RBI FUTERA XLF Series, FUTERA III Series, FUTERA FUSION Series, HeatNet V3 Control Manual

Control Manual
Control adjustment and operation instructions for firmware versions Version 3.x
This instruction manual applies only to version 3.x firmware on version 3.x control boards. Current firmware is backwards compatible with version 2.x boards, but some current features may not be available. To replace firmware on an existing boiler, contact the factory or website
http://www.rbiwaterheaters.com to obtain the
original firmware file or for assistance in applying current firmware to an older version control board.
Also read and follow:
Futera III Boiler manual or
Futera Fusion Boiler manual or
Futera XLF Boiler manual
This manual is intended only for use by a qualified heating installer/technician. Read and follow this manual, all supplements and related instructional information provided with the boiler. Install, start and service the boiler only in the sequence and methods given in these instructions. Failure to do so can result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Affix these instructions near to the boiler. Instruct the building owner to retain the instructions for future use by a
qua hnician, and to follow all guidelines in the User’s Information Manual.
Copyright 2019 Mestek, Inc.
Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
The RBI name and logo, Mestek name and logo, Futera, HeatNet, and H­Net name and logo are registered trademarks of Mestek, Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.
BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. LonWorks is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. All trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies.
© 2019, Mestek Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved.
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Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 5
THE FUTERA III/FUSION-SERIES V3 HEATNET CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... 5
Features & Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 7
STANDARD FEATURES OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Specifications ................................................................................................ ............................................ 9
Components & Accessories ................................................................ ................................................... 10
Setup & Operation ................................................................................................................................... 11
BASIC MULTI BOILER SYSTEM OPERATION................................ ................................................................ ................................ .......... 11
MIXED BOILER TYPES USING PRIORITY SETS ..................................................................................................................................... 12
MIXED BOILER SYSTEM OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................... 12
START/STOP PRIORITY CONDITIONS ................................................................................................ .................................................. 14
SELECTING MIXED BOILERS .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
MIXED SYSTEM TYPE 1: HIGH SYSTEM TURNDOWN ............................................................................................................................ 15
MIXED SYSTEM TYPE 2: CONDENSING / NON-CONDENSING .................................................................................................................. 18
Heating Control Methods ........................................................................................................................ 22
HEATING METHOD 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
HEATING METHOD 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
HEATING METHOD 3 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
HEATING METHOD 4 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
HEATING METHOD 5 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
OPERATING LIMIT ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
INPUT PRIORITIES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22
HEATING METHOD 1 HEAT DEMAND .............................................................................................................................................. 23
HEATING METHOD 2 STAGE CONTROL T1-T2 ................................................................................................................................... 23
HEATING METHOD 3 4-20MA CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................. 24
HEATING METHOD 4 AA INPUT .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
HEATING METHOD 5 MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 24
BASE LOADING, RELAY CONTROL ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
SETTING UP BASE LOADING ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
Domestic Hot Water Methods ................................................................................................................. 28
DHW MAXIMUM RUNTIME ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
(MASTER TYPE: COMBINATION) ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
(MASTER TYPE: COMBINATION) ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
DHW METHOD 3: DHW HEATING ONLY, USING A HEADER SENSOR INPUT ........................................................................................... 40
DHW METHOD 5A: LOCAL DHW TANK HEATING USING A 10K TANK SENSOR. ....................................................................................... 49
DHW METHOD 5B: LOCAL DHW TANK HEATING USING A THERMOSTAT & HYBRID SENSOR. ................................................................... 53
DHW METHOD 6: DHW USING DIRECT CONTROL (NOT PREFERRED) ................................................................................................. 55
Using the 4-20mA input (OPTIONAL) ..................................................................................................... 55
SETPOINT PRIORITIES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Circulator Pump Options ........................................................................................................................ 57
Local Pump Option ................................................................ ................................................................ .. 59
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Auxiliary Function Options ................................................................................................ ..................... 59
Outdoor Reset ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Sensors .................................................................................................................................................... 60
Stack Temperature .................................................................................................................................. 60
Security .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Save/Restore Configuration Settings ..................................................................................................... 61
USB Features ........................................................................................................................................... 61
Saving/Restoring Settings ...................................................................................................................... 61
Diagnostics .............................................................................................................................................. 61
Communications ..................................................................................................................................... 62
Failsafe Modes ......................................................................................................................................... 62
FAILSAFE REQUIREMENTS: ................................................................................................................................................................ 62
Category 1 Venting .................................................................................................................................. 63
Limited Flow Boiler Control Options ...................................................................................................... 63
HeatNet Online ......................................................................................................................................... 65
Wiring Connections ................................................................................................................................. 66
* Status Information ................................................................................................................................ 78
STATUS INFORMATION SCREENS ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
Status Screen Fault Display .................................................................................................................... 80
Calibration ................................................................................................................................................ 83
Log Entry.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Line 4 Log Entries: .................................................................................................................................. 85
Default Settings & Menu Item Descriptions SETUP .......................................................................... 88
Default Settings & Menu Item Descriptions ADVANCED SETUP ..................................................... 94
MODBUS Communications ................................................................................................................... 101
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 112
Futera III/Fusion-Series HeatNet Control Run Screen ......................................................................... 117
Futera III/Fusion-Series HeatNet V3 Control Menu Tree ..................................................................... 119
Futera III/Fusion HeatNet V3 Control Advanced Menu Tree ............................................................... 120
Worksheet .............................................................................................................................................. 121
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The Futera III/Fusion-Series V3 HeatNet Control
The Futera III/Fusion-Series V3 boiler control is the third generation of the HeatNet control platform. Control hardware has been added to make use of many new heating applications. These new features are outlined in the Features & Specifications section.
Two versions of the Control are available. The full version and the Lite version. The Full version is available as an option. Consult the factory or sales. The Lite version:
1.) Supports (1) system pump
2.) HeatNet Online monitoring requires a Touchscreen
display on the Master boiler (Full and Lite).
3.) Only a 0-10 VDC output (no 4-20mA)
4.) Does not support (3) alternate staging relays
5.) Pluggable colored terminal strips.
The Futera III/Fusion-Series boiler control is designed to provide the Futera III/Fusion-Series of boilers with an integrated boiler management system on every boiler. Designed for the Air-Fuel coupled Futera III/Fusion-Series boilers, the Futera III/Fusion-Series HeatNet control provides for optimized heating efficiency without the need for a “wall mount control”. Since the Futera III/Fusion­Series modular control method is based on digital communications, analog control signals are not required. Although the use of analog control signals is still supported (4-20mA control loops and 0-10vdc control voltages), a higher level of control precision, repeatability, and feedback is gained with digital communications control.
With the Futera III/Fusion-Series, optimized heating efficiency is accomplished by setting the Modulation Maximum (Mod-Max) setting to exploit the inverse efficiency curve. This value can be adjusted so that as each boiler is added, it operates at its maximum turndown. This allows the maximum number of boilers to operate at their lowest inputs, until all boilers are firing. Once all boilers are firing, full range modulation control is allowed. An outdoor reset function is also provided to assist in the optimized heating efficiency of the Futera III/Fusion-Series boilers.
The Futera III/Fusion-Series boiler with the Futera III/Fusion-Series H-Net control, can be operated in multiple ways:
1. As a standalone boiler.
2. A boiler, in a Boiler Network, using the HeatNet®
(H-Net®) protocol.
3. A Member boiler to a boiler management system with
multiple input control methods.
The primary purpose of the control is to maintain the boiler water temperature at the supply or the header sensor using a target setpoint. While performing this task, the control also monitors dedicated external limits in a limit string and provides an orderly shutdown and fault indication in the event of a tripped limit. The monitored limits include a HIGH LIMIT AQUASTAT, LOW WATER CUTOFF, GAS PRESSURE, FLOW, IGNITION CONTROL fault, GAS VALVE alarm, VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE alarm, and other optional or user selectable limits.
The HIGH LIMIT circuit is independent of
the control and shuts down the ignition control and the boiler if the control board or other component of the boiler was to malfunction. The control will continue to function and report the fault, but its ability to control the boiler will end.
Each Futera III/Fusion-Series boiler employing this control can function as either a Master or a Member. This allows one boiler (Master) to be in control of a target temperature. The other boilers (Members) only respond to the commands issued by the Master. If using an external control, all boilers can be setup as Member s. The following will define the roles of Master and Member.
A boiler becomes a Master when a temperature sensor is connected to the J10 “SYSTEM HEADER” terminals. The sensor is auto-detected.
The Master senses and controls the common system header/loop water temperature using a system setpoint. It uses any boilers it finds (over the H-Net communications cable) to accomplish this. It can also monitor the Outside Air (OA) temperature to provide outdoor reset functionality.
Only one Master is allowed in a system.
When operating as a Master, the boiler provides a control method using a PID algorithm to regulate water temperature. This algorithm allows a single boiler (Master), or multiple (Master + Member) boilers. There are two PID algorithms that can be used. One PID is used for space heating, and the other for Domestic Hot Water (DHW) heating. This allows both space and DHW to be controlled simultaneously.
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Figure 1 Heat band
The control algorithm is based upon a Heat Band, at the center of which is the setpoint. While below the Heat Band, boilers are staged on and modulated up until the Heat Band is entered. Once in the Heat Band, modulation is used to maintain setpoint. Boilers are shut down only when the top of the Heat Band is breached. Timers are also used to prevent short cycling.
The control algorithm is based upon a Heat Band, at the center of which is the setpoint. While below the Heat Band, boilers are staged on and modulated up until the Heat Band is entered. Once in the Heat Band, modulation is used to maintain setpoint. Boilers are shut down only when the top of the Heat Band is breached. Timers are also used to prevent short cycling.
While staging the boilers on, a modulation clamp
ADVANCED SETUP: MODULAR BOILER SET: MOD MAX-LAST FIRE is used to hold the boilers at a
lower fire rate until the last boiler is fired. Once the last boiler fires, the modulation clamp is removed and all boilers are allowed to fire above this clamped percentage up to
100%. This “boiler efficiency” clamp is defaulted to 70%
and thus limits all of the boilers individual outputs to 70% until the last boiler fires. All running boilers modulate up and down together, always at the same modulation rate. As a general rule, this percentage should be no lower than twice the minimum turndown to minimize short cycling.
When additional boilers are needed to achieve setpoint in the system, the Master boiler employs an ADAPTIVE MODULATION algorithm to prevent over firing of the system. The Master communicates over the H-Net to view the exact status of each Member boiler. When a new boiler is added, the Master boiler adjusts the system modulation rate lower to compensate for the BTUs that will be introduced by the newly added boiler. This adjustment occurs when the newly added Member boiler enters its ON CALL state (default setting). This can be changed to PILOT when the new boiler is called using the menu:
ADVANCED SETUP: ADAPTIVE MOD: DROP DOWN. Once the Main Valve (on the newly added boiler)
is opened, and the DELAY RELEASE timer equals zero, the PID algorithm is allowed to control the system modulation. Setting the DELAY RELEASE timer will allow some “soak” time of the newly added boiler before releasing modulation control to the PID.
The ADAPTIVE MOD menus are disabled
on a Member boiler, but are still visible.
If a “SYS/DHW HEADER” sensor is not connected to J10, a boiler always defaults to the role of Member.
The Member boiler can operate as part of a multi-boiler system or as a standalone unit.
In a multi-boiler system the Member typically receives its command signals from a designated Master-boiler. It is also capable of receiving inputs from an external control system. The boiler responds to these signals, to start/stop the burner, and/or to modulate the firing rate. The outlet water temperature is also monitored. If the outlet temperature approaches the operating limit temperature setpoint (adjustable), the boilers firing rate is limited and its modulation value is reduced to minimize short-cycling. If the operating limit is exceeded, or if an interlock trips, the boiler is shut down. When connected with a network cable, in a Master/Member role, the Members' status is interrogated by the Master boiler.
Any standalone boiler will perform
better when controlling to a header sensor.
A Fusion, as a standalone boiler,
requires a header sensor to control properly.
In a standalone installation the Member typically receives its command signals internally and operates based upon the outlet water temperature input and the established settings in the menu (Local Set-point) to start/stop the burner, and/or to modulate the firing rate. If the operating limit is exceeded, or if an interlock trips, the boiler is shut down. As in a multi-boiler system, a standalone Member boiler is also capable of receiving inputs from an external control system.
When using the H-Net network cable in a Master/Member system, the system setpoint is sent from the Master as a digital signal, along with the modulation value to control firing rate. It also receives its command to start or stop over the H-Net cable. Also, the SYSTEM CLOCK only needs to be set on the MASTER. The Master will then set the time on all Member boilers.
If not using the H-Net protocol (cable), an external control can send a 4-20mA or 0-10V signal along with a 4-20mA enable signal to control the setpoint or firing rate. The boiler may also be treated as a 2-stage boiler or an ON-OFF boiler using the dedicated T-inputs.
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Features & Specifications
HeatNet Version 3.x Discontinued Features
1. With this hardware release the service power, switched
power, and the power switch connector have been removed. These were available on prior versions of the HeatNet control. Upgrading to this control from prior versions will require some wiring changes using an upgrade kit.
2. The J10B input is no longer supported for proving the damper. Damper proving switches will need to be wired to J12B, 7 & 8.
3. If a stack sensor is used with this version, the alarm silence switch cannot be connected and the disconnected wires should be terminated appropriately.
Silencing the alarm can be done by holding the BACK and SELECT keys down at the same time.
Hardware Version 3.x Control Additional Features (Identified by circuit board color: BLACK)
1. Support for (2) Circulator pumps (1 if Lite version). Two rotation modes are provided: Based on system runtime or system pump runtime hours. Pump failure switchover/retry mode.
2. Warm weather shutdown, (2) pump jog (1 if Lite version) and local pump jog to keep pumps from seizing.
3. The Modbus, BACnet or LonWorks communications port can be accessed concurrently with the USB port (HeatNet Control Pro). The BACnet, LonWorks, or Modbus connections do not need to be disabled to use the USB ports.
4. The DHW pump and the Local Pump relay connections now provide a normally closed contact. This allows for the use of a power open/power close valve.
5. Support for 5mA 0-10v control signals using third party controls.
6. Support for (2) display types: Vacuum Florescent and Color LCD using the same 20 pin ribbon cable. The color LCD provides an interface for the HeatNet Online monitoring.
7. System Return sensor input.
8. Enhanced boot loader and firmware storage. One
firmware storage location for user updates. One firmware program that always remains resident so that a factory program can be restored. Primary loading is with a flashdrive. The P3 shunt restores the previous firmware.
9. 32 bit Microcontroller operating @ 64 Mhz with 5-
stage pipeline, and prefetch cache.
10. (3) Stage control relay outputs for TBD applications.
11. Backwards compatible with existing HeatNet versions
1.x and 2.x controls and applications.
12. Support for 135 Ohm control actuators.
13. 1k Platinum Stack sensor.
14. Flow meter input or BMS GPM input/control
15. Dual PID controls. One for space heating and one for
DHW heating. Allows for simultaneous DHW/Space heating.
Standard Features Overview
1. Five levels of external control inputs, including
modulation and staging that provide application flexibility.
2. Digital Communications Control (analog 4-20mA and
0-10vdc control supported, but not required). a. Boiler to Boiler : HeatNet (H-Net) b. Building Management System (MODBUS,
Optional BACnet or LonWorks) to Boiler
3. Distributed control using the HeatNet (H-Net) protocol
for up to 16 boilers. Eliminates the need for “wall mounted” controls.
4. Analog Control 4-20mA and 0-10vdc (5mA minimum
current) signals supported.
5. System/Boiler operating status text display
6. Interlock, Event, and System logging with a time
7. Advanced PID algorithm optimized for the Futera
III/Fusion-Series boilers.
8. (4) Dedicated temperature sensor inputs for: Outside
Air Temperature, Supply (Boiler Outlet) Temperature, Return (Boiler Inlet) Temperature, and Header (Common System Supply) Temperature.
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9. Automatically detects the optional temperature sensors
on power up (Outdoor Air Temp sensor is enabled in the settings menu).
10. Menu driven calibration and setup menus with a bright
(Adj.) 4 line Vacuum Fluorescent Display.
11. (8) Dedicated 24vac interlock monitors, and 8 dedicated
120vac system monitors used for diagnostics and providing feedback of faults and system status.
12. Multiple circulator pump control modes.
13. Combustion Air Damper control with proof time,
support for a common combustion air damper.
14. USB/RS485 network plug-in to allow firmware updates
or custom configurations.
15. Optional BACnet or LonWorks interface.
16. Alarm Relay dry contacts, and Audible Alarm.
17. Runtime hours, and Cycles (based on Main Valve
18. Outdoor Air Reset with programmable setpoint and
19. Time of Day clock to provide up to (4) night setback
20. Failsafe mode when a Building Management System is
controlling setpoint. If communications is lost, the boiler/system automatically transfers to local boiler setpoint control.
21. Rotation Methods (Lead-Lag): True Rotation (based on
boiler runtime) is default. First-On First-Off (FOFO), Last-On First-Off (LOFO) and MIXED are optional.
22. Programmable password protection to secure the
programmable settings.
23. Remote 4-20mA setpoint control using a mapped
setpoint range to the 4-20mA control signal.
24. Freeze Protection allowing automatic starting of
boiler(s) using (2) Failsafe modes.
25. Adaptive Modulation. When additional boilers are
called, the Master adjusts all boilers fire rates to compensate.
26. Mixed boiler types in a system.
27. Support for Domestic Hot Water (DHW) using a 10k
Sensor or a dry contact input from a tank thermostat.
28. Domestic Hot Water relay for use with a pump or
29. On-board power and socket for Protocessor
BACnet/LonWorks module.
30. HI/LO relay control option from connector J4
31. Resettable Fused interlock power circuit.
32. Additional terminal connector for H-Net shielded cable.
33. Backwards compatible to Version 1.x hardware.
34. Communications board integrated with the main board
from version 1.x control.
35. Base Loading of (1) boiler.
36. Domestic Hot Water time out for maximum DHW
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Control Microprocessor based PID modulating control (NOT a safety limit)
Environment -40 °F to 140 °F, <90% RH non-condensing
Input Power 24 VAC, 500 mA
Relays 1 System Pump (Lite version), 2 System Pumps (Full Version), Damper, Circulator, Alarm, DHW
Pump (v2.x), 8A 250 VAC resistive* - Refer to wiring diagram for application specific ratings
K8 on J4.2 &.6 for Base Loading
AC Interlocks 24 VAC – 120 VAC input
Control Inputs AA, Heat Demand, 4-20mA Enable, OA override, T1-T2 (dry contact inputs)
4-20mA, 0-10 VDC
Dimensions 9” wide: 6” high: 2” deep
Temperature Sensors NTC thermistor, 10K @ 77 °F, 335.67K @ -40 °F, 185 @ 150 °F ,+/- 1 F
USB 1.0
Boiler-to-Boiler HeatNet (H-Net)
Network Optional LonWorks, BACnet available bridge to MODBUS port
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Components & Accessories
Part Number
Component Description
Futera III/Fusion-Series Control Board Version 3.x Full- Optional
Futera III/Fusion-Series Control Board Version 3.x Lite - Standard
Graphics Display Board
Graphics Display, Color Touchscreen (HeatNet Online Interface)
Temperature probe (bullet type, 1x.250 inch) ACI/10K-CP-BP
Supply, Header, Return Sensors ACI 10k-CP-I-NW
ACI-X/(2) CP-PO-4 4” probe with dual sensor
ACI-X/(2) CP-PO-6 6” probe with dual sensor
3 Immersion Well
Outside Air Sensor with Housing ACI 10k-CP-O
Installation & Operation Manual
RJ45 Communications Cable Assembly, 25 feet
Ribbon Cable Assembly (Display Control)
USB Cable Assembly, 6ft
MODBUS to BACnet Bridge
MODBUS to LonWorks Bridge
MODBUS to HeatNet Online Module
SETUP & OPERATION HeatNet Control V3
Page 11
Basic Multi Boiler System Operation
For boiler system setup/installations please
refer to Refer to the 2008 ASHRAE Handbook, CH12 or later revision.
A basic multi boiler system typically uses boilers of the same size and type. With HeatNet, this includes (1) Master and (1-15) Member boilers. The boilers are connected together using an H-Net communications cable effectively creating (1) boiler. This allows the system heating BTUs to be evenly distributed among all of the boilers. (See:, Typical Single Boiler System, page 74).
Figure 2 Basic multiple boiler system
A basic multi boiler system can be configured using the boiler menus to create custom systems/features. These features are best described in the section: Default Settings
& Menu Item Description. Along with these menu items are hardware support for many auxiliary functions.
Once the system has been properly setup (all default menu values used and H-Net addresses assigned), the system is enabled by placing the REMOTE/LOCAL switch to the LOCAL position on the Master boiler. All Member boilers must have their respective switches in the REMOTE position. When the Master boiler’s Heat Demand input (LOCAL switch) closes, the system becomes operational and will fire as many boilers as it needs to maintain the header water temperature’s setpoint. See the DHW section to fire to two setpoints.
When a boiler is to be fired in a multi boiler system (header water temperature is below the heating band), the Master checks the HeatNet boilers it has available. Then the Master checks if a Lead Boiler is to be used (LEAD BOILER > 0). The Master boiler then looks at which type of firing rotation it has selected: LOFO, FOFO, TRUE (runtime), or MIXED. In our example we will use the TRUE (runtime) rotation since it is the default.
The Master now checks all of the runtimes to determine which boiler has the least runtime based on the MIN RUNTIME setting in ADVANCED SETUP: FIRING MODE:. The MIN RUNTIME setting is the minimum runtime interval in hours that is used to compare boiler to boiler runtimes.
Once the boiler to fire has been determined, the Master sends the command over the H-Net cable to fire that boiler, and resets the ADD BOILER delay timer to prepare for the next boiler to fire. If the header water temperature is still below the heating band, and the ADD BOILER delay timer has expired to zero, the process is repeated until the header water temperature enters the heating band.
When a boiler receives a command to fire:
1. The system pump relay is enabled and the H-Net
control displays 'Flow Wait' until the flow-switch closes between J11A, 1 & 2 within the programmed time (10seconds).
2. All elements in the interlock string, terminated between
J11A and J11B, must be closed before the sequence is allowed to continue.
3. If all interlocks are closed relay K5 is enabled to
command the combustion-air damper open (if used). The H-Net control displays 'Damp: Wait' until the damper end switch closes on input DAMPER, J12B.
4. Relay K6 is enabled energizing the local pump (if
used). The H-Net control commences its 'Flow-Wait' timer (adjustable 10–240 sec.). The flow switch contact is checked on terminals J11B, 5 & 6.
5. With all the interlocks closed, the boiler start relay K1
is enabled and energizes terminal 6 on the ignition control. This signal is present on J5 Boiler Start Operator.
6. The ignition control begins its cycle and provides an
output signal from terminal 4 to the H-Net control J5 Blower. The H-Net control responds and provides an output signal to the VFD which sets the blower to the programmed pre-purge speed.
7. After air-flow is established the ignition control waits
for the air switch to close. When the air switch closes it provides an input to terminal 7 and pre-purge timing commences. The H-Net display indicates 'Pre Purge'.
8. When purge is complete the ignition control energizes
the pilot gas valve from terminal 8, and the spark generator from terminal 10, beginning a 10-second Pilot Flame Establishing Period (PFEP). The H-Net control responds to J5 Pilot Valve and provides an output signal to the VFD which sets the blower to the programmed ignition speed. The H-Net display indicates 'Pilot'.
9. At the end of the PFEP the spark generator is de-
energized. If the pilot flame is detected, by the UV scanner, the ignition control energizes the main gas valve from terminal 9 to J5 Main Valve. The H-Net display indicates 'Run'.
SETUP & OPERATION HeatNet Control V3
Page 12
10. If main-flame is detected the H-Net control holds the
burner at the low-fire rate for the MODULATION DELAY time period. After this timer expires, the PID allows the boiler to modulate and places the boiler into the running state.
As boilers are added to the system settings in the ADVANCED SETUP: ADAPTIVE MOD: DROP DOWN menu determines when the modulation rate drops down to compensate for the newly added BTUs. For the drop down to be active, one boiler needs to be running when a new boiler is added (see:
Introduction: The Futera III/Fusion-Series H-Net Control: Master).
If all boilers are firing, the modulation rate is released to go to 100%. If all boilers are not firing, the modulation is limited to the MOD-MAX clamp value. The MOD-MAX clamp is used to keep the boilers running as efficiently as possible. The following Mixed Boiler System Operation: Selecting Mixed Boilers section outlines this with examples.
NOTE: If the boiler is running as a standalone boiler or
is direct modulated (including the AA input), the MOD-MAX clamp will also be in effect for the ADD BOILER DELAY time. This is to minimize thermal shock to the boiler.
Once the header water temperature is in the heating band, only the modulation rate is used to achieve the target setpoint. The system will maintain the setpoint until the load demand increases or decreases.
As the load decreases, the header water temperature will start approaching the top of the band. The PID now lowers the modulation rate to the boilers, attempting to keep the temperature within the heating band. If the system is delivering too many BTUs, the water temperature will cross the top of the heating band.
When the header water temperature first exceeds the top of the heating band, the boilers are again checked for the one with the most runtime. The selected boiler will turn off immediately and a shed boiler delay timer will be loaded with the delay time. This time will need to expire before the next boiler will be stopped, but only if the header water temperature remains above the heating band. This timer is used to allow the header water temperature to return back into the band when a boiler is stopped. When a boiler is stopped there is a fixed rate of BTUs (Min Fire) that will be removed (PID discontinuity to modulate from Min Fire to 0 BTUs on a boiler). The timer allows for this loss of BTUs.
This cycle will continue until the call for heat is satisfied or the Warm Weather Shutdown feature is enabled.
Mixed Boiler Types Using Priority Sets
Using the Basic Multi Boiler System Operation, a MIXED boiler Priority method may be added to control condensing, non-condensing, base load, or other boiler SETs in a system together. These sets compose a system which provides for optimal performance and economy. Having dedicated sets of boilers gives the system engineer a tool to create many different boiler systems.
A boiler set can be constructed by simply setting the firing Priority on each boiler (to be in a set) at the same priority. Setting all (example) condensing boilers to the highest Priority of 1, and then setting all (example) non-condensing boilers to a Priority of 2, will create (2) sets of boilers, one condensing and the other non-condensing. Once this is done, the Priority 1 set of condensing boilers will have a firing order that has a higher Priority and is independent of the other non-condensing set with the lower priority. The boiler set with the highest Priority can then be fired based on a conditional settings menu. The lower Priority set will follow. If the priority set is used with condensing and non­condensing boilers a boiler may also go offline when a return temperature is too low.
Boilers will be staged on and off using the ADD and SHED timers as always, but the boilers can now be grouped.
Mixed Boiler System Operation
Starting Boilers:
When a boiler is to be fired (water temp is below the heating band), the Master checks the HeatNet boilers it has available. The Master boiler then looks at which boilers are returning Priority firing status (set on a boiler in:
(ADVANCED SETUP: SYSTEM: BOILER TYPE: PRIORITY: 1). If the Start condition for the Priority 1set is
met (ADVANCED SETUP: FIRING MODE: MODE: MIXED: SET FIRST (example), the Master or Member boiler that is configured as PRIORITY 1, with the lowest runtime, will be fired FIRST (example).
As long as the start condition for Priority 1 is met, all boilers in the PRIORITY 1 set will fire based on runtime. Once all boilers in the PRIORITY 1 set have fired, the PRIORITY 2 set of boilers will fire based on runtime.
If the Start condition changes and/or is not met (such as with: OA T or RET temp), the PRIORITY 2 set of boilers will fire first/next based on runtime. This has the effect of flipping the Priority of the sets.
Stopping Boilers:
When a boiler is to be stopped (water temp is above the heating band), the Master checks the HeatNet boilers it has
SETUP & OPERATION HeatNet Control V3
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available. The Master boiler then looks at which boilers are returning Priority firing status (set on a boiler in:
(ADVANCED SETUP:FIRING MODE: MODE: MIXED: SET LAST (example) If the Stop condition for
Priority 1 is met, the Master or Member boiler that is configured as PRIORITY 1 with the highest runtime will be stopped LAST (example). As long as the stop condition and SHED DELAY time are met, all remaining PRIORITY 1 set of boilers will stop based on runtime. If the Stop condition changes and/or is not met (such as with: OAT or RET
Temp), the PRIORITY 2 set of boilers will stop first/next based on their highest runtime.
A boiler’s firing Priority can be designated as such in:
ADVANCED SETUP: SYSTEM: BOILER TYPE: FIRING PRIORITY: 1 menu on each boiler. A Priority of
‘1’ is the highest priority, a ‘2 the lowest (default is always
Figure 3 Mixed Boilers: Example: Condensing/Non-Condensing
In the example Mixed Boilers: Condensing/Non­Condensing, condensing boilers and non-condensing boilers
are used, but other combinations may also be used. Another example could use (2) small boilers and set them to Priority 1 and then use (3) larger boilers and set them to Priority 2. Using these Priority settings (with the conditions menu), the small boilers can run first during the shoulder months (Spring and Fall) and the larger boilers can fire last during the colder Winter season (base loading set).
Before the MIXED method can be used, the firing mode on the Master boiler must be set to MIXED. ADVANCED SETUP: FIRING MODE: MODE: MIXED. Pressing the SELECT key when the cursor is pointing to MIXED will enter the conditions menu. The START and STOP conditions for starting and stopping the Priority boiler set may be configured here. Temperatures are adjustable.
Once the conditions menu has been entered, the firing order and stop order of the Priority 1 boiler set can be selected based on up to (3) conditions in the conditional settings menu. All conditional settings apply to the Priority 1 boiler set. When the conditional settings do not apply to the Priority 1 set, the conditional settings will apply to the Priority 2 boiler set.
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Start/Stop Priority Conditions
The following is an example using mixed condensing and non-condensing boilers:
Condensing boilers may be configured to fire first (set to PRIORITY 1) when:
2. The Return water temperature is below 140F and
condensing occurs. (The Master’s return water sensor would need to be moved to the header return.)
3. The Outside Air Temperature is above a setpoint
determined by the system configuration. This setpoint ensures that the more efficient condensing boilers run first during shoulder months (Spring and Fall) when minimal heating is required. Below this setpoint, larger boilers should be brought on first to “base load” the system.
4. Greater efficiency is required.
Condensing boilers may be configured to stop first (set to PRIORITY 1) when:
The Return water temperature is above 140F and condensing is minimized, thus leaving the larger lower cost boilers running to carry the load.
1. The Outside Air Temperature is below an adjustable
setpoint determined by the system configuration. This setpoint ensures that the larger non-condensing boilers run during the coldest months when maximum heating is required. Above this setpoint smaller condensing boilers should be brought on first to run the system as efficiently as possible.
2. Maximum heating is required
Selections (always the lowest runtime first):
The condensing boiler set (Priority 1) has a
higher Priority to fire when one of these conditions is met. Values are adjustable.
FIRST: The condensing boilers (Priority 1) are always started FIRST
OA T > 15F: The condensing boilers (Priority 1) are started when the OA temperature is greater than the Mixed Boiler Outdoor Air Temperature setting.
RET < 140F: The condensing boilers (Priority 1) are started when the Return water temperature is less than the Mixed Boiler Return temperature setting (This may not applicable in most configurations since the local return
temperature on the Master is used to provide a difference temperature across the heat exchanger. A System Return sensor will be required. However, the return temperature sensor may have been moved on the Master to provide system return temperature on existing installations and is still supported).
Selections (always the highest runtime first):
The condensing boiler set (Priority 1) has a
higher Priority to stop when one of these conditions are met. Values are adjustable.
LAST: The condensing boilers (Priority 1) are always stopped LAST.
OA T < 15F: The condensing boilers (Priority 1) are stopped first when the OA temperature is less than Mixed Boiler Outdoor Air Temperature.
RET > 140F: The condensing boilers (Priority 1) are stopped first when the Return water temperature is greater than the Mixed Boiler Return temperature. (This may not applicable in most configurations since the local return temperature on the Master is used to provide a difference temperature across the heat exchanger A System Return sensor will be required. However, the return temperature sensor may have been moved on the Master to provide system return temperature on existing installations and is still supported).
Start/stop settings
Any combination of Start Conditions and Stop Conditions can be used to optimize the mixing of condensing (Priority 1) and non-condensing boilers (Priority 2) for best performance/economy.
The default settings for the start and stop conditions of the condensing set are:
The default start setting always starts the condensing boilers (Priority 1 example) first, except for the lead boiler setting. The lead boiler will always start first if enabled, unless there is a boiler already running (this includes a Member boiler in LOCAL). The default stop condition setting always stops the condensing boilers (Priority 1) last.
If prolonging the life of the heat exchanger(s) on non­condensing boilers is very important, consider starting the
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condensing boilers (Fusion-Series) when the return water temperature is below 140F.
The return water temperature sensor would
need to be moved from the Master’s return inlet to the system return. The EXCHGR
to prevent the Master from going to ½ input when a high DELTA T is reached.
This method would lead to the non-condensing boilers carrying the load when the system temperature stabilizes above 140F, since non-condensing boilers will start first with the Return water temperature is > 140F. The condensing boilers can then be stopped first when the RET water temperature is above the 140F. Remember, any combination of the Start and Stop conditions may be applied for best performance and economy in the system. Also, non­condensing boilers may be set to go offline when a return temperature is too low using the SETUP: AUX FUNCTIONS: HET EXCHANGER: TEMP DISAB menu.
Base load boilers can also be mixed in the same way as condensing and non-condensing boilers. The base load boiler(s) can be prioritized in one set (example, Priority 2) and non-base load boilers (Priority 1). The non-base load boilers can then be set to fire first and once they are all firing, the base load boiler would fire.
To minimize the cycling of a large base load boiler, consider using the stop condition. Change it to the OAT < 15F (Outside Air Temperature) condition. This setting may be used to stop the Priority 1 boiler set when the OAT drops below the OAT setpoint, thus leaving the large base loaded boiler on and shutting off the condensing boilers first. This is also true when using the OAT setting to start the Priority 1 boiler set when the OAT is above the start setpoint. To use temperatures as start and stop conditions, the system design temperatures must be known.
Selecting Mixed Boilers
There are a few factors to consider when choosing which type of boilers to use in a mixed system. These factors need to be considered when boilers are added or shed. When BTUs are introduced into the system by adding boilers, the amount of introduced BTUs should be smooth (linear). If these factors are not considered, discontinuity in BTUs may occur when boilers are added and as a result, short cycling will occur.
1. Turndown: This is the ratio of minimum fire rate to maximum fire rate: Example: a 20% minimum modulation = 5:1 turndown (100%mod / 20% mod). A (1) million BTU boiler = 200,000 BTUs minimum input.
2. MOD MAX CLAMP: This value determines the
maximum modulation % at which the boilers will fire to, until all available boilers are firing.
3. Total System BTUs.
4. Desired Effective Turndown. This is the lowest
firing rate of the system relative to the maximum firing rate of the system. The larger the value, the lower the BTUs that can be delivered to a light load.
5. Piping.
Mixed System Type 1: High System Turndown
The following examples are of mixed boiler systems with high effective system turndown and fault tolerance built in. When boiler types are the same, the system turndown is
limited to the boiler’s min input and fault tolerance is
always present. When the system has mixed boiler types, consideration needs to be taken on what types can be mixed properly to achieve a high system turndown and provide some fault tolerance.
Fault tolerance allows for one boiler in the Priority 1 system to fail and any boiler(s) in the Priority 2 system to fail and still provide near linear (continuity) BTU response when adding boilers. This is illustrated in the following examples using the Boiler System Response graphs.
The Futera III/Fusion-Series Mixed Boiler System (examples) is advantageous in providing low BTU input for light loads and high BTUs for heavy loads. The effective system turndown minimizes short cycling when light loads are present by assigning smaller boilers to Priority 1, running them first, and then stopping them last.
In order to achieve the high effective
turndown, smaller boilers are required (plumbing considerations need to be considered here due to differing flow/volume characteristics through the large and small boilers).
Example Systems:
Figure 4 Non-Mixed Boiler System
MB/MW 4:1
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000
500, 500, 500, 500,
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With the traditional Non-Mixed boiler system, the effective turndown increases by the turndown ratio for every boiler added. The min fire rate is equal to the minimum BTUs that can be delivered to the system.
Number of boilers * Turndown Ratio = Effective System Turndown: 5 * 4:1 = 20:1.
Figure 5 Mixed Boiler System
System MMBTU
Priority 1
Priority 2
750, 750
1000, 1000,
500, 500
1250, 1250,
1000, 1000
1500, 1500,
500, 500,
1500, 1500,
With the mixed boiler system, a lower minimum fire rate/BTU can be delivered to the system by using small boilers with larger boilers. This works in much the same way as base loading.
Figure 6 Futera III/Fusion Boiler Btu Chart (MBH)
Max Input
Min Input
Mod Max
Mod Max
Mod Max
Mod Max
When selecting the Priority 1 boiler(s) for a high effective system turndown, the BTU Min Input is selected first. (See: Futera III/Fusion Boiler Btu Chart). Next, the MOD-MAX value of this Priority 1 boiler needs to be greater than: Mod
MAX % =
(Priority 1 ‘s Min Input + Priority 2 ‘s Min Input)
Max Input of the Priority 1 boiler
The reason for this is to keep the continuity of BTUs linear without a BTU bump (discontinuity) when boilers are added or shed. This is illustrated in the Boiler System Response 2 graph.
If redundancy is not required, the min inputs of the Priority 1 boilers may be summed to lower the Mod Max % value so smaller Priority 1 boilers can be used. The sum of the min inputs would then need to be divided by the sum of the Max Input of the Priority 1 boilers. The effect of this would create a higher turndown. See: EXCEPTION NOTES:
Mod MAX % =
(((Priority 1 Min) * (#Priority 1’s)) + Priority 2 Min)
Max Input of Priority 1 boiler * (#Priority 1’s)
Example: (2) CB/CW500, (2) MB/MW1250 Redundancy: (125 + 312) / 500 = 88% No Redundancy: (125 * 2) + 312) / (500 * 2) = 56%
1. Mixing more than two different size/type boilers
becomes more complex than the scope of this manual and is not recommended.
2. If using more than one Priority 1 boiler and the
calculated value is <
Priority 1Min * 2
Priority 1 Max Input
Use this result PLUS note 3 value as the ModMax%.
3. Always add a few % (3-5%) to the calculated MOD
MAX % value to allow a guard band (tolerance).
4. If boilers are of different sizes, try to use larger Priority
2 boilers.
If the calculated Mod MAX % value is greater than 99%, the combination cannot be used since short cycling will occur.
Once the Priority 1 and Priority 2 boilers are selected, they can be multiplied in each Priority set to achieve the desired system design BTUs. If the # of boilers becomes a large number, a Priority 1 boiler with a higher Min Input may need to be selected.
While considering the MOD-MAX value, the lower the MOD-MAX the greater the combustion efficiency since it effectively limits the input rate. The Typical Efficiency of
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Non-Condensing Boilers chart can help illustrate how the MOD-MAX value can affect the efficiency by limiting the input until all boilers have fired. Non-condensing boiler efficiency is relatively flat compared with condensing as illustrated in the Typical Efficiency of Condensing Boiler graph.
Figure 7 Typical Efficiency of Non-Condensing Boilers
Figure 8 Typical efficiency of condensing boilers
(GAMA BTS2000 method)
In the Mixed Boiler System table line 2 example, (2) MB/MW 500s are set as Priority 1 and MB/MW 1250s set as Priority 2. With a MOD MAX of 60%, each 500 can run to 300M (600M total) before a 1250 is called ON (Add Delay timer). Once both 500s are running and the 1250 is called on, all (3) boilers will drop to a total of the 600M BTUs: The sum of the 500, 500, and 1250 would equal about 27% modulation: (.27 * 500M) + (.27 * 500M) + (.27 * 1.25MM) or: 135M +135M + 337M = 607M and operate at higher combustion efficiencies (noncondensing boilers have minimal effect individually, but can have an effect if many are used).
If CB/CW Fusion boilers are substituted for the MB/MW Futera III boilers, the efficiency is greatly increased due to the condensing mode of these boilers. When using CB/CW Fusion boilers, during the first 2850 MBTH of load, the combustion efficiency is maximized by running the CB/CW
Fusion boilers from low to middle input rates. See: Typical Efficiency of Condensing Boiler graph.
Figure 9 Boiler System Response 1
(2) MB/MW 500s, (3) MB/MW 1250s
When running non condensing boilers at low
input rates, the risk of condensing should be considered.
The Boiler System Response 1 chart illustrates how each boiler (in the example) is brought on and fires to 60%, drops to a lower fire rate and then adds the next boiler (vertical dashed lines). Once all boilers are firing, the modulation is released allowing all boilers to fire to 100%.
Now, if (1) MB/MW 500 (one of the MB/MW 500s was brought offline) were used with (3) MB/MW 1250s and the Mod-Max is set to 60%, the MB/MW 500 would fire to 300 MBTUs and wait for the MB/MW 1250 (Boiler System Response 2 graph). Now, the minimum input rate would be 312M (MB/MW 1250) + the 125M (MB/MW 500) (already running, but dropped to low fire when the MB/MW 1250 fired), the total being 437M. With a 60% MOD-MAX clamp, there would be 137 MBTUS more than needed and added to the system when the MB/MW 1250 fired.
The PID algorithm would then compensate for the discontinuity (bump) in BTUs and the MB/MW 1250 could shut off (short cycle).
This discontinuity is observed in the graph below, (Boiler System Response 2) where the jump from the MB/MW 500 @60% to the firing of the MB/MW 1250 is apparent.
0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Input, %
System Load, Btu/Hr
Blr 1+2+3 (2250 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3+4 (3500 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3+4+5 (4750 MBTU)
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Figure 10 Boiler System Response 2
(1) MB/MW 500, (3) MB/MW 1250, 60% Mod­Max
To correct this would require the MB/MW 500 to set the MOD-MAX to roughly 90% (Boiler System Response 3: not as efficient as it could be when using CB/CW Fusion boilers) in order to have a linear BTU transfer when the MB/MW 1250 is added (fired).
Figure 11 Boiler System Response 3
(1) MB/MW 500, (3) MB/MW 1250, 90% Mod­Max
An MB/MW 500 running with a MB/MW 1250 may not be an optimal choice unless (2) MB/MW 500s are used in the Priority 1 set or (3) MB/MW 500s and one is allowed to be taken offline.
A system employing this redundancy where (1) is allowed to be taken offline is listed in the MIXED BOILER SYSTEM chart. This system uses (3) MB/MW 500s and (3) MB/MW 1500s. Two of the MB/MW 500s are treated as one when adding the min inputs of the Priority 1 set.
Figure 12 Boiler System Response 4
(2) MB/MW 500s, (3) MB/MW 2000s
The Boiler System Response 4 graph illustrates another system where 80% is used as the MOD-MAX clamp. With this example, when using all non-condensing boilers, the system can maximize the use of the smaller boilers before calling the larger ones.
In summary, the system should be tuned using the boiler selection charts and the MOD-MAX value. Since selecting the Priority 1 boiler is integral to the fault tolerance of the system, it is important to note any discontinuities in BTUs if a Priority 1 boiler fails when multiple Priority 1 boilers are used.
Mixed System Type 2: Condensing / Non-Condensing
This mixed system may also have mixed boilers with differing sizes as outlined in the Mixed System Type 1: High System Turndown section. In the following examples condensing high mass boilers will be used with non­condensing low mass boilers. The reason for creating a mixed system is primarily to control the system cost.
0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Input, %
System Load, Btu/Hr
Blr 1+2 (1750 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3 (4250 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3 (3000 MBTU)
0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Input, %
System Load, Btu/Hr
Blr 1+2 (1750 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3 (4250 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3 (3000 MBTU)
0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Input, %
System Load, Btu/Hr
Blr 1+2+3 (3000 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3+4 (5000 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3+4+5 (7000 MBTU)
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Figure 13 Mixed Condensing/Non-Condensing Boiler
Local Pump
Local Pump
Header Sensor
System Return Sensor
Local Pump
Local Pump
System Pump
Priority 1 Set Priority 2 Set
Combustion Air Damper
Outdoor Air Sensor
Outdoor Air
Figure 14 Mixed Boiler System
System MMBTU
Priority 1
CB/CW 4:1
Priority 2
750, 750
1000, 1000,
500, 500
1250, 1250,
1000, 1000
1500, 1500,
500, 500,
1500, 1500,
For the examples, the RBI FIII/Fusion series water heaters will be used. These boilers are non-Condensing, fully modulating, low mass, and HeatNet compatible.
The Mixed Boiler System table show some examples of mixed systems using different sizes along with Fusion condensing (Priority 1) and Futera III non condensing (Priority 2) boilers.
Using the boiler charts and the examples used in: Mixed System Type 1: High System Turndown, a mixed boiler system can be designed. The Priority 1 boilers should be setup so as to keep the non-condensing boilers from seeing return water temperatures of less than 140F to ensure a long heat exchanger life.
Normally, the Priority 1 boilers will fire first. Once all the Priority 1 boilers are firing, the next boiler to fire (after the ADD BOILER timer expires) would be the Priority 2 (non­condensing). If the return water temperature has not come up to ~140F, the non-condensing boilers could fire in a condensing mode. The ADD BOILER delay timer would have to be set to a long enough period to ensure this does
not happen. Even then, the load may be too great. The following note will explain an alternative way (not depending on the ADD BOILER DELAY) to keep non­condensing boilers from firing in a condensing mode.
When running with a remote BMS setpoint, care must be taken that an Outside Air reset setpoint (or other setpoint) sent by the BMS is not set too low. If the BMS system is controlling the setpoint close to the condensing temperature, the return water temperature may never rise sufficiently to keep boilers out of a condensing mode. HeatNet online is a good way to monitor this scenario if suspected.
If the firmware version for a HeatNet V2
board is at least 3.47(or a version 3 board), the non-condensing boiler may hold itself off from being added to the HeatNet Master’s available to fire list. This would effectively keep the non-condensing boiler from firing in a condensing mode, but as a result, may not satisfy the system setpoint.
In order to use this feature, the version 2 board would need to monitor the system or local return temperature. This can be done locally by setting SETUP: AUX FUNCTIONS: HEAT EXCHNAGER: TEMP DISAB: RETURN if the there is no pump/valve limiting flow continuously through the boiler. If there is a pump/valve limiting the flow through the boiler, the SETUP: AUX FUNCTIONS: HEAT EXCHNAGER: TEMP DISAB: SYS RET needs to be set. Then the Master boiler needs to set SETUP: AUX FUNTIONS: HEAT EXCHNAGER: SEND RETURN: to which of its return temperatures it would send to all boilers. These include the Local Return temperature or the System Return temperature.
The Member’s menu SETUP: AUX FUNCTIONS: HEAT EXCHNAGER: TEMP DISAB: if set to RETURN or SYS RET, will force the boiler to become unavailable to HeatNet when the SETUP: AUX FUNCTIONS: HEAT EXCHNAGER: TEMP< 140F. This value is adjustable to 135F if a forced air fan is used. When the SYS RET or RETURN temperature is <140F the boiler responds to a HeatNet Masters request as unavailable. As soon as the return temperature reaches 140F, the boiler will respond to the Master’s request that it is available to fire.
If the Master boiler is a version 2 board, the Master will always transmit its Local Return temperature to all boilers. If the Master is set to Priority 1 and all other non-condensing boilers are set to Priority 2, the Master should always remain on if there is a call for heat. This requires that the Priority 1 boiler be set up to start first and stop last. Using this method should always send a valid return temperature to the Member boilers. This method can also be used with a version 3 board, but a system return sensor is preferred.
When this condition is in effect, the STATUS * screen will indicate “blr offline”. While the boiler is in this “not
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available” state, it can still be fired locally and failsafe is
still available.
OFF The Master sends its return
temperature to all boilers
RETURN The Master sends its return
temperature to all boilers
SYS RET The Master sends the system
return temperature to all boilers
OFF No check is made to the return
temperature – boiler remains online
RETURN Uses the boilers own return
sensor (No pump /valve present)
SYS RETURN Uses the System Return temp
received from the Master Boiler (its Local or System Return).
Adjustable threshold temperature below which the boiler will take itself offline.
1 degree F of hysteresis is provided so as to not toggle offline<-to->online at the threshold temp.
Since the FIII boiler is non-condensing, the efficiency vs. input is relatively flat. The MOD MAX value will not have the same impact if the FIII non-condensing boilers were placed in the Priority 1 set.
Futera III/ Fusion Boiler BTU Chart
In the Mixed Boiler System table (Figure 15) line 2 example, (2) CB/CW 500s are set as Priority 1 and (3) MB/MW 1250s set as Priority 2. With a MOD MAX of 60%, each 500 can run to 300M (600M total) before a 1250 is called ON (Add Delay timer). Once both 500s are running and the 1250 is called on and running, all (3) boilers will drop to a total of the 600M BTUs: The sum of the 500, 500, and 1250 would equal about 27% modulation: (.27 * 500M) + (.27 * 500M) + (.27 * 1.25MM) or: 135M +135M + 337M = 607M and operate at higher combustion efficiencies: 27% is roughly between the top two lines on the Typical Efficiency of Condensing Boilers chart.
The Boiler System Response 5 chart illustrates how each boiler (in the example) is brought on and fires to 60%, drops to a lower fire rate and then adds the next boiler (vertical
dashed lines). Once all boilers are firing, the modulation is released allowing all boilers to fire to 100%.
Figure 15 Boiler System Response 5
(2) CB/CW 500s, (3) MB/MW 1250s
So, for the first 600 MBTH of load, the combustion efficiency is maximized by running the (2) fusion boilers from low to middle input rates. Running the (2) fusion boilers first also has the added effect of minimizing the return water temperatures of <140F from reaching the noncondensing boilers.
Figure 16 Futera III/Fusion Boiler Btu Chart (MBH)
Max Input
Min Input
Mod Max
Mod Max
Mod Max
Mod Max
In summary, the system should be tuned using the boiler selection charts and the MOD-MAX value so that boilers are brought on and fired in their respective efficiency curve while maintaining continuity in BTUs. Since selecting the Priority 1 boiler is integral to the fault/offline tolerance of the system, it is important to note any discontinuities in BTUs if a Priority 1 boiler goes offline when multiple Priority 1 boilers are used.
0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000
Input, %
System Load, Btu/Hr
Blr 1+2+3 (2250 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3+4 (3500 MBTU)
Blr 1+2+3+4+5 (4750 MBTU)
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Figure 17 Mixed Boilers: Example: Condensing/Non-Condensing
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Heating Control Methods
An overview of the (5) methods for controlling the Futera III/Fusion series boiler are presented here. They are outlined in more detail at the end of this section.
Heating Method 1
The first method is to use the Futera III/Fusion Series boiler in its standalone modulating method. This method uses a PID algorithm to maintain a setpoint and is enabled using the HEAT DEMAND input. Closing a relay contact or switch across the HEAT DEMAND input will cause the Master boiler to control all Member boilers using H-Net.
Any standalone boiler will perform better when controlling to a header sensor.
A Fusion, as a standalone boiler, requires a header sensor to control properly.
A Member boiler may also be controlled by the HEAT DEMAND input (LOCAL mode). The Member boiler will then ignore commands from the Master and maintain its LOCAL SETPOINT at the supply sensor.
Heating Method 2
The second method is to view the Futera III/Fusion boiler as two separate boilers or as a HIGH/LOW boiler using T1 & T2.
Heating Method 3
The third method is to allow a remote 4-20 mA or 0-10VDC signal to control the setpoint of the boiler using the 4-20mA input, along with the 4-20mA REMOTE ENABLE input.
Heating Method 4
The fourth method turns the boiler ON and OFF @ 100% modulation using the AA terminal.
Heating Method 5
The fifth method uses an RS485 digital communications cable with the MODBUS protocol. The boiler is controlled by writing and reading registers using MODBUS commands. A bridge module may also be used to convert BACnet or LonWorks protocols to MODBUS.
Short cycling may occur when a firing rate is
sent to a Member boiler that would cause the supply temperature to rise high enough to trip the operating limit (low flow rate). After the supply temperature falls, the boiler would restart and the process may continue. A Member boiler would use its supply (outlet) sensor to protect itself from short cycling by limiting the firing rate coming from the Master. This occurs in the event that the Member’s supply temperature increases above the (OPERATE LIMIT- OPERATE LIMIT BAND).
Operating Limit
When the Master boiler or an external control input is used to control a Member boiler (i.e. AA, T1-T2, 4-20mA, H­Net), a software operating limit on the Member boiler will be used to limit the maximum output of the Member boiler. This operating limit can be adjusted in the SETUP: SETPOINTS: OPERATING LIMIT.
There is also an associated operating limit band that must be set in conjunction with the operating limit to help prevent this LIMIT from being reached. Its purpose, is to limit the output of the boiler as it approaches the operating limit. If the band is set to 10 degrees, then for every degree that it approaches the operating limit, the maximum output will be lessened by 10%. With a band of 20 degrees, for every degree that it approaches the band, the maximum output will be lessened by 5%. You can think of this operating limit as a smart aquastat which prevents the High Limit from tripping. This method minimizes boiler short cycling when using external inputs. The minimum setting is 1 degree and effectively turns the limit band OFF. The default setting is 20F.
Input Priorities
The Futera III/Fusion-Series control inputs are prioritized so that multiple levels of external control can be employed at the same time. This means that if we are firing the boiler with a low Priority input and a higher Priority input is called for, the boiler will now fire at the higher Priority input. When the high Priority input is removed, the boiler will revert back to the lower Priority input that is still being called.
Priority 1
The AA terminal has absolute control, and if used, will always fire the boiler at 100% output, regardless of any other input.
Priority 2
The HEAT DEMAND input is the next, and provides the means to operate the boiler in LOCAL MODE when an
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external control is not present, has failed, or needs to be enabled or disabled. A Member can override the H-Net commands using this input.
Priority 3
If a HeatNet (H-Net) Network cable is connected between boilers, and one is configured as a MASTER (requires HEADER sensor), then the MEMBER boilers will be controlled over the network by the MASTER.
Priority 4
The 4-20mA/0-10VDC input in tandem with the 4-20mA REMOTE ENABLE input is next. Any signal over 4.02mA or 2.01VDC will start and operate the boiler if the REMOTE ENABLE is closed.
Priority 5
The lowest Priority is using the boiler as (2) stages HIGH/LOW. These are the T1 and T2 inputs.
Each of these control methods will now be explained in more detail:
Heating Method 1 HEAT DEMAND
Closing a relay contact, switch, or jumper across the HEAT DEMAND input will enable this method. This method allows operation as a setpoint control. As a setpoint control, the Master (defined by having a common system header sensor), on the H-Net network can command the boiler fire rate of all Member boilers. The Master can call as many boilers that it has available (boilers are auto-detected over the H-Net cable by the Master) to meet its SYSTEM SETPOINT. The H-Net cable must be connected and will cause the amber light on the communications board to flash. The amber light indicates an H-Net Master is broadcasting control information and a system heartbeat.
The AA terminal, the FAILSAFE mode active, 4-20mA at PRIORITY: HIGHEST, and the HEAT DEMAND input (LOCAL) on a Member, are the only inputs that will override the H-Net control.
Figure 18 Heat demand input
MEMBER: Close to run at Local setpoint. MASTER: Close to control all boilers and
run at System setpoint.
Master boiler
The MASTER boiler controls the system using a PID algorithm. Once the boiler is started, a PID algorithm is used to produce a modulation percentage value from 0­100%. This percentage is converted to a PWM, (P)ulse (W)idth (M)odulation signal by each boiler. The temperature of the water is maintained by sending this PWM signal to the Variable Frequency Drive, which in turn controls the blower motor. Since the main fuel valve is air­fuel coupled to the blower, the speed of the blower provides the firing rate.
Member boiler(s)
A Member (lacking a common system supply header sensor) boiler may also be controlled by the HEAT DEMAND input (LOCAL mode). The Member boiler will then ignore commands from the Master and maintain its own LOCAL SETPOINT at its supply sensor. This can be viewed as a manual override on a Member boiler. Be sure to observe the proper use of a Common System Damper (See: AUXILIARY FUNCTION OPTIONS section) and any system pumps or system common interlocks.
Features of the HEAT DEMAND input include:
1. The control is designed to predict when to start and
stop the boiler and keep the setpoint in, or as close to the control band as possible. If PREDICTIVE START is enabled, the boiler may start when it is in the band and not below it. This will help to maintain a more accurate temperature relative to the setpoint. See also: ADVANCED SETUP: FIRING MODE: PREDICTIVE START: to disable this feature.
2. The control can also use the Outdoor Reset feature.
This feature allows the setpoint to be changed automatically based on the outside air temperature. If this feature is used, the control input: OR OVR (OUTDOOR RESET OVERRIDE), can be used to override the Outdoor Reset feature and run from the
local setpoint. A contact closure on the ‘AA’ input can
also override this method.
3. There is also support for a common system damper,
Heat Exchanger support, and starting the Master first for common venting. For an overview of each of the menu settings see: DEFAULT SETTINGS section.
Heating Method 2 STAGE Control T1-T2
The boiler can also be operated in 2 separate stages using the inputs T1 and T2 inputs. Its intended use is with an external stage controller with no analog or modulation outputs. Closing only one of these contacts tells the boiler to operate at MINIMUM FIRE.
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Closing the other contact will fire the boiler at MAXIMUM output (the same rate as closing the AA input).
Figure 19 Stage control inputs
The maximum output of the boiler is based on
the MAX VFD setting in the calibration mode and not the nameplate rating.
The AA, HEAT DEMAND (LOCAL) input, the H-Net, the 4-20mA input will all override the stage control inputs.
Heating Method 3 4-20mA Control
Placing a current source between the + and – 4-20mA inputs will allow remote control of the boilers setpoint. An adjustable starting mA current signal here will start and then fire the boiler. See: ADVANCED SETUP: 4-20mA INPUT: CHANNEL MODE.
See section OPTIONAL FEATURES, Using the 4-20mA input for extensive detail.
A 4-20mA signal will fire the boiler to the setpoint based on the set parameters. . The input current signal is tabled with the default parameters 4mA signal = 50 degrees F and 20mA signal = 200 degrees F. These (2) temperatures are adjustable to provide a custom setpoint range. The minimum start current is also adjustable between 3.71 and 5mAThe boiler start signal is 4.10mA. This will act as a start/stop for the boiler if a jumper is placed on the 4-20mA enable as an alternative to using a relay for enabling and disabling.
The AA terminal, the HEAT DEMAND, and the H-Net NETWORK are the only inputs that will override the 4­20mA input.
Heating Method 4 AA Input
HIGH FIRE input Control: The AA input will fire the boiler at HIGH fire (maximum output of the boiler). No other inputs can override this input. AA / High fire input.
Figure 20 Example: 4–20 mA connections
Method 4: Close this AA contact
to run the boiler at High Fire.
Heating Method 5 MODBUS communications
The fifth method uses an RS485 digital communications cable with the MODBUS protocol to control the boiler using the H-Net network. The Boiler or Boiler network will run as in Method 1, but instead of the HEAT DEMAND input, a software form of the HEAT DEMAND input is used (40001: Boiler/System Enable/Disable). See: MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS section.
Figure 21 MODBUS connections
Modbus Using
RJ45 Cat 5 cable
Modbus Using
shielded 3 wire.
Method 2
Stage Control Inputs:
T1 & T2
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The System Setpoint Timer also needs to be loaded periodically to allow the H-Net system to fallback to Method 1 in the event communications is lost from the Building Management System (BMS).
This feature can be turned off in ADVANCED SETUP: COMMUNICATIONS: SETPOINT TIMER: OFF. If the setpoint timer feature is set to ON, the ADVANCED SETUP: COMMUNICATIONS: SETPOINT TIME may be set to a time that allows any write to a MODBUS register to reset the setpoint timer as long as it occurs within that time. This will reset the setpoint timer without writing the setpoint timer register. So, periodically writing the setpoint register will automatically reset the setpoint timer as long as the write occurs within that time window. The MODBUS protocol allows writing and reading registers using MODBUS commands.
Protocessor option
An optional BACnet or LonWorks bridge module can be used to connect the MODBUS network to a BACnet or LonWorks network. Use communications default settings.
Figure 22 Protocessor bridge module option
This method allows enabling and disabling the boiler or H­Net system, changing setpoints, reading boiler(s) status, or temperatures remotely using digital commands. See the section: MODBUS Communications.
Base Loading, Relay Control
The H-Net control has the ability to control (1) base load boiler using the K8 Relay contacts on J4 pins 2 & 6. In order to connect to this plug, (2) wires with pins are required and inserted in J4. Base Loading via relay requires these (2) flying leads (loose wires available from the factory) to be inserted into J4, pins 2 & 6. These (2) wires then make up the Normally Open contacts. This feature can be used on Master or Member boilers. The solid state relay K8, with contact connections on J4.2 & J4.6 has a rating of:
0.1 to 1 Amp.
If the base load boiler is of the modulating type, a 4-20mA signal is also provided on J4 pins 1 and 5. Jumper shunt JS1 will then need to be set to 4-20mA position. Two additional wires (available from the factory) will need to be added to the J4 pins at 1 & 5. Pin 1 is the + output of the 4-20mA transmitter, and pin 5 is the – output. This modulating control signal is used to modulate the base load boiler along with the HeatNet boilers in parallel. The ADAPTIVE MOD does not function in lowering the modulation rate when the base load boiler is added. The PID will adapt to the newly fired base load boiler and lower its modulation rate when the increase in water temperature is observed.
Figure 23 Base loading with Futera II boiler
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Figure 24 Base loading with Dominator boiler
Enable the base load feature by setting:
ADVANCED SETUP: SYSTEM: OPTION to BASE LOAD. This setting the OPTION Relay to be used as
control for a Base Load Boiler.
LOAD. This setting the OPTION Relay to be used as control for a Base Load Boiler.
BASE LOAD BOILERS: to 1. Currently allows (1) base load boiler.
3. The START & STOP qualifier condition to the method
discussed below.
4. The DELAY TIME to the amount of time required
after the start qualifier condition has been met to start the boiler.
If a MINIMUM OFF time of the Base Load boiler is needed, the Base Load boiler will share the MIN OFF TIME of the boiler controlling it. If the base load boiler was running and shuts off, the MIN OFF TIME will need to expire before the boiler can start again. Once this time expires, the DELAY TIME also needs to expire to start the boiler. This will help in minimizing short cycle conditions and can be set at: ADVANCED SETUP: FIRING MODE: MODE: MIN OFF TIME.
A modulating base load boiler that can accept a 4-20mA control is preferred or a non-modulating base load boiler
that is sized correctly to the H-Net boilers. Consider the Futera II or the Dominator series for the Base Load role.
If the base load boiler is not of the modulating type, stopping the Base Load boiler will require that the size of the Base Load boiler in BTUs to be known relative to the HeatNet boilers. Boiler selection is ideally; having more total BTUs in the HeatNet boilers than total BTUs of the Base Load boiler. This will prevent short cycling. Example: (4) 2 million BTU HeatNet boilers = 8 million BTUs and (1) 6 million BTU Base Load boiler.
When all (4) HeatNet boilers are running @ 95%, the Base Load boiler is called on (demand is approx. 8 million BTUs). As the Base load boiler comes on it introduces 6 million BTUs and the HeatNet boilers modulate down to 25% for a total output of 2 million BTUs and running at high efficiency. The HeatNet boilers can now modulate to the load from 1.6 million BTUs (20% mod) to another 8 million BTUs.
Not Preferred:
Example of having a larger Base Load boiler that is not of the modulating type: If there is a 6 Million BTU Base Load boiler running with (3) 2 million BTU HeatNet boilers, a short cycling situation will arise when the (3) 2 million BTU boilers are running @ 95% and the Base Load boiler is called on. At this point there is a need for approximately 6 million BTUs. The (3) smaller boilers will then modulate down to low fire. At this point, the (3) smaller boilers need to shut off or the Base load boiler would need to shut off. There is no overlap. A selection for stopping the boiler now needs to be determined. Setting the Stop qualifier; Modulation to 40% or a low fire rate will shut the Base Load boiler off and allow the (3) smaller boilers to modulate up again (short cycle of the Base Load boiler; Use the Delay Timer and Min OFF timer). The Stop qualifier; OA T > xxF may also be used if the system design temperature is known. Then let the Base Load boiler cycle off of its limits, whether a 2 stage, Hi/Lo, or modulating boiler. The default setting is for the Base Load boiler to stop first once the water temperature exceeds the top of the heating band
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Figure 25 Base loading relay
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Setting up base loading
The base load boiler is controlled using a set of contacts to enable it (location J4). Enabling/Disabling this relay contact can be done using any combination of (3) qualifiers to start the boiler and (4) to stop the boiler. These qualifiers are:
1. Modulation %: a. START menu item: The relay contact will close
when the MOD % from the Master boiler exceeds this value. ADVANCE SETUP:BASE LOADING:
STOP menu item
: The relay contact will open when the MOD % from the Master boiler falls below this value.
If the START>MOD value is set to a value
higher than the ADVANCED SETUP: MOD- MAX: all boilers will be firing before this modulation rate is reached. This will ensure that all available boilers are firing before the base load boiler relay is enabled.
c. Setting the: STOP<MOD to a % value slightly
above the min fire rate % of the system will ensure that the base load boiler will stop before the first condensing boiler stops. This is due to the Modulation rate being close to the min modulation rate before the water temperature exceeds the top of the heating band.
2. Outside Air Temperature: a. START menu item: The relay contact will close to
enable the boiler when the OA T read from the Outside Air Temperature sensor (if equipped) falls below this temperature. ADVANCE SETUP:BASE
b. STOP menu item: The relay contact will open to
disable the boiler when the OA T read from the Outside Air Temperature sensor (if equipped) rises above this value. ADVANCE SETUP:BASE
If the OA T qualifier is used as the Start and
Stop qualifier, ensure that there is at least a few degrees difference for hysteresis. Return Water Temperature
START menu item
: The relay contact will close to enable the boiler when the RET read from the Return Water Temperature sensor (if Equipped) falls below this temperature.
STOP menu item
: The relay contact will open to
disable the boiler when the RET temperature read
from the Return Water Temperature sensor (if Equipped) rises above this temperature.
STOP menu item
: The relay contact will open to disable the boiler when the temperature exceeds the heating band. This gives the result of stopping the Base Load boiler First. Default setting.
Delay time
The DELAY TIME is also included to hold off starting the boiler until the delay time is met. Once the start condition qualifier term is met, the DELAY TIME will start counting down. When the time expires, the base load relay contacts will close. ADVANCE SETUP: BASE LOADING:
DELAY TIME. It is adjustable in a range of: 0 to 60 minutes.
Base Load Failsafe
1) There are no boilers available to fire (offline or
2) There are no boilers in local override.
3) There is a call for heat.
The J4 Base Load relay will close.
If a boiler becomes available and needs to fire, the Base Load boiler will remain firing until the temperature exceeds the band. This is provided to keep the system from entering a no heat situation.
If there are no boilers available to fire (offline or faulted) and there are no boilers in local override, and there is a call for heat, The J4 Base Load relay will close. If a boiler becomes available and needs to fire, the Base Load boiler will remain firing until the temperature exceeds the band. This is provided to keep the system from entering a no heat situation.
Domestic Hot Water Methods
Domestic Hot Water control is supported using (6) methods. When using the Domestic Hot Water methods, the wire jumper, JPS1 on each control board providing Domestic Hot
Water, must be cut to limit the boiler’s maximum output
temperature to 200F. Refer to Figure 26 for control input, refer to Figure 57 for sensor inputs, and Figure 45 for pump output locations.
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Figure 26 Jumper JPS1
Most of these methods use a separate PID
control for the DHW. This means that the Master boiler can be used to individually control its own DHW tank and provide space heating functionality at the same time.
A MASTER TYPE is required when using DHW. Its setting is located under the DISTRIBUTED CTRL menu. Any time its setting is changed, a power cycle is required. The menu choices are:
AUTO: will handle normal heating only applications. It may also be used when Member boilers have tanks connected and are controlled with the DHW BOILER: set to LOCAL.
DHW: is for DHW applications without space heating.
COMBO: Will allow combination Space and DHW
heating control of boilers by the Master.
The OR OVR input now functions in many of the methods as a DHW Heat Demand input (except DHW Heating Only method), but still retains the original OR OVR functionality in
AUTO, if the DHW menus are not used (DHW BOILER? NO). If the DISABLE TO CHANGE message appears, remember to remove the any call for heat including the OR OVR input.
When the MASTER TYPE is set to COMBO (Combination) the MODULAR BOILER SET menu will contain (2) separate menus for controlling the ADD BOILER DELAY,
SHED BOILER DELAY, MODULATE DELAY, and the MOD MAX. This allows the independent control of boilers
for each of the (2) PIDs.
When using MASTER TYPE: COMBO, the Master may control DHW and Space Heating needs. If the Master goes
down or loses communication with the Member, a Failsafe mode is available to provide temporary heat.
The DHW Failsafe mode is active when a Member boiler’s
SETUP: AUX FUNTIONS: FAILSAFE MODES: H-NET COMM LOST: is set to ON. When this is set to on, normal
DHW heating using the OR OVR or DHW sensor is disabled, even though there may be a DHW call on one of these inputs.
When the Master Boiler’s communication is lost, and after 10 minutes of not being restored, the DHW inputs become active. The boiler now enters a standalone mode. The Heat Demand on that boiler becomes active and not only runs to provide failsafe space heating, but DHW heat as well. The STATUS screen will display an ‘*’ and H-NET LOST. If a thermostat is used, the boiler will run to Method 5A until the thermostat input removes the DHW call. If a DHW temperature sensor is used, the boiler will modulate to maintain tank temperature. The DHW Call always has priority over space heating. A dual 10k sensor is available that can be wired from one tank to two boilers.
The Failsafe boiler needs to either have a thermostat input from a DHW tank or a temperature sensor connected to a tank. When these sensors are connected normally, they would override any call to the boiler by the Master (when in
SETUP: DOMESTIC HOT WATER: DHW BOILER: COMBO) and enter a DHW heating mode. With the Failsafe
active, this function is inhibited and the Failsafe boiler only responds to these inputs with the loss of the Master’s communication.
For more details see DHW Method 2: Failsafe Combination DHW and Space Heating with a MASTER Boiler and MEMBER Boilers page 34.
DHW Maximum Runtime
When a Combination system has a call for DHW heat and services it for a time that is longer then designed, the DHW may need to be locked out or held off for a predetermined amount of time (retry).
Two settings are provided to control this situation: the Maximum Runtime, and the Holdoff Time. The Maximum Runtime is set to allow the DHW call to occur for the design time of the system. If for some reason this time is exceeded, the Holdoff Time setting goes into effect. The Holdoff time can be set to a Lockout (the OR OVR input needs to toggle or a power cycle to clear the Lockout), or a fixed amount of boiler off time. If the fixed amount of Holdoff time is selected, the DHW functionality will be cycled between the boilers running for the Maximum Runtime, and stopped for the duration of the Holdoff Time.
DHW METHODS HeatNet Control V3
Page 30
DHW Method 1: DHW Heating ONLY using a DHW MASTER and MEMBER Boiler(s) Employing H-Net
Figure 27 Example DHW Only, Reverse Return Piping – Method 1.
Tank Sensor
DHW Sensor
Ball Valve
Expansion T ank
Cold Water
Local Pump
Local Pump
Water Met er
Local Pump
DHW METHOD 1: DHW Heating ONLY using a DHW MASTER, Multiple Non-Condensing Boilers
A DHW Setpoint is maintained in the DHW tank based on the MASTER’s DHW Sensor. The system pump is enabled when the
boiler’s Heat Demand input is closed. Boilers are staged to meet the DHW Setpoint in the tank based on their runtime, and each
boiler will enable its local pump when it is running. The MASTER modulates the boilers to maintain the setpoint in the tank.
The cold water make up is piped into the supply piping to reduce the possibility of condensing in the boilers.
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