- Certificate / Product Information -
RAVENOL VDL SAE 5W-40 is synthetic engine oil, which allows the fuel efficient engines operation. RAVENOL VDL SAE 5W-40, a reliable and a heavy-duty engine oil of
EC-category (Energy Conserving) is based on synthesis technology in order to guarantee the low viscosity of SAE-category 5W as well as the low evaporation loss at the
same time.
RAVENOL VDL SAE 5W-40 corresponds the high-tech-requirements of powerful engine generation.
Application Notes
RAVENOL VDL SAE 5W-40 is suitable for the fuel efficient all year use in all modern gasoline and passenger car diesel engines and is developed special for turbo charger-
and catalyst operation.
RAVENOL VDL SAE 5W-40 guarantees operation safety in all driving conditions as for example the extremely stop-and-go traffic as well as high-speed-highway driving.
Practice and tested in aggregates with filling
VW 505 00, BMW Longlife-98, MB 229.3, Opel GM-LL-B-025, TOYOTA Common Rail, Mitsubishi, NISSAN, Fiat 9.55535-M2
RAVENOL VDL SAE 5W-40 offers:
High abrasion resistance
Fuel economy by low friction property
Excellent detergent and dispersant property
Prevention of black sludge formation
Extended endurance because of oxidation stability
Excellent cold start characteristics
Excellent viscosity-temperature- characteristics
Low evaporation tendency
Suitable for catalysts
Characteristics Unit Data Audit
Density at 20°C kg/m³ 852,0 EN ISO 12185
Colour braun visual
Viscosity at 100°C mm²/s 14,4 DIN 51 562
Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 87,7 DIN 51 562
Viscosity index VI 170 DIN ISO 2909
HTHS at 150°C mP?*s 4,1 ASTM D5481
CCS Viscosity at -30°C mPa*s 6110 ASTM D5293
Low Temp. Pumping viscosity (MRV) at
Pourpoint °C -45 DIN ISO 3016
Noack Volatility % 9 ASTM D5800/b
Flash point (COC) °C 240 DIN ISO 2592
TBN mg KOH/g 9,5 ASTM D2896
Sulphated ash %wt. 1,3 DIN 51 575
mPa*s 25.000 ASTM D4684
All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.
All information correspond to the best of our knowledge to the actual situation of the cognitions and our development. Subject to alterations. All references
made to DIN-norms are only for the description of the goods. There is no guarantee. In case there will be any problems please contact the technical service.
Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH
Postfach 1163
33819 Werther
Tel.: 05203/9719-0
Fax.: 052039719-40 / 41
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