Raymarine NMEA Multiplexer User Manual

NMEA Multiplexer
Owner’s Handbook
Document Numb er: 81250-1
Date: February 2005
© Copyright Rayma rine (UK) Ltd 2005
Congratulati ons on having bought a Ra ymarine NMEA Multiplexer. This enables you to combi ne NMEA outputs from up to four devices, to provide a combined output to four other devices.
CAUTION: Electrical safety
Make sure you have switched off the power supply before you start installing this product.
Important inform ation
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this handbook was correct when it went to pr ess. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain.
In addition, ou r policy of continuo us product improve ment may change specificati ons without notic e. Therefore, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between the product and this guide.
EMC Installation Guidelines
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the recrea tional marine environment.
Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibilit y (EMC) standar ds, but correct in stallation is r equired to ens ure that performance is not compromised. Although every effort has been taken to ensure that they will perform under all conditions, it is important to understand w hat factors could aff ect the operation o f the product.
The guidelines given here describe the conditions for optimum EMC performance, but it is recognized that it may not be possible to meet all of these conditions in all situations. To ensure the best possible conditions for EMC performance with in the constraints imposed by any locati on, always ensure the maximum se paration possible between di fferent items of electrical equipment.
For optimum EMC performance, it is recommended that wherever possible:
• Raymarine equipment and cables connected to it are:
• At least 3 ft (1 m) from any equi pment transmitting or cables c arrying radio signals e.g. VHF radi os, cables and antennas. In the case of S SB radios, the distance should be increased to 7 ft (2 m).
• More than 7 ft (2 m) from the path of a radar beam. A radar beam can normally be assumed to spread 20 degrees above and below the radiating elem ent.
•The equipment is supplied from a separate battery from that used for
engine start. Voltage drops below 10 V in the power supply to our prod­ucts, and starter motor tr ansients, can cause the eq uipment to reset. This will not dam age the equi pment, but may cause the lo ss of some inf orma­tion and may c hange the operating mo de.
• Raymarine specified cables are used. Cutting and rejoining these cables can compromise EMC performance and must be avoided unless doing so is detailed in the installation manual.
• If a suppression ferrite is attached to a cable, this ferrite should not be removed. If the fe rrite needs to be rem oved during instal lation it must be reassembled in the same position.
Suppressio n Ferrites
The following illustra tion shows typical cab le suppression ferrites used with Raymarine equipment. Always use the ferrites supplied by Raymarine.
Connections to Other Equipment
If your Raymarine equipment is to be connected to other equipment using a cable not supplied by Raymarine, a suppression ferrite MUST always be attached to the cable near the Raymarine unit.
Preface ........ ............................ ............................ ........................ i
CAUTION: Electrical safety ........................................ i
Important inf ormation ............... ......................... ................... i
EMC Installat ion Guidelines ................ ......................... ......... i
Suppression Ferrit es ........ ......................... ....................... ii
Connections to Other Equipment ................ .................... ii
Introduction ............................................................................... 1
Inputs & outpu ts ...... ......................... .......................... ............... 1
NMEA inputs ................... ............................ ......................... 2
Input priorit ies ........................ .......................... ............... 2
NMEA outputs .. ........................... ............................ ............. 2
Installation ................................................................................ 3
Mounting ............................................................................. 3
Connections ......................................................................... 4
Real-time or bu ffered inputs .............. ......................... ..... 4
NMEA in ... ......................... .......................... .................... 4
NMEA out ...... ............................ ............................ ............... 5
Power supply .......................... ............................ .................. 6
CAUTION: Electrical Safety ....................................... 7
Securing cabl es ..................... ......................... ....................... 7
Indicators .. ............................ ............................ ......................... 7
Data indicat or lit ................ .......................... ......................... 7
Overflow ind icator lit ......... .......................... ......................... 7
Both indicat ors lit ...................... ......................... .................. 8
Maintenance ............................................................................. 8
Disposal ..................................................................................... 8
Specifications ............................................................................ 9
+ 11 hidden pages