rako Cloud Gateway Instruction Manual

Cloud Gateway Instruction Manual
For the cloud gateway device to function there must also be an RA/RTC/WA/WTC Bridge installed. The Bridge should have an up to date project file for the system loaded into it.
1) Remove the two screws at the base of the lid.
2) Remove the lid.
4) Plug the power supply provided into the socket on the left hand side of the circuit board and plug the other end into a power socket.
Cloud Gateway Manual Version 1.0.1
To set-up the Cloud Gateway:
1) Visit my.rakocontrols.com to create an account to link the Cloud Gateway as prompted by the display on the device.
2) Verify the Rako account using the confirmation link sent to the email of the registered account.
3) Once the account is verified return to my.rakocontrols.com. Select “Link device” on the homepage.
4) A Link code is required to set-up the Cloud Gateway. This is read from the display on the Cloud Gateway device itself: press “tick” to show link code.
If the code does not appear and the display reads “Rako Controls” press “down” followed by “tick” to show the code.
5) Give a nickname to the device and enter this code. Press the “Link device” button to complete set-up.
6) The Cloud Gateway is now ready to be used.
Additional information and updates on the Cloud Gateway is available at my.rakocontrols.com
Cloud Gateway Manual Version 1.0.1