1. Introduction........................................................................... 3
1-1. Package Content ....................................................................................... 3
1-2. System Requirements ...............................................................................3
1-3. Restrictions ................................................................................................3
2. Installation............................................................................. 4
2-1. Installing on Windows XP........................................................................4
2-2. Confirmation of the driver installation...................................................5
2-3. Installing on Windows Me/2000/98SE....................................................6
(1)Running [Setup.exe] at the CD-ROM ..................................................7
(2)Installing the CBS52 into an available PCI slot .................................8
(3)Installing the driver................................................................................8
(3-1)Windows Me...................................................................................9
(3-2)Windows 2000 ................................................................................9
(3-3)Windows 98SE ...............................................................................9
(4)Driver Confirmation .............................................................................10
(4-1)Driver Confirmation for Windows Me/98SE ...........................1 0
(4-2)Driver Confirmation for Windows 2000 ...................................11
3. Troubleshooting................................................................... 13
4. Registration and Tech-support .......................................... 15
4-1. How to Register....................................................................................... 1 5
4-2. Software Update and Support ...............................................................1 5
Appendix.................................................................................. 16

1. Introduction
This User’s Guide describes how to install the RATOC CBS52U PC Card Adapter
(called CBS52U in this User’s Guide).
The information in the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM may include the latest information.
Be sure to read the file as well. Refer to our web site for the information on Linux.
1-1. Package Content
Check the package contents:
-REX-CBS52 PCI Board
-User’s manual
If any of these items are missing from the CBS52U retail package, contact your supplier
1-2. System Requirements
-PC with an availabe PCI slot
-Windows XP/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows 98SE
1-3. Restrictions
1. There may be some PC Cards which don’t run with the CBS52. Refer to our web site
for our latest information(http://www.ratocsystems.com/english/).
2. You need to prepare the followings before you install the CBS52.
1) You need to finish updating the latest BIOS in your PC.
2) You need to finish updating the latest Service Pack for your OS.
3. ZV/Multi-function PC Cards don’t run with the CBS52.
4. The CBS52 doesn’t support ACPI mode of Windows 98SE.
5. The CBS52 doesn’t run on SOTEC PC ST A TION M760, COMPAQ PROLINEA590, DELL OptiPlex GXPro.
6. The CBS52 doesn’t run on P3C series mother board made by ASUS, GA-7ZXR made by GIGABYTE.
7. Multi-processor, Dual CPU aren’t supported.
8. The CBS52 may not run on a modified PC.
9. The CBS52 may not run with a server computer.
10. The other PC Card Adapters other than the CBS52 must not be used with the CBS52 simultaneously.
11. The specifications of hardware/software are subject to change without notice.

2. Installation
This chapter describes how to install the CBS52.
If you have Windows XP, proceed to 2-1.
If you have Windows Me,2000,98SE proceed to 2-3.
2-1. Installing on Windows XP
If you install the CBS52 on Windows XP, you don’t need the bundled
CD-ROM. Don’t use the CD-ROM.
Turn of f the PC and install the CBS52 into an available PCI slot.
After installing it, turn on the PC.
1. Intall the CBS52 straight into an available PCI slot.
2. Install the CBS52 into the PCI slot until the board seats firmly.
3. Fasten the CBS52 with screws, as shown below.

2-2. Confirmation of the driver installation
1. Right-click on [My Computer] and select [Properties]. Click the [Hardware] tab and
click the [Device Manager] button. Check there are two [Ricoh R/RL/5C476(II) or Compatible
CardBus Controller] strings under the [PCMCIA adapters]. Double-click a [Ricoh R/RL/5C476(II)
or Compatible CardBus Controller] string.
2. If you can find a [This device is working properly] under the [Device status], you have
completed the installation successfully .