Service Bulletin
All models with AK36
Q 602 defect
Bulletin No: 125
( )S. All product.
( )A. Items in Customer / Dealer stock / Service return goods.
( )B. Customer stock / Units returned for Service.
( )C. Sold items returned for Service.
( X )D. Only Units returned to this bulletin.
( )E. Others
Please modify if following symptom occurs
TV does not work due to Q602 broke down
Hor. Transistor Driving Condition during switching ON/OFF.
DATE : August 07, 2002
After changing the defected Q602,
In order to improve Q602 resistant to sparks, modify the chassis as given below.
Solder RES CF 1/4W 10K J BETWEEN BASE AND COLLECTOR OF Q601 (Hor.driver Transistor ) as
shown in below.
<Spare Parts order>
RES CF 1/4W 10K J : VE-30000471
<Start Date of Modification on Production.>