RAMTRON FM25160-S, FM25160-P Datasheet

16Kb FRAM Serial Memory
16K bit Ferroelectric Nonvolatile RAM
High endurance 10 Billion (1010) read/writes
10 year data retention at 85° C
NoDelay™ write
Advanced high-reliability ferroelectric process
Fast Serial Peripheral Interface - SPI
Up to 2.1 MHz maximum bus frequency
Direct hardware replacement for EEPROM
Supports SPI Mode 0 (CPOL=0, CPHA=0)
The FM25160 is a 16-kilobit nonvolatile memory employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A ferroelectric random access memory or FRAM is nonvolatile but operates in other respects as a RAM. It provides reliable data retention for 10 years while eliminating the complexities, overhead, and system level reliability problems caused by EEPROM and other nonvolatile memories.
Unlike serial EEPROMs, the FM25160 performs write operations at bus speed. No write delays are incurred. Data is written to the memory array mere hundreds of nanoseconds after it has been successfully transferred to the device. The next bus cycle may c7ommence immediately. In addition, the product offers substantial write endurance compared with other nonvolatile memories. The FM25160 is capable of supporting up to 1E10 read/write cycles -­far more than most systems will require from a serial memory.
These capabilities make the FM25160 ideal for nonvolatile memory applications requiring frequent or rapid writes. Examples range from data collection, where the number of write cycles may be critical, to demanding industrial controls where the long write time of EEPROM can cause data loss.
The FM25160 provides substantial benefits to users of serial EEPROM, in a hardware drop-in replacement. The FM25160 uses the high-speed SPI bus, which enhances the high-speed write capability of FRAM technology. It is guaranteed over an industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
Sophisticated Write Protection Scheme
Hardware protection
Software protection
Low Power Consumption
10 µA standby current
Industry Standard Configuration
Industrial temperature -40° C to +85° C
8-pin SOP or DIP
Pin Configuration
Pin Names Function
/CS Chip Select SO Serial Data Output /WP Write Protect VSS Ground SI Serial Data Input SCK Serial Clock /HOLD Hold VCC Supply Voltage 5V
Ordering Information
FM25160-P 8-pin plastic DIP FM25160-S 8-pin SOP
This data sheet contains design specifications for product development. Ramtron International Corporation These specifications may change in any manner without notice 1850 Ramtron Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (800) 545-FRAM, (719) 481-7000, Fax (719) 481-7058 www.ramtron.com
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Ramtron FM25160
Figure 1. Block Diagram
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Ramtron FM25160
Pin Description
Pin Name Pin Number I/O Pin Description
/CS 1 I Chip Select. Activates the device. When high, all outputs are tri-state and
the device ignores other inputs. The part remains in a low power standby mode. When low, the part recognizes activity on the SCK signal. A falling edge on /CS must occur prior to every op-code.
SO 2 O Serial Output. SO is the data output pin. It is driven actively during a read
and remains tri-state at all other times including when HOLD\ is low. Data transitions are driven on the falling edge of the serial clock. * SO can be connected to SI for a single pin data interface since the part communicates in half-duplex.
/WP 3 I Write Protect. This pin prevents write operations to the status register.
This is critical since many other write protection features are controlled through the status register. A complete explanation of write protection is provided below. *Note that the function of /WP is different from the
FM25040 where it prevent all writes to the part. VSS 4 I Ground SI 5 I Serial Input. All data is input to the device on this pin. The pin is sampled
on the rising edge of SCK and is ignored at other times. It should always
be driven to a valid logic level to meet ICC specifications.
* SI may be connected to SO for a single pin data interface. SCK 6 I Serial Clock. All I/O activity is synchronized to the serial clock. Inputs
are latched on the rising edge and outputs occur on the falling edge. The
part is static so the clock frequency may be any value between 0 and 2.1
MHz and may be interrupted at any time. /HOLD 7 I Hold. The /HOLD signal is used when the host CPU must interrupt a
memory operation for another task. Taking the /HOLD signal to a low
state pauses the current operation. The part ignores any transition on SCK
or /CS. All transitions on /HOLD must occur while SCK is low. VCC 8 I Supply Voltage. 5V
The FM25160 is a serial FRAM memory. The memory array is logically organized as 2,048 x 8 and is accessed using an industry standard Serial Peripheral Interface or SPI bus. Functional operation of the FRAM is similar to serial EEPROMs. The major difference between the FM25160 and a serial EEPROM with the same pin-out relates to its superior write performance.
Memory Architecture
When accessing the FM25160, the user addresses 2,048 locations each with 8 data bits. These data bits are shifted serially. The addresses are accessed using the SPI protocol, which includes a chip select (to permit multiple devices on the bus), an op-code including a page address, and a word address. The word address consists of 8-bits that specify one of 256 addresses. The page address is 3-bits and so there are 8 pages each of 256 locations. The complete address of 11-bits specifies each byte address uniquely.
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Most functions of the FM25160 are either controlled by the SPI interface or are handled automatically by on-board circuitry. The access time for memory operation essentially is zero, beyond the time needed for the serial protocol. That is, the memory is read or written at the speed of the SPI bus. Unlike an EEPROM, it is not necessary to poll the device for a ready condition since writes occur at bus speed. That is, by the time a new bus transaction can be shifted into the part, a write operation will be complete. This is explained in more detail in the interface section below.
Users expect several obvious system benefits from the FM25160 due to its fast write cycle and high endurance as compared with EEPROM. However there are less obvious benefits as well. For example in a high noise environment, the fast-write operation is less susceptible to corruption than an EEPROM since it is completed quickly. By contrast an EEPROM requiring milliseconds to write is vulnerable to noise during much of the cycle.
Note that the FM25160 contains no power management circuits other than a simple internal
Ramtron FM25160
power-on reset. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that VCC is within data sheet tolerances to prevent incorrect operation.
Serial Peripheral Interface – SPI Bus
The FM25160 employs a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. This high-speed serial bus is provides high performance serial communication to a host microcontroller. Many common microcontrollers have hardware SPI ports allowing a direct interface. It is quite simple to emulate the port using ordinary port pins for microcontrollers that do not. Note that the FM25160 operates in SPI Mode 0 only.
The SPI interface uses a total of four pins, clock, data-in, data-out, and chip select. It is possible to connect the two data lines together. Figure 2 illustrates a typical system configuration using the FM25160 with a microcontroller that offers an SPI port. Figure 3 shows a similar configuration for a microcontroller that has no hardware support for the SPI bus.
Protocol Overview
The SPI interface is a synchronous serial interface using clock and data lines. It is intended to support multiple devices on the bus. Each device is activated using a chip select. Once chip select is activated by the bus master, the FM25160 will begin monitoring the clock and data lines. The relationship between the falling edge of \CS, the clock and data is dictated by the SPI mode. There are four such modes however the FM25160 supports only mode 0. This mode dictates that the SCK signal must be low when \CS is activated.
The SPI protocol is controlled by op-codes. These op-codes specify the commands to the part. After \CS is activated, the first byte transferred from the bus master is the op-code. Following the op-code, any addresses and data are then transferred. Certain op-codes are commands with no subsequent data transfer. The /CS must go inactive after an operation is complete and before a new op-code can be issued.
Figure 2. System Configuration with SPI port
Figure 3. System Configuration without SPI port
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Ramtron FM25160
Data Transfer
All data transfers to and from the FM25160 occur in 8-bit groups. They are synchronized to the clock signal (SCK) and occur most significant bit (MSB) first. Serial inputs are clocked in on the rising edge of SCK. Outputs are driven on the falling edge of SCK.
Command Structure
There are six commands called op-codes that can be issued by the bus master to the FM25160. They are listed in the table below. These op-codes control the functions performed by the memory. They can be divided into three categories. First, are commands that have no subsequent operations. They perform a single function such as to enable a write operation. Second are commands followed by one byte, either in or out. They operate on the status register Last are commands for memory transactions followed by address and one or more bytes of data.
Table 1. Op-code Commands
Name Description Op-code value WREN Set Write Enable Latch WRDI Write Disable RDSR Read Status Register WRSR Write Status Register READ Read Memory Data WRITE Write Memory Data
Figure 4. WREN Bus Configuration
WREN - Set Write Enable Latch
The FM25160 will power up with writes disabled. The WREN command must be issued prior to any write operation. Sending the WREN op-code will allow the user to issue subsequent op-codes for write operations. These include writing the status register and writing the memory.
Sending the WREN op-code causes the internal Write Enable Latch to be set. A flag bit in the status register, called WEL, indicates the state of the latch. WEL=1 indicates that writes are permitted. Attempting to write the WEL bit in the status register has no affect. Completing any write operation will automatically clear the write enable latch and prevent further writes without another WREN command. Figure 4 below illustrates the WREN command bus configuration.
WRDI - Write Disable
The WRDI command disables all write activity by clearing the Write Enable Latch. The user can verify that writes are disabled by reading the WEL bit in the status register and verifying that WEL=0. Figure 5 below illustrates the WRDI command bus configuration.
Figure 5. WRDI Bus Configuration
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