Rayson Technology SWA51 User Manual

1F No.9 R&D Rd.II ,Science-Based Industrial Park,Hsin-Chu 300 Taiwan,R.O.C.
No.1,Tongfu 1
New District, Shenzhen, China. Tel: 886-3-5633666 Fax: 886-3-5633688
Road ,The 2nd Industrial Zone, Loucun, Gongming, Guangming
Approval Sheet
Part Number
Customer’s Project
Manufacturer Rayson Technology Co., Ltd
Model Name
Mono/Stereo Wireless Audio System
Date :
Firmware Version
Rayson Part Number
Supplier LevelǺɎNew Source!ɍSecond Source!
Contact PersonǺ TelǺ +886-3-5633666
Approval status :
E.E. engineerǺ!ɎApproval ɍReject
M.E. engineerǺ!ɍApproval ɍReject
P.E. engineerǺɍApproval ɍReject
Ɏ Specification Ɏ Sample ɍ Drawing ɍ Test Report
ɍ AT Command sets ɍ Packing Diagram
SWA51 5GHz Module Datasheet
Mono/Stereo Wireless Audio System, based on the Avnera AV5100 IC
General Description
The SWA51 module is a member of a family of products representing a new level of system integration offering customers fast time to market with a point-to-point mono, or stereo, wireless connection. These modules are optimized for low-cost, high-quality and ease-of-use.
The module incorporates Avnera’s proprietary 5GHz wireless audio protocol, designed from the ground up specifically for audio. It features low fixed latency, uncompressed CD quality mono or stereo audio, superior interference immunity, and inherent coexistence with WiFi.
The SWA51 module integrates all features necessary to complete a wireless stereo or mono link, including AV5100 Wireless Audio Chip, printed diversity antennas, flash memory, interface connector and all passive components. Just provide power and an I2S interface and you are ready to create a wireless audio link.
The module measures 26 x 47 x 3.5 mm and is provided with a 24 pin FPC connector.
The module is certified to FCC and CE standards.
9 Wireless Subwoofers 9 Stereo Wireless Rear Speakers 9 Soundbar / Audio Video Receiver / BluRay 9 Mono/Stereo Audio Channel Transmission
9 Audio Interfaces
z I2S Digital Input / Output interface with
>93dB end-to-end digital audio path
9 Wireless Range (Typ)
z >15m Non Line Of Sight (NLOS) range
z > 50m Line Of Sight (LOS) range
9 Frequency range: 5.15-5.25 GHz, 5.725-5.850
GHz, continuous dynamic frequency selection
9 Forward error correction coding, error detection,
and audio-specific error concealment
9 Dual printed PCB diversity antennas for
multipath and fading mitigation
9 Auto-search/synch and dynamic channel
9 Low, fixed latency
9 Up to Three full-band channels (20KHz BW)
9 Sample rate converter: Support for 32 - 96kHz
input sample rates
9 Customizable firmware for simple, low-cost,
sub-woofer amplifier implementations
9 RF parts can-shielded, module meets FCC part
15 rules for emissions and susceptibility.
9 General purpose over-the-air (OTA) serial
9 11 kbps, bi-directional, full duplex
Ordering Options
SWA51-TX: Transmit module with digital audio input
SWA51- RX: Receive module with digital audio output
9 Support for amplifier control data, meta-data,
and remote control commands
Different labels and P/Ns are used to distinguish between TX and RX.
1 Table of Contents
General Description…………………………………………………………………..………………..2
Ordering Options………………………………………………………………...……………………..2
1 Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………3
2 Lists of Figures and Tables…………………………………………………………………….3
3 Revision History …………………………………………………………………………………4
4 SWA51 Functional Block Diagram and Functional Description………………………….5
4.1 Typical Sub-Woofer Implementation…………………………………………………………………………..6
4.2 Typical Rear 2.1 Implementation……………………………………………………………………………….7
4.3 SWA51 Module Connections and Interfaces…………………………………………………………………8
5. SWA51 Connector Information……………………………………………………………………9
6. Electrical, Audio and Timing Specifications…………………………………………………..12
6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings……………………………………………………………………………………12
6.2 Recommended Operating Range………………..……………………………………………………………12
6.3 Electrical Characteristics – DC Characteristics……………………………………………………………12
6.4 Electrical Characteristics - RF PLL Characteristics……………………………………………………….13
6.5 Electrical Characteristics - RF RX Characteristics………………………………………………………13
6.6 Electrical Characteristics - RF TX Characteristics………………………………………………………..13
6.7 Electrical Characteristics - Audio C/C S…………………………………………………………………….14
6.8 AV5100 Rate Converter Characteristics……………………………………………………………………..14
6.9 I2S Communication Interface Timing…………………………………………………………………………15
6.10 I2C Master/Slave Communication Interface Timing (S_SCL, S_SDA)………………………………….16
7 FCC and Industry Canada certification information……………………….………………18
7.1 Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement….………………………………………
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7.2 Industry Canada statement:………..………………………………………………………………………….20
8 Ordering Information…………………………………………………………………………….23
9 Label/Carton/Packing information……………………………………………………………24
9.1 Module Label Drawing…………………………………………………………………................................24
9.2 Carton Label Drawing…………………………………………………………………................................24
9.3 Module weight…………………………………………………………………………………………………….24
9.4 Packing information…………………………………………………………………….
2 Lists of Figures and Tables
Table 1: SWA51 Connector Information………………………………………………………………………………………9
Table 2: SWA51 I2S Timing…………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Table 3: Characteristics of the S_SDA and S_SCL I/Os…………………………………………………………………..16
Table 4: SWA51 Module Ordering Information……………………………………………………………………………..23
Figure 1: SWA51 Module Block Diagram………………………………………………………………………………..……5
Figure 2: AV5100 Wireless Subwoofer Solution Block Diagram………………………………………………………..….6
Figure 3: SWA51 Module Simple Sub-Woofer Implementation…………………………………...................................7
Figure 4: AV5100 Wireless Rear 2.1 Solution Block Diagram…………………………………………………………….11
3 Revision History
Revision Description of Changes Date
1.0 Initial Draft 11/12/2015
4 SWA51 Functional Block Diagram and Functional Description
Figure 1: SWA51 Module Block Diagram
The SWA51 module is available in 2 variations; digital input transmitter module or digital output receiver module.
There are three available I2S digital audio data inputs/outputs, each of these can be configured to operate as either a master or a slave - depending on the application, the I2S ports can operate simultaneously as either inputs or outputs. When configured as slaves, the I2S inputs/outputs can be independently clocked by external masters. In addition, MCLK can be output from the module to provide a reference clock source to an external ADC or DAC.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the SWA51 module. The hardware for the audio input (transmit) and audio output (receive) versions of the module is identical and only the firmware loaded onto the module determines its function.
The highly integrated nature of the AV5100 transceiver IC results in few external components being required for the SWA51 module design. 2 printed PCB antennas are used to achieve increased range, and to achieve antenna spatial diversity. The simple RF path consists only of the antennas, associated tuning components, shield can, the RF switch and two baluns, one connected to each of the RF input and RF output ports on the AV5100 IC.
A 16MHz crystal oscillator generates the AV5100 fundamental system clock used as the basis for all RF and digital audio clocks.
A 2Mb flash memory chip is used to store the module’s application firmware. The AV5100 is able to boot from internal ROM upon first power up, which enables programming the flash chip with the application firmware r through USB. In addition, Over-the-air Firmware upgrade capability can be enabled through the application firmware. The module can be controlled from an external host device via the I2C Slave or the SPI Slave data interfaces. The I2C master port allows the module to control other system audio devices such as a sub-woofer amplifier system without having to add another MCU to the product design. Up to 119 additional GPIOs are available on the SWA51 module (not including I2C and I2S signals) for implementing different UI features on the target application. The resources mentioned above can be leveraged to implement low cost sub-woofer designs as outlined below.
4.1 Typical Sub-Woofer Implementation
A basic AV5100 Wireless Subwoofer system block Diagram is shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: AV5100 Wireless Subwoofer Solution Block Diagram
A simple low cost implementation of sub-woofer design is shown in Figure 3. The sub amplifier consists of a PWM chip plus an output stage device, but no external MCU is required as the SWA51-RX module performs the control function using the I2C master communication port in conjunction with multiple GPIOs. The SWA51 module is configured to accept nominal +3.3V or +5V power from the main application board. An optional reset signal can be supplied to the SWA51-RX module and I2C or SPI slave communication can be used to control the module if required.
Several GPIOs can be used to drive LEDs, or to connect to UI buttons. Typically 2 LEDs may be used and 1 button for pairing purposes. Another button could be used, for example, to implement a “bass enhance” feature. Another GPIO can be used to control the power supply to external system blocks such as the PWM IC and the output stage. The SWA51-RX module can remain powered up during a standby or low power operating mode; however, a true power-down mode can be implemented by configuring pin 17 (GPIO15/ADAT2/CEN) to be used as a chip-enable pin that can be used to power down the AV5100. The SWA51 can also be completely powered down by turning off the main 3.3V supply.
If the wireless link is lost (ex. when the sound bar is powered down), the SWA51_RX module can, after a timeout period, power down the amplifier and output stage sections to conserve power and to help meet Energy Start requirements.
The I2C master port from the SWA51_RX module (pins 5 and 6 on the connector) can communicate, control, and initialize external audio ICs such as the PWM chip in this example. Other GPIOs can be used to detect fault conditions (over temperature etc) and notify the module. The audio is routed from the SWA51-RX module to the amplifier circuit with the I2S output port which can be configured as either a master or a slave as required. MCLK can also be generated from the SWA51-RX module as a -12.28800MHz clock if required.
UI Buttons
+3.3V or +5V
Power Supply Control
Figure 3: SWA51 Module Simple Sub-Woofer Implementation
4.2 Typical Rear 2.1 Implementation
A basic AV5100 Wireless Rear 2.1 system block Diagram is shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: AV5100 Wireless Rear 2.1 Solution Block Diagram
This implementation involves transmitting three channels over the air, one full-band stereo channel (2 x 96dB, 20KHz) used for the rear surround audio, and one mono 96dB, 5KHz channel for subwoofer audio
. The hardware
implementation on the client side is very similar to the subwoofer implementation, only two PWM ICs and two audio amplifiers are used; one to drive the mono subwoofer and one to drive to stereo left and right
surround speakers. Still, no micro-controller is required; the Av5100 can act as a master controller for the PWM and amplifier ICs via I2C, and as an I2S master with MCLK sourced either internally by the AV5100 or externally from an external clock source. The actual subwoofer and surround speaker drivers can be housed inside the same physical unit, or be housed in separate enclosures with wired connections to the client unit. Fig. 3 still applies to the surround rear 2.1 application, only 2 PWM and output stages are used.
4.3 SWA51 Module Connections and Interfaces
Signal Type Description
+3.3V Supply
I2S In Port
I2S Out Port
I2C Slave Port
I2C Master Port
The SWA51 hardware
is configured to accept a +3.3V supply
Active low reset input. This pin is driven from an open collector/drain device such that it can be pulled to ground for the active reset state but, when released, must go to a high impedance state. This pin should not be actively driven high, as the AV5100 internal reset circuit will not operate correctly.
The I2S input port can be configured as a master or slave. Consequently BCLK and LRCK can be either inputs or outputs. In addition, MCLK can be sourced by the module on pin 16. Since the AV5100 IC contains a sample rate converter, MCLK is not required to be supplied to the module when it is an I2S slave. CMOS 3.3V logic levels are used for all I2S signals.
The I2S output port can be configured as a master or slave. Consequently BCLK and LRCK can be either inputs or outputs. In addition, MCLK can be sourced by the module on pin 16. Since the AV5100 IC contains a sample rate converter, MCLK is not required to be supplied to the module when it is an I2S slave. CMOS 3.3V logic levels are used for all I2S signals.
The I2C slave port can be used for external host communication and for module testing. It is assumed that external pull up resistors are connected at the I2C master communicating with the module.
The I2C master port is used to communicate with external audio devices such as a sub-woofer amplifier. It is assumed that external pull up resistors are included on the application board.
3.3V CMOS logic level GPIOs available to connect to other devices, or to use as UI supporting GPIOs for LED and button support. All supported GPIOs can be configured as outputs or inputs with configurable pull-ups/pull-downs.
The SSC (Single Side Carrier) modulation scheme used in the SWA51 supports three one-directional full-band
channels (96dB, 20 KHz).
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