Rajant WLM200N5-26ESD OEM/Integrators Installation Manual
The Rajant WLM200N5-26ESD is a high power miniPCI that is purchased by Rajant Corporation
from Compex Systems for exclusive use in Rajant branded wireless mesh data networking
products. WLM200N5-26ESD radios marked with FCC ID: VJA-WLM200N526ESD and ICES 7382N526ESD are not resold by Rajant to end users as a part for use in a non-Rajant product. The
use of the module is limited to OEM installation only in Rajant branded host hardware.
Installation Instructions
The WLM200N5-26ESD mini PCI radio is installed at manufacture or repair of Rajant branded
host equipment in accordance with the approved assembly procedures, manufacturing work
instructions, and repair procedures. End users of Rajant products are not authorized to install
the WLM200N5-26ESD radio. No instructions are provided to end users for servicing host
The following precautions are applicable to all host assembly procedures:
1. The radio card shall not be installed into a host system that is energized.
2. The card can be damaged by electro static discharge (ESD). Personnel performing
assembly or repair shall exercise caution to prevent ESD damage to the device.
3. The radio shall not be operated without a 50 ohm load on the RF chains. Permanent
damage to the radio can result from operating the radio with the RF ports
4. The WLM200N5-26ESD design shall not be electrically or mechanically modified for use
in Rajant branded host equipment.
5. Host equipment that incorporates the WLM200N5-26ESD shall have a label that
specifies the FCC and IC ID of the WLM200N5-26ESD, “CONTAINS TRANSMITTER
MODULES FCC ID: VJA- WLM200N526ESD IC: 7382A-N526ESD”. The label shall be visible
on an outside surface of the host equipment enclosure. The host equipment labels are
provided by Rajant to approved contract manufacturers. The host FCC/IC labels are
installed per approved assembly procedures. The design of the labels and the
installation instructions meet the labeling requirements of KDB 784748 D01.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
The antenna used for this transmitter must be kept at a separation distance of at least 20 cm
from all persons and must not be co-located with any other transmitter antenna. Certification
of body worn host equipment incorporating this radio module will require SAR testing which is
not a part of this approval.
400 E a s t K ing S t r e e t ● Ma l v e r n , PA 1 9 3 5 5 ● t e l ( 4 8 4) 5 9 5 -0 2 3 3 ● f a x ( 4 84) 5 9 5 -0244

Certified Power and Antenna Requirements UNII-1
The WLM200N5-26ESD is certified for operation on channels with a 5 MHz channel bandwidth
centered on frequencies 5180 MHz to 5240 MHz. The maximum certified total conducted
average power for 5 MHz channels is 21.8 dBm.
The WLM200N5-26ESD is certified for operation on channels with a 10 MHz channel bandwidth
centered on frequencies 5180 MHz to 5240 MHz. The maximum certified total conducted
average power for 10 MHz channels is 24.1 dBm.
The WLM200N5-26ESD is certified for operation on channels with a 20 MHz channel bandwidth
centered on frequencies 5180 MHz to 5240 MHz. The maximum certified total conducted
average power for 20 MHz channels is 26.0 dBm.
The WLM200N5-26ESD is certified for operation on channels with a 40 MHz channel bandwidth
centered on frequencies 5190 MHz to 5230 MHz. The maximum certified total conducted
average power for 10 MHz channels is 21.7 dBm.
The channel plan was certified with a 6dBi omni directional antenna system. Wireless
compliance of host equipment using the Rajant WLM200N5-26ESD radio module is dependent
on operation using the same antenna type and gain, at the certified transmitter power levels.
The module is approved for use in mobile and portable applications. Operation in fixed base
stations also permitted, provided that operation is at the same certified power level and EIRP as
the mobile / portable configuration.
Certified Power and Antenna Requirements UNII-3
The WLM200N5-26ESD is certified for operation on channels with a 20 MHz channel bandwidth
centered on frequencies 5745 MHz to 5825 MHz. The maximum certified total conducted
power for 20 MHz channels is 27.8 dBm.
The WLM200N5-26ESD is certified for operation on channels with a 40 MHz channel bandwidth
centered on frequencies 5755 MHz to 5795 MHz. The maximum certified total conducted
average power for 40 MHz channels is 21.5 dBm.
The channel plan was certified with a 2dBi omni directional antenna. Wireless compliance of
host equipment using the Rajant WLM200N5-26ESD radio module is dependent on operation
using the same antenna type and gain, at the certified transmitter power levels.
The module is approved for use in mobile and portable applications. Operation in fixed base
stations also permitted, provided that operation is at the same certified power level and EIRP as
the mobile / portable configuration.
400 E a s t K ing S t r e e t ● Ma l v e r n , PA 1 9 3 5 5 ● t e l ( 4 8 4) 5 9 5 -0 2 3 3 ● f a x ( 4 84) 5 9 5 -0244