The FM18L08 is a 256-kilobit nonvolatile memory
employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A
ferroelectric random access memory or FRAM is
nonvolatile but operates in other respects as a RAM.
It provides data retention for 10 years while
eliminating the reliability concerns, functional
disadvantages and system design complexities of
battery -backed SRAM. Fast-write time and practically
unlimited read/write endurance make it superior to
other types of nonvolatile memory and a good
substitute for ordinary SRAM.
In-system operation of the FM18L08 is very similar to
other RAM based devices. Memory read- and writecycles require equal times. The FRAM memory,
however, is nonvolatile due to its unique ferroelectric
memory process. Unlike BBSRAM, the FM18L08 is a
truly monolithic nonvolatile memory. It provides the
same functional benefits of a fast write without the
serious disadvantages associated with modules and
batteries or hybrid memory solutions.
These capabilities make the FM18L08 ideal for
nonvolatile memory applications requiring frequent or
rapid writes in a bytewide environment. The
availability of a true surface-mount package improves
the manufacturability of new designs, while the DIP
package facilitates simple design retrofits. The
FM18L08 offers guaranteed operation over an
industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
This data sheet contains specifications for a product under development. Ramtron International Corporation
Characterization is not complete; specifications may change without notice. 1850 Ramtron Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
(800) 545-FRAM, (719) 481-7000, Fax (719) 481-7058
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Ramtron FM18L08
Figure 1. Block Diagram
Block Decoder
32,768 x 8 FRAM Array
Column Decoder
I/O Latch
Bus Driver
Pin Description
Pin Name Pin Number I/O Pin Description
A0-A14 1-10, 21, 23-26 I Address. The 15 address lines select one of 32,768 bytes in the FRAM
array. The address value will be latched on the falling edge of /CE.
DQ0-7 11-13, 15-19 I/O Data. 8-bit bi -directional data bus for accessing the FRAM array.
/CE 20 I Chip Enable. /CE selects the device when low. The falling edge of /CE
causes the address to be latched internally. Address changes that
occur after /CE goes low will be ignored until the next falling edge
/OE 22 I Output Enable. When /OE is low the FM18L08 drives the data bus
when valid data is available. Taking /OE high causes the DQ pins to be
/WE 27 I Write Enable. Taking /WE low causes the FM18L08 to write the
contents of the data bus to the address location latched by the falling
edge of /CE.
VDD 28 I Supply Voltage.
VSS 14 I Ground.
Functional Truth Table
/CE /WE /OE Function
H X X Standby/Precharge
X X Latch Address
L H L Read
L L X Write
23 March 2001 2/11
Ramtron FM18L08
The FM18L08 is a bytewide FRAM logically
organized as 32,768 x 8. It is accessed using an
industry standard parallel interface. The FM18L08 is
inherently nonvolatile via its unique ferroelectric
process. All data written to the part is immediately
nonvolatile with no delay. Functional operation of the
FRAM memory is similar to SRAM type devices. The
major operating difference between the FM18L08 and
an SRAM (besides nonvolatile storage) is that the
FM18L08 latches the address on the falling edge of
Memory Operation
Users access 32,768 memory locations each with 8
data bits through a parallel interface. The access and
cycle time are the same for read and write memory
operations. Writes occur immediately at the end of the
access with no delay. Unlike an EEPROM, it is not
necessary to poll the device for a ready condition
since writes occur at bus speed. A pre-charge
operation, where /CE goes inactive, is a part of every
memory cycle. Thus unlike SRAM, the access and
cycle times are not equal.
Note that the FM18L08 contains a limited low voltage
write protection circuit. This will prevent access when
VDD is much lower than the specified operating
range. It is still the user’s responsibility to ensure that
VDD is within data sheet tolerances to prevent
incorrect operation.
The FM18L08 is designed to operate in a manner very
similar to other bytewide memory products. For users
familiar with SRAM, the performance is comparable
but the bytewide interface operates in a slightly
different manner as described below. For users
familiar with EEPROM, the obvious differences result
from the higher write performance of FRAM
technology including NoDelay writes and from
unlimited write endurance.
Read Operatio n
A read operation begins on the falling edge of /CE. At
this time, the address bits are latched and a memory
cycle is initiated. Once started, a full memory cycle
must be completed internally regardless of the state of
/CE. Data becomes available on the bus after the
access time has been satisfied.
After the address has been latched, the address value
may be changed upon satisfying the hold time
parameter. Unlike an SRAM, changing address values
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will have no effect on the memory operation after the
address is latched.
The FM18L08 will drive the data bus when /OE is
asserted to a low state. If /OE is asserted after the
memory access time has been satisfied, the data bus
will be driven with valid data. If /OE is asserted prior
to completion of the memory access, the data bus will
be driven when valid data is available. This feature
minimizes supply current in the system by eliminating
transients due to invalid data. When /OE is inactive
the data bus will remain tri-stated.
Write Operation
Writes operations require the same time as reads. The
FM18L08 supports both /CE- and /WE-controlled
write cycles. In all cases, the address is latched on the
falling edge of /CE.
In a /CE-controlled write, the /WE signal is asserted
prior to beginning the memory cycle. That is, /WE is
low when /CE falls. In this case, the device begins the
memory cycle as a write. The FM18L08 will not drive
the data bus regardless of the state of /OE.
In a /WE-controlled write, the memory cycle begins
on the falling edge of /CE. The /WE signal falls after
the falling edge of /CE. Therefore, the memory cycle
begins as a read. The data bus will be driven
according to the state of /OE until /WE falls. The
timing of both /CE- and /WE-controlled write cycles is
shown in the electrical specifications.
Write access to the array begins asynchronously
after the memory cycle is initiated. The write access
terminates on the rising edge of /WE or /CE,
whichever is first. Data set-up time, as shown in the
electrical specifications, indicates the in terval during
which data cannot change prior to the end of the write
Unlike other truly nonvolatile memory technologies,
there is no write delay with FRAM. Since the read and
write access times of the underlying memory are the
same, the user experiences no delay through the bus.
The entire memory operation occurs in a single bus
cycle. Therefore, any operation including read or write
can occur immediately following a write. Data polling,
a technique used with EEPROMs to determine if a
write is complete, is unnecessary.
Pre-charge Operation
The pre-charge operation is an internal condition
where the state of the memory is prepared for a new
Ramtron FM18L08
access. All memory cycles consist of a memory
access and a pre-charge. The pre-charge is user
initiated by taking the /CE signal high or inactive. It
must remain high for at least the minimum pre -charge
timing specification.
The user dictates the beginning of this operation
since a pre-charge will not begin until /CE rises.
However, the device has a maximum /CE low time
specification that must be satisfied.
As a true nonvolatile RAM, the FM18L08 fits into
many diverse applications. Clearly, its monolithic
nature and high performance make it superior to
battery -backed SRAM in most every application.
Unlimited endurance allows the FM18L08 to be used
in applications that could not take advantage of the
previous generation of RAM products. This
applications guide is intended to facilitate the
transition from BBSRAM to FRAM. It is divided into
two parts. First is a treatment of the advantages of
FRAM memory compared with battery-backed
SRAM. Second is a design guide, which highlights
the simple design considerations that should be
reviewed in both retrofit and new design situations.
FRAM Advantages
Although battery-backed SRAM is a mature and
established solution, it has numerous weaknesses.
These stem directly or indirectly from the presence of
the battery. FRAM uses an inherently nonvolatile
storage mechanism that requires no battery. It
therefore eliminates these weaknesses. The major
considerations in upgrading to FRAM are as follows.
Construction Issues
1. Cost
The cost of both the component and the
manufacturing overhead of battery -backed SRAM is
high. FRAM with its monolithic construction is
inherently a lower cost solution. In addition, there is
no ‘built-in’ rework step required for battery
attachment when using surface mount parts.
Therefore assembly is streamlined and more cost
effective. In the case of DIP battery -backed modules,
the user is constrained to through-hole assembly
techniques and a board wash using no water.
2. Humidity
A typical battery-backed SRAM module is qualified at
60º C, 90% Rh, no bias, and no pressure. This is
because the multi-component assemblies are
vulnerable to moisture, not to mention dirt. FRAM is
qualified using HAST – highly accelerated stress test.
This requires 120º C at 85% Rh, 24.4 psia at VDD.
3. System reliability
Data integrity must be in question when using a
battery -backed SRAM. They are inherently
vulnerable to shock and vibration. If the battery
contact comes loose, data will be lost. In addition a
negative voltage, even a momentary undershoot, on
any pin of a battery-backed SRAM can cause data
loss. The negative voltage causes current to be drawn
directly from the battery. These momentary short
circuits can greatly weaken a battery and reduce its
capacity over time. In general, there is no way to
monitor the lost battery capacity. Should an
undershoot occur in a battery backed system during a
power down, data can be lost immediately.
4. Space
Certain disadvantages of battery-backed SRAM, such
as susceptibility to shock, can be reduced by using
the old fashioned DIP module. However, this
alternative takes up board space, height, and dictates
through-hole assembly. FRAM offers a true surfacemount solution that uses 25% of the board space.
No multi-piece assemblies, no connectors, and no
modules. A real nonvolatile RAM is finally
Direct Battery Issues
5. Field maintenance
Batteries, no matter how mature, are a built-in
maintenance problem. They eventually must be
replaced. Despite long life projections, it is impossible
to know if any individual battery will last considering
all of the factors that can degrade them.
6. Environmental
Lithium batteries are widely regarded as an
environmental problem. They are a potential fire
hazard and proper disposal can be a burden. In
addition, shipping of lithium batteries may be
7. Style!
Backing up an SRAM with a battery is an oldfashioned approach. In many cases, such modules are
the only through-hole component in sight. FRAM is
the latest memory technology and it is changing the
way systems are designed.
23 March 2001 4/11
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