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ST80 Autopilot Keypad Operation Manual
Package Contents
1. Autopilot keypad
2. Thumb nuts (2)
3. Threaded fixing studs (2)
4. White sun cover
5. SeaTalk cable
6. Installation template
7. Operation manual
8. Warranty card
9. Operation cue card
10. Keypad installation guide

2 ST80 Autopilot Keypad Operation Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................3
Chapter 2: Operation ................................................................. 4
2.1 Keypad Layout and Features . .. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....4
2.2 Basic Operating Principles and Hints ..............................5
Auto and Standby ........................................................ 5
Course Changes........................................................... 5
Track .......................................................................... 5
Track Advance/Acceptance .................................. 6
Response..................................................................... 6
2.3 Additional Autopilot Features for Sailing Vessels . ..........7
Autotack ..................................................................... 7
Wind Trim .................................................................. 7
Using Wind Trim......................................................... 7
2.4 Keypad Illumination . ....................................................8
2.5 LED Status ....... .. .. ......... .. .. .. ......... .. .. .. .. ......... .. .. .. .. .......8
2.6 Important Safety Information ........................................9
2.7 Alarms ..................... ........... .................... ........... ..........9
Chapter 3: EMC and Servicing Guidelines ............................... 10
3.1 Important information .................................................10
3.2 Installation..................................................................10
3.3 Check Before Going to Sea .. ............ ............ ............ ....11
3.4 Servicing and Safety ...................................................11
Chapter 4: Specification .......................................................... 12

ST80 Autopilot Keypad Operation Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The Autopilot keypad provides autopilot control via a simple ninekey interface. There are buttons for engaging and disengaging the
pilot (auto and standby), course adjustment (-1, +1, -10 and +10),
track control, response and direct entry to the autopilot display’s of a
Masterview display head (disp).