PIRs or Passive Infra-Red sensors are commonly used to turn lights on and off automatically.
When this style of control is integrated with manual keypads the control requirements become
far more involved. The following is intended to explain the options available within the
RAMVR and their functions. All functions are accessed when programming via Rasoft Pro.
User Level
This guide covers the functions available while programming in either Beginner or Intermediate
level. Due to the potential complexity of sensor programming the user should consider carefully
before attempting to use expert mode.
The PIR setup tab accesses all of the configuration screens required to program the RAMVR.
Uploading Information
When uploading information to an RAMVR it is important that the unit is not performing any
functions at the same time. This means it is always advisable to upload information to the module
when the operator is out of detection range of the sensor.
Movement Action Tab
This list of checkboxes determines the command sent by the RAMVR when the sensor detects
motion, or lack of motion (depending on Contact Type selected, see below).
The normal mode of operation of a Rako RAMVR is as a motion detector, i.e. the module will do
something (usually turning lights on) if movement is detected.
Ticking 'Use as absence detector' turns the unit into an absence detector, i.e. it triggers a
command when the sensor ceases to detect movement. This is uncommon and if required would
normally be selected if the sensor is ONLY to be used to turn lights Off. This should not be
confused with the requirement for the sensor to turn lights off AFTER it has switched them on,
which is governed by the Auto Off function.
Set Scene Only If Lights Are Off – This function is almost certainly a requirement if the unit is in a
room that also has a Rako keypad. Without this ticked selecting a dimmed scene would always
involve movement, which in turn would trigger the sensor and therefore set the lights to full.
30 Second Exit delay – This function allows a user to manually switch lighting off from a Rako
keypad. Without this feature the movement of pressing the off button on a keypad would reset
and then trigger the sensor bringing the lights back on. It should be noted that this function can
cause confusion when testing a RAMVR by turning lights off and re-entering a room to check it
turns them on again, adequate time should be left for the 30 seconds to expire.
Room – An RAMVR relies on knowing the current state of the room lighting (i.e. On or Off) in
order to function properly. It is therefore only under special circumstances that an RAMVR
should trigger commands in Rooms other than the Local Room.
Reset to Defaults - Resets the default settings of the module but DOES NOT reset any
addressing information, e.g. House, Room or Channel addresses.
Auto Off Trigger Tab
It is common, but not necessary, that the RAMVR should turn lights off when the sensor has
ceased to detect movement. It is also normal to have a delay, to ensure that temporary
inactivity by occupants does not result in lights being turned off.
The Auto Off function is also controlled by three other tick boxes:
Auto turn lights off after - Determines whether the function is active or not, if set the time is
set using the HH/MM/SS boxes below.
Disable Auto Off if they've been turned on by a keypad–Enabled by default. Selection of a
scene from a Rako keypad will disable the Auto Off function. An example of use of this
function is a room, such as a bathroom, where someone may be stationary for long periods of
time. If a button, other than off, is pressed on a keypad the RAMVR will not turn lights off
automatically. An off command from a keypad will reset the auto off. Having this function
ticked does mean that when a button on a keypad has been pressed, the off function of the
RAMVR will appear not to work, until reset by pressing off on a keypad.
The above gives an overview of the features available when programming an RAMVR. It is
usual to have a sensor or sensors controlling a single Rako Room and interacting with a
keypad addressed within that same Room. Sometimes, for various reasons, users program
sensors into Rooms where Group features are enabled or use a Rako Bridge to map commands
either from or to an RAMVR. In all of these circumstances the level of programming
complexity increases significantly and should be attempted with extreme caution. In these
situations it is worth discussing your requirements with Rako's technical department before
attempting programming.
Testing RAMVRs
When testing an RAMVR it is often worth programming short time out delays whilst checking
the basic operation. Avoid extremely short time out delays, 20-30 seconds would be