Randall UNION Lockstitch Instruction Manual

NeedLe ANd AwL - LOCk-STITCh - SewINg MAChINe
Serial Number: _______________
Manufactured by:
Randall Leather Machinery Company
401 Irvine Street ~ Yoakum, Texas 77995 USA
Ra nd al l UnIOn lO ck -s tI tc h
Table of Contents
DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................... 1
APPLICATIONS...................................................................................................................... 1
GENERAL ADVISE................................................................................................................. 1
DIRECTION OF OPERATION................................................................................................ 1
MACHINE INSTALLATION..................................................................................................... 2
SEWING THREAD................................................................................................................. 4
NEEDLES & AWLS................................................................................................................. 4
THREADING THE MACHINE................................................................................................. 5
THREAD LUBRICANT & WAX............................................................................................... 6
BOBBIN SETUP...................................................................................................................... 6
COMMENCE SEWING........................................................................................................... 7
COMMON ADJUSTMENTS.................................................................................................... 8
OILING & CLEANING............................................................................................................. 8
PRESSER-FOOT ADJUSTMENT........................................................................................... 9
THREAD LOCK.................................................................................................................... 10
THREAD TENSION.............................................................................................................. 10
STITCH LENGTH................................................................................................................. 10
THREAD GUIDE ADJUSTMENT.......................................................................................... 11
LOOPER CAM ADJUSTMENT.............................................................................................. 11
NEEDLE & AWL ALIGNMENT.............................................................................................. 12
SHUTTLE TIMING (FINE)..................................................................................................... 13
TROUBLE SHOOTING......................................................................................................... 13
PARTS RECORD.................................................................................................................... A
LUBRICATION AND SERVICE RECORD...............................................................................B
NOTES................................................................................................................................... C
Technical Support
Since 1858
Ra nd al l UnIOn lO ck -s tI tc h
Please read this Instruction Manual carefully before using your machine in order to guarantee
reliable operation and a long life. Refer to this Manual often for questions and adjustments.
The UNION Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine is a straight needle and awl sewing machine for stitching heavy materials.
• Feed: Needle Feed, Jump Foot.
• Speed: The maximum speed recommended for
the UNION is 800 stitches per minute. Maximum speed is limited to the type of material being sewn. It is recommended the machine run slower than the maximum speed to insure operator control and longevity of the machine. We cannot warranty machines or parts that are damaged due to excessive speed.
• Work Capacity: The machine operates on all
thickness of leather and other materials up to ¾ inch. The throat of the machine is 12 inches, and can sew a row of stitching 12 inches from the edge of any material.
• Bobbin: The bobbin is extra large and carries 100 to
150 yards of thread, requiring few bobbin changes.
• Stitch Length: 4 to 12 stitched per inch
General Information
General Advise
• Do not operate the machine before lubricating it.
• Do not run the UNION in reverse. The machine hand wheel should
run counter-clockwise if you are facing the wheel.
• Use caution and give proper attention to the operation of your
machine when sewing
• Keep your hands away from the needle and awl when the power is
on and the machine is in operation
• Keep your hands away from all moving parts, nor place anything
close to them while operating the machine
• Do not make any adjustments or service the machine with the
power on.
• Do not run the machine with the presser foot resting on the needle
plate without material under the presser foot.
• Let the machine do its own feeding. Do not force material into or
way from the machine or you may bend or break a needle or awl.
• Do not crowd, retard or twist the work when sewing
• Do not run the machine with bobbin case and thread eye threaded
unless there is material under the presser foot.
• Have the machine in proper adjustment at all times
• Use good quality thread
• Keep your machine cleaned and well oiled
• Study this instruction book and become familiar with all parts of
your machine
• After receiving the machine, make sure all screws remain tight.
Boot & Shoe Industry : fair stitching, moccasin seam or any at sole work.
Harness & Tack : for stitching all kinds of harness,
belting, and strap goods up to 3/4 inches thick.
Sporting Goods : used by leading manufacturers for stitching footballs, basket balls, volley balls, and soft balls. It is noted for pulling a very tight seam.
Direction Operation:
Always run the hand wheel toward the operator, that is to turn the wheel counterclockwise if you are facing the wheel. Never attempt to sew with the machine in reverse (clockwise) rotation, or damage to the machine or material will result. The UNION is not capable of sewing in reverse, but back stitching can be done by lifting the foot and crossing over the previous stitches.
Since 1858
Ra nd al l UnIOn lOc k-St It c h
Ra nd al l UnIOn lOc k-St It c h
Please insepect the packaging for any loose parts before discarding.
Machine Installation
Motor Table
• Remove table from pallet and place in location
Machine Head
• Remove head from crating and place on table
• Secure the back of the machine with the included hook
bolts, and bolt the front of the machine head through the table.
• Place the V-belt arounf the motor pulley, through the table
slot, and over the machine pulley. Ensure that the belt is resting in the grooves of both pulleys, then tighten the belt
tension be lowering the motor with the adjustable motor
bracket. Lock the motor into postion with the bracket nuts
once the re tension is acheived.
Pedal Linkage
• Connect and adjust the right peddle linkage to the clutch
motor. Set the linkage with the center clamping bracket on the rods.
• Connect the presser
foot cable from the left pedal, through the pulleys and up to the connecting lever behind the machine hed. Secure with the cable clamps.
Pulley Cover
• Secure the inside pulley cover with two screws on the right hand side of the head, just bellow the hand wheel
• Set the outside cover together with the inside, then secure
with screws on the right hand face.
Tool Tray
• Place the tool tray on the front of the machine and secure
with the two supplied screws.
Technical Support
Since 1858
Ra nd al l UnIOn lOc k-St It c h
Wax Pot
• Place the wax pot over the stuf on the back of the
• Pivot the wax pot up to the the machine casting and lock
in place with the clamping nut.
Presser Foot Spring
• Place the upper bracket and spring on top of the machin
• With the left hand, compress the coil spring and push the
bracket into the hole in the casting.
• With the right hand, secure the bracket in place by
tightening the screw with a slotted screw driver.
Since 1858
Ra nd al l UnIOn lOc k-St It c h
Thread / Needles & Awls
Ra nd al l UnIOn lOc k-St It c h
SewINg ThReAd
• The UNION can use thread size 138 to 554 synthetic or 3 to 12 cord cotton or linen
• Use only Left Twist thread in the machine (twist of the bobbin thread is not important). To determine the thread twist, hold the thread and twist it counterclockwise between the thumb and forenger. If the
strands wind tighter, the thread is left (Z) twist. If the strands unwind, the thread is right (S) twist.
• If you are using a natural thread, wither linen or cotton, the label end of the spool of the thread must
be pointed up when placed in the thread holder. The bobbin thread should be one size smaller than the top thread for a better lock. Make sure that the thread is not old, dry, or right twist.
• If you use a larger thread with an undersized needle, skipped stitches or frayed thread may occur.
NeedLeS & AwLS
Orders for needles and awls must specify the quantity required, the size number, and also class and variety. The following is an example of an
order with sufcient information: “100 UNION #2
Awls, Chisel Point”
NOTE: The needle size is determined by the
size of the thread you sewing with.
Needle Sizes: 1, 1 ½, 2, 2 ½, 3, 3 ½, & 4.
Awl Sizes: 2, 2 ½, 3, 3 ½, 4, & 5
• Chisel Point Awl – harness or straight work.
• Oval Point Awl – boot siding, vamp closing &
NOTE: The awl size should be 1 to 1-1/2 sizes
larger than the size of the needle. Make sure
that the awl is sharp and does not spring or glance off the work when entering the work.
SIzeS OF NeedLeS TO ThReAd
Sizes will vary between applications.
138 3 cord
207 4 cord
277 5 cord
346 6 cord
415 7 cord
554 8 cord
693 9 cord
Appearance of Chisel Point Awl: Turning the awl so the edge of the blade will start its cut in a different position can change the appearance of the stitch.
Awl Parallel to Stitch Line Awl Angled Left Awl Angled Right Awl Perpendicular to Stitch Line
Needle Size
1 to 1-1/2
1-1/2 to 2
2-1/2 to 3
3 to 3-1/2
4 to 4-1/2
1. Turn the hand wheel so that awl bar (UL-85)
is at its highest position. Loosen the awl set screw and remove the old awl
2. Insert the awl into the awl bar as far as it will
go. Set point in desired position. It is common to have the point set a little to the right of being squared across
3. Tighten set screw in awl bar
Technical Support
SeTTINg The NeedLe
1) Make sure that the needle is put into the nee­dle bar (UL-210) as deeply as possible, then tighten the needle bar screws in place.
2) Insure that the hook of the needle is looking directly at the operator.
Since 1858
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