RCA Broadband Digital Cable Modem, 1537757A User Manual

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Disconnect power before servicing.
To ensure reliable operation and to prevent overheating, provide adequate ventilation for this modem and keep it away from heat sources. Do not locate near heat registers or other heat-producing equipment. Provide for free air flow around the cable modem and its power supply.
This reminder is provided to call your attention to Article 820-40 of the National Electrical Code (Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1) which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
This product was designed according to Data Over Cable System Interface Specifications. It will operate on any DOCSIS-compliant HFC cable system and implements Baseline Privacy to promote secure internet transactions.
Table Of Contents
Requirements................................................................. 2
Modem Requirements .......................................................................... 2
Computer Requirements ...................................................................... 2
Cable Internet Service Requirements .................................................. 2
Cable Modem Overview...............................................3
What the Modem Does ........................................................................ 3
What the Modem Needs to Do Its Job ................................................ 3
The Right Cable Company............................................................. 3
The Internet Service Provider........................................................ 3
Connecting the Cable Modem ................................ 4
Using the Cable Modem.............................................. 6
Buttons .................................................................................................. 6
Light Indicators ..................................................................................... 6
Reset Switch .......................................................................................... 7
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................................... 8
TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................... 9
Service INFORMATION ................................................ 10
Quick Reference............................................................ 11
FCC/Industry Canada Information ...................13
on off
Here are the things you’ll need to access the internet over your cable system.
modem requirements
Cable modem
Power supply adapter
computer requirements
Personal computer with the following minimum system requirements (note that the minimum requirements may vary by cable company):
CPU 486DX 66MHz (Pentium preferred) PowerPC or higher
System RAM 16MB (32MB preferred) 16MB (24MB preferred)
Operating System Windows 95/98/NT MacOS 7.5.3 or higher
Available Disk Space Minimum 45MB (90MB preferred) Minimum 31MB (69MB preferred)
Sound Card 16-bit 16-bit
Video VGA or better (SVGA preferred) VGA or better (SVGA built-in preferred)
Floppy Drive 3.5” High Density (CD-ROM preferred) 3.5” High Density (CD-ROM preferred)
Ethernet 10Base-T 10Base-T
An ethernet card makes it possible for your computer to pass data to and from the internet. You must have an ethernet card and software drivers installed in your computer. You will also need a standard ethernet cable to connect the ethernet card to your cable modem.
cable internet service requirements
Cable company that offers DOCSIS-compliant internet services
Cable Modem Overview
on off
Computer Cable Cable Company Internet
Modem (Internet Service
what the modem does
The RCA Digital Cable Modem serves as a two-way high-speed bridge between your personal computer and a cable Internet Service Provider (ISP). It converts information that originates from the internet into an electronic message that your computer can understand.
what the modem needs to do its job
the right cable company
Make sure your local cable company provides internet services that use cable TV industry-standard DOCSIS technology.
the internet service provider (ISP)
Your cable company must act as your Internet Service Provider (ISP). The ISP is your gateway to the internet. It provides you with all of the information you need to access the internet.
Check with your cable company to make sure you have everything needed to begin; they’ll know if you need to install special software or reconfigure your computer to make your cable internet service work for you.
Connecting the Cable Modem
Connecting the Cable Modem
You need three cables to make the necessary connections:
Ethernet cable provided with your ethernet card.
AC adapter provided with your cable modem.
Coaxial cable provided by your cable company.
The connections can be completed in any order. Here we will work from the top of the diagram down.
1. Connect one end of the ethernet cable to the ethernet port on the back of your PC, and the other end to the connector labeled “Ethernet” on the cable modem’s back panel.
2. Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the cable connection in the wall, and the other end to the connector on the modem labeled “Cable In.”
3. Insert the cord from the AC adapter into the “Power AC Adapter Stock# 242225” jack on the cable modem. Then plug the adapter into an AC outlet.
Use the Thomson power supply Stock# 242225 that is compatible with this unit. Using other adapters may damage the unit.
Using the Cable Modem
On/off – Turns the modem on or puts it in stand-by mode. Placing the cable modem in stand-by mode (the “off” position) allows for continued status monitoring from the cable network.
Do not press this button when transmitting data over the internet. The information will be lost along with your ethernet connection.
light indicators
Power – Indicates whether cable
modem is in active or stand-by mode. The light is off when the modem is in stand-by mode, and on when the power is activated.
Data – Indicates whether the ethernet
connection is active, ready to transmit/ receive, or actually transmitting/ receiving. The light is off when no ethernet carrier is present or the modem is in stand-by mode, on when the ethernet carrier is present but there’s no transmit/receive activity, and flashing when there is ethernet transmit/receive activity.
Cable – Indicates the status of your
cable connection. The light is off when no cable connection is detected or the modem is in stand-by mode, flashing when the cable connection is detected but not yet ready to send or receive data, and fully lit when the modem is registered with the network and data can be sent.
on off
Using the Cable Modem
Activity – Indicates the existence of data traffic in the cable lines. The light is off when no data traffic is present and flashing when data activity exists.
Email – This light flashes when you have mail. (Check with your service provider to make sure they offer this feature.)
If all of the lights are flashing simultaneously, it means the cable modem is automatically updating its system software. Please wait for the lights to stop flashing. Do not remove the power supply or reset the cable modem during this process.
reset switch
The reset switch can be found behind a “toothpick hole” on the back panel. It may be used if the cable modem has been taken out of service in one location and is being reconnected to a different service, or if certain files become corrupted.
1. Press and release the switch to make
it perform the same function as power cycling the cable modem (i.e. removing and reconnecting the power supply).
2. Unplug the modem from the AC
power. Press and hold the factory reset button while plugging the modem into AC power. Continue holding the button. Release the button when all lights come on (about 5 seconds). This will return the modem to a factory “out of box” condition.
Q. What if I don’t subscribe to cable TV?
A. If cable TV is available in your area, data service may be made available with
or without cable TV service. Contact your local cable company for complete information on cable services, including high-speed internet access.
Q. How do I get the system installed?
A. For now, professional installation from your cable provider is strongly
recommended. They will ensure proper cable connection to the modem and your computer. In the near future, retailers will offer product and installation services in coordination with your local cable company.
Q. How does the RCA DCM connect to my computer?
A. If you have a computer that meets the minimum system requirements shown
in this book, you’re all set! The RCA modem connects to your computer’s 10Base-T Ethernet port. If your computer is not equipped with an Ethernet interface, an Ethernet card is available from your local retailer or your cable provider.
Q. Once my DCM is connected, how do I get access to the internet?
A. Your local cable company becomes your Internet Service Provider,* offering a
wide range of services including email, chat, and news and information services.
Q. Can I watch TV and surf the internet at the same time?
A. Absolutely! And your phone line won’t be tied up while you’re online.
Q. Can I run more than one computer on the modem?
A. Yes – a single RCA DCM will support up to 16 computers.**
Q. What do you mean by broadband?
A. Simply put, it means you’ll be getting information on a wider bandwidth
than a standard phone line. A wider, “broader” band means more information, more quickly.
Q. What is DOCSIS and what does it mean?
A. “Data Over Cable System Interface Specifications” is the industry standard
that virtually all cable companies are adopting as they upgrade their systems. Being DOCSIS-compliant means the RCA DCM will work with virtually all upgraded cable systems in North America, should you ever decide to move.
*Monthly subscription fee applies. **Additional equipment required.
Nothing happens when I press the on/off button.
•Make sure that the AC adapter is fully plugged into a wall outlet.
•Make sure that the power supply cord is fully inserted into the AC adapter
connection on the back of the modem.
•Double-check that the AC outlet you are using is not controlled by a light
switch that is turned off.
All of the lights are flashing simultaneously.
•This means the cable modem is automatically updating its system software.
Please wait for the lights to stop flashing. The updating process typically lasts less than one minute.
•Do not remove the power supply or reset the cable modem during this process.
The light labelled “email” is flashing.
•This means you have new mail to check.
I can’t get the modem to register an ethernet connection.
•Even new computers don’t always have ethernet capabilities – be sure to verify
that your computer has a properly installed ethernet card and ethernet driver software.
The modem won’t register a cable connection.
•The modem should work with a standard coaxial cable, but if you’re using a
cable other than one your cable company provided along with the cable modem, it may be the wrong one. Check with your cable company to determine whether you’re using the correct cable.
Service for the RCA-branded Digital Cable Modem is provided through your cable provider or its authorized representative. For information on:
Order Service
Obtaining Customer Support
Additional Service Information
Please contact your cable company.
Quick Reference
MINIMUM System Requirements
CPU 486DX 66MHz (Pentium preferred) PowerPC or higher System RAM 16MB (32MB preferred) 16MB (24MB preferred) Operating System Windows 95/98/NT MacOS 7.5.3 or higher Available Disk Space Minimum 45MB (90MB preferred) Minimum 31MB (69MB preferred) Sound Card 16-bit 16-bit Video VGA or better (SVGA preferred) VGA or better (SVGA built-in preferred) Floppy Drive 3.5” High Density (CD-ROM preferred) 3.5” High Density (CD-ROM preferred) Ethernet 10Base-T 10Base-T
1. Connect one end of the ethernet cable to the ethernet port on the back of your PC, and the other end to the connector labeled “Ethernet” on the cable modem’s back panel.
2. Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the cable connection in the wall, and the other end to the connector on the modem labeled “Cable In.”
3. Insert the cord from the AC adapter into the “Power AC Adapter Stock# 242225” jack on the cable modem. Then plug the adapter into an AC outlet.
Detach Here
on off
Quick Reference
On/off – Turns the modem on or puts it in stand-by mode. Placing the cable modem in stand-by mode (the “off” position) allows for continued status monitoring from the cable network.
Do not press this button when transmitting data over the internet. The information will be lost along with your ethernet connection.
light indicators
Power – Indicates whether power is on or off. The light is off when the power switch is off, and on when the power switch is on.
Data – Indicates whether the ethernet connection is active, ready to transmit, or actually transmitting. The light is off when no ethernet carrier is present or the power switch is off, on when the ethernet carrier is present but there’s no transmit/receive activity, and flashing when there is ethernet transmit/ receive activity. This light will flash if you’re attempting to download or upload information over the internet.
Cable – Indicates the status of your cable connection. The light is off when no cable connection is detected or the power switch is off, flashing when the cable connection is detected but not yet ready to send or receive data, and fully lit when the modem is registered with the network and data can be sent.
Activity – Indicates the existence of data traffic along the cable lines. The light is off when no data traffic is present and flashing when data activity exists.
Email – This light flashes when you have mail. (Check with your service provider to make sure they offer this feature.)
Detach Here
FCC/Industry Canada Information
FCC Regulations state that unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user’s authority to operate it.
This device complies with part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations.
This equipment has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B Digital Device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of the FCC rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonable protections against radio and television interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception (which you can determine by turning the equipment off and on), try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for the radio or television that is “receiving” the interference).
Change the position of the Cable Modem with respect to the radio or television equipment that is receiving interference.
Move the Cable Modem away from the equipment that is receiving interference. Plug the Cable Modem into a different wall outlet so that the Cable Modem and the
equipment receiving interference are on different branch circuits. If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an
experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering copies.
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