• Clock Registers in Top 16 bytes of Address Space
• Backup Power from External Capacitor or Battery
• Tracks Seconds through Centuries in BCD Format
• Tracks Leap Years through 2099
• Runs from a 32.768 kHz Timekeeping Crystal
The FM3808 combines a 256Kb FRAM array with a
real-time clock and a system supervisor function. The
timekeeping function is driven by a user supplied
32.768 kHz crystal. It maintains time and date
settings in the a bsence of system power through the
user’s choice of backup power source – either
capacitor or battery. In either case data in the memory
array does not depend on the backup source, it
remains nonvolatile in FRAM. In addition to
timekeeping, the FM3808 includes a system
supervisor to manage low V
a watchdog timer function. A programmable interrupt
output pin allows the user to select the supervisor
functions and the polarity of the signal.
Both the FRAM array and the timekeeping function
are accessed through the memory interface. The
upper 16-address locations of the memory space are
allocated to the timekeeping registers rather than to
memory. The FRAM array provides data retention
for 10 years in the absence of system power, and is
not dependent on the backup power source used for
the clock. This eliminates system concerns over data
loss in a traditional battery-backed RAM solution. In
addition, clock and supervisor control settings are
implemented in FRAM rather than battery-backed
RAM, making them more dependable. The FM3808
offers guaranteed operation over an industrial
temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
) Read/Writes
power conditions and
Pin Configuration
FM3808-70-T 70 ns access, 32-pin TSOP
FM3808DK DIP module development kit
Documentation for the DIP module development kit is
provided separately.
This is a product under development. Characteristic data and other
specifications are design goals. Ramtron reserves the right to change 1850 Ramtron Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
or discontinue the product without notice. (800) 545-FRAM, (719) 481-7000, FAX (719) 481-7058
Rev 0.2
Sept 2001 Page 1 of 27
Ramtron International Corporation
System Supervisor
Low VDD monitor/
Watchdog timer
Interrupt Control
FRAM Array
Address Decoder/
Bus Interface
16 Clock/Calendar
Figure 1. Block Diagram
Pin Description
Pin Name I/O Pin Description
A0-A14 Input Address: The 15 address inputs select one of 32,752 bytes in the FRAM array or one of
16 bytes in the clock/calendar. The address is latched on the falling edge of /CE.
DQ(7:0) I/O Data: Bi-directional 8-bit data bus for accessing the FRAM array and clock.
/CE Input Chip Enable: The active low /CE input selects the device. The falling edge of /CE
internally latches the address. Address changes that occur after /CE has transitioned
low are ignored until the next falling edge occurs.
/OE Input Output Enable: The active low /OE input enables the data output buffers during read
cycles. Deasserting /OE high causes the DQ pins to tri-state.
/WE Input Write Enable: T he active low /WE low enables data on the DQ pins to be written to the
address location latched by the falling edge of /CE.
X1, X2 Input Connect 32.768 kHz crystal.
INT Output Interrupt output: This output can be programmed to respond to the clock alarm, the
watchdog timer, and the power monitor. It is programmable to either active high
(push/pull) or active low (open-drain).
Supply Backup Supply Voltage: This supply is used to maintain power for the clock. It must
remain between 2.5V and V
battery. Current is drawn from V
-0.3V. Typically it is supplied by either a capacitor or a
when VDD is below the V
VDD Supply Supply Voltage: 5V
VSS Supply Ground.
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Sept 2001 Page 2 of 27
Functional Truth Table
/CE /WE /OE Function
H X X Standby/Precharge
X X Latch Address
L H L Read
L L X Write
The FM3808 integrates three complementary but
distinct functions under a common interface in a
single package. First, is the 32Kx8 FRAM memory
block (minus 16 bytes), second is the real-time
clock/calendar, and third is the system supervisor.
The functions are integrated to enhance their
individual performance, so that each provides better
capability than three similar stand-alone devices. All
functions use the same bytewide address/data
interface and are memory mapped. Special functions
including the clock and supervisor are controlled by
registers that reside in the top of the combined
memory map. The register map is described below,
followed by a detailed description of each functional
Register Map
The interface to clock and supervisor functions is via
16 address locations at the top of the address space.
The registers contain timekeeping data, control bits,
or information flags. A short description of each
register follows. Detailed descriptions of each
function follow the register summary.
upper nibble contains the upper digit and operates from 0 to 5. The range for the register is 0-59.
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Address Description
/OSCEN /Oscillator Enable. When set to 1, the oscillator is halted. When set to 0, the oscillator runs. Disabling
Reserved Do not use. Should remain set to 0.
CALS Calibration sign. Determines if the calibration adjustment is applied as an addition to or as a subtraction
CAL.3-0 These four bits control the calibration of the clock. These bits are implemented in FRAM.
WDS Watchdog Strobe. Setting this bit to 1 reloads and restarts the watchdog timer. Setting the bit to 0 has no
/WDW Watchdog Write Enable. Setting this bit to 1 masks the watchdog timeout value (WDT.5-0) so it cannot
WDT.5-0 Watchdog Timeout selection. The watchdog timer interval is selected by the 6-bit value in this register.
WIE Watchdog Interrupt Enable. When set to 1 and a watchdog timeout occurs, the watchdog timer drives
AIE Alarm Interrupt Enable. When set to 1, the alarm match drives the interrupt pin as well as the AF flag.
PFE Power-fail Interrupt Enable. When set to 1, the power-fail monitor drives the pin as well as the PF flag.
ABE Alarm Battery-backup Enable. When set to 1, the alarm interrupt (as controlled by AIE) will function
H/L High/Low. When set to a 1, the Interrupt pin is push/pull active high. When set to a 0, the interrupt pin
P/L Pulse/Level. When set to a 1, the interrupt pin is driven active (determined by H/L) by an interrupt
VINT Voltage Interrupt. Selects the voltage on VDD that generates a power-fail flag. When set to a 1, the flag
Contains t he alarm value for the date of the month and the mask bit to select or deselect the date value.
the oscillator can save battery power during storage. On a no battery power up, this bit is set to 1.
from the time-base. This bit is implemented in FRAM. Calibration is explained below
Watchdog Timer
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
affect. The bit is cleared automatically once the watchdog timer is reset. The WDS bit is write only.
Reading it always will return a 0.
be written. This allows the user to strobe the watchdog without disturbing the timeout value. Setting this
bit to 0 allows bits 5-0 to be written on the next write to the Watchdog register. The new value will be
loaded on the next internal watchdog clock after the write cycle is complete. This function is explained
in more detail in the watchdog Timer section below.
It represents a multiplier of the 32 Hz count (31.25 ms). The minimum range or timeout value is 31.25
ms (a setting of 1) and the maximum timeout is 2 seconds (setting of 3Fh). Setting the watchdog timer
register to 0 disables the timer. These bits can be written only if the /WDW bit was cleared to 0 on a
previous cycle.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
the interrupt pin as well as the WDF flag. When set to 0, the watchdog timeout affects only the WDF
When set to 0, the alarm match only affects the AF flag.
When set to 0, the power-fail monitor affects only the PF flag.
even in battery backup mode. When set to 0, the alarm will occur only when VDD>VLO.
is open drain active low.
source for approximately 200 ms. When set to a 0, the interrupt pin is driven to an active level (as set by
H/L) until the flag register is read.
occurs at 4.75V. When set to 0 the flag occurs at 4.6V. The interrupt pin is enabled by the PFE bit,
otherwise only an internal flag is set.
Alarm – Date of the month
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
M 0 10 date.1 10 date.0 Date.3 Date.2 Date.1 Date.0
Match. Setting this bit to 0 causes the date value to be used in the alarm match. Setting this bit to 1
causes the match circuit to ignore the date value.
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Sept 2001 Page 5 of 27
Address Description
Contains the alarm value for the hours and the mask bit to select or deselect the hours value.
/M Match. Setting this bit to 0 causes the hours value to be used in the alarm match. Setting this bit to 1
Contains t he alarm value for the minutes and th e mask bi t to select or deselect the minutes value
/M Match. Setting this bit to 0 causes the minutes value to be used in the alarm match. Setting this bit to 1
Contains the alarm value for the seconds and the mask bit to select or deselect the minutes value.
/M Match. Setting this bit to 0 causes the seconds value to be used in the alarm match. Setting this bit to1
This register is an uncommitted nonvolatile register. The user register is not manipulated by the real-
WDF Watchdog Timer Flag. This bit is set to 1 when the watchdog timer is allowed to reach 0 without being
AF Alarm Flag. This bit is set to 1 when the time and date match the values stored in the alarm registers
PF Power-fail Flag. This bit is set to 1 when power falls below the power-fail interrupt threshold VINT. It
CF Cen t ury Overflow Flag. This bit is set to a 1 when the values in the years register overflows from 99 to
TST Invokes factory test mode. Users should always set this bit to 0.
CAL Calibration Mode. When set to 1, the clock enters calibration mode. When CAL is set to 0, the clock
W Write Time. Setting the W bit to 1 freezes updates of the timekeeping registers. The user can then write
R Read Time. Setting the R bit to 1 copies a static image of the timekeeping registers and places them in a
Alarm – Hours
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
M 0 10 hours.1 10 hours.0 Hours.3 Hours2 Hours.1 Hours.0
causes the match circuit to ignore the hours value.
Alarm – Minutes
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
M 10 min.2
causes the match circuit to ignore the minutes value.
causes the match circuit to ignore the seconds value.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
time clock other than to provide nonvolatile storage of the contents.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
reset by the user. It is cleared to 0 when the Flag register is read. It is read-only for the user.
with the match bit(s) = 0. It is cleared when the Flag register is read. It is read -only for the user.
is cleared to 0 when the Fl ag register is read. It is read-only for the user.
00. This indicates a new century, such as going from 1999 to 2000 or 2099 to 2100. The user should
record the new century information as needed. This bit is cleared to 0 when the Flag register is read. It is
read-only for the user.
operates normally.
them with updated values. Setting the W bit to 0 causes the contents of the time registers to be
transferred to the timekeeping counters. This bit affects registers xF, xE, xD, xC, xB, xA, and x9.
holding register. The user can then read them without concerns over changing values causing system
errors. The R bit going from 0 to 1 causes the timekeeping capture, so the bit must be returned to 0 prior
to reading again . This bit affects registers xF, xE, xD, xC, xB, xA, and x9.
10 min.1 10 min.0 Min.3 Min.2 Min.1 Min.0
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Sept 2001 Page 6 of 27
Real-time Clock Operation
The real-time clock (RTC) consists of an oscillator, a
divider, and a register system to access the
information. It divides down the 32.768 kHz timebase to provide the user timekeeping resolution of
one second (1Hz). Static registers provide the user
with read/write access to the time values. The
synchronization of these registers with the timekeeper
core is performed using R and W bits in register
Setting the R bit from 0 to 1 causes a transfer of the
timekeeping information to holding registers that can
be read by the user. If a timekeeper update is in
progress when the R is set, the update will be
completed prior to loading the registers. Another
update cannot be performed unless the R bit is first
cleared to 0 again.
Setting the W bit causes the timekeeper to freeze
updates. Clearing it to 0 causes the values in the time
registers to be written into the timekeeper core. Users
should be sure not to load invalid values, such as FFh
to any of the timekeeping registers.
Updates to the timekeeping core occur continuously
except when frozen. A diagram of the timekeeping
core is shown below.
Backup Power
The real-time clock/calendar is intended for
permanently powered operation. When primary
system power fails, the voltage on V
When it crosses the voltage on the V
will drop.
supply pin,
the clock power will switch to the backup power
supply V
. The supervisor function, described
below, controls the switchover process as part of a
more complete power management circ uit.
The clock uses very little current which maximizes
battery life. Although a backup batter y may be used
with the FM3808, the key advantage to combining a
clock function with FRAM is that the configuration
data (shaded regsiter bits in Table 2) is nonvolatile
and does not require a battery backup power source.
Therefore, it is more practical to use a capacitor as a
backup energy source than a battery-backed
RAM/clock combo. With the FM3808, the user has
the choice of using a battery or a capacitor as the
backup source. Some of the parameters used in the
capacitor vs. battery decision include the expected
duration of power outages, the difficulty of resetting
the time if lost, and the cost tradeoff of using a small
battery versus a capacitor.
The following functions are powered from the backup
power source when V
< V
(backup mode) :
• Clock/calendar core
• Alarm interrupt/comparator
• INT pin driver (determined by ABE & AIE
bits); active low only
• Flags connected to related functions
The following functions are not powered and are
disabled when V
< VLO :
• User interface
• Watchdog timer
• Power monitor & band-gap (V
< ≈ 2.0V)
• Flags connected to related functions
• All FRAM access & updates
• Calibration operation
• INT driver if active high is programmed
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Sept 2001 Page 7 of 27
32 Hz
512 Hz
32.768 kHz
8 bits
5 bits
6 bits
3 bits
User Interface Registers
Figure 2. Real-time Clock Core Block Diagram
When the CAL bit in register 7FF0.2 is set to 1, the
clock enters calibration mode. Interrupts are disabled
in CAL mode. Calibration operates by applying a
digital correction to the counter based on the
frequency error. In CAL mode, the INT pin is driven
with a 512 Hz nominal square wave. Any measured
deviation from 512 Hz is converted into an error in
ppm. This error corresponds to a correction value that
must then be written by the user into the calibration
register 7FF8h. The correction factors are listed in the
Table 2.
Positive ppm errors require a negative adjustment that
removes pulses. Negative ppm errors require a
positive correction that adds pulses. Positive ppm
adjustments have the CALS bit set to 1, where as
negative ppm adjustments have CALS = 0. After
calibration, the clock will have a maximum error of
6 bits
1 Hz
7 bits
7 bits
± 4.34 ppm or ± 0.19 minutes per month at the
calibrated temperature.
The calibration setting is nonvolatile and is stored in
7FF8.4-0. This value only can be written when the
CAL bit is set to a 1. To exit calibration mode, the
user should clear the CAL bit to a 0.
When the calibration mode is entered, the user can
measure the frequency error on the INT pin. This
error expressed in ppm translates directly into
timekeeping error. An offsetting calibration
adjustment corrects this error. However, the
correction is applied by adding or removing pulses on
a periodic basis. Therefore, the correction will not
appear on the 512 Hz output. The calibration
correction must be applied using the values shown in
Table 2. The timekeeping accuracy can be verified by
comparing the FM3808 time to a reference source.
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Table 2. Calibration Adjustments
Measured Frequency Range Error Range (ppm) Min Max Min Max Program Calibration D4-D0