Ravenol WIV III SAE 5W-30 Product Information

- Certificate / Product Information -
RAVENOL WIV III SAE 5W-30 is a synthetic fuel-saving engine oil, with CleanSynto® technology, which combines the high standards for gasoline and diesel engines (pump-
nozzle diesel with particulate filter).
RAVENOL WIV III SAE 5W-30 prolongs the life of the diesel particulate filter by decreased exhaust concentration of ash-forming particles. Harmful emissions into the environment are reduced. High security by high protection of the motors.
RAVENOL WIV III SAE 5W-30 is suitable for all Volkswagen vehicles (except R5 and V10 – TDI- Pumpe-Düse- Engines with or without DPF ( for example in Phaeton and
Touareg) with or without Longlife-Service).
RAVENOL WIV III SAE 5W-30 can be used in engines with the following specifications:
VW 504 00 (Gasoline-Engines) acc. to specifications VW 501 01, VW 502 00, VW 503 00, VW 503 01, VW 505 01
VW 507 00 (Diesel-Engines) acc. to specifications VW 505 00, VW 505 01, VW 506 00, VW 506 01 (see exceptions!)
RAVENOL WIV III SAE 5W-30 is not suitable for specification VW 506 01 for
a) Engines with LongLife Service (QG1): Diesel-Engines (R5-, V10 TDI Pumpe-Düse) with or without DPF
b) Engines without LongLife Service: R5-, V10 TDI Pumpe-Düse with or without DPF.
For this we recommend RAVENOL WIV SAE 0W-30 with specification Longlife II: VW 503 00 / 506 00 / 506 01.
Quality Classifications
RAVENOL WIV III SAE 5W-30 is approved, tried and tested for aggregates specifying:
VW 504 00 / 507 00 (for Europe and Northamerica)
Practice and tested in aggregates with filling
Porsche C30 (Cayenne V6 (except China) and Cayenne Diesel), Chrysler MS-11106
A special low-friction characteristic and an excellent performance by special additives. An excellent engine protection even after a cold start and under tougher conditions. Guarantees rapid lubrication of the engine at low temperatures even below -25 ° C and a sufficiently thick lubricant film for high-speed runs even at oil temperatures of 150 ° C. Guaranteed for maximum engine cleanliness and wear protection with reduced fuel consumption (Fuel Economy character). The function of the hydraulic ram is guaranteed at all temperatures through an adequate oil pressure. Neutral towards sealing materials. Security against silting, coking, coatings and corrosion, even under adverse conditions.
Characteristics Unit Data Audit Density at 20°C kg/m³ 850,2 EN ISO 12185 Colour brown visual Viscosity at 100°C mm²/s 11,9 DIN 51 562 Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 73,4 DIN 51 562 Viscosity index VI 160 ISO 2909 HTHS at 150°C mP?*s 3,6 ASTM D5481 CCS Viscosity at -30°C mPa*s 5100 ASTM D5293 Low Temp. Pumping viscosity (MRV) at
-35°C Pourpoint °C -41 ISO 3016 Noack Volatility % M/M 9,2 ASTM D5800/b Flash point °C 240 ISO 2592 TBN mg KOH/g 6,6 ASTM D2896 Sulphated ash %wt. 0,7 DIN 51 575
All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.
All information correspond to the best of our knowledge to the actual situation of the cognitions and our development. Subject to alterations. All references made to DIN-norms are only for the description of the goods. There is no guarantee. In case there will be any problems please contact the technical service.
mPa*s 14.130 ASTM D4684
Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH Postfach 1163 33819 Werther Tel.: 05203/9719-0 Fax.: 052039719-40 / 41
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