Ram AFD-200 Parts List

AFD-200 Part s List

Front View

Item Part
Number 1 291011 Hopper & Lid 1 Holds frozen Fries until they are portioned into Fry Baskets. 2 216258 Fry Basket 10 Fry Basket designed for use with the Fry Dispenser. 3 213277 Fry Diverter 1 Funnels uncooked Fries to the accumulator area. 4 213278 Dispenser Drum 1 Dispenses bulk uncooked Fries to the accumulator area. 5 216645
290000 6 216081
290000 7 215971
202047 8 213473 Pre-Stage Stop Gate 1 Holds Fry Baskets on the Upper Guide when the Basket
9 213641 Accumulator Door (Left) 1 Holds weighed Fries from the Hopper until a Fry Basket is
10 213642 Accumulator Door (Rright) 1 Holds weighed Fries from the Hopper until a Fry Basket is 11 213900
12 215948 Carriage Guide 1 Provides slip for Lift Dovetail on Arch Fry Dispenser face. 13 215951 Hopper Support Bar (Right) 1 Guides the Hopper on and off of the Arch Fry Dispenser. 14 216018 Hopper Support Bar (Left) 1 Guides the Hopper on and off of the Arch Fry Dispenser. 15 216596
16 213254 Fiber Optic Sensor #1 1 Detects a fry basket ready to receive fries. 17 213254 Fiber Optic Sensor #2 1 Detects basket leaving the saddle and when the lower
Description Qty Function
Lower Guide (Complete) Ultem Runner
Ultem Screws Upper Guide Complete)
Ultem Runner Ultem Screws Lift Saddle Saddle Skid Skid Screws
Lift Dovetail Dovetail Screws
Brake Caster – Front “ “ “
1 2
1 2
1 2 4
1 4
2 2
Provides a smooth surface for filled basket staging. Removable for cleaning. Amber slide rails. Secures ultem to guide, 7 screws per ultem. Provides a smooth surface for empty basket staging. Removable for cleaning. Amber slide rails. Secures ultem to guide, 6 screws per ultem. Transports baskets from the upper guide to lower guide.
Lift is not in the UP position. in position to receive them. in position to receive them.
Attachment for Lift Saddle. Secures dovetail to lift cylinder.
Allows locking the dispenser into place. (Bolt on style) “ “ “ (Threaded style)
guide is full.
18 215606 Lighted Pushbutton (Green) 1 Start/ Reset Button. 19 216489 Bulb (not shown) 1 Replacement bulb for lighted Button. 20 215607 Three Position Switch 1 Selects the Fry Load Size 21 215625 Power Switch 1 Turns the Dispenser ON and OFF
SMC Regulator
AIR FILTER/REGULATOR (Part Number 202250)
Item Part Number Description Qty Function 1 202604 Pressure Switch
(Watts only)
2 219017 Pressure Gauge
(SMC or Watts)
3 290095 Mist Separator with Auto
Drain (SMC Regulator)
4 202245 Mist Separator with Auto
Drain (Watts Regulator)
1 Monitors the air pressure, and detects a loss of pressure. 1 Displays the current system pressure. As sists in adjusting
the regulator.
1 Automatically drains water a nd d ebris f rom the Air L ine th at
may cause damage to the Arch Fry Dispenser.
1 Automatically drains water a nd d ebris f rom the Air L ine th at
may cause damage to the Arch Fry Dispenser.
Watts Regulator
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