bliez-_ de :
L_isserle _l_s_lecteur allur_pcur t61_charGer_ infc_matimss_ri_ _.
L_isserle_ _teintpc_renreTistrerd_s _missi_ns.
Appuyez sur OK pour quitter la configurationdu syst_m_ GUIDE Plus+ Cold et revenir_ la
c_nfigurati_ interactivecu aum_m pmknclp_.
Le syst@_GUIDEPlus+Goldesto_ratiormelseulementapr_ssonpremier
tilic_t desinformati@nssuri_ _i_s.
Lorsque 1' al_ti@_ est osup_, le til6viseur cherd_ le _'canal hSte" af fichant les d_%n@es GOg33E Plus+ Gold q_i osnti6_nent 1 'horaire des _q£ssions et les informaticms sur
le m_Lpage des cantata. Ea liste des carmu_ &hum!re les stations et leurs carmux res_fs.
Rsurv@mlfierquevotrepremiert_l_gem_nt d_ dc_n_esesttermini, laissezle t@l'evism_ _teintpstm_]armit. En cas de ost_urede ccttrantou de _t #a t@l'eviseur,ilse _3_utque les dor_liesdm programme GUIDE Plus+ soientperdues. Une fois 1 'alin_ntatic_
r@tablie, v6rifiez q_e 1_ d_z_@es de ccnfiguraticn sont tcujcurs o-_ctes. Le prcgra_
GUIDE Plus+ Cold e_icutera un t@l_t _ la prochsLne heure dispcrible.
Lest616_ sef@ztplusiemsloisp_rjcur.Let_l_eur dmit@tre@tei_tp_r
t@7_chargerles donn6_sGUIDEPlus+Gold.
L'h[ormation sur les emissior_stoun-]ie par GLJI_ PILLS_ _old est propre
w;tre region il h_udra doric execute_
de rlotIve_ltl le prograrl%me de
corl[igurat[on si votJs der_-@nagez
Sivotre r@gicne_tdesservieparplusJeursc&blo-dist_ibo<elrs,il sep_utqu't_162randeIT_ des canatr<s'affiche apr@s lepremier til_%_rgem_nt GUIDE Plus+ Gold. Vcms aurezbesoin d'idsmifier _tre clolo-distrltuteuren _t lesr_m6rc_de canm_ co_t aux
Utilisez les fl@chesgaucheet droitepour modifierle groupede cmnauxet appuyezsur OK cu ME_J lorsque le gro_oe de capmux appropri@est nls en surbrillance.
Vous pouvez ajuster les r@glages de GUIDE Plus+ @old. Potm_acc@der au Menu C_IDE Plus+ appayer sat _J sur la til@cam}_ndepour afficher la Menu Principal. D_signez Menu GUIDE Plus+ et appuyez sur MENU ou OK.
_l_ _ _ Plus+Affiche 1'@cran de osnfiguratic_ch syst_ GUIDE Plus+.
_la_ La c_nfiguraticnc_]syst_ GOgI3EPlus+est expliquieen ditails dans la brochure GUIDE Plus+.
_tratlon illustr_e Ex@cutetreedA_snstraticn de GUIDE Plus+.
Etlquette_ Plus+ Affiche ]e menu Etiquette GUIDE Plus+.
GN (Amtlv_) Affiche le ncmde la staticnde l'_issicn qum_ vous changez de
(_ (D_mtlv_) D_sactivela fcnctionEtiquEtte.
Aff±ch_z__tmmatlque _ Plus+ D@mmnt1_ les opticns d'affichageGUIDE Plus+.
GN _mtlv_) Affiche autcmati_t le Guide qaandvous utilisez ]e bsutcn _iV sur la t_14mr_mm_lepcur alltmsrle t_16vis_mr.
_tr_tion c_tlnue Ex@cute t_led6n_nstrationdu syst_m_ GUIDE Plus+ jusqu' ceq_ l'cnarr@tela d_tratlcn.
Les ecransTV GUIDE Plus _ilhJstr@s
dar% ce livret sorlt repr@sercatifs des _}cransque vous @es susceptible de
voi_ pal _ COFit_e, les CSI'I_tJX, les
e,rn_sslons et les infurma[ions TV CUID[ Plus_ figurarlt ici r!e SOl'Itpas
toutes disponibles darts votre region
Des nouvelles fonctions et options
peuvent etre t@echargees darts le systeme TV GUIDE Plus < et sont
aussi sujet_esa des modifications
Le syst_ CO]I_ Plus+ £bld est _ gu_ de d' 6missions interamtif A 1' @cran qai liste 1' heraire des _nissicms dans votre r_icn et _t & votre t_l@viseir de crm_nder directem_nt t_] c_lo-
s@lect_ur et ,ml mag_to_.
Appuyez sur GUIDE pour afficher 1 ' _cran C_dlDE Plus+ Gold.
L' @cran GUIDE Plus+ Gold se cc_se de cinq sections :
Ume rar_ de houtcms Action au sc_m_t de 1' @cram r_t@s 1, 2 et 3
Infemmticrs s_ _ le_ %_issicrs
Une ramg@e d'options de menu
llstes des car_ux
Publiciti et infemmti_ sir l_s @_ssions _es
Bsutcns IP_ormmticmsOptic_s Action sur@issicms de
sur _dssicn
llstes des carmux
Pouracc6ier au Guide:
Appuyez sur GUIDE sur la t61icc_TL_nde.
VOWSpst_zezquitter leGuidede troisr_li_res :
Appuyez sur OK pour quitter le syst_ GUIDE Plus+ Gold et syntcrlsezle canalmis en
_llsrme darsla lismedescaplmx.
ALpnyez sur GUIEgpour quitter le syst_ GUIDE Plus+Gold et syntcmisezle carrelaffich6 Sansla fen%treView.
Appuyez sur CLEARpour quitter le syst_ GOiDE Plus+ Gold et rehear au canal d'origine.
Le syst_r_GOIDE Plus+Gold offre six diffirentescpticms sur la ba_me de metros:GRID (C_ILLE),
_c_racclder & la barre de m_us :
AppuTez sur C_5'IDEpour afficher 1'@cram GUIDE Plus+ Gold.
AL_uyez sur MKNU ou utillsez les fl_cheshaut cu has pour mettre_ surbrillancela herre de E_Js. Grid Guide s'affichep_r difaut.
Utilisezles fl_<hes_uche et droitepsur aco!der& d'autm_sm_is.
Ap_uyez sur OK, HE_J ou utilisez la fl@che has pour accider &d' autres options.
_e G_d C_de s' _fiQhe daa_ue fois q_e vcus e_Lzqezc_ le _de et a_fic_ la p_tLon
cou_ste psur cb_q_ canal. L' 6missicn _n direct s' affiche dans ]a fen%tre vid@€.
Utilisezlesfl@ck_hsb%cubs p_m_explorerlesliste_decar_ux.DtNisezi_ fl_ _ite etgauchepourexplorerlapro_tlon future.
Pours61ectimnmerun autremenu,a_uyez surMENUpourmettreen sar%rillmncelabarrede
mmms,pis umilisezlesfl@ches9mmheeLdroite.
R_r syn_ u_ cmnal, n_ttez en surhr£11arme l'@nissic_ que v_s disirez vlstmliser dans la liste des csmaux et a_puyez sur OK• Appuyez sur CLFTkRpour quitter le Guide et rev_nir
au canal d'origine. Ai_uyez sur GUTSIget syntcrisez le canal darts la fenitre de
Pour af fich_ d' mitres infom_ticms au sujet d'tme @_ission, d't_e _ublicit_ cu d'tm progr am_ s_cial, m_ttez _1 surbrillanoe la liste des can_ux ou la pJbliciti et a_z sur le bsutc_l IAb-qD.
Tcute dengnded'informaticmsadditic_nellesafficheraaussi PlusOsdeet S%_wson N_xt pour ce
Le fait d' a_dyer sur INFOp_t la nise en mirbrills_ce d'tm parmeau publicitaire provoq_ra
1' af fichsge _ 1' 6sran d' infcrmaticr_ additi<_lles cu prc_c_les qui _cist_t &pro}:m_ de cette
Appu_ez de rmuveau sur le houtc_ TN_O pour ql]itter 1 ' 6cran d' inform_ations d6velopp!es.
Les houtims _cticn c_t selon 1' endroit o_ vous _tes dans le guide. N' cubliez pas de regarder la barre Action avant d' aLpuyer sur les _ros de cc_.
L:mmquev:;ase_olc_ezles ]J_-tesdesc_m_(, les_ _dG_ sLd:_'-is_ _i_ _ la hm=e:
Watch Appuyez sur 1 sur la t_l@conm_qde pour placer raze mirilterie dans 1 ' horaii_ des
_issioms pstm_ que le t@l@viseur s ' alltK_ et symt_ 1' 6missic_l raise en suforillanoe ctm_s la liste des canm_. [mrsqu_ le t61_viseur s'allu_, le Guide s'affi_ autc_atiqu_m_nt
avec l'_mission prozma_!e raise _ subrilliance et syntcsls_e dans la fen!tre de
(_ ALpuyez sur 2 sur ]a t@l_c<_ pc_r af richer ]a bolted' acc@s direct et entrez ]e r_m_I_ de canal qoe vous ai_ez syntcmlser. Ceci m_t tra _1 surbrillance le carol et
1' _mission courante dans la liste des carmux du Grid Guide. Appuyez sur OKpsur msttre en smJmillarme le canal. Si la fen%tre de visualisati_ at verrcuill_e, _ pcuvez
_ssi sur GUIDEpsur syrmoniser le canal.
P_ard ALpu_/ez sur 3 mar la t@16cc_e pour placer t_ne minuterie dans 1'horalre des _nissicms pour que le r_m3n@tcscr_e enreglstre 1' _issicm ndse en suforillance dans la liste
des clmsmx. Sorsquevous enregzstrez _ l'aide d'_ctblo-s@lecteur, le c_de carmux sur le t_l%viseur ne provoqu_ pas le c_ment des canaux sur le ciblo-s_lecteur.
La feritre d' infer_mtic_s sir les _dssicms af fichera ,_e ccmfirmaticm apzis la cr@aticn ziussie d' t_le miraiterie _ des fins de visualisation ou d' _£d_sis_. Si vous avez s61ectior_ deax
_rlssicms_ visic[_lerou _ enregistrerque dlbutent_ la _ heure ou q_i se _t, un
messagede copilithoraires'affiX. En cas de o-_Iflithoralre,la_tic_ _o Guideest
i_possible.Vcusdevez dimc @hoisir l'tmecu i'autrede ces deux _dssions.
Apr@s _xplorati_ndes lo_a_ de canaux (colormede gauche dans la liste des canaux), leshsutcms
suivmnts s_mt_les st_ ]ahgrre:
des boutons
9< 9
L_k!%_Z_k Ap_uyezmaripsurverrrmillercud_errouillem_]af_n@tredev_sualisaticm
pourqueoelle-cirestestmtmcarrelimrsquevcus_<plorezleguide(verrcuill_e)ou c_
icssqu__us fakesc_fileri_ cspaux(_mmmill_e).
AL_uyez sur 2 sur la t_l&<r_amndepcur affi_ ]a boited'aegisdir%_ctet entrez]e r_m_r_de canalque vous scuhaitezsyntlziser.Cecim_ttraen sulorillamcele canalet i'_missic_ccurante dans la liste des canaux du Grid Guide._z surOK pour s_ lecaralmis _ sulmillarme.Si laf_Itre de visuallsatlme_t_mmcuill_e,v_s
pouvez _galem_nt syntc_iser he canal en appuym_t sur GUIDE.
Le menuSort vcuspermitd'_xplorer les_dssion p_r rub_iq_s. Le canal en ccurs est affich@ d_s ]afeitre de_ti_n.
Utilisezles fl@chesSeucheet droitepsur s61ectic_ert_e rubrique.Iorsquelem_rm Sort
estrossen suforil]mlcepsurlapremi@relois,larub_que _i_ estaffich_, apr_s quoi]a demi_me catigcrieu<ilis_ de_i_t las_lecti_p_r d_faut,the listedes scus-rubriqo_sest
Utilisezlesfl@cheshautethaspsurm_ttreensaforil]ance,_ sous-zmhriqus.Pare_mple, _ettez_ surbrillammeA!Iet a_uyezsurOK,
Lors_ ]alistes'affich_,A_!_@_i_est affich_.Utilisezlesfl@d_hab<et h_sp_ur explorer]alistedes prcgr_mes tri_s._ _ ]a fois. Utilisez(]£+et G£- _sur passerd'tr_
page_ i'autrede la liste, septjcursde_ticn figurentdm_ le m_m s_rt.
Selectionnez _ poum_revenir _ la barre de manus, ou appuyez sur GUIDE ou CLEAR
_our quitter le syst_r_GUIDE Plus+Cold.
Lorsque _s ocrsultez 1_ r_mlltat s d' tn tri, le_ hcutcns Acti_ suivants s' af fi_ s_r la b_re:
Watch Appuyez sur i sur la t_id_cnmandepsur placer t_lermtnuteriec_ns i'horaire des @_dssi_s _curque let61@viseurs'alluTeet sy_tenisel'6mlssicnraiseen suforil]m_3edens ]a
listedes canm_. Lorsquele til#_seur s'allu_e,leGoides'affickeraautn_ti_ avec i'aission _ raise_n subrillianceet s_ dansla fen6tredevimmlisation.
Record Appuyez szm_3 sur la t_l_ccn_ande pcur placer t_le minuterie darts 1 'horaire des
4missions psur que le mm3n@_ ermeDisti_ 1' @missicn ndse en mlJ:m£11mnme darts ]a liste des canaux. Lorsque vous enregistrez & 1' aide d'tm _lo-s_lecteur, le c_t de canaux
sur le t41_viseur ne provoque pas le ck_ des cass_ sur le ciblo-s_lectetm.
La f_ d'infcs_atlcnssumi_ _issicns afficherairecrmfirnmtienapr_s]acr@atJcn r@ussie d',_emirmterie&des fi_sde visumlisatlcncu d'_me_is_. Sivous avez s_lecticrn@deux 4missicss& _isiorner cu & enregistrerque_tent & la mA_e heure ou qui se cheva_t, un messagede ccnflithrraires'affiX. Fncas de c_mflithoralre,laprojrammtion du Guideest
impr_sible.Vous devezdenc choisirl'm_eou i'autrede cesdeux 4missions.
Le merm Schedulevcus permet de crderdesmirmteriespour la visualisaticncu i'enre_istr_ent d'_issicns. Le syst_meGUIDE Plus+Gold autorisei'enregistremm% treetcuchesi vcus avez
connect6 le ccntsSleurIR & votre me_jn6toscope. Csrsultez lemarmeld'instructicns de votre t_6vis_m psur plus ded6tails sur la ccrnexicn c_ ccntr61e_r ]E.
Pourp_ ,_le@_issionpour ]a visualisaticnou i'enreglstrerent:
Appuyez sur GUIDE poum-afficher le menu GUIDE Plus+ Gold. Mettezen surb£il]anoe,_le_nissicnclans]a listedes car_ux.
Selecti_ Watch ou Record depuis la bai_ des bsutcns _%zticn. La minuterie est ensuite
autm_atiquemmltenregistr6edans lem_rm SchedJle.La fen@tred'informationsur les _icrs afficherala ccp_ir_ati_ de votres_lecti_.
Sivcus avez s@lecticrriRecord,n'cubliezpas d'insurertreevidlccassetteviergedans le
La fer_tred'infomreticrssir les_dssi_ns affichera,_neccnfirmationaprSs la cr_ti on Dgassie
d't_ mirmterie _ des fins de _mglisaticn cu d' enre2is_. Si vcus avez s@lecticrr_ deux
@missions &visicr_ter ou & enregistrer que d6butent & la re@meheure ou q_i se _t, t_q
1he,sage de ccp_lit horalre s'affichera. Encas de o-_nflit horaire, lapro_ticnduGu_de est
inpossible. Vcus devez do_c choisir 1',_e ou 1 ' autre de ces deu=<_7issions.
Pour supprim_r cu msdifier la fr_quence d'ume _ission r_3uli@re , accidez au n_m Schedule
darts la barge de mss_us.
Appuyez sur GUIDE poum"afficher le menu GUIDE Plus+ Gold, Apayez sur _ _our mettre en surbrillance la barre de menus. Utilisezle_fl_ch_sdroiteet_eud_ psurn_ttreen surbrillapme_e. Utilisezi_ fl4_heshaut et basVcur mettreen suforillancei'6missionqaevsusd@sirez
LoPsquevcusconsultezlem_ Schegale,lesbcutc_sActicnsuivantss'affich_tsurlabazYe:
Remove MettezensurbrillancelaminuterieWatchou Recordquevousd@sirezst_imer dei'horaireetappuTezsurI surlat614mm_mande.
Change Mettezensurbrillancelaminuterie_tch ouRecordquevousdisirez_sdifieret
DAILY enregistrela mgTe _issi_l du itpzliau vendredi,
ONCE _mregistreseul6rm_tsd ccursch jour sp6sifi@. WEEKLY er_istre 1 '4missicnchaque se_eine& la m_me heure.
Vous recevrez & i'cccasicn des messages ccncenzm%t votre syst_m_ GUIDE Plus+ Gold ainsi que des infcrmaticns sur les 4missionssp4ciales.Vcuspcuvezacceder& ces _ssages depuis le menu Message ou la barre de menus.
Mettezen sufoilance le_ que_ d_sirezlifecn utilisantles fl_cheshautmehas.
ALpuyez sur INFO p_Jarafficher le texteomYpletdh message. Si le textese prolcr_e
l'ext@rieurde l'afficheur,a_pu_z sur lhTOpcdr life]apage de textesuivante.Une fois
arriv_& la fin du m_ssage,le faitd'_ _ L_i_Ofer_e la fen_tre_t_mbe et vsus
ratine& 1'_nran Messages.
Lorsquevaus consultezlem=_ Mm_mges, les bsut_s _icn s'affichentsur la b_e :
Remove Mettez en surbrillancelemassageqoe vcus d@sirez supprimeret appu_ezsur 1 sur
la t@l@os_nande.
VmdsVauwezperscnmgliserla listedes canguxen activantouen d_sactivantl'afficksge_ _
canaux. Par exenple, vous pouvez d@sactiver des carmux qae vous ne regardez jamais. Vous
psuvezrestraineri_ carmuxdisacti_s ultiri_.
Appuyez sur GUIDE pour afficher le menu GUIDE Plus+ Cold.
Appuyez sur MENU pour mettre en surbrillance la ba_l_ de menus.
Utilisezlesfl_ droiteet 9euchepsurmettreen smJoril]m%ceEiitmr.
t_ilisezi_ fl@chesbu± ethas pcurs_l_ tn canal.
Lo_que v_os consultezlem_ Editor,leshcut_s Actions'affichentsumlabarre:
Cancel Appuyez sur i sur la t@l_<r_mmndepour armuler les mmdificationsapport_es depuisque vous @tes entr@ibns lemerm Editor.
Change Appuyezsur2 _urlat@l_cc_mandepour1_dlfierlent_n_rode canalpourle
carel mis _n surb_llarm_.
On/Off Ap_uy_zsur3surlat@14mmmmandepourfairebasculerlec_n_lentren_trcheet
Des problems survieNNsntparlois& la suite d' e_mlrs simplesque vous psuvezcorrigersans
1'assistarme d'tn teckmicien r@_arateur. Si _ rens_trez de_ dif fi_al_ ayes vctre tm_"eviseur,
fait_ quelquesv_f icati_ debase av-_ d's{_elert_ltechnicien.
Les _tlcr_ sur les _ssi_ns ne se t_l_ent pas
Passezen revuevotre oc_figuraticnet corrigez-]a au b_soin.
Paret61_ desirf_, le_t _tre4telr_.Liss_let_l_¢is_r_teint
pour ]armlt, pendantau retainsI0hermespsur t@l_ lesinformeticmspour votre r@gion.
Sivcusbtiliseztmciblo-s61ecteur,_z-vsus qu'il estallur_afinde recevoirles
infor_atlcrsstmi_ 4millers.
la visualisati_ncu i"_mregis_t pr_ ne s'_t pas d_cl_nch_
V_rifiez 1'_mralre psur voir s' il y a des o_nf lits h_aires.
Vgrifiezquelesoa_mSleurs IRs_t bienfizlsetdlrecte_mt par-dessuslet@16sapteur.
Po3rplusd'infcr_mticnssurle dgparrsQe,c_%_itez leMmsse]de l'utilisatetrcdu t@16viseur.
11101111011_OI_UlIIF.I] F.I.lClIlIOIII_I
10330 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46290
¢)1998 Thomson Consumer
Electronics, Inc. Trademark(s)e Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s)
Printed in USA
To reduce the risk of fire or shock hazard, do not expose
this TV to rain or moisture.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove
cover (or back). No user serviceable parts inside.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
This symbol indicates
"dangerous voltage" inside
the product that presents a
risk of electric shock or personal injury.
_, This symbol indicates
important instructions
accompanying the product.
Caution: To reduce the risk of electric shock, match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully insert.
Attention: Pour eviter les chocs electriques, introduire la
lame la plus large de la fiche dans la borne
correspondante de la prise et pousserjusqu au fond.
Refer to the identification/rating label located on the back panel of your
product for its proper operating voltage.
Foe Regulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this
equipment may void the user's authority to operate it.
If fixed (non-moving) images are left on the screen for long periods, they may be permanently imprinted on the screen, Such
images include network Iogos, phone numbers, and video games.
This damage is not covered by your warranty. Extended viewing of channels displaying these images should be avoided.
Cable TV Installer: This reminder is provided to call your attention to
Article 820-40 of the National Electrical Code (Section 54 of the Canadian
Electrical Code, Part 1) which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
VCR Plus+, C3,PlusCode and GUIDE Plus+ are trademarks of Gemstar Development Corporation.
SETUP AND CONNECTIONS .......................................................... 3
Step 1: Unpack the TV ...................................................................... 4
Step 2: Connect Your TV .................................................................. 4
TV Only (PIP Not Available) ....................................................... 4
The Basic Connection (PIP Not Available) ................................ 5
Advanced Connections .............................................................. 6
Step 3: Connect the IR Controller .................................................... 9
Step 4: Plug in the TV ..................................................................... 10
Step 5: Place Batteries in Remote .................................................. 10
Step 6: Turn On the TV ................................................................... 10
Step 7: Program the TV .................................................................. 10
INTERACTIVE SETUP .................................................................... 11
Using Point and Select ................................................................... 12
Entering Setup ................................................................................ 12
Selecting a Language ..................................................................... 13
Auto Channel Search ..................................................................... 13
The GUIDE Plus+ System ............................................................... 14
Setting Up the GUIDE Plus+ System ........................................ 14
Setting the Time ............................................................................. 16
Setting the VCR1 Channel (auto tuning) ...................................... 17
Setting the VCR2 Channel (auto tuning) ...................................... 17
Setting the DVD Channel (auto tuning) ....................................... 18
Setting the SAT/CABLE Channel (auto tuning) ............................. 19
Labeling the Channels ................................................................... 20
USING THE REMOTE ..................................................................... 21
Remote Buttons .............................................................................. 22
Using the WHO-INPUT Button ................................................ 23
Programming the Remote ............................................................. 24
Testing the Remote .................................................................. 24
Using the Remote to Control a Device ................................... 25
Modes of Operation ................................................................ 25
Front Panel ..................................................................................... 25
USING THE MENUS ....................................................................... 27
Menus and Control Panels ............................................................. 28
Audio Menu .................................................................................... 30
Using the Remote to Select an Audio Processor .......................... 31
Picture Quality Menu ..................................................................... 32
Screen Menu ................................................................................... 33
Using Closed Captioning ......................................................... 34
Channel Menu ................................................................................ 35
Time Menu ...................................................................................... 36
Other Menus ................................................................................... 36
FEATURES AND CONTROLS ......................................................... 37
GUIDE Plus+ Menu ......................................................................... 38
About the GUIDE Plus+ System ..................................................... 38
Getting In & Out of the GUIDE Plus+ System ......................... 39
Downloading Data .................................................................. 39
The Different GUIDE Plus+ System Menus ............................. 39
Grid Guide ........................................................................... 40
Sort ...................................................................................... 41
Schedule .............................................................................. 42
Messages ............................................................................. 43
Editor ................................................................................... 43
PIP (Picture-in-Picture) Operation ................................................. 44
Channel Marker .............................................................................. 46
Parental Controls and V-Chip ........................................................ 47
V-Chip TV Rating Limit ............................................................ 48
V-Chip Movie Rating Limit ...................................................... 52
V-Chip Unrated Program Block ............................................... 53
Channel Block .......................................................................... 53
Front Panel Block ..................................................................... 53
Lock/Unlock Parental Controls ................................................ 53
REFERENCE ..................................................................................... 58
Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 54
Care and Cleaning .......................................................................... 55
RCA Digital Satellite System Limited Warranty ............................ 56
Accessory Information ................................................................... 58
INDEX ............................................................................................. 61
This manual is designed to get you started quickly. The first five sections of the manual show you how to
get your TV Setup and Connected, run the Interactive Setup, Program the Remote, and use all of the
menus, features, and controls of your TV.
The Reference section in the back of the book contains troubleshooting tips, care and cleaning
instructions, accessory ordering information and your
warranty. Well... if your TV's out of the box, let's get started.
Checkout the notesthat have been added throughout the manual in these Tip
Boxes.There are some important tips that will helpyou get the mostfrom
your TV.
Make sure to locate the remote control.
There are three types of connections outlined in this section:
TV Only:
The Basic Connection:
If you're only going to connect the TV to your home antenna or cable system.
If you're going to connect the TV to a VCR or satellite receiver.
Advanced Connections:
If you're going to make multiple connections, hooking up the TV to a VCR and a satellite receiver.
Cable information and illustrations are given for each type of connection. Once you have completed your desired connection you may skip forward to Step 3.
This is a basic connection from an antenna or cable system to your TV. Connect the cable into the Cable/Antenna jack as shown.
Important Stand Information
CAUTION: Choose the location for your TV
carefully. Take precautions that the stand
or other furniture on which the TV is placed is properly located (see Important
Safeguards sheet) and of adequate size and strength to prevent the TV from
accidentally being tipped over, pushed off, or pulled off. This could cause damage to
the TV and/or personal injury.
Before You Connect
Protect against power surges:
Connect all components before plugging any power cords into the wall
Turn off the TV and/or component before connecting or disconnecting any
Make sure all antennas and cables are properly grounded. Refer to the Important Safeguards sheet packed
with your TV.
You will use the following cable to make your connection:
Coaxial Cable: These cables carry audio and video signals to the TV from an antenna, cable, or cable
Once you have completed this connection you may skip to Step 3.
This Connection Will Not Allow You to Use Your PIP
Your TV is equipped with a single tuner, which means you must connect with a second video source using Audio/Video Cables to view PIP.This TV Only connection will not enable you to use your PIP,but will get your TV up and running quickly.
Refer to Advanced Connections for connecting Audio/Video cables to your
VCR or other video component.
The basic connection below (TV and VCR) is the most common connection and is therefore used to illustrate a single component connection with your TV. For better sound and picture quality and
multiple component connection information refer to the next section,
Advanced Connections.
You will use the following type of cable to make your connection:
Coaxial Cables: in this connection, two Coaial Cables are used: one connects from an antenna,
cable, or cable box to the VCR, and one connects from the VCR to the TV. These cables carry both audio and video signals.
This Connection Will Not Allow You to Use PIP
Your TV is equipped with a single tuner, which means you must connect with a second video source using Audio/Video
Cables to view PIP.This Basic Connection will not enable you to use your PIP,but
will get your TV up and running quickly.
Refer to Advanced Connections for
connecting Audio/Video cables to your VCR or other video component.
[ _o0,
How to View the VCR
To watch the VCR in this connection tune TV to Channel 3 or 4.
Later, in the Interactive Setup section you will program the TV to automatically tune to Channel 3 or 4 when you turn on the VCR.
Once you have completed this connection you may skip to Step 3,
"Connect the IR Controller."
Advanced connections give you better sound and video by separating the audio and video signals and enabling you to connect multiple components.
This section describes the types of inputs available on the back of your TV and suggests ways you can use them for optimum performance.
Once you have made your connections you will need to program the TV to tune
to the correct Video INPUT channel in order to see and hear audio and video
from the component. You will program this later in the Interactive Setup.
Back ofthe TV
The diagram below describes each of the back panel jacks. When connecting A/V cables, be sure to connect corresponding OUTPUTS and
INPUTS (Video to Video, Right Audio to Right Audio, etc.).
VIDEO and Audio Inputs
Connect any one of the following components:
VCR •Intemet Access Device
Laserdisc Player DVD Player
Satellite Receiver
To view the component connected to VIDEO,
use the WHO,INPUT button on the remote.
VCR Control
Connect the GUIDE Plus+ system IR controller for
one-button recording and channel tuning from the GUIDE Plus+ system.
This optional connection can
be used for better video
quality picture.
Audio Outputs
Connect to an audio receiver or amplifier for variable controlled
or fixed level stereo output.
I Cable/Antenna 1
Takes the signal input from a cable, cable box, or an off-air antenna. Can also
be used for basic component connections.
+ 56 hidden pages