Raritan Computer MPC and RRC User Manual

Raritan Multi-Platform Client
and Raritan Remote Client
User Guide
MPC Release 5.0.3 and RRC Release
Copyright © 2007 Raritan, Inc.
December 2007
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without express prior written consent of Raritan, Inc.
© Copyright 2007 Raritan, Inc., CommandCenter®, Dominion®, Paragon® and the Raritan company logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Raritan, Inc. All rights reserved. Java® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Internet Explorer® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape® and Netscape Navigator® are registered trademarks of Netscape Communication Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
FCC Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a commercial installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential environment may cause harmful interference.
VCCI Information (Japan)
Raritan is not responsible for damage to this product resulting from accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, non-Raritan modification of the product, or other events outside of Raritan's reasonable control or not arising under normal operating conditions.
1F61 I.T.E .
What's New in the MPC and RRC User Guide 6
Chapter 1 Introduction and Installation 7
Use with Raritan Products ..................................................................................................................7
Minimum System Requirements ........................................................................................................8
Note to CC-SG Users.................................................................................................................8
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirements ....................................................................8
MPC Supported Browsers ......................................................................................................11
Raritan Multi-Platform Client (MPC) Supported Operating Systems............................................11
Launching MPC from a Web Browser...................................................................................12
Installing and Launching Standalone MPC...........................................................................12
Raritan Remote Client (RRC) ............................................................................................................12
Launching RRC from a Web Browser....................................................................................13
Installing and Launching Standalone RRC............................................................................17
Chapter 2 Operation 18
Window Layout .................................................................................................................................18
MPC Interface..........................................................................................................................18
RRC Interface...........................................................................................................................19
Connection Profiles............................................................................................................................19
Creating Profiles......................................................................................................................19
Modifying Profiles ..................................................................................................................28
Deleting Profiles......................................................................................................................29
Establishing a New Connection .............................................................................................30
Closing a Remote Connection ................................................................................................31
Connection Info..................................................................................................................................31
Display and Sorting Options..................................................................................................36
Toolbars and Shortcuts......................................................................................................................43
Standard Toolbar.....................................................................................................................45
Connected Server(s) Toolbar..................................................................................................47
Status Bar............................................................................................................................................49
Remote KVM Console Control..........................................................................................................50
Keyboard Shortcut Menu..................................................................................................................51
Windows Key and Keyboard Shortcuts in MPC...................................................................53
Changing the Keyboard Menu Shortcut Hotkey Combination ...........................................53
Single Mouse Mode / Dual Mouse Mode.........................................................................................54
Automatic Mouse Synchronization........................................................................................56
Mouse Synchronization Options............................................................................................56
Screen Modes .....................................................................................................................................57
Full Screen / Target Screen Resolution...................................................................................57
Keyboard Handler .............................................................................................................................63
Keyboard Macros....................................................................................................................64
Connection and Video Properties..........................................................................................69
Color Calibration.....................................................................................................................80
Keyboard Type (MPC Only)...................................................................................................81
Chapter 3 Virtual Media 84
Prerequisites for Using Virtual Media..............................................................................................87
Using Virtual Media..........................................................................................................................88
Connecting to Virtual Media.............................................................................................................89
For Local Drives ......................................................................................................................89
For CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/ISO Images...................................................................................90
Disconnecting Virtual Media ............................................................................................................92
File Server Setup (File Server ISO Images Only)..............................................................................92
Chapter 4 Administrative Functions 95
Upgrading Device Firmware ............................................................................................................96
Changing a Password........................................................................................................................96
Restarting Device...............................................................................................................................97
Backing Up Device Configuration....................................................................................................97
Restoring Device Configuration.............................................................................................97
Backing Up User Configuration........................................................................................................97
Restoring User Configuration ................................................................................................97
Backup and Restore (Dominion KX II only).....................................................................................98
Log Files............................................................................................................................................101
Activity Log...........................................................................................................................101
Diagnostic Log (excluding Dominion KX II).......................................................................101
Broadcast Port..................................................................................................................................102
Remote Power Management...........................................................................................................103
Import/Export Keyboard Macro Definitions..................................................................................103
Launching Administrator and Diagnostic Interfaces ....................................................................108
Administrator Interface ........................................................................................................108
Diagnostic Interface (excluding Dominion KX II)...............................................................109
Tools Options...................................................................................................................................110
General Options (RRC Only)...........................................................................................................113
Chapter 5 Installing and Launching Standalone MPC 115
Windows ..........................................................................................................................................116
Checking JRE Version in Windows......................................................................................116
Installing MPC for Windows................................................................................................116
Launching MPC in Windows...............................................................................................119
Checking JRE Version in Linux............................................................................................120
Installing MPC for Linux ......................................................................................................121
Launching MPC in Linux .....................................................................................................124
Solaris ...............................................................................................................................................125
Checking JRE Version on Sun Solaris..................................................................................125
Installing MPC for Sun Solaris .............................................................................................126
Launching MPC on Sun Solaris............................................................................................128
Checking JRE Version in Mac OSX......................................................................................129
Installing MPC for Mac OSX ................................................................................................130
Launching MPC in Mac OSX................................................................................................133
Modem Connectivity.......................................................................................................................133
To Make Modem Connectivity Available on Unix/Linux and MAC OS for Non-Root
Chapter 6 Conditions for Intelligent Mouse Synchronization 135
Chapter 7 Special Characters 136
Index 137
hat's New in the MPC and
RRC User Guide
The following sections have changed or information has been added to the User Guide based on enhancements and changes to the equipment and/or user documentation.
Import/Export Keyboard Macro Definitions (on page 103) - Newly
added functionality.
Launching MPC from a Web Browser (on page 12) - Updated with
information on using Alt + Tab to toggle between windows on local systems.
Keyboard Macros (on page 64) - Information on using macros for hot
keys in MPC has been added.
Please see the Release Notes for a more detailed explanation of the changes applied to this version of the application.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Installation
Raritan Multi-Platform Client (MPC) and Raritan Remote Client (RRC) are graphical user interfaces for the Raritan Dominion KX and IP-Reach product lines, providing remote access to target servers connected to Raritan KVM over IP devices. Non-Windows users must use Raritan Multi-Platform Client, and Windows® users running Internet Explorer must use Raritan Remote Client.
In This Chapter
Use with Raritan Products ........................................................................... 7
Minimum System Requirements .................................................................8
Raritan Multi-Platform Client (MPC) Supported Operating Systems..... 11
Raritan Remote Client (RRC) ..................................................................... 12
Use with Raritan Products
Raritan Multi-Platform Client (MPC) and Raritan Remote Client (RRC) are intended for use with the following products:
Product MPC RRC
Dominion KX II (G2) X
Dominion KX I (G1) X X
Dominion KX101 (G1) X X
Dominion KSX (G1) X X
IP-Reach X X
G1 Generation 1
G2 Generation 2
There are some differences between MPC when used with the Dominion KX I and Dominion KX II devices; these differences are noted in the user manual.
Note: RRC cannot be used with Dominion KX II devices.
Minimum System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements
The minimum system requirements for the Raritan Multi-Platform Client and Raritan Remote Client are:
CPU Speed: 1.0 GHz
RAM: 512 Mbytes
Note: Running the client software on system configurations below either of these specifications may impact performance and result in errors.
Note to CC-SG Users
If you are using Dominion KX II in a CC-SG configuration, do not use the CC-SG proxy mode if you are also planning to use the Multi­Platform Client (MPC).
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Requirements
Raritan recommends using Java® Runtime Environment (JRE) version
1.5 for optimum performance, but MPC will function with JRE version
1.4.2_05 or greater (with the exception of JRE 1.5.0_02). JRE 1.6 is also supported, but has not been fully tested.
Determine your version of the JRE on the Java webpage: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml (http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml)
You may need some configuration depending on your OS and browser; configuration instructions are provided with the JRE download. Please note that modem use is not supported with Raritan's Dominion KX101.
Important: When launching MPC from a browser, it is highly recommended to disable the Java Applet caching.
Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation
Although no actual problems have occurred when Java caching is turned on, some non-impacting Java exceptions have occurred with the caching turned on. Generation of these Java-exceptions can appear in the Java Applet Console window, and may degrade performance.
For Linux/UNIX environments, the Java Control Panel is located in the JRE's bin directory; the location varies based on where JRE was installed by your Linux/UNIX administrator.
Tip: It is also recommended that you clear the Java cache.
¾ To disable Java caching and clear the cache (these
steps use Microsoft Windows XP and JRE 1.5.0):
1. From the Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. Double-click on the Java icon to launch it. The Java Control Panel
3. To disable Java caching:
Minimum System Requirements
a. From the General tab, click the Settings button in Temporary
b. Click the View Applets button. The Java Applet Cache Viewer
Internet Files. The Temporary Files Settings dialog opens:
c. Clear the Enable Caching checkbox.
d. Click OK.
4. To clear the Java cache:
Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation
a. From the Temporary Files Settings dialog, click the Delete Files
button. The Delete Temporary Files dialog opens:
b. Click OK.
MPC Supported Browsers
MPC supports the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 6 and 7
Firefox® 1.5 and 2.0
Mozilla® 1.7
Safari 2.0
Raritan Multi-Platform Client (MPC) Supported Operating Systems
When launched as web applet or as a standalone application, MPC allows you to reach target servers via different Raritan Dominion KX and IP Reach models.
Raritan MPC is compatible with the following platforms:
Windows XP
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows Vista
Red Hat Linux® 9.0
Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 3.0 and 4.0
SUSE Linux Professional 9.2 and 10
Fedora Core 5 and above
Raritan Remote Client (RRC)
Launching MPC from a Web Browser
Important: Regardless of the browser you use, you must allow pop-ups from the Dominion device's IP address in order to launch MPC.
1. To launch MPC from a client running any supported browser, type
2. When MPC launches, a device tree of all automatically detected
http://IP-ADDESS/mpc into the address line, where IP-ADDESS is the IP address of your Raritan device. MPC will launch in a new window that does not contain a menu bar, tool bar, scroll bar, or address bar. Work in this window and toggle to other open windows using the ALT+Tab command.
Note: The ALT+Tab command will toggle between windows only on the local system.
Raritan devices found on your subnet is displayed on the left side of the screen. If you do not find your unit listed by name, create an icon manually by selecting Connection > New Profile. The Add Connection window opens.
3. Type a device Description, specify a Connection Type, add the
device IP Address, and click OK. These specifications can be edited later.
4. In the Navigator panel on the left of the screen, double-click on the
icon that corresponds to your Raritan device.
If you prefer, install MPC as a standalone applet (see next section).
Note: Depending on your browser and browser security settings, you may see various security and certificate check and warning dialog boxes. It is necessary to accept the options in order to launch MPC.
Installing and Launching Standalone MPC
Please see Appendix A: Installing and Launching Standalone MPC for instructions on installing the standalone version of MPC on various operating systems.
Direct Dial Modem applies to devices running on Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, and Macintosh®.
Raritan Remote Client (RRC)
Important: RRC works only with MS Internet Explorer. If you are using a different Web browser, MPC will load automatically.
Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation
Most users access RRC via Internet Explorer, while other users, particularly those operating over a modem connection, invoke RRC standalone. Both options are detailed below. Modem use is not supported with Raritan's Dominion KX101.
Launching RRC from a Web Browser
Your IP-Reach and Dominion units feature Web browser-access capabilities and can provide a connection from any Windows-based Remote PC running Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.
Security Settings
To access IP-Reach or Dominion KX via Web browser, your Web browser must be configured appropriately under the Internet Explorer security settings tab:
Download Signed ActiveX controls should be set to either “Enable”
or “Prompt”
Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins should be set to either “Enable”
or “Prompt”
Please consult your Microsoft Internet Explorer documentation for additional information.
Note: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, and Microsoft Windows 2003 restrict certain types of users from downloading and running ActiveX controls and plug-ins, regardless of the above settings in Internet Explorer. Please consult your Microsoft Windows documentation for more information.
Launching RRC
1. Ensure that your browser security settings are configured
appropriately and type the IP address assigned to your IP-Reach or Dominion unit (please see the Initial Configuration section in the appropriate product user guide for additional information) in the URL field of your Web browser.
Raritan Remote Client (RRC)
2. You will be redirected to an HTTPS (128-bit) secure Web page so you
Note: IP-Reach and Dominion units ship with the default IP address of Please note that an IP address must be used. Hostnames are not currently supported.
can launch RRC.
Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation
3. Depending on your browser and its security configuration, you may
see any or all of the following dialog boxes, confirming access and launch of an externally-provided program. Click Yes to advance through any of these prompts.
Raritan Remote Client (RRC)
Removing RRC from the Browser Cache
To remove RRC from your browser cache for any reason, follow the standard procedure for your Web browser software.
Directions for Internet Explorer v6.0:
1. If you have used RRC recently, exit all instances of Internet Explorer,
and restart Internet Explorer.
2. On the Internet Explorer Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. When the Internet Options dialog box appears, click on the General
Settings tab, and click Delete Files.
4. Click on the Settings tab, and then click View Objects.
5. Internet Explorer will display a list of cached program objects. Select
any entries named “TeleControl Class,” “Raritan Console,” or “Power Board” and delete them.
Chapter 1: Introduction and Installation
Installing and Launching Standalone RRC
Note: This step is optional. IP-Reach or Dominion can be accessed from a Remote PC either by installing RRC software or by launching RRC via Web browser. Accessing IP-Reach or Dominion via Web browser does not require any software installation on the Remote PC. This section lists the steps required to invoke RRC using standalone software, which may be useful for accessing IP­Reach or Dominion via modem or if you wish to close firewall access to ports 80 and/or 443.
1. Launch your Web browser and go to Raritan's Web site
(http://www.raritan.com/). Click Support in the top navigation bar, and then click Firmware Upgrades in the left navigation bar (or type the URL http://www.raritan.com/support/firmwareupgrades).
2. Scroll down the page until you see the appropriate product name
and click on it.
3. Locate the appropriate version of the standalone RRC client for the
Release you are using.
4. The entry for the standalone RRC client is a .zip file which contains
the release notes and the Installer for Standalone RRC. Check the release notes for the latest information.
5. You can download the .zip file to your client machine or simply click
on the .zip file entry.
6. Double-click on the Installer executable in the .zip file and follow the
on-screen instructions in the InstallShield Wizard to complete RRC installation on your Remote PC. Be sure to check the release notes for the latest information and any release specific instructions.
7. Depending upon the configuration of your PC, the RRC installation
program may also automatically install DirectX and Microsoft Foundation Class libraries, if they are required. If so, you will be asked to restart your PC after installation.
8. A Raritan Remote Client icon will appear on your desktop. Click on
this icon to launch the standalone RRC client.
9. The standalone client can be uninstalled in the Add or Remove
Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel. You must uninstall before installing a new version of Standalone RRC.
Chapter 2 Operation
In This Chapter
Window Layout .......................................................................................... 18
Connection Profiles..................................................................................... 19
Connection Info........................................................................................... 31
Navigator..................................................................................................... 33
Toolbars and Shortcuts............................................................................... 43
Status Bar..................................................................................................... 49
Remote KVM Console Control................................................................... 50
Keyboard Shortcut Menu........................................................................... 51
Single Mouse Mode / Dual Mouse Mode.................................................. 54
Screen Modes .............................................................................................. 57
Keyboard Handler ...................................................................................... 63
Window Layout
MPC Interface
MPC functions are grouped into six general sections on the screen. As a standalone product, or as a Web applet, the MPC window contains these main sections:
Chapter 2: Operation
RRC Interface
The RRC window is almost identical to the MPC window.
Connection Profiles
Connection profiles store important information about your Raritan device, such as IP address, custom TCP ports, preferred compression settings, and custom security keys. A profile is required to access devices outside your subnet and to access devices using dial-up connection.
Through profiles, you can set up personalized connections; these profiles are not shared among other users.
Tip: If your Raritan device is configured to use a custom TCP port or a group security key, first create a connection profile so that you can access the device.
Creating Profiles
¾ To create a profile:
1. There are two ways to create a profile:
Connection Profiles
For automatically discovered devices, right-click on the device name
in the Navigator and select Add Profile from the shortcut menu.
For other devices, select Connection > New Profile.
The Add Connection window opens. Options are organized into three tabs.
1. Update the Connect tab:
Description: Type a meaningful description (up to 32 characters,
alphanumeric, special characters (on page 136) allowed). This description identifies the Raritan device in the Navigator.
Product: Select the Raritan product you are using from the drop-
down list: Dominion KX G2 (Dominion KX II), Dominion KX G1, Dominion KSX G1, IP-Reach, UST-IP G1, and KX101 G1.
Connection Type: Use the drop-down list box to select the type of
connection. Please note that only TCP/IP is available for Generation 2 (G2) Raritan devices.
Select TCP/IP Connection for a LAN/WAN connection.
Find Raritan device by (select one of these options):
Chapter 2: Operation
IP Address: Type the IP Address assigned to your Raritan
Name: Type the name assigned to your Raritan device during
initial setup.
DNS: Type the Domain Name Server (DNS) name. Use this
option if you have a DNS server to resolve a DNS name to the IP Address assigned to your Raritan device. Please note that you cannot use this option for Raritan Generation 2 (G2) devices.
Select Dial Up Connection for a direct analog modem connection
to the Raritan device. Type the parameters that MPC or RRC should use to establish a connection. Dial up connection does not apply to Generation 2 (G2) or KX101.
Connection Profiles
Phone Number. Include any additional codes that MPC or
RRC should dial to establish a connection, such as country codes, area codes, or outside line access codes.
Modem. Select the modem (as configured in Windows) from
the drop-down list that MPC or RRC should use to dial and connect to your Raritan device.
Note: For security reasons, you must use the MPC standalone client if you require modem access. In addition, one modem on a client PC can be used for only one device connection.
Chapter 2: Operation
Use Default Port Number: For TCP Ports, Dominion KX and IP-
Reach are automatically configured to use TCP Port 5000 when communicating with MPC/RRC. If you do not want to use the Default Port Number:
Connection Profiles
Clear the Use Default Port Number check box.
Type the configured TCP Port to be used in the Port Number
1. Update the Compression tab (not available for Generation 2 (G2)
Raritan devices):
Chapter 2: Operation
Connection Speed: Select the Connection Speed from the drop-down
list. IP Reach and Dominion can automatically detect available bandwidth and not limit bandwidth use; but you can also adjust this usage according to bandwidth limitations. Depending on the Raritan device in use, different options may be available.
Connection Profiles
Auto Detect
100mb Ethernet
10mb Ethernet
1.5mb (Max DSL/T1)
1mb (Fast DSL/T1)
512 kb (Medium DSL/T1)
384 kb (Slow DSL/T1)
256 kb (Cable)
128 kb (Dual ISDN)
56 kb (ISP Modem)
33 kb (Fast Modem)
24 kb (Slow Modem)
Color Depth: Select the Color Depth from the drop-down list. IP-
Reach and Dominion can dynamically adapt the color depth transmitted to remote users in order to maximize usability in all bandwidth constraints. Depending on the Raritan device in use, different options may be available.
Important: For most administrative tasks (server monitoring, reconfiguring, etc.), administrators do not require the full 24-bit or 32­bit color spectrum made available by most video graphics cards. Attempting to transmit such high color depths wastes network bandwidth.
Auto Select Color
15-bit RGB Color
12-bit RGB Color
8-bit RGB Color
5-bit Color
4-bit Color
4-bit Gray
3-bit Gray
2-bit Gray
Black and White
Chapter 2: Operation
Progressive Update increases the usability in constrained
bandwidth environments. When Progressive Update is enabled, IP-Reach or Dominion initially sends an image of the remote desktop at lower color depths, and then provides higher color depth images as bandwidth allows.
Note: When Color Depth is set to Auto Select Color (default), Progressive Update is automatic. IP-Reach or Dominion will enable/disable Progressive Update as required, disabling it for fast connections and enabling it for slow connections.
Internet Flow Control: When using IP-Reach or Dominion over
an unpredictable public WAN (particularly in international scenarios), checking the Internet Flow Control check box ensures that packets transmitted by IP-Reach or Dominion are received and reconstructed by MPC/RRC in the correct order.
Smoothing (15-bit mode only): Use the slider to select the desired
level of video Smoothing. The level determines how aggressively to blend screen regions with small color variation into a single smooth color. Smoothing improves the appearance of target video by reducing displayed video noise.
(MPC Only) Frames Per Second: This setting instructs MPC how
often to redraw the video display of the target. This only affects the client display behavior and has no bearing on the data rate of the video being sent to the client. Setting this option higher makes the video appear smoother but also requires more processing power.
1. Update the Security tab (not available for Generation 2 (G2) Raritan
Connection Profiles
Please note that the Security tab is disabled for Generation 2 Raritan devices. If your Dominion or IP-Reach unit is configured to use a private security key, input that key to gain the authorization required to initiate a connection to that IP-Reach or Dominion unit.
Type the private security key in the Private Key field.
Re-type the private security key in the Confirm Private Key field to
ensure no typographical errors were made.
1. Click OK to create the connection profile.
Modifying Profiles
¾ To modify a profile in MPC or RRC:
1. Select the device in the Navigator panel and right-click on it.
Chapter 2: Operation
2. Select Modify Profile. The Modify Connection window opens:
3. Update the fields as appropriate.
4. Click OK.
Deleting Profiles
¾ To delete a profile in MPC or RRC:
1. Select the device with a profile in the Navigator and right-click on it.
2. Select Delete Profile.
3. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes to delete the
profile for this device, or click No to return to MPC or RRC without deleting.
Connection Profiles
Establishing a New Connection
Note: Depending on your version of the JRE, you might receive a certificate message when using the MPC standalone application to access a Dominion KX II device. You have to accept the certificate in order to establish the connection.
Double-click the icon of a Raritan networked device in the Navigator, then type your user name and password to connect. You can also right­click on the device name and select New Connection from the shortcut menu.
Note: The default IP-Reach or Dominion login user name is admin, with the password raritan. This user has administrative privileges. Passwords are case sensitive and must be entered in the exact case combination in which they were created. The default password raritan must be entered entirely in lowercase letters. To ensure security, change the default username password as soon as possible.
If you do not see an icon for your IP-Reach or Dominion in the Navigator, please follow the instructions in the Creating Profiles section in this chapter to create a new connection profile for your IP-Reach or Dominion.
If you are having problems connecting to a Raritan device, be sure to check the following:
Username: Raritan usernames are not case-sensitive.
Password: Raritan passwords are case-sensitive.
TCP Port: If you have configured your Raritan Device to use a non-
default TCP Port, this information must be entered into its connection profile.
Firewall Settings: If you are accessing a Raritan Device through a
firewall, that firewall must be configured to allow two-way communication on TCP Port 5000 (or the custom TCP Port to which your Raritan Device has been configured).
Security Key: If you have configured your Raritan Device to require
a group security key, that key must be entered into the device's connection profile.
Note: If you are running MPC on Internet Explorer with both a Microsoft Firewall and a non-Microsoft Firewall utility installed, when you launch MPC ­even if MPC is not open - IE will launch a message telling you that MPC is already running. To avoid this, deactivate one of your Firewalls, or use a browser such as Mozilla or Firefox.
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