Ramsey Electronics BS1 Instruction Manual

BS-1 1
Ramsey Electronics Model No. BS1
Announcing an event is now easier than ever! Just say it once and hear it over and over. Easy transmitter hookup for broadcasting.
Compact design stores up to 8 full minutes of audio.
Provides endless looping playback of any message…FOREVER !!
Add a transmitter for error free broadcasting of repetitive
announcements. “This Cape Cod rests on 12 acres with…”
Easy to use, pushbutton operation - No fumbling around!
Convenient line and speaker level outputs for any application.
Handy built in microphone for use “on the fly” and external input for
pre-recorded messages.
Operates on 9 to 15 Volts DC.
Clear, concise instructions guide you step-by-step to a finished
product that works FIRST time.
BS-1 2
FM100B Professional FM Stereo Transmitter
FM25B Synthesized Stereo Transmitter
AM1, AM25 AM Transmitters
TV6 Television Transmitter
FR1 FM Broadcast Receiver
AR1 Aircraft Band Receiver
SR2 Shortwave Receiver
AA7 Active Antenna
SC1 Shortwave Converter
SG7 Personal Speed Radar
SS70A Speech Scrambler
SP1 Speakerphone
WCT20 Wizard Cable Tracer
PH10 Peak hold Meter
LC1 Inductance-Capacitance Meter
DDF1 Doppler Direction Finder Kit
HR Series HF All Mode Receivers
QRP Series HF CW Transmitters
CW700 Micro Memory CW Keyer
CPO3 Code Practice Oscillator
QRP Power Amplifiers
RAMSEY MINI-KITS Many other kits are available for hobby, school, Scouts and just plain FUN. New kits are always under development. Write or call for our free Ramsey catalog.
Ramsey Electronics publication No. MBS1 Rev 1.0
First printing: August 1999
COPYRIGHT 1996 by Ramsey Electronics, Inc. 590 Fishers Station Drive, Victor, New York
14564. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be copied or duplicated without the written permission of Ramsey Electronics, Inc. Printed in the United States of America.
BS-1 3
Ramsey Publication No. MBS-1
Price $5.00
Introduction ........................ .....................4
Circuit Description ..................................5
BS1 Parts List .........................................6
Parts Layout Diagram .............................8
Assembly Procedure ..............................9
Schematic Diagram ..............................10
Initial Testing and Operation .................16
Troubleshooting .............................. ......18
Warranty ...............................................19
590 Fishers Station Drive
Victor, New York 14564
Phone (585) 924-4560
Fax (585) 924-4555
BS-1 4
Each of us at one time or another has probably heard an endless loop player repeating a list of movies playing at the local theatre, or advertising a house for sale through your car radio. Sure could be handy around the house occasionally, or maybe down at the local flea market. Could you modify a cassette or CD player to duplicate this function? Good luck! Where could you even find that sort of machine anyway, and how much would it cost? Enter the BS1 Bullshooter.
As a stand alone unit, the BS1 is perfect for the task of, say, announcing repetitive instructions at an event: “All vendors please report to the registration desk located at the …“. Connected to one of our personal broadcasters like the FM-25, the BS1 is ideal for advertising neighborhood garage sales or school or church functions. How about a look at the BS1?
You will notice right away that the Bullshooter isn’t your average tape player. In fact, utilizing one of the latest voice recording chips on the market, the BS1 performs its job without need of a tape. There are no motors, drive belts, or gears to wear out. With the exception of the front panel controls, there are no moving parts at all! In addition, the endless loop playback feature makes the Bullshooter a truly unique device.
A quick push of the “Record” button sets up the BS1 to record up to a full eight minutes of audio. Use the on-board microphone to record a quick message or move the pc board mounted jumper to enable use of the line level input for recording from other sources; cassette, CD, radio, etc. A “Record” LED serves as the record mode indicator and extinguishes when the maximum memory capacity has been reached.
The “Play” button selects playback mode which is automatically set up for endless loop operation. The message recorded will continue playback indefinitely, looping over and over for as long as the unit remains in play mode. Through programming of the internal microcontroller the message will always start from the beginning, thus negating the need for rewinding. The “Play” LED simply serves as an indicator for playback mode.
The Bullshooter features two sets of audio outputs to best suit the application at hand. The speaker output (volume controlled by the front panel volume knob) has sufficient power to drive most speakers well into normal listening volumes. Although being a monaural device, twin line level outputs are provided for connection to equipment such as mixers, amplifiers, or transmitters which would normally require left and right inputs.
BS-1 5
In the BS1, as in all electronic devices, specific power and voltage requirements exist. Although appearing quite simple at a glance, the power supply of this unit provides three separate outputs (+12V unregulated, +5V, and +3V regulated.) The +12V comes from an external source such as battery or wall adapter and is filtered or “smoothed” by capacitor C21. D4 is a reverse polarity protection diode which acts as a switch for the applied voltage. If proper polarity is observed, D4 is forward biased and simply turns on like a switch. However, if for some reason the applied voltage is reversed, D4 becomes reverse biased and turns off, thus protecting all components. VR1 is a voltage regulator which takes the raw +12V and provides a very clean +5 volts output. D1, D2, and D3 together drop about 2 volts leaving a nice clean +3 volts required by U2.
Most of the “magic” inside the BS1 lies within the ISD4004 IC (U2). This unique chip manages all the recording, audio storage, and playback functions requiring only address and control information from the microcontroller. An internal 8kHz sampling frequency provides high quality voice reproduction. A four-wire serial peripheral interface provides the means of data transfer into and out of the chip.
If the ISD4004 IC were the “heart” of the BS1, then the 68HC705K1 microcontroller (U4) would be the “brains” of the outfit. The micro takes inputs from the pushbutton switches and through the use of an internal program, processes this information in order to light the LEDs and send data to control the voice chip. R15 and C18 with U4 set up an oscillator used for timing purposes.
U1, the LM358 is a dual opamp by trade. One side (U1:A) is used as an active low-pass filter with supporting components R9, C4 and R10, C10. A low-pass filter is used to prevent any undesired high frequency noise from U2 and U4 from passing on to the audio amplifiers, degrading the audio output. U1:B is used as an audio amplifier to increase the small signal of U2 to a line level sufficient for driving a high power amplifier or to feed into a transmitter for broadcasting. The LM386 is self contained audio amplifier which is used here to amplify our audio up to about half a watt, which will drive the average sized speaker to comfortable listening levels.
The on-board jumper J2 selects either the microphone or external line level inputs for recording.
BS-1 6
1 .0047 µF or .005 µF disc capacitor (marked 472, .005, or 502) [C4] 1 .002 µF or .0022 µF disc capacitor (marked .002, 202 or 222) [C10] 3 .01 µF disc capacitors (marked .01, 103, or 10 nF) [C14,C16,C17] 4 .1 µF disc capacitors (marked .1, 104, or 100 nF) [C3,C5,C9,C19] 1 100 pF disc capacitor (marked 100 or 101) [C18] 1 1 µF electrolytic capacitor [C11] 8 10 µF electrolytic capacitors [C1,C2,C6,C7,C8,C13,C20,C22] 2 220 µF electrolytic capacitors [C12,C15] 1 470 µF electrolytic capacitor [C21]
1 2 ohms (red-black-gold) [R14] 1 100 ohms (brown-black-brown) [R3] 1 470 ohms (yellow-violet-brown) [R16] 3 1K ohms (brown-black-red) [R4,R7,R15] 1 4.7K ohms (yellow-violet-red) [R6] 7 10K ohms (brown-black-orange) [R1,R8,R9,R10,R11,R13, one for the
bottom of the board]
1 15K ohms (brown-green-orange) [R5] 1 1K ohm potentiometer (marked 102) [R2] 1 PC mount 10K ohm trimmer potentiometer (marked 10K) [R12]
3 1N4148 diodes (small glass diodes) [D1,D2,D3] 1 1N4002 diode (epoxy case marked 1N4004) [D4] 1 Red LED [D5] 1 Green LED [D6] 1 7805 +5 Volt voltage regulator [VR1] 1 LM358 Dual Opamp IC [U1] 1 ISD4004 Voice Recorder IC [U2] 1 LM386 Audio Amplifier IC [U3] 1 68HC705K1 Microcontroller IC (marked with white sticker) [U4]
Hardware, Misc.
3 Horizontal push-button switch [S1,S2,S3] 1 3 pin vertical header strip and jumper block [J2] 1 .5 mm center pin type power jack [J5] 3 RCA-style jacks [J1,J3,J6] 1 Subminiature speaker jack [J4] 1 16-pin socket for U4 1 28-pin socket for U2 1 MC-1 microphone cartridge [MIC1]
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