Raymarine TRANSDUCERS User Manual

Transducers for Fishfinders
Owner’s Handbook
Document number: 81196_2 Date: Augu st 2002
Transducers for Fishfinders iii
August 2002 Intended Use
The transducer units detailed in this handbook are used in con­junction with Raymarine fishfinders and are intended for recrea­tional marine depth, speed, and/or temperature measurement purposes.
Safety Notice
This equipmentmust be installed and operated in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual. Failure to do so can result in personal injury and/or navigational inaccuracies.
Raymarine products are supported by a network of Authorized Service Representatives. For information on Raymarine products and services, contact either of the following:
United StatesRaymarine, Inc.
22 Cotton Road, Unit D Nashua, NH 03063-4219 USA Telephone 603-881-5200 Fax 603-864-4756 www.raymarine.com
EuropeRaymarine Ltd Anchorage Park Portsmouth Hampshire PO3 5TD England Telephone +44 (0)23 9269 3611 Fax +44 (0)23 9269 4642 www.raymarine.com
© Raymarine, Inc. 2002
iv Transducers for Fishfinders


This handbook describes the transducers that are required for use with Raymarine fishfinders. A list of currently available fish­finder transducers appears on page 4.
The handbook contains very important information on the instal­lation and operation of your new equipment. In order to obtain the best results in operation and performance, please read this hand­book thoroughly.
Raymarine’s Product Support representatives or your local dealer will be available to answer any questions you may have.
The technical and graphical information contained in this hand­book, to the best of our k nowledge, was correct as it went to press. However,the Raymarine policy of continuous improvement and updating may change product specifications without prior notice. As a result, unavoidable differences between the product and handbook may occur from time to time, for which liability cannot be accepted by Raymarine.
Raymarine is a registered trademark of Raymarine Limited. SeaTalk is a registered trademark of Raymarine Limited.
is a trademark of Raymarine Limited.
Your transducer ownership warranty is registered when you fill out the warranty registration card included with your Raymarine Fishfinder Owner’s Handbook. It is very important that you com­plete the owner information and return the card to the factory in order to receive full warranty benefits.
EMC Conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the leisure marine environment.
The design and manufacture of Raymarine equipment and acces­sories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatib ility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to ensure that performance is not compromised.
Contents v


Chapter 1: Overview ............................................... ............................. ...1
1.1 In troduction....................................................................... 1
General .............................................................................. 1
EMC Installation Guidelines ............................................2
1.2 TheFishfinder System ...................................................... 3
Selecting the Correct Typeof Transducer .........................4
Planning the Installation ...................................................5
1.3 U npackingand Inspecting the Components .....................6
1.4 S electingthe EquipmentLocation .................................... 6
TransducerMountingLocation ........................................6
1.5 C ableRuns ......................................................................12
TransducerCable ............................................................ 12
Chapter 2: Installation ...................... ............................ ....................... .15
2.1 In stallingthe TransomMountTransducer ......................15
Preparation ......................................................................15
Installation ...................................................................... 16
2.2 In stallingthe Thru-hullTransducer ................................17
T oo lsand Material Needed ............................................. 17
Preparation ......................................................................17
Installation ...................................................................... 22
Installationin a CoredFiberglassHull ............................29
Checkfor Leaks .............................................................. 30
2.3 In stallingthe In-hullTransducer .....................................31
T oo lsand Material Needed ............................................. 31
T estingthe SelectedMounting Location ........................31
Installation ...................................................................... 34
Installationin a CoredFiberglassHull ............................37
2.4 Transducer Cable Connections ....................................... 39
Chapter 3: Maintenance .......................................................... .............43
Cleaning Instructions ...................................................... 43
Servicing and Safety .......................................................43
Problem Solving .............................................................44
CommonProblems and Their Solutions .........................44
Howto Contact Raymarine .............................................45
Worldwide Support .........................................................47
Index.................................................. ............................ ...... 49
vi Transducers for Fishfinders
Chapter 1: Overview 1

Chapter 1:Overview

1.1 Introduction

Thishandbookprovides instructions to assist you intheinstallation andset up of thevarioustransducers for Raymarine fishfinders.See Table 1-1 on page4for a list ofthe different sensor,material and mountingtypes available.


Raymarinefishfindersrequire a transducer,either thru-hull, in-hull, ortransom-mount.
Transducerscan measure water depth,temperature, distance traveled,and/or speed. It is important to position yourtransducer correctly,as described in Section 1.4,Selectingthe Equipment Location.
Note:If speed andtemperaturearebeing input via SeaTalk, these
valuesare displayed instead of thespeed and temperature inputs from the transducer.
Thishandbook is divided into threechaptersas follows: Chapter One providesan overview of the transducerinstallation.It
includessectionson Unpacking and InspectingtheComponents, SelectingtheTransducerSiteand a description of theCableRuns.
Chapter Twoprovidesdetailed instructionson how to mountand connecteach type oftransducer.
ChapterThreeprovidesinformation on maintenanceandwhattodo ifyou have problems.
2 Transducers for Fishfinders

EMC Installation Guidelines

All Raymarine equipment and accessoriesare designed tothebest industrystandardsfor use in the leisuremarineenvironment.
Theirdesign and manufactureconformsto the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installationis required to ensure thatperformanceis not compromised.Althoughevery effort has been takentoensure that theywill perform under all conditions,itisimportant to understand whatfactors could affect the operationofthe product.
TheguidelinesgivenheredescribetheconditionsforoptimumEMC performance,but it is recognizedthatit may not bepossibleto meet allof these conditions in allsituations.Toensure the bestpossible conditionsforEMC performance within theconstraintsimposed by any location, always ensure themaximumseparationpossible betweendifferent items of electricalequipment.
For optimum EMC performance, itis recommended that wherever possible:
Raymarineequipmentandcables connected toit are:
Atleast1 m (3 ft)from any equipment transmitting or cables
carrying radio signals, e.g., VHFradios, cables and antennas. In the case ofSSBradios, the distanceshould be increasedto 2 m(7 ft).
Morethan 2m (7 ft) fromthe path of a radarbeam. A radar beamcan normally be assumedtospread 20 degrees above andbelowtheradiatingelement.
Theequipment issuppliedfroma separate battery from thatused forengine start. Voltage drops below 10 V (20Vfor 10 kW open arrayscanners) in the power supplytoour products, and starter motortransients,can cause theequipmenttoreset. This will not damagethe equipment, but may causetheloss of some informa­tionand may change theoperating mode.
Raymarinespecifiedcables are used atall times. Cuttingand rejoiningthesecablescancompromiseEMCperformanceandso mustbe avoided unless doing soisdetailedin the documentation.
Ifasuppressionferriteis attachedtoacable,this ferriteshouldnot beremoved. If the ferrite needstoberemoved during installation itmust be reassembled in thesameposition.
Chapter 1: Overview 3
Thefollowingillustrationshows a typical range ofsuppression ferrites fitted to Raymarine equipment.
Connections to Other Equipment
Ifyour Raymarine equipment is tobe connected to other equipment usinga cablenotsuppliedbyRaymarine,asuppressionferriteMUST always be attached tothe cable nearto the Raymarine unit.

1.2 The Fishfinder System

Transducersenablefishfinders to displaydepth, water temperature and/orspeed, depending on thetypeof transducer(s) installed.
Beforeyou start the installation, check thatyouhave the correct transducerfor your application, as described belowin Selecting the CorrectTypeofTransducer.
4 Transducers for Fishfinders

Selecting the Correct T ype of Tr ansducer

RaymarineFishfinderscan be used with anyofthe following transducers:
T able 1-1:Transducer Types
Sensor Type
Depth, Speed, T emp
Depth, Speed, T emp
Speed, T emp
Bronze Thru-Hull 600 W
Bronze Thru-Hull
Plastic Transom 600W
Part No.
E66008 Depth Plastic In-Hull 600 W E66013 Depth Plastic Thru-Hull 600 W E66014 Depth Bronze Thru-Hull 600 W E66015 Depth Stainless
E66018 Speed, T emp Bronze Thru-Hull 600 W E66019 Speed, T emp Plastic Transom 600 W
E66024 Depth, T emp Bronze T hru-Hull (high
E66029 1
E66030 Speed, T emp Plastic Thru-Hull 600 W E66033 Depth, T emp Bronze Thru-Hull 600 W or
E66035 Depth, T emp Bronze Thru-Hull 600W E66038 Depth,
Mounting Method
Thru-Hull 600 W
(long stem)
Max. Power
600 W or 1000 W
600 W
1000 W
E66043 1
E66020, E66029 and E66043 thru-hull transducers must be installed with a high-
speed fairing.
Depth, Speed, T emp
Stainless steel
Thru-Hull 600W
Note:Thisinformationwas currentasofthedatethishandbook was
printed.Newtransducer models are constantly becomingavailable. Checkwith your dealer for themostcurrentlist.
Chapter 1: Overview 5
IftheE66020,E66029 and E66043 thru-hull transducers are not carefully installedand fitted to theshape of the hull, thevessel maytake on water. Toensureproper alignment anda secure fit, these transducermodels MUSTbe installed with afairing. In additionto improving fishfinderperformance atallspeeds, the fairingallowsbetterfittingto the hullanddramaticallyincreases thesealing surface.
Applicatio ns
Plastichousingsare recommended for fiberglassor metalhulls. Bronze housings arerecommendedfor wood or fiberglasshulls.
Installa tionof a bronze housing in a metal hull requiresusing of a fairing,available from your Raymarine dealer .
Neverinstallametal housing in a vesselwitha positive ground system.
Transom Mount Transducersare recommended for personal watercraftand powerboats with outboard, inboard-outboard and jet drives.They are NOT recommendedforlargeor twin screw inboard boats.
Adjuststo transomanglesfrom 3° – 16°.Forangles greater than 16
°, a tapered plastic, wood or metal shim will be needed.
Designedfor operation from558 m.p.h. (4 50knots).
Thru-HullTransducersare recommended for boatswithstraight­shaftinboard engines.
In-Hull transducers arerecommendedforfiberglasshulls,especially inhigh speed power boatsandracingsailboats.

Planning the Installation

Beforeyou install your system, plan theinstallation,considering:
Locationof thetransducerand fishfinder,as described in
Section 1.4
CableRuns,includingcablesforanintegratedsystem(to provide heading and position data,etc.), as described inSection 1.5.
6 Transducers for Fishfinders

1.3 Unpacking and Inspecting the Components

Unpackyour system carefully,toprevent damage to theequipment. Savethe carton and packing,in case you needtoreturn a unit for service.
Checkthat you have allthe correct system components. These dependon your system package, asfollows:
T able 1-2:Parts and Accessories
Transducer ( Transducer cable, 10 ft (3 m) extension
Transducer cable, 18 ft (5 m) extension Transducer Y Cable
High Speed Fairing
see T able 1- 1 on page 4)
E66023 fairings are required for installing E66020 and E66029 bronze thru-hull
E66045 fairings are required for installing E66043 stainless steel thru-hull
All E66009
E66010 E66022
E66023 E66045
E66025 E66034 E26017
Supplied with:
— —
Speed/Temp Transducers
— — — —
Note:Thisinformationwas currentasofthedatethishandbook was
printed.Check with your dealer forthe most current list ofpartsand accessories.

1.4 Selecting the Equipment Loca tion

T ransducer Mounting Location

Option for:
All All All others
E66020, E66029 E66043
E66024 E66033 E66035
Itis very important thatyoumount the transducer correctly.The transducerprovidesthe most reliable readings ifitlooksinto water thatis smooth and undisturbed.
Chapter 1: Overview 7
Acousticnoiseisalwayspresentandthesesoundwavescaninterfere withthe operation of the transducer .Ambient (background) noise fromsources such aswaves, fish, rainand other vessels cannotbe controlled.Carefully selecting thetransducersmounting location can minimize noise generated by the vesselspropeller(s), shaft(s), machinery, andotherecho sounders. The lowerthe noise level, the higherthe echo soundergainthat can be used,andthe better the Fishfindersperformance.
To ensureaccurate readings,DO NOT mount the transducerin anareaof turbulence or bubbles:
near waterintakeor discharge openings
behindstrakes, fittings orhullirregularities
behinderoding paint(an indication of turbulence)
Choosea location where:
Thewaterflowingacrossthehullissmoothestwitha minimumof turbulenceand bubbles (especially at highspeeds).
Thetransducer willbecontinuously covered by waterwhen the boatis moving. If thetransduceris mounted near the sideofthe boat,it may be exposedwhenthe boat is turning.
Thetransducer beamis unobstructed by the keelorpropeller shaft.
Thereis aminimum deadrise angle.
Thereis adequate headroom inside the vessel for the height of the
thru-hullhousing,tighteningthenuts, and removing the valve assembly insert.

T ransom Mount Tr ansducer

Single drive boat -Referto Figure 1-1 . If yourboathas one pro- peller(outboardor inboard),mountthetransducerabout 18"(455 mm)tothesideoftheboat’s centerline. To reduce anyinterfer- encecaused by air bubbles,choosethesideon the downstroke of thepropeller (usually the starboardside).
Twin drive boat- If yourboathas twin propellers (outboard or inboard-outboard),mount the transducerbetween thedrivesnear the centerline of the boat. If the boat will be operated at high speeds,thetransducermay be mounted closer to thecenterlineof the hull.
8 Transducers for Fishfinders
Ifthe propellercanbeturnedtosteerthe boat, allow at least 2" (50 mm)beyond the swing radius ofthe propeller.Thiswillprevent thepropeller from damagingthetransducer when itis turned.
Approximately 18 in (457 mm) clearance
Be sure to allow at least 2 in (50 mm) beyond the swing radius of the propeller
Figure 1-1: T ransom Mount Transducer Location
DoNotmount the transducer behind any hullfittings,intakesor otherparts extending from the hullthatmay cause turbulence or airbubbles.
Thebrackethas a quick-releasemechanism, shown Figure1-2 . This allows the transducer to flip upif it hits anydebris or thebot­tom.Allowenoughclearanceabovethetransducerforitto swing upwardscompletely– thisisabout10"(254mm), measured from the bottom ofthe transom.
Chapter 1: Overview 9
Transducer in released position
Allow a clearance of at least 254 mm (10 in)
Figure 1-2: T ransom Mount T ransducer - Quick-release Bracket
Onaboatwithafiberglasshull, theleadingedgeofthetransducer shouldextend1/8" (3.2 mm) to1/4"(6 mm) below the bottom edgeofthe hull asshowninFigure1-3.Onanaluminum hull, the transducershould extend abit more – 1/4"(6mm) to 3/8" (9 mm)
Ifthe boat willbe trailered, besure the transducer will nothit any rollers,bunksor fittings on the trailer.
Average transom angle - no wedge necessary
The bow of the transducer is above the bottom of the transom, creating cavitation.
Vertical transom - place wedge this way
For fibreglass hull 1/8 to 1/4 in (3.2 to 6 mm) For aluminium hull 1/4 to 3/8 in (6 to 9 mm)
Rivets on the hull are creating bubbles.Lower the transducer a bit.
The rear of the transducer is too high, creating cavitation.
Figure 1-3: T ransom Mount T ransducer - Vertical P osition
Sloping transom - place wedge this way
10 Transducers for Fishfinders
Thru-hull T ransducer and In-hull Tr ansducer
Similarconsiderationshouldbegiventothe locationof thru-hulland in-hulltransducers.Figure1-4 shows thebesttransducerlocation for differenthulltypes.
Displacementhullpowerboat –Locateat 1/3 aftload waterline
length(L WL)and 6 -12" (150-300 mm) off the centerlineonthe sideof the hull where thepropeller is moving downward.
Planin ghull powerboat–Mountwell aft, on or nearthe center-
line, and wellinboard ofthe first set of lifting strakes to ensure that it is in contactwiththe water at high speeds.Mounton the sideof the hull where thepropeller is moving downward.
OutboardandI/O – Mount just forwardofthe engine(s). Inboard–mount well forward ofthepropeller(s)andshaft(s). Step-hull – Mount just aheadofthe first step. Boatscapableof speeds above 25kn(29 m.p.h.) – Review
transducer location and operating results of similar boats before proceeding.
Finkeelsailboats– Mount to theside of the centerlineand for-
wardof the fin keel1- 2 ft (300-600mm).
Fullkeelsailboats–Locate amidships and away from the keel at
thepoint of minimum deadrise angle.
FiberglassHulls – Since thehullabsorbs acoustic energy,trans-
mittingthroughthe hull reduces the sensorsperformance. Fiber­glasshullsare often reinforcedinplacesforadded strength.These coredareascontain balsa woodorstructuralfoam,which are poor soundconductors.If you cannot avoidlocatingthesensor over coring,followthe instructions for Installation in aCoredFiber- glassHullon page 29.
Thru-hullTransducer Headroom–Allowadequate headroom
insidethe vesselfortheheight ofthethru-hullhousing,tightening thenuts and removing the insert.Theminimum headrooms are: Withfairing:10"(254mm) Withoutfairing: 12" (305mm)
In-hullT ransducer–Find a location wherethe fiberglass is
solid: Thereare no air bubblestrappedin the fiberglass resin. Thereis no coring,flotation material,or dead airspace sand­wichedbetween the inside skinandthe outer skin of thehull.
Chapter 1: Overview 11
Displacement hull
Pressure waves
1/3 Aft
Load waterline length (LWL)
Planning hulls
Outboard and I/O
Full keel sailboat
Step hull Fin keel sailboat
Figure 1-4: Best Location for T hru Hull Transducer
6--12in (150 -- 300 mm)
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