Assembly Overview and
Part Names:
A. T-bar Assembly
B. Quick Release Lever
C. Extension Tube with Folding System
D. Knob
E. Quill
F. Wedge
G. Stem Bolt
H. Hex Key (6mm)
I. Headset Lock Nut
Kit Contents:
1. Replacement Bolt
2. Washer
3. Wedge Assembly
4. Hex Key Wrench
WARNING: Turn off the main power switch before proceeding with the following instructions.
Step 1: Loosen the Stem Bolt
Using the hex key, loosen, but do not remove, the
stem bolt. Loosen the bolt 1-1/2 to 2 turns.
Step 2: Remove Folding System
With the stem bolt loose, you should be able to
lift the folding system out of the fork as shown.
If needed, lightly tap on the top of the stem bolt
with a small hammer to release the wedge from
inside the fork and allow removal.
Need Help? Visit our website for additional instructions at www.razorusa.com or call toll-free at 866-467-2967 Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time.

Step 3: Replace the Stem Bolt
Step 4: Reinstall Folding System
Unscrew the original stem bolt from the wedge
and remove. Insert the longer replacement bolt
[3a] and the washer [3b] and thread the wedge
Insert the folding system as shown. Insert all the
way so the bottom plate of the folding system is
touching the headset lock nut.
[3c] in place until the bolt is 2 or 3 threads from the
end. Do not tighten all the way.
Step 5: Steering Alignment
With the folding system aligned roughly with the front wheel, lightly tighten the stem bolt. Upright the T-bar and
visually check the alignment of the front wheel to the handlebar.
Carefully nudge the steering into alignment. When you are satisfied with the adjustment, fold the T-bar down
and tighten the stem bolt securely as shown below. The correct tightness is when the front fork and wheel are
securely clamped to the folding system and it can’t be twisted out of alignment with any normal use or force.
Step 6: Check Alignment
Take the scooter on a test ride to verify that the handlebar is properly aligned with the front wheel. If not, loosen
the stem bolt and adjust accordingly. When satisfied, recheck all fasteners before riding your scooter.
Need Help? Visit our website for additional instructions at www.razorusa.com or call toll-free at 866-467-2967 Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time.