TV Set switched off ........................................................................................................................................... 2
PERI -TV SOCKET............................................................................................................................................ 2
SWITCH-MODE POWER SUPPLY (TDA 16846) .............................................................................................. 3
IF PART (TDA 4470/72) ..................................................................................................................................... 3-4
SYSTEM VOLTAGE AJUSTMENT ................................................................................................................ 17
AFC ADJUSTMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 17
VIDEO ALIGNMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 19
SERVICE ALIGNMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 20
IMPORTANT ................................................................................................................................................ 20
OPTIONS GROUP ...................................................................................................................................... 2 0
SYSTEM GROUP ........................................................................................................................................ 20
GENERAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CHASSIS AK41 ........................................................................................... 21
The mains supply side of the switch mode power supply transformer is live.
Use an isolating transformer.
The receivers fulfill completely the safety requirements.
Safety precautions:
Servicing of this TV should only be carried out by a qualified person.
- Components marked with the warning symbol on the circuit diagram are critical for safety and must only be replaced
with an identical component.
- Power resistor and fusable resistors must be mounted in an identical manner to the original component.
- When servicing this TV, check that the EHT does not exceed 26kV.
TV Set switched off:
Make short-circuit between HV-CRT clip and CRT ground layer.
Short C804 (150mF) before changing IC802 or other components in primary side of SMPS.
Voltage readings and oscilloscope traces are measured under following conditions.
Antenna signal 60dB from colourbar generator. (100% white, 75% colour saturation)
Brightness, contrast, colour set for a normal picture.
Mains supply, 220VAC, 50Hz.
SCART 1 (SC050)SCART 2 (SC051)
1Audio right output0.5Vrms / 1K1Audio right output0.5Vrms / 1K
2Audio right input0.5Vrms / 10K2Audio right input0.5Vrms / 10K
3Audio left output0.5Vrms / 1K3Audio left output0.5Vrms / 1K
4Ground AF4Ground AF
5Ground Blue5Ground Blue
6Audio left input0.5Vrms / 10K6Audio left input0.5Vrms / 10K
7Blue input0.7Vpp / 75ohm7Blue input0.7Vpp / 75ohm
8AV switching input 0-12VDC /10K8AV switching input0-12VDC /10K
9Ground Green9Ground Green
10-10 11Green input0.7Vpp / 75ohm11 12-12 13 Ground Red13 Ground Red
14 Ground Blanking14 Ground Blanking
15 Red input0.7Vpp / 75ohm15 16 Blanking input0-0.4VDC, 1-3VDC / 75ohm16 17 Ground CVS output17 Ground CVS output
18 Ground CVS input18 Ground CVS input
19 CVS output1Vpp / 75ohm19 CVS output1Vpp / 75ohm
20 CVS input1Vpp / 75ohm20 CVS input1Vpp / 75ohm
21 Ground21 Ground
11Ak41 is a 100Hz flicker free colour television capable of driving 284:3/16:9, 334:3 and 294:3 real flat picture tubes.
The chassis is capable of operation in PAL, SECAM, NTSC (playback) colour standards and multiple transmission standards
as B/G, D/K, I/I, and L/L´.
Sound system output is supplying 12W (10%THD) for left, right and center outputs of 8ohm speakers, and 2 x 7W for surround
outputs of 2 x 4ohm speakers, connected in series.
TV supports the level 1.5 teletext standard. It is possible to decode transmissions including high graphical data.
The chassis is equipped with one full EuroScart, one other SCART for AV input/output, one front-AV input, one back-AV
output, one headphone output, one SVHS input (via SCART and SVHS connector), one VGA input, two external speaker
outputs (left and right), one centre speaker output, and one surround speaker output for two speakers in series.
A SMPS transformer controlled by the IC TDA16846, which is designed for driving, controlling, and protecting switching
transistor, provides the DC voltages required at various parts of the chassis. SMPS generates the necessary 3.3V and 2.5V
supplies for the micro-controller, 130V supply for the FBT, +/-16V supply for the audio amplifier, which are active in stand-by
and 8V, 12V and 5V supplies for other different parts of the chassis.
When the TV is switched on, a reference voltage is provided to TDA16846 and the start-up operation occurs, then TV
enters into the stand-by position.
Two optocouplers are used to control the regulation of line voltage and stand-by power consumption. There are two regulation circuits, one in primary side and one in secondary side. The primary regulation circuit provides a control voltage to pin3
of the IC. Secondary regulation circuit produces a control voltage according to the changes in 130V DC voltage, via an
optocoupler (SFH617A) to pin4 of the IC.
During the switch on period of the transistor, energy is stored in the transformer. During the switch off period energy is fed
to the load via secondary winding. By varying switch-on time of the power transistor, it controls each portion of energy
transferred to the second side such that the output voltage remains nearly independent of load variations. At the same time,
the supply voltages 12V, 8V, 5V are stabilised by the series regulators.
n Line Current Consumption with PFC
n Continuous Frequency Reduction with Decreasing Load
n Stable and Adjustable Stand-by Frequency
n Very Low Start-up Current
n Soft-Start for Quiet Start-up
n Adjustable and Voltage Dependent Ringing Suppression Time
n Synchronization and Fixed Frequency Facility
n Over- and Under-voltage Lockout
n Switch Off at Mains Under-voltage
n Mains Voltage Dependent Fold Back Point Correction
n Low Power Consumption
n Free usable Fault Comparators
1. OTCOff Time Circuit
2. PCSPrimary Current Simulation
3. RZIRegulation and Zero Crossing Input
4. SRCSoft-Start and Regulation Capacitor
5. OCIOpto Coupler Input
6. FC2Fault Comparator 2
7. SYNSynchronization Input
8. N. C.Not Connected
9. REFReference Voltage and Current
10. FC1Fault Comparator 1
11. PVCPrimary Voltage Check
12. GNDGround
13. OUTOutput
14. VCCSupply Voltage
IF PART (TDA4470/72)
The TDA44XX is an integrated bipolar circuit for multistandard video/sound IF (VIF/SIF) signal processing in TV/VCR
and multimedia applications. The circuit processes all TV video IF signals with negative modulation (e.g., B/G standard),
positive modulation (e.g., L standard) and the AM, FM/NICAM sound IF signals. Active carrier generation by FPLL (frequency phase-locked loop) is the principle for true synchronous demodulation. VCO circuit is operating on picture carrier
frequency, the VCO frequency is switchable for L´-mode. AFC without external reference circuit is alignment-free and
polarity of the AFC curve is switchable. VIF-AGC for negative modulated signals operates on peak sync detection principle
and for positive modulation on peak white / black level detection principle. Tuner AGC is adjustable with determining take
over point. It has alignment-free quasi-parallel sound (QPS) mixer for FM/NICAM sound IF signals. Intercarrier output sound
is gain controlled (necessary for digital sound processing). AM-demodulator is completely alignment-free with gain controlled AF output. Operation of the AM demodulator and QPS mixer (for NICAM-L stereo sound is parallel. TDA4472 is used for
negative modulation and TDA4470 is used for both negative and positive modulation.
n 5V supply voltage; low power consumption
n Active carrier generation by FPLL principle (frequency-phase-locked-loop) for true synchronous demodulation
n Very linear video demodulation, good pulse response and excellent intermodulation figures
n VCO circuit is operating on picture carrier frequency, the VCO frequency is switchable for the L mode
n Alignment-free AFC without external reference circuit, polarity of the AFC curve is switchable
n VIF-AGC for negative modulated signals (peak sync detection) and for positive modulation
(peak white/black level detector).
n Tuner AGC with adjustable take over point
n Alignment-free quasi parallel sound (QPS) mixer for FM/NICAM sound IF signals
n Intercarrier output signal is gain controlled (necessary for digital sound processing)
n Complete alignment-free AM demodulator with gain controlled AF output
n Separate SIF-AGC with average detection
n Two independent SIF inputs
n Parallel operation of the AM demodulator and QPS mixer (for NICAM-L stereo sound)
n Package and relevant pinning is compatible with the single standard version TDA 4472; simplifies the design of
an universal IF module
1.Input sensitivity, RMS value: 80mVrms
2.Input sensitivity, RMS value: 80mVrms
3.SIF Input selector switch: 2.0 V
5.IF gain control range: 65dB
6.Input sensitivity, RMS value: 80mVrms
7.Input sensitivity, RMS value: 80mVrms
8.IF gain control range: 65dB
10. Available tuner-AGC current: 2mA
11. Available tuner-AGC current: Min : 0.3V Max : 13.5V
12. Video output: Min : 1.8V Max : 2.2V
13. Standard switch: Min : 0V Max : 0.8V
14. L switch: Min : 0V Max : 3.0V
15. IF gain control range: 65dB
16. Ground
17. Internal reference voltage
18. FPLL and VCO: Min : 1mA Max : 4mA
19. AFC switch: Min : 0V Max : 0.8V
20. FPLL and VCO: Min : 1mA Max : 4mA
21. FPLL and VCO: Min : 1mA Max : 4mA
22. AFC output: 0.7 mA/kHz
23. DC supplay: Min : 4.5V Max : 9.0V
24. DC output voltage: 2V
25. AF output-AM: 2.2V
26. FPLL and VCO: Min : 1mA Max : 4mA
27. Input sensitivity, RMS value: 80mVrms
28. Input sensitivity, RMS value: 80mVrms
The hardware and software of the TV is suitable for tuners, supplied by different companies, which are selected from the
Service Menu. These tuners can be combined VHF, UHF tuners suitable for CCIR systems B/G, H, L, L´, I/I´, and D/K.
The tuning is available through the digitally controlled I²C bus (PLL). Below you will find info on one of the Tuners in use.
General description of UV1316:
The UV1316 tuner belongs to the UV 1300 family of tuners, which are designed to meet a wide range of applications. It is a
combined VHF, UHF tuner suitable for CCIR systems B/G, H, L, L, I and I. The low IF output impedance has been designed
for direct drive of a wide variety of SAW filters with sufficient suppression of triple transient.
Features of UV1316:
n Member of the UV1300 family small sized UHF/VHF tuners
n Systems CCIR: B/G, H, L, L, I and I; OIRT: D/K
n Digitally controlled (PLL) tuning via I2C-bus
n Off-air channels, S-cable channels and Hyperband
n World standardised mechanical dimensions and world standard pinning
n Compact size
n Complies to CENELEC EN55020 and EN55013
1.Gain control voltage (AGC): 4.0V, Max:4.5V
2.Tuning voltage
3.I²C-bus address select: Max:5.5V
4.I²C-bus serial clock: Min:-0.3V, Max:5.5V
5.I²C-bus serial data: Min:-0.3V, Max:5.5V
6.Not connected
7.PLL supply voltage: 5.0V, Min:4.75V, Max:5.5V
8.ADC input
9.Tuner supply voltage: 33V, Min:30V, Max:35V
10. Symmetrical IF output 1
11. Symmetrical IF output 2
K9453: Two channels switchable sound IF saw filter of BG, DK, I, L systems for input channel 2 and of L´
system for input channel 1.
K3953: Two channel switchable video IF saw filter of BG, DK, I, L systems for input channel 2 and of L´
system for input channel 1.
J3950: Video IF saw filter for I system
The MSP3410D is an I2C controlled single-chip multistandard sound processor for applications in analog and digital TV
sets. The full TV sound processing, starting with analog sound IF signal-in, down to processed analog AF-out is
performed in a single-chip covering all European TV-standards. It is designed to simultaneously perform digital
demodulation and decoding of NICAM-coded TV stereo sound, as well as demodulation of FM-mono TV sound and two
FM systems according to the German or Korean terrestrial specs. It is also possible to do AM-demodulation according to
the SECAM system. There is AGC for analog inputs: 0.14 - 3Vpp. All demodulation and filtering is performed on chip and
is individually programmable. All digital NICAM standards (B/G, L, and I) are realised. Only one crystal clock (18.432Mhz)
is necessary. External capacitors at each crystal pin to ground are required. They are necessary for tuning the open-loop
frequency of the internal PLL and for stabilising the frequency in closed-loop operation. The higher the capacitors, the
lower the clock frequency result. The nominal free running frequency should match the centre of the tolerance range
between 18.433 and 18.431Mhz as closely as possible. By means of standardised I2S interface, additional feature
processors (DPL35xx, Dolby Prologic processor for this chassis) can be connected to the IC.
I2S bus interface consists of five pins:
I2S_DA_IN12for input four channels (two channels per line) per sampling cycle (32Khz).
I2DA_OUT,for output, two channels per sampling cycle (32KHz).
I2S_CL,for timing of the transmission of I2S serial data, 1.024Mhz.
I2S_WS,for the word strobe line defining the left and right sample.
n 5-band graphic equalizer (as in MSP3400C)
n Enhanced spatial affect (pseudo stereo / base-width enlargement as in MSP3400C)
n Headphone channel with balance, bass treble, loudness
n Balance for loudspeaker and headphone channels in dB units (optional)
n Additional pair of D/A converters for SCART2 out
n Improved over-sampling filters (as in MSP 3400C)
n Additional SCART input
n Full SCART in/out matrix without restrictions
n SCART volume in dB units (optional)
n Additional I²S input (as in MSP 3400C)
n New FM-identification (as in MSP 3400C)
n Demodulator short programming
n Auto-detection for terrestrial TV-sound standards
n Precise bit-error rate indication
n Automatic switch from NICAM to FM/AM or vice versa
n Improved NICAM synchronisation algorithm
n Improved carrier mute algorithm
n Improved AM-demodulation
n ADR together with DRP 3510A
n Dolby Pro Logic together with DPL 35xx A
n Reduction of necessary controlling
n Less external components
n Significant reduction of radiation
1.ADR wordstrobe35. Analog Shield Ground 1
2.Not connected36. Scart input 3 in right
3.ADR data output37. Scart input 3 in left
4.I²S 1 data input38. Analog Shield Ground 4
5.I²S data output39. Scart input 4 in, right
6.I²S wordstrobe40. Scart input 4 in, left
7.I²S clock41. Not connected
8.I²S data42. Analog reference voltage high voltage part
9.I²S clock43. Analog ground
10. Not connected44. Volume capacitor MAIN
11. Standby (low-active)45. Analog power supply 8.0V
12. I²C Bus address select46. Volume capacitor AUX
13. Digital control output 047. Scart output 1, left
14. Digital control output 148. Scart output 1, right
15. Not connected49. Reference ground 1 high voltage part
16. Not connected50. Scart output 2, left
17. Not connected51. Scart output 2, right
18. Audio clock output52. Analog Shield Ground 3
19. Not connected53. Not connected
20. Crystal oscillator54. Not connected
21. Crystal oscillator55. Not connected
22. Test Pin56. Analog output MAIN, left
23. IF input 2 (if ANA_IN1+is used only, connect57. Analog output MAIN, right to AVSS with 50 pF capacitor)58.
24. IF common58. Reference ground 2 high voltage part
25. IF input 159. Analog output AUX, left
26. Analog power supply +5V60. Analog output AUX, right
27. Analog ground61. Power-on-reset
28. Mono input62. Not connected
29. Reference voltage IF A/D converter63. Not connected
30. Scart input 1 in, right64. Not connected
31. Scart input 1 in, left65. I²S2-data input
32. Analog Shield Ground 266. Digital ground
33. Scart input 2 in, right67. Digital power supply +5V
34. Scart input 2 in, left68. ADR clock
The IC DPL3519A processor family is designed to decode Dolby encoded surround sound. The IC integrate the complete
Dolby Surround Pro Logic decoding on chip without any necessary external circuitry. It designed as a coprocessor of the
MSP34xx family.
It gets digitised sound from the audio processor IC MSP3410D for both C (centre) and S (surround) channels, and for
both L (left) and R (right) channels. The analog L and R outputs are supplied by MSP3410D, while the analog S and C
outputs are supplied by the DPL33519A.
Two I2S busses obtain synchronisation between the MSP and DPL :
I2S_CL; for timing of the transmission of I2S serial data 1.024Mhz and I2S_WS; The word strobe line defining the left
and right sample at 32Khz. The IC is also I2C bus controlled to select the sound feature (Stereo, 3D-Phonic and Dolby
Pro Logic).
1.Not connected16. Not connected
2.Not connected17. Not connected
3.Not connected18. Audio clock output
4.I2S1 data input19. Digital control input
5.I2S1 data output20. Crystal oscillator
6.I2S wordstrobe21. Crystal oscillator
7.I2S clock22. Test pin
8.I2C data23. Not connected
9.I2C clock24. Not connected
10. Not connected25. Not connected
11. Standby (low-active)26. Analog power supply +5 V
12. I2C-Bus address select27. Analog ground
13. Digital control IO 028. Mono input
14. Digital control IO 129. Reference voltage
15. Not connected30. Scart input 1 in, right
31. Scart input 1 in, left50. Scart output 2, left
32. Analog Shield Ground 151. Scart output 2, right
33. Scart input 2 in, right52. Analog Shield Ground 3
34. Scart input 2 in, left53. Not connected
35. Analog Shield Ground 254. Not connected
36. Scart input 3 in, right55. Not connected
37. Scart input 3 in, left56. Analog output Channel 1, left
38. Analog Shield Ground 457. Analog output Channel 1, right
39. Not connected58. Reference ground 2 high voltage part
40. Not connected59. Analog output Channel 2, left
41. Not connected60. Analog output Channel 2, right
42. Analog reference voltage high voltage part61. Power-on-reset
43. Analog ground62. Not connected
44. Volume capacitor Channel163. Not connected
45. Analog power supply 8.0 V64. I2S2-data output
46. Volume capacitor Channel 265. I2S2-data input
47. Scart output 1, left66. Digital ground
48. Scart output 1, right67. Digital power supply +5 V
49. Reference ground 1 high voltage part68. Not connected
The TDA1308 is an integrated class AB stereo headphone driver. It gets its input from two analog audio outputs (DACA_L
and DACA_R) of MSP3410D. The gain of the output is adjustable by the feedback resistor between the inputs and outputs.
nWide temperature range
nNo switch ON/OFF clicks
nExcellent power supply ripple rejection
nLow power consumption
nShort-circuit resistant
nHigh performance- high signal-to-noise ratio
- high slew rate
- low distortion
nLarge output voltage swing
1.Output A (Voltage swing) : Min : 0.75V, Max : 4.25V
2.Inverting input A: Vo(clip) : Min : 1400mVrms
3.Non-inverting input A: 2.5V
5.Non-inverting input B: 2.5V
6.Inverting input B: Vo(clip) : Min : 1400mVrms
7.Output B (Voltage swing) : Min : 0.75V, Max : 4.25V
8.Positive supply: 5V, Min : 3.0V, Max : 7.0V
The TDA7265 is a 25W+25W stereo sound amplifier with mute/stand-by facility. STPA control signal coming from microcontroller
(when it is at high level) activates the mute function. IC is muted when mute port is at low level. Two stereo audio signals
coming from audio module is injected to the inputs of the IC and a power of 12Wrms (10%) is obtained. An external popnoise circuitry pulls AF inputs of the IC in order to eliminate pop noise when TV is turned on or off via mains supply
connection. It is possible to adjust the gain of the amplifiers by feedback external resistors.
n Wide supply voltage range (up to 50V ABS Max.)
n Split supply
n High output power: 25+25 W @ TDA = 10%, RL = 8ohm, VS = ±20V
n No pop at turn-on / off
n Mute (pop free)
n Stand-By feature (low IQ)
n Few external components
n Thermal overload protection
n Adjustable gain via an external resistor
1.Output (1)
3.Output (2)
4.Mute / St-By
6.Input (2)
8.Input (1)
Video switching is performed by the I2C controlled IC TEA6415C with a gain of 0dB. Inputs to the video switch are IF_CVBS,
three SCART video signals, front-AV video signal, SVHS luma signal, and one of SC1_R or SVHS_C. Outputs of the video
switch are three SCART video signals (SC1_OUT_V and SC3_OUT_V are the same), one video output for the PIP module,
Chroma signal (C), and luma (Y) or CVBS signal.
n20 MHz Bandwith
nCascadable with another TEA6415C (Internal address can be changed by pin 7 voltage)
n8 inputs (CVBS, RGB, Mac, CHROMA, )
n6 Outputs
nPossibility of MAC or chroma signal for each input by switching-off the clamp with an external resistor bridge
nBus controlled
n6.5dB gain between any input and output
n-55dB crosstaljk at 5MHz
nFully ESD protected
1.Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
5.Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
6.Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
8.Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
9.Vcc: 12V
10. Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
11. Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
12. Ground
13. Output: 5.5Vpp,Min : 4.5Vpp
14. Output: 5.5Vpp,Min : 4.5Vpp
15. Output: 5.5Vpp,Min : 4.5Vpp
16. Output: 5.5Vpp,Min : 4.5Vpp
17. Output: 5.5Vpp,Min : 4.5Vpp
18. Output: 5.5Vpp,Min : 4.5Vpp
19. Ground
20. Input: Max: 2Vpp, Input Current : 1mA, Max : 3mA
The TDA6111Q is a video output amplifier with 16Mhz bandwidth. It has a high slew rate. Automatic black-current stabilisation
is possible by black-current measurement output. It has two cathode outputs: one for DC currents and one for transient
currents. A feedback output is separated from the cathode outputs. An internal protection exists against positive appearing
cathode-ray-tube flashover discharges with ESD protection.
n High bandwidth and slew rate
n Black-current measurement output for Automatic Black-current Stabilisation (ABS)
n Two cathode outputs; one for DC currents, and one for transient currents
n A feedback output separated from the cathode outputs
n Internal protection against positive appearing cathode-ray Tube (CRT) flashover discharges
n ESD protection
n Simple application with a variety of colour decoders
n Differential input with a designed maximum common mode input capacitance of 3pF, a maximum differential
mode input capacitance of 0.5 pF and a differential input voltage temperature drift of 50 uV/K
n Defined switch-off behaviour.
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