RAMTRON FM24C64-S, FM24C64-P Datasheet

This data sheet contains design specifications for product development. Ramtron International Corporation These specifications may change in any manner without notice 1850 Ramtron Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (800) 545-FRAM, (719) 481-7000, Fax (719) 481-7058 www.ramtron.com
28 July 2000 1/13
64Kb FRAM Serial Memory
Organized as 8,192 x 8 bits
High endurance 10 Billion (1010) read/writes
10 year data retention at 85° C
NoDelay™ write
Advanced high-reliability ferroelectric process
Fast Two-wire Serial Interface
Up to 1 MHz maximum bus frequency
Direct hardware replacement for EEPROM
Supports legacy timing for 100 kHz & 400 kHz
Low Power Operation
True 5V operation
150 µA Active current (100 kHz)
10 µA standby current
Industry Standard Configuration
Industrial temperature -40° C to +85° C
8-pin SOP or DIP
The FM24C64 is a 64-kilobit nonvolatile memory employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A ferroelectric random access memory or FRAM is nonvolatile but operates in other respects as a RAM. It provides reliable data retention for 10 years while eliminating the complexities, overhead, and system level reliability problems caused by EEPROM and other nonvolatile memories.
The FM24C64 performs write operations at bus speed. No write delays are incurred. Data is written to the memory array mere hundreds of nanoseconds after it has been successfully transferred to the device. The next bus cycle may commence immediately. In addition, the product offers substantial write endurance compared with other nonvolatile memories. The FM24C64 is capable of supporting up to 1E10-read/write cycles -- far more than most systems will require from a serial memory.
These capabilities make the FM24C64 ideal for nonvolatile memory applications requiring frequent or rapid writes. Examples range from data collection where the number of write cycles may be critical, to demanding industrial controls where the long write time of EEPROM can cause data loss. The combination of features allows more frequent data writing with less overhead for the system.
The FM24C64 provides substantial benefits to users of serial EEPROM, yet these benefits are available in a hardware drop-in replacement. The FM24C64 is provided in industry standard 8-pin packages using a familiar two -wire protocol. They are guaranteed over an industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
Pin Configuration
A0 A1
Pin Names Function
A0-A2 Device Select Address SDA Serial Data/address SCL Serial Clock WP Write Protect VSS Ground VDD Supply Voltage 5V
Ordering Information
FM24C64-P 8-pin plastic DIP FM24C64-S 8-pin SOP
Ramtron FM24C64
28 July 2000 2/13
Figure 1. FM24C64 Block Diagram
1,024 x 64
FRAM Array
Data Latch
Serial to Parallel
Control Logic
Pin Description
Pin Name Pin Number I/O Pin Description
A0-A2 1-3 I Address 0-2. These pins are used to select one of up to 8 devices of the
same type on the same two -wire bus. To select the device, the address value on the three pins must match the corresponding bits contained in
the device address. VSS 4 I Ground SDA 5 I/O Serial Data Address. This is a bi-directional line for the two-wire
interface. It is open-drain and is intended to be wire-ORed with other
devices on the two-wire bus. The input buffer incorporates a schmitt
trigger for noise immunity and the output driver includes slope control
for falling edges. A pull-up resistor is required. SCL 6 I Serial Clock. The serial clock line for the two-wire interface. Data is
clocked out of the part on the falling edge, and in on the rising edge. The
SCL input also incorporates a schmit trigger input for noise immunity. WP 7 I Write Protect. When tied to VDD, addresses in the upper quadrant of the
logical memory map will be write-protected. Write access to the lower
three-quarters of the address area is permi tted. When WP is connected to
ground, all addresses may be written. This pin must not be left floating. VDD 8 I Supply Voltage. 5V
Ramtron FM24C64
28 July 2000 3/13
The FM24C64 is a serial FRAM memory. The memory array is logically organized as a 8,192 x 8 bit memory array and is accessed using an industry standard two-wire interface. Functional operation of the FRAM is similar to serial EEPROMs. The major difference between the FM24C64 and a serial EEPROM with the same pin-out relates to its superior write performance.
Memory Architecture
When accessing the FM24C64, the user addresses 8,192 locations each with 8 data bits. These data bits are shifted serially. The 8,192 addresses are accessed using the two-wire protocol, which includes a slave address (to distinguish other non-memory devices), and an extended 16-bit address. Only the lower 13 bits are used by the decoder for accessing the memory. The upper three address bits should be set to 0 for compatibility with larger devices in the future.
The access time for memory operation is essentially zero beyond the time needed for the serial protocol. That is, the memory is read or written at the speed of the two-wire bus. Unlike an EEPROM, it is not necessary to poll the device for a ready condition since writes occur at bus s peed. That is, by the time a new bus transaction can be shifted into the part, a write operation will be complete. This is explained in more detail in the interface section below.
Users expect several obvious system benefits from the FM24C64 due to its fast write cycle and high endurance as compared with EEPROM. However there are less obvious benefits as well. For example in a high noise environment, the fast-write operation is less susceptible to corruption than an EEPROM since it is completed quickly. By contrast, an EEPROM requiring milliseconds to write is vulnerable to noise during much of the cycle.
Note that the FM24C64 contains no power management circuits other than a simple internal power-on reset. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that VDD is within data sheet tolerances to prevent incorrect operation.
Two-wire Interface
The FM24C64 employs a bi-directional two -wire bus protocol using few pins or board space. Figure 2 illustrates a typical system configuration using the FM24C64 in a microcontroller-based system. The industry standard two-wire bus is familiar to many users but is described in this section.
By convention, any device that is sending data onto the bus is the transmitter while the target device for this data is the receiv er. The device that is controlling the bus is the master. The master is responsible for generating the clock signal for all operations. Any device on the bus that is being controlled is a slave. The FM24C64 always is a slave device.
The bus protocol is controlled by transition states in the SDA and SCL signals. There are four conditions including start, stop, data bit, or acknowledge. Figure 3 illustrates the signal conditions that specify the four states. Detailed timing diagrams are in the electrical specifications.
Figure 2. Typical System Configuration
A0 A1 A2
A0 A1 A2
Rmin = 1.8 K
Rmax = tR/Cbus
Ramtron FM24C64
28 July 2000 4/13
Figure 3. Data Transfer Protocol
Start Condition
A start condition is indicated when the bus master drives SDA from high to low while the SCL signal is high. All commands should be preceded by a start condition. An operation in progress can be aborted by asserting a start condition at any time. Aborting an operation using the start condition will ready the FM24C64 for a new operation.
If during opera tion the power supply drops below the specified VDD minimum, the system should issue a start condition prior to performing another operation.
Stop Condition
A stop condition is indicated when the bus master drives SDA from low to high while the SCL signal is high. All operations using the FM24C64 should end with a stop condition. If an operation is in progress when a stop is asserted, the operation will be aborted. The master must have control of SDA (not a memory read) in order to assert a stop condition.
Data/Address Transfer
All data transfers (including addresses) take place while the SCL signal is high. Except under the two conditions described above, the SDA signal should not change while SCL is high.
The acknowledge takes place after the 8th data bit has been transferred in any transaction. During this state the transmitter should release the SDA bus to allow the receiver to drive it. The receiver drives the SDA signal low to acknowledge receipt of the byte. If the receiver does not driv e SDA low, the condition is a no-acknowledge and the operation is aborted.
The receiver would fail to acknowledge for two distinct reasons. First is that a byte transfer fails. In this case, the no-acknowledge ceases the current operation so that the part can be addressed again. This allows the last byte to be recovered in the event of a communication error.
Second and most common, the receiver does not acknowledge to deliberately end an operation. For example, during a read operation, the FM24C64 will continue to place data onto the bus as long as the receiver sends acknowledges (and clocks). When a read operation is complete and no more data is needed, the receiver must not acknowledge the last byte. If the receiver acknowledges the last byte, this will cause the FM24C64 to attempt to drive the bus on the next clock while the master is sending a new command such as stop.
Slave Address
The first byte that the FM24C64 expects after a start condition is the slave address. As shown in Figure 4, the slave address contains the device type, the device select address bits, and a bit that specifies if the transaction is a read or a write.
Bits 7-4 are the device type and should be set to 1010b for the FM24C64. These bits allow other types of function types to reside on the 2-wire bus within an identical address range. Bits 3-1 are the address select bits. They must match the corresponding value on the external address pins to select the device. Up to eight, FM24C64s can reside on the same two-wire bus by assigning a different address to each. Bit 0 is the read/write bit. A 0 indicates a write operation.
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