Raytheon IIS ARTU installation manual part seven

9.1.10 UNWCKED ONLINE STATE This test step is a mode change only. Failure of this mode change will only occur if the MMT is not communicating with the ARTU. This mode change will place the C-2000 back into an operational mode and allow the installer to perform normal system functions.
Symptom: ERROR=> MMT communications failure - ti~d out.
If this ~ssage is displayed in the Radio Responses window then check the cabling between the ARTU and the MMT. If the cabling is correct then press "R" to repeat the test.
V4.0A HHT Radio Responses-.
Radio 8oftwere .-.cutiDg in unlocked online state.
+ + ~ MMT TUtorial : DfS1A205
. .
: ~t08: 'Radio aof~e executing in unlocked online state' ia not shown
: e) Check.-T cable connection.
: b) Pres. ... to repeat test.
Figure 9. 10. Unlocked On-line State MMTI Troubleshoot Screen.
9-13 RevB
9.1.11 RECEIVE SIGNAL STRENGTH MEASUREMENT USING GENSTAR GROUND STATION This test step is a verification of operational capabilities of the C-2000 if the installer is able to monitor a GTE Airfone Ground Station from the location at which the system is being installed. If communications with a ground station is possible, the Pilot Status screen will indicate that the ARTU is in sync with the ground station Pilot control channel.
---V4.0A MIr1' Radio Responses-
: C-2000 reports statua update ENABLED.
PrM8 r2 to Vi- Status Display
:IHS1A115 :
I , :~t_, ay.t- cSoea DOt appear to be monitoring a grOUDdatation. : : .) Have you waited several minutes for the pilot scanning to complete and :
: tha 8Y8t- to lock on and monitor a groundstation. : : b) Are you 8Ure that the location you are currently at will support : : c.-micatioos between the AR'n1 and the groundstetion? Check to see : : that this .line of sight. RP system is not blocked. i.e. the antenna : : i. not blocked by carta. hanger. door. being closed or a building in : : the way. :
Figure 9.
(a).turn: -
RSS Measurement Using GenStar Ground Station MMTI Troubleshoot Screen.
9.1.12 MMTI Troubleshoot Conclusion The MMT installation tutorial is concluded with a troubleshoot screen that provides the telephone number of the MagnaStar "ST ARLINE". This number can be used to contact MagnaStar personnel concerning questions about the MMT or C-2000 troubleshooting problems. The ST ARLINE number is 888-246­STAR (7827).
+ o; ~ v. OA Iar1' Radio R.""""."-'
. c-;:.F~":CC-. -r-
: DfSlA1l6 c:,* , .
: Pleas. direct questiOl18 or c~ta concerning *I'I operati- :
: to the llagnastar &1gineering d~t on the STARLDIB at :
: 888-246-STAR (7827). :
r 0,
9. 12. MMTI Conclusion Troubleshoot Screen.
9.2 Additional MMTI Troubleshoot Information This section provides additional tests that may be used for troubleshooting or system check-out. Tests in this section require the use of the MMTI commanded mode screens. See section 9.3 for information detailing navigation and description of the various MMTI commanded mode screens.
9.2.1 Data Cable Pull Check The data cable pull check can be a useful test for finding intermittent cable connections between CDBRs or between a CDBR and an ARTU. This test is performed using the MMTI commanded ~e. This test involves monitoring debug messages on one of the MMTI status screens while moving the data cables. The performance of this test requires the ARTU to be placed in a "locked offline state" in order to easily rcvicw thc MMTI debug messages. While in the "locked offline state" the "71 P AB_BIT TASK" dcbug screen will display a message if the ARTU detects an intermittent connection. The MMTI will display "AMX_IN_SYNC message received from AMX DSP LAN Adr=xx" on the debug screen if an intermittent connection is detected as shown in Figure 9.2.1. The message "DQ2 DSP _ERROR_CODE rcvd from DSP
#14, HDRI=I00 hex" message will appear every 15 seconds on the debug screen when the ARTU is placed
in the proper mode and the correct debug screen selected. If an intermittent connection is detected, check the cable for proper seating, damage, and bad or broken solder joints. Swapping of a CDBR or AIU may be necessary to isolate intermittent or damaged connectors on the units themselves. The steps for perfonning the data cable pull check are as follows:
Power up the ARTU and let it complete Built-ln- Test. Connect the MMT cable to the ARTU and the computer. Start the MMTI software and select commanded mode of operation. Select the Goto Radio Installation/f est Menu. Select the Set Radio Locked/Offline command. Press the escape key. Goto Radio Maintenance Operations Menus. Goto Debug Menu. EnablelDisable All Debug Msgs. Enable All Debug Msgs. Select No to Log Debug messages. Press the "F I" key three times to scroll to the 71 P AB_BIT TASK Debug screen. The message "DQ2 DSP_ERROR_CODE rcvd from DSP#14, HDRI=IOOhex" message will
appear every 15 seconds on the debug screen.
Move cables and look for intermittent connections on the MMTI Debug screen.
+ 71 PM_an TUK +
:1501.028 11102 ~_~COI8 ~ f~- ~ 11., ~1 . 100 ~ : :1501.0.3 1 DQ2 08 COI8 ~ f~_~. 11., ~1 . 100 ~ : :1501.058 1 1102 ~_--COI8 ~ f~- DSP 11., ~1 . 100 ~ : :15015013 1 1102 DSP_--COI8 ~ f~- D8P 11., BD8.1 . 100 ~ : :1501501' 1 nE_~ --- ~i~ f~ AD D8., La8 aAz: . 0 :
:15015020 1 ~%--8YE r8C.i~ f~- AD DSP, La8 aAz: . 2 : :15015021 1 ~m_8YE -_.ag. r8C.i~ f~- AD ~P, La8 aAz: . 2 :
:15015028 1 1102 DSP_--CO~ ~~ f~ D8. 11., BDa1 . 100 hex : :150150.3 11102 DSP oR_COD8 ~ fraa 08.,1., BDa1 . 100 hex : :15015058 1 1102 ~---COD8 ~ f~ D8. 11., BDa1 . 100 hex I
:15011010 1 nE-- --- ~_i.-4 f~ AD D8., LA8 aAz: . 0 :
:15011011 1 ~X8-8YE r8C.i~ f~- AD DeP, La8 aAz: . 2 1 :15011013 1 1102 DSP_8aaOa_CO~ ~ f~ DBP 11., BDal . 100 ~ : :15:11:28 1 1102 DSP_--COD8 ~ f~ DB. 11., BDal . 100 ~ ~
Figure 9.2.
71 PAB_BIT TASK Debug screen for Data Cable Pull Test.
9-16 RevB
To return the C-2000 system to nonnal operation, use the following steps:
After completion, press the "F2" three times. Press "ESC" several times to return to the C-2000 MMT Main Menu. Select the Goto Radio lnstallarion!r est Menu. Select the Set Radio Unlocked/Online command.
9.2.2 Fault Counter Check The fault counter check can be used to view faults stored in non-volatile memory. The ARTU will store faults detected during power-up BIT or operational background BIT. See Figure for a display of
the fault counter MMTI screen. The following commands are to be used to display the ARTU fault counters:
Power up the ARTU and let it complete Built-ln- Test. Connect the MMT cable to the ARTU and the computer. Start the MMTI software and select commanded mode of operation. Select the Goto Radio InstallatjonfTest Menu. Select the Set Radjo Locked/Offline command. Press the escape key. Select Goto Radio Configuration Menu. Select Report Fault Counters
9.2.3 Flight Test Log The flight test log can be a useful tool for identifying problems in a dynamic environment. By saving software debug information in a log, the information can be reviewed at a later time. By saving the information on a disk it can be sent to MagnaStar Engineering for review. The following steps are used to enable the Flight Test Log:
Power up the ARTU and let it complete Built-In-Test. Connect the MMT cable to the ARTU and the computer. Start the MMTI software and select commanded mode of operation. Select Goto Radio Maintenance Operations Menus. Select Goto Debug Menu. Select Enable/Disable All Debug Msgs. Select Enable All Debug Msgs. Respond "Yes" to Log Debug messages to the hard disk. Enter a filename to identify the debug log file. Respond "No" to the store TSC Status updates. Respond "No" to the store Pilot Status updates.
In order to conserve computer memory, the debug log should be closed after completion of the flight test. The following steps will close the flight test debug log:
Select Enable/Disable All Debug Msgs. Select Disable All Debug Msgs. Respond "Ves" to close the debug file on the hard disk.
9.2.4 L-Band Interference Tests Because the C-2000 system operates in the 850.900 MHz range, interference between the C.2000 and L-
Band equipment (i.e. DME, Transponder, TCAS) can occur if there is not enough isolation between antennas. Testing for interference can be done by making the C-2000 equipment transmit. By monitoring the Receiver Signal Strength (RSS) value reported in the Radio Status screen while the ARTU is transmitting, it can be determined if the L-Band equipment interferes with the C-2000 system.
The simplest test method is to use the MMTI installation test mode and to stop at the Receive Signal Strength test step. By not connecting up the loop around test box, no signal level should be reported above the nominal no signal value. Frequency agile devices like DMEs must be tuned and transmit across the whole operating frequency range to assure that there are no frequency dependent interference problems. If any change occurs in the RSS value then there is interference from external equipment. The nominal no signal value of the RSS can be determined by disconnecting the receive coax cable from the ARTU and viewing the RSS value on the Radio Status screen. See section 6.3.12 for the Receive Signal Strength Measurement test procedure.
9.2.5 CEPT -El Communication Verification The MagnaStar ARTU is capable of interfacing to multichannellNMARSA T SA TCOM equipment using a
CEPT -EI digital interface. ARTU part number 724855-802 has additional hardware which will support this interface. Calls are routed through the ARTU to the SA TCOM over the CEPT -E I interface. The CEPT -E I interface is a 2.048 MHz time division multiplexed data bus consisting of differential serial transmit and receive lines.
Communication between the ARTU and the SA TCOM equipment can be verified by viewing a MagnaStar digital handset. If a handset displays the word Satcom on the Services menu when the handset is on hook. or in the bezel, then the ARTU and SA TCOM equipment are in communication over the CEPT -E I interface. Also, if the LINK option is available from the handset Main menu, then the CEPT-EI is operational. If SA TCOM is not present at the Services menu, then the SA TCOM system has informed the MagnaStar system there are no channels available. If this happens during initial system installation, verify the Satcom system configuration jumpers (verify that the SA TCOM system has been configured for External CTU). It is possible that conditions may exist which will keep SA TCOM calls from being placed SA TCOM units do provided status information to the ARTU over the CEPT -E I bus which can indicate that the SA TCOM unit is either faulted or that SA TCOM channels are not available for use. This information is reported to the user when a call is placed. SA TCOM channels not being available for use may include items beyond the SA TCOM unit including satellite coverage problems or ground station problems.
It is possible to detennine the status of the CEPT -EI interface between the ARTU and the SATCOM unit using the MMT. Figure 9.2.5 shows the ARTU Status screen. In the lower right hand comer is CEPT -EI status information. The CEPT -EI status information has three possible states; RR, RNR and DOWN. There are two columns of information. The ARTU column applies to the ARTU and the CMS column applies to the SA TCOM equipment. It may be possible to isolated RNR problems to a particular piece of equipment using the column labels.
RNR - This status information means Receive Not Ready. This condition indicates that the
DOWN - This status information means that the CEPT -El interface is not operational. This could
This status infom1ation means Receiver Ready. This condition indicates that the CEPT.
El interface and equipment is operational.
CEPT -E 1 interface is operational but that the equipment is not functional.
indicated that either piece of equipment is at fault or no CEPT -E 1 connection.
+ at.atu. up.sat +
: Aizeraft ID: 800001h AcCOUDt 8a8b8r: '002350600 -.4io ID. 88&0001 :
: CP1...tUrD to Prior """) U'lV ftA~ C~l. at..tu. S~) :
: :
: - ... -.. U'lV at.atu. :
:aa.iv-at. - ~ 10 Ad8iA: U8LOCK 0DeZ"" :
:..S C488). -127.5 0.0 -81.0 ATa!l: .or DO v... ~ : :Doppl.Z' CB.). 0 -22 :
:Opezo Stat .. CODt.%'l.~Ia :
:T8C/ACC Stat.. OFF 8aD4o11 Stat.. .-11 :
:Ch Yot lOx6. 0 0 : : Ch 8Z'Z' 1 0..3 . 0 0 :
:Ch ... . .000000 .000000 ~ SWitch. I8 :
:acL Yot 10..3. 0 0 ".- ID4ioat_. ~ : :.cL 8Z'Z'. 0 0 Oacill-tor : :acL ... : .000000 .000000 :
:8aD4011 aQ8'f: 8ot.-.e4 CPO 141.. 83- CC-) an CIaat.) ! CEPT-EI
' ,
: VIC 1/1 V8C 1/3 Inforn1ation
:V8C Stat.. "_On' "_OFF caU croll :Cal1..,. 0 0 8CL.
: -- Cap:
:.. Ct.%' 1 . , : 'fa Ct.%' 1 . :
+ +
Figure 9.2.5. ARTU Status Screen Showing CEPT -EI Interface Infonnation.
+ 16 hidden pages