Ra lly Ar mor 1993- 2001 Subaru Impreza UR Ra lly Mud Flap Mounting Instructions
Please read the instructions thoroughly before attempting to i nst all mud fla ps. Ral ly Arm or a lwa ys rec omm end s p rof ess ion al in sta llat ion .
For high resolution images and t h e m ost up to date instructions please visit our mounting instructions area on ht t p : / / w w w . r a l l y a r m o r . c o m
To protect , avoid dam age and extend the life of your rally mud flap set care must be taken d urin g parki ng a nd r ever sal conditi ons.
Yo ur m ud flap se t c ontains 4 flap s tota l for all four tires of the vehicle.
Yo ur mountin g har dwar e c ons ists of:
Short Stainle ss Steel Screw s
Medium Stai nles s Ste el Screws
Lon g St ainle ss Steel S crew s
Rea r U Bra ckets ( rear fla ps)
Recommende d Too ls: S hor t P hil lip s S cre wdriv er; Sma ll O ffs et/ Ratc het ing Ph ill ips ; F lat hea d S cre wdr ive r
Front Mud Flap Installation
1. Begin by parki ng th e v ehicle on an even s urface. Turn th e st eerin g wh eel tow ards t he side you are working on to gain access to the wheel
well area . Re move the 3 wheel wel l fast eners (#1-3) that secure the fender liner / sk irt t o th e v ehi cle . To remove the fa steners , pop the inner
tab assembly firs t, then remove the complete assembly by prying the outer edges of the f ast ene r (Fi gure A).
2. C arefull y pull fender liner away from the body of the vehicle t hen positi on 3 polyg on cl ips (P olCl ) over fen der mou ntin g points 1, 2 and inner
mounting point #3. R e-ins tall lin er o ver clip s, c onfi rmin g ea ch c lip ho le is aligned and visi ble through liner mounting point (F igure B).
3. Match front mud flap ag ainst the vehicle mounting points (#1-3) with logo facing the rear of the vehicle. Place a long (1.5SS) screw with
washe r (Wash ) through mud flap mounting point # 3. Place spacer behind mud flap and lo osel y th read screw through spacer and into c lip #3.
Place a medium (1SS) screw with washer (Wash ) through mud flap mounting points #1 and #2 and loosely thread into clips.
*Do no t f ully tig hte n.* You will adjust the mud flap before tightening ( Figur e C).
4. Step away from the vehicle and adjust mud flap until perpendicular to t h e ground. If needed, make slight adjustments by shifting the
upper/lower portions of the flap. Check each adjustment by walking away from the vehicle. When flap is correctly a lig ned , tighten all hardware
only until snug.
Ti p: The hardware is quite strong and self threading but over-ti ghtening the clips beyond their limit is not recommended.
Ti p: To check any non standard wheel clearance, turn the steering wheel from lock to lock while viewing the wheel well area at diff er e nt
intervals to assess if an y a dditi ona l m odifi catio n i s r equ ired.
Rear M ud Fl ap Ins tal latio n
Ti p: Although removal of the rear tire wi ll eas e i nst all atio n, removal is not necessary. The installation can be completed using an offset
screwdriver and jacki n g up the rear of the veh icl e thereby l o w e r in g the wheel an d fa cili tat ing ac ces s t o t he are a f or eas ier in sta llat ion .
1. P lace 2 polyg on cl ips ( PolC l) o ver outer rear mounting points #4 and #5. From under the rear bumper of the vehicle, plac e polygon clip
(PolCl) over OEM mounting slot #6 (Fig ure D).
2. P lace short side of (Ubr kt) against mounting point #6 clip. Thread short screw (.75SSP) with washer through mounting point and secure
bra cket to ve hicle b ody. Th read loose ly to a llow br acket adjustment l ate r.
Tip: Co nfir m ti p of sc rew does not interfere with any component behind the mounting point (F igur e 1-A).
Tip: A sho rt ra tche ting scr ewdriv er w ith bit will ea se i nsta llatio n of i nner screw (Fi gure 1 -B)
Pla ce clip ov er moun ting slot on long er po rtion of the br acket t o cre ate mou nting point #7 (Fig ure E).
3. Place rear mud flap with logo facing the rear of the vehicle with the outer mounting holes on the mud flap aligned to the correspondi ng
points on the vehi cle. Thread medium screws (1SS) with washers through rear mounting points #4, #5 and #7. *Do not fu lly ti ght en* as
alignment must be checked before tightening the screws (Figure F).
4. Confirm the edge of the flap is perpendicular to the ground. If needed, make slight adjustments by shifting the upper or lower por tions of
the flap. Che ck each increm ental a djustme nt by walking away from the vehicle and looking at the mud flap dir ectly behind in re lation to the
ground and the body of the vehicle. When flap is correctly al ign ed, tighten hardware only until snug.
5. Repe at t he ins truc tio ns for the other sid e of th e vehic le to co mpl ete rear mud flap ins tallat ion.
Ca re tip: To pre ser ve the fini sh of the fla p, ple ase obse rve ca utio n w hen cl ean ing the fl aps . U se wat er and a c lea n c lot h; do no t use so lve nt base d
cl ean ers . A void fu el ove rflo wing on to th e r ear fla p.
Impreza GC 93-01 installation P. Ve r s i o n 1.0- 2. 15.2 009