Raymarine Volvo Penta IPS Handbook

Volvo Penta IPS Autopilot System
DPU Installation and System Connections
Document Number : 8705 43 Date: July 2006
2 Volvo Penta IPS Autopilot System

Handbook info rmation

T o the best of our knowledge , the information in this hand book was correct when it went to press . However , Raymarin e cannot accept liabi lity for any inaccu racies or omissions it m ay contain. In addition, our p olicy of continu ous product improvement may change specification s without notice . As a result, Rayma rine cannot accep t liability for any di fferences between the product and th e handbook.
Autohelm, HSB (High Speed Bus), SailPil ot, SeaT alk and SportPilo t are registered trademarks of Raymarin e
Raymarine , SmartPilot, AST (Advanced Steering Tec hnology), Au toAdapt, AutoLearn , AutoRelease , AutoSeastate , AutoT ack, Au toT rim, F astT rim, GyroPlus , RayGyro , RayPilot and WindT rim are trademarks of Raym arine
Handboo k contents © Raymarine L td 2005  200 6.

Installation Procedures

1.1 Introduction

The V olvo P enta IPS Autopil ot System consists of an IPS S3G Co urse Computer core pack and an I PS DPU .
The I PS S3G core pack con tains a Course Comp uter and a fluxgate com pass. T here is no need to fit a drive unit or ru dder feedback unit . This sy stem can only be used with a Volvo Penta IPS system.
The IP S Autopilot system is co mpatible with ST6001, ST7001 and ST8001 range of autopilot co ntrol units . Raymarine wireless con trollers, th e S100 or SmartControll er can be fitted as optional extras .
This ha ndbook will guid e you through th e installation of your IPS DPU and the connection s that you will need to mak e to the other parts of the I PS system.
Volvo Penta IPS System - Top Level Schematic
Control Head
Please refer to the back of this han dbook for a detailed schem atic diagram

1.2 Part s Supplied

Data Processing Unit - Parts Supplied.
Junction Box
Data Processing Unit
Course Computer
Data Processing Unit
to Volvo Penta
autopilot interface
5-way Junction Block
Tie Wraps
Raymarine VP interface cable
(Connector to unterminated.
Supplied with the S3G)
Grounding cable, 2 meters
Plug to unterminated
(supplied with the S3G)
Cable, 1.0 meter
Plug to unterminated
Cable, 0.4 meter
SeaTalk Plug to unterminated (x2)
SeaTalk Cable, 1 meter
to unterminated
NMEA 0183 Cable,
0.4 meter unterminated

Additi onal p arts requ ired

T o complete the in stallation you will al so require the Autopil ot Interface kit from Volvo Penta. Part Number 3819744, comprising of a Gateway, Ysplit, Assembly instruction and tiewraps.
4 Volvo Penta IPS Autopilot System
Autopilot Interface Kit - Volvo Penta part number 3819744
Tie Wraps
Autopilot Gateway - 3819743
Y-split cable - 3588206

1.3 Planning t he installat ion

Impo rtant Safe ty Inform ation

WARNING: P roduct in stallation This equipment must be inst alled and operat ed in accordan ce with the Raymarine in structions pr ovided. F ailure t o do so could result in poor product performance , personal inj ury and/or damage to your boat.
Because correct performan ce of the boat’ s steering is critical for safety , we STRONGL Y RECOMMEND that an Au thorized Raymarin e Service Representative fits this product .
WARNING: The DPU an d S3G Course computer are not suitable for u se in the vicinity of engines, fuel tanks or in any oth er area s where fu el vapor is likely to be present .
WARNING: Make sur e you have switched off the power supply before you start in stalling this pr oduct.
WARNING: Navigat ion aid Although we h ave designed th is product to be a ccurate and reliable , many f actors can af fect its perform ance. As a result, it should only be u sed as an aid to n avigation and shou ld never
replace commonsense and n avigational judgeme nt. Always maintain a permanen t watch so you can respond t o situations as they deve lop.

EMC Inst allation Guidelin es

Please refer to the guidelines
SmartPilot Comm issioning Guide
Prod uct dispos al
When you want to dispose of this produ ct (for example, at the end of its working life), please do so in ac cordance with local reg ulations .

1.4S3G Cou rse Computer

Please refer to the SmartPilo t Commissioning Guide for detailed installati on instruction s for the IPS S3G and fluxgate comp ass.

1.5 Contro l Head

Please refer to the Control H ead installation sheet for d etailed installation instructions.
for applicable EMC

1.6 Data Pr ocessing U nit (DPU)

5.9 in (150 mm) 1.53 in (39 mm)
5.12 in (130 mm)
+ 11 hidden pages