Smart engineering translates into ease of use with:
" A single consolidated view of all servers and
other IT devices from one screen — via a web
browser; no additional software is required
" A single sign-on and single interface providing
easy access to servers and other network devices
" A built-in modem for essential emergency access
in the event of a network outage
" Point and click or command-line control of
" Secure, centralized monitoring and notification
" Easy ‘Plug and Play’ installation and operation
" Convenient flash upgrades
Dominion KSX includes the features you need
for superior performance:
" High performance over low bandwidth
connections including modem, wireless,
cable, DSL and fractional T/1
" A video compression algorithm and powerful
frame-grabber technology to ensure the fastest
possible transmission of high quality video
" Tight mouse synchronization that reduces
latency, the tedious wait for key strokes and mousemovements to catch up with your commands
" Built-in serial port buffering to provide views of
recent console history, assisting in debugging
and, ultimately, reducing downtime
Dominion KSX provides bulletproof security via:
" SSL 128-bit RSA public key, 128-bit private
key encryption
" User authentication with RADIUS support
" Use of only one additional network port to
preserve strict firewall settings
" Customizable user profiles
" User event logging
" Ability to deactivate modem and/or browser access
Anytime, anywhere access and control.
Sun Server
Windows or Linux Servers
Intrusion Alarm/HVAC
Headless Server,
POS Server
Power Strip
Category 5, 5e or 6 UTP cables
Coaxial cable (CCPTxx)