Raypak 241355 User Manual

The water storage tank MUST be installed using di­electric connections. Failure to do so will void the man­ufacturer’s warranty. Installation of the tank without dielectric connections can cause the rapid failure of the storage tank due to electrolysis. For this reason, it is imperative that dielectric connections be utilized.
Follow the Dielectric Protection instructions in these procedures to verify that the dielectric connections are installed properly. If electrical continuity exists between the tank and its piping, the connections MUST be
A new tank installation should have a regular inspec­tion program set up initially. The first inspection should be within the first three months of operation. Once the tendency to accumulate sediment has been estab­lished, the inspection program can be modified to suit the water conditions. Typical inspection programs flush the tank at six-month intervals and clean the tank in yearly intervals.
Deliming solvents or acid type flush agents are not rec­ommended for use in lined storage tanks. These chemical cleaners are usually designed for use in non­potable systems such as heating boilers. These chemi­cals may be aggressive and cause damage to the tank lining and deteriorate the magnesium anodes supplied in Raypak glass-lined storage tanks.
Raypak Glass-Lined Storage Tank
Installation & Maintenance Procedures
NOTE: The information contained in this manual is
intended for use by qualified professional installers, service technicians or gas suppliers. Consult your local expert for proper installation or service proce­dures.
WARNING: Hot water will be released under pres­sure. Avoid contact with the hot discharge water to prevent the risk of severe scald injury.
Flushing the Storage Tank
Since the mineral accumulation is occurring in an un­fired tank it will be in a soft sediment form. Much of this soft sediment can be removed by a regular flushing of the lower portion of the tank.
To flush the tank, follow these steps:
1. Turn off the electricity and gas supply to the water heater piped to the storage tank.
2. Turn off electrical power to the circulating pump.
3. Close the valve on the hot water outlet on the top of the storage tank.
4. Ensure that the drain located on the bottom of the tank is routed to a floor drain with adequate capacity to allow the tank to be flushed.
5. Open the drain valve and allow the incoming cold water to flush the soft sediment out the bottom of the storage tank. Use extreme caution, as the water exiting the tank drain may be very hot. Avoid con­tact with the hot discharge water to prevent the risk of severe scald injury.
6. Observe the color of the water initially discharged from the tank drain. This water will generally be milky or slightly discolored by the sediment dis­charge. Allow the drain to run until the water runs clear.
7. Close the drain valve on the tank.
8. Open the hot water outlet valve on the top of the tank.
9. Open an adjacent hot water tap to purge any air that may have entered the storage tank during the draining process. Close the hot water tap if no air discharge is observed.
10. Turn on electric power to the water heater and cir­culating pump.
11. Turn on the gas supply to water heater.
12. Observe heater and piping to ensure all compo­nents are functioning properly.
Cleaning the Storage Tank
The mineral accumulation in an un-fired tank will be in a soft sediment form that can be removed by a regular cleaning of the lower portion of the tank. Many tanks will have a hand hole or a larger manway to allow ac­cess to the interior of the tank for complete removal of accumulated sediment. The opening will be in the bot-
CATALOG NO. 4000.50B Effective: 12-01-08 Replaces: 06-02-08 P/N 241355 Rev. 1
Raypak, Inc., 2151 Eastman Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-5300 Fax (805) 278-5468
Litho in U.S.A.
tom portion of a vertical tank and on the end of a hori­zontal tank.
To clean the tank, follow these steps:
1. Turn off the electricity and gas supply to the water heater piped to the storage tank.
2. Turn off electrical power to the circulating pump.
3. Close the valves on the hot water outlet on the top of the storage tank and the cold water supply to the system.
4. Ensure that the drain located on the bottom of the tank is routed to a floor drain with adequate capac­ity to allow the tank to be drained.
5. Open the drain valve and open a vent to allow the air to enter the tank (manually opening the relief valve will usually accomplish this). Use extreme caution, as the water exiting the tank drain may be very hot. Avoid contact with the hot discharge water to prevent the risk of severe scald injury.
6. Allow the tank to drain completely.
7. Remove the cover over the manway or hand hole (if equipped). Remove the bolt(s) securing the tank access opening. Use a flashlight to observe the sediment collected in the tank.
8. Use hand tools to remove all sediment from the in­terior of the tank. Use care not to damage the inte­rior lining of the storage tank.
9. Use a water hose to flush the remaining sediment from the interior surfaces of the tank and ensure that all debris is removed. Scale or sediment al­lowed to reach the potable system can foul valves, pumps, strainers and other water fixtures. Ensure that the tank interior is clean before refilling the ves­sel.
10. Install a new gasket on the manway or hand hole to prevent any possible leaks. Tighten the gasket properly to prevent leaks. Caution: Over tightening can result in cutting the gasket and allowing a water leak to occur.
11. Close the drain and open the cold water supply and hot water outlet. If the relief valve was used for a vent, ensure that it is now closed. Open the closest hot water valve to allow the air in the tank to vent as water enters the vessel. Close the valve opened for a vent when water flows from the valve.
12. Check the manway or hand hole and all related pip­ing for any water leaks.
13. Turn on electric power to the water heater and cir­culating pump.
14. Turn on the gas supply to water heater.
15. Observe heater and piping to ensure all compo­nents are functioning properly.
Magnesium Anode Rod Inspection
Glass lined storage tanks have magnesium anodes to cathodically protect the lining and minimize corrosion. Aggressive water conditions in some areas of the coun­try may accelerate the deterioration of the anodes. The anodes should be periodically removed and inspected to determine if replacement is necessary.
The tank must be valved off from the system and fully drained to remove an anode for inspection. Raypak storage tanks have multiple anodes installed in threaded tappings along the length of the tank or on top of the tank. Adequate service clearance is required to allow removal of an anode. The anodes should be re­placed when more than six inches of the core wire is exposed at either end of the rod.
Dielectric Protection
Inspect each dielectric coupling at each tank connec­tion for corrosion and proper operation. This is done when the tank is empty using an Ohm meter, which must indicate there is no continuity between the tank and the system piping. Should the electrical isolation between the tank and its piping or structure fail, elec­trolysis will occur and the resulting damage will eventu­ally destroy the tank. This check must be repeated at least every 18 months with no water in the tank to en­sure proper operation of the dielectrics. Clean or re­place dielectric fittings as required.
Immersion Heating Coil
If the tank has a coil, it should be removed every twelve months for inspection to determine lime build-up on copper tubes. If build-up is excessive, the coil should be cleaned by immersion in 20% inhibited muriatic acid solution.
NOTE: For the sake of convenience, it is suggested that the Magnesium Anode Rod Inspection and the Dielectric Protection procedure be handled at the time of the yearly tank draining for cleaning pur­poses.