RATOC CBFW2 User guide

FireWire CardBus PC Card
for Macintosh PowerBookG3
User’s Guide
Rev. 4.0
October 2001
CBFW2 User's Guide
1. Introduction 1
2. Setup 2
2-1.Setup procedures 2 2-2.Installing the driver for the CBFW2. 3 2-3. V erifying the installation. 5 2-4. Installing QuickTime 4.0. 6 2-5.Inserting the CBFW2 10 2-6. Connecting the DVCAMs 1 1
3. Compatibility with Video Editing Software 12
3-1.Adobe Premire 12 3-2.Final Cut Pro 14 3-3.Digital Origin EditDV Unplugged, 1.6.1, 2.0 15 3-4.Digital Origin MotoDV 1.4 17 3-5.Digital Origin PhotoDV 1.4 19 3-6.STRATA VideoShop Ver.5.0 21
4. Registration and Tech-Support 22
4-1. How to Register 22 4-2. Software Update and Support 22 4-3. System Requirements 23
5. Specifications 24
Features 24

1. Introduction

This User’s Guide describes how to install,use,and troubleshoot the RA T OC CBFW2 FireWire CardBus PC Card.(called CBFW2 in this User Guide) The information in the README file on the CD-ROM may include the latest information. Be sure to read the README file as well.

1-1.Before Using the CBFW2

l Never attempt to disassemble the PC Card and the dongle.
1. Introduction
l Do not bend, drop or strike the PC Card and the cable, or subject it to heavy pressure. l Information in this document is subject to change without notice. l If you have any questions or find errors in this guide, do not hesitate to let us know .


l CBFW2 FireWire CardBus PC Card l 4PDV(i-Link) to 6P FireWire cable (6feet) l Dongle with two FireWire 6P port and Cable Power input jack l Support software CD-ROM(The version below are subject to change without notice)
•REX-CBFW Installer
•REX-CBFW Driver 2.0
•REX-CBFW Enabler 2.0
•FireWire Support 2.2.2
•QuickTime 4.0
•EditDV unplugged 1.6.1 45 days trial version
l User Guide document(This document)
NOTE: If any of these items are missing from the CBFW2 Retail package, contact your supplier immediately.

2. Setup

2. Setup

2-1.Setup procedures

1.Install the driver for the CBFW2. (Refer to 2-2)
2.Verify the installation.(Refer to 2-3)
3.Check whether there are two drivers below at the Extensions folder at the System Folder.
-QuickTime FireWire DV Enabler
-QuickTime FireWire DV Support
4.If you was not able to find QuickTime FireW ire DV Enabler , QuickTime Fir eWire DV Support, you have to install QuickTime4.0.(Refer to 2-4)
5.Insert the CBFW2. (Refer to 2-5)
6.Connect a DVCAM. (Refer to 2-6)

2-2.Installing the driver for the CBFW2.

1. Insert the Support software CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive.
2. After you see the icon of the CD-ROM mounted on the desktop, open the CD-ROM icon.Y ou will see a screen below .Click “CBFW2 Driver Installer
2. Setup
2. Setup
3. License Agreement window will appear. Click [Accept]. You will see the screen below . Click [Install].
4. Y ou will see the screen below .Click [Continue].
5. Y ou will see the screen below . Click [Restart].

2-3. Verifying the installation.

1)T o make sure you have succeeded to install the driver for the CBFW2,
following the steps below:
1-1)Open Extensions folder at the System Folder. 1-2)If you can find the files below at the Extensions folder,
you have succeeded to install the driver for the CBFW2.
-REX-CBFW Driver (Version 2.0)
-REX-CBFW Enabler(V ersion 2.0)
-FireWire Support 2.2.2
2. Setup
NOTE:The version number is subject to change without notice for software updates.
2)Check whether there are two drivers below at the Extensions folder at the System
-QuickTime FireWire DV Enabler
-QuickTime FireWire DV Support
If you was not able to find the two drivers above, proceed to the next step 2-4.Install QuickTime4.0. If you can find the two drivers above, ignore the step 2-4.Install QuickTime4.0 and proceed to the step 2-5.Insert the CBFW2.
2. Setup

2-4. Installing QuickTime 4.0.

If there aren’t QucikTime FireWire DV Enabler and QucikTime FireWire DV Support at the Extensions folder at the System Folder, you have to install QucikTime 4.0.
Follow the steps below:
1. Insert the CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive.
2. After you see the icon of the CD-ROM mounted on the desktop,
Open the CD-ROM icon.Y ou will see a screen below .
2. Setup
3.Double-click the QuickTime Installer folder .Y ou will see the screen below . Double-click the QuickTime Installer icon.
4.Y ou will see the screen below .Click [Continue].
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