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749 Middlesex Turnpike
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Email: customercare@raindancetech.com
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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Exporting and Saving ................................................................................................................................. 2
Configuring the Workspace ...................................................................................................................... 0
Creating a Workspace ............................................................................................................................... 1
Opening a Saved Workspace .................................................................................................................... 1
Saving a Workspace .................................................................................................................................. 1
Closing a Workspace ................................................................................................................................. 2
Applying Analysis Options and Settings to Other Samples ................................................................. 15
Copy, Paste and Delete Gates and Statistics ....................................................................................... 16
7.4 Detailed Information ........................................................................................................................ 17
7.5 Run View .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Mean ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Median .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Ratio ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
Adding Text ........................................................................................................................................... 2
All Statistics Table ................................................................................................................................. 6
Adding Per Sample Graphs ................................................................................................................... 6
Adding Per Sample Statistics ................................................................................................................. 7
Importing a Report Template into the Report Templates Library ...................................................... 11
Exporting a Report Template from the Report Templates Library ..................................................... 11
Editing and Renaming a Report Template in the Report Templates Library ...................................... 11
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Chapter 1 & Chapter 2: Introduction and System Requirements
1. Introduction
RainDrop Analyst II is the latest and most powerful analysis package for displaying and
interpreting data generated on the RainDrop Digital PCR System. With up to 10 million droplets
per sample, RainDrop is the most sensitive digital PCR system on the market, capable of
detecting 1 mutant molecule in a background of 1,000,000 wild-type molecules. To manage this
vast amount of droplet data, RainDrop Analyst II provides the user with a flexible, yet easy-touse, interface. Samples are organized into Workspaces which can be pre-configured from
templates, enabling rapid analysis of routinely used assays. By giving the user the ability to
configure graphing, gating, statistical calculations and reporting functions, RainDrop Analyst II
satisfies the need for simple and powerful analysis.
2. System Requirements
RainDrop Analyst II is capable of operating on both Windows 7 and Mac OS X systems. The
installer is provided as self-extracting executable and can be requested from RainDance Support
The recommended system configurations are:
o Windows 7, 64-bit operating system, SP1 or greater; or Mac OS X
Java 8
Intel i7 processor or greater
8GB RAM or greater
100GB Hard disk space
Minimally, RainDrop Analyst II will operate on Windows 7, 32-bit operating system, however
performance will be suboptimal.
The recommended display monitor for RainDrop Analyst II is:
1920 x 1080 (landscape).
Lower resolution displays are supported (down to 1024 x 768), but are not recommended.
Although RainDrop Analyst II opens all data files generated by RainDrop Sense, RainDrop
Analyst II does not open workspaces created by RainDrop Analyst.
It is recommended to back up any critical data on the computer prior to installation of
RainDrop Analyst II.
Also, while unlikely, there is potential for automated windows updates to interfere with
the operation of RainDrop Analyst II. Reinstalling RainDrop Analyst II after updates have
been applied should resolve the issue.
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3. Quick-Start Guide
Launching the Software and Adding Samples
1. Double-click the RainDrop Analyst II icon to launch the program.
2. Select the desired template in the ‘Create New Workspace’ panel.
3. Drag and drop samples into the Workspace, or use the Add Samples ( ) button on the
main window.
Intact Gating and Spectral Compensation
1. Select the sample to use for spectral compensation using the Sample View. If all of the
samples are to be compensated, select all samples using the Select All button ().
2. Click on the desired data population in the Analysis View (e.g. spectral compensation).
3. There are 3 predefined gates: “Negative”, “Dye 1 X axis”, and “Dye 2 Y axis”. Move the
‘Negative’ gate over the non-amplified cluster (closest to the origin). Move the ‘Dye 1 X
axis’ gate over the amplified cluster nearest the X axis, and move the ‘Dye 2 Y axis’ gate
over the amplified cluster nearest the Y axis.
Chapter 3: Quick-Start Guide
4. Click the “Apply Spectral Compensation” button () in the Toolbar Ribbon above the
5. In Spectral Compensation window, click on ‘Use Calculated Matrix’ and select the
‘Negative’ gate for the Negative Population, the ‘Dye 1 X axis’ gate for the Dye 1 (X-axis)
population, and the ‘Dye 2 Y axis’ gate for the Dye 2 (Y-axis) population.
6. At the bottom of the window, there is the option to name the compensated axes according
to the dyes used. Enter appropriate names, if desired. If compensation is to be applied to
all samples, click on the ‘Apply Spectral Compensation to Selected Samples’ checkbox.
7. Click the Apply button. Adjust scale as needed in the Graph Details View.
8. If spectral compensation is to be applied to other samples in the Workspace, select those
samples using the checkbox in the Sample View, then right click on the Sample in the
Analysis View and select ‘Apply Spectral Compensation to selected Samples’.
9. Samples that have a spectral compensation matrix applied to them are indicated by having
the ( ) icon displayed in the Analysis View.
Creating Analysis Gates
1. Click on the ‘Intact’ population in the Analysis View.
2. If spectral compensation has been applied, check that the compensated axes are selected
for the X and Y axes. Depending on the template, gates may have already been created.
3. Move and/or create gates to define clusters using the pointer and gating buttons in the
Toolbar Ribbon above the graph. To create new gates, select one of the gating buttons
(rectangle, polygon, ellipse, etc.) then use the mouse to draw the gate on the scatter plot.
Enter the gate name at the prompt.
4. To change the name of a gate after it has been created, right-click on the gate name in the
Analysis View, select ‘Edit’, and then type in a new name.
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Chapter 3: Quick-Start Guide
5. To apply gates to other samples in the Workspace, use the checkboxes in the Sample View
to select the desired samples, or use the Select All button () at the top of the view.
Ensure that the analyzed sample is highlighted in the Sample View. Next, right click on the
top-level population in the Analysis View and choose ‘Apply All Settings to Selected Samples’. Click yes in the confirmation dialog box.
6. Select the ‘Intact’ population to view the analysis gates. Using the Sample View or the
arrow buttons in the Toolbar Ribbon, go to the next sample and verify the gates are
correct. Alternatively, use the Multiple Samples View to review all samples at the same
Adding Statistics
1. Depending on the template, gates may already have statistics present. To delete a statistic
right click on the statistic, and select ‘Delete’.
2. To add a statistic to a population, first select the population in the Analysis View. Next,
click on the statistics button in the Toolbar Ribbon ().
3. Using the Add Statistic dialog window, select the Statistics (e.g. Mean, Median, etc.) and
the Parameters. Multiple statistics and parameters can be selected. Poisson correction
and ratio statistics require the user to specify the populations these will act on.
4. When complete, click the “Add” button.
5. To copy statistics from one population to another, right-click on the population containing
the statistics to be copied. Select ‘Copy All Statistics’ from the list of options. Next, right-click on the destination population and select ‘Paste’.
6. To apply statistics from one sample to other samples in the Workspace, use the checkboxes
in the Sample View to select the desired samples, or use the Select All button () at the
top of the view. Ensure that the analyzed sample is highlighted in the Sample View, then
right click on the top-level population in the Analysis View and choose ‘Apply Gates and
Statistics to Selected Samples’. Click yes in the confirmation dialog box.
Creating Reports
1. A report template may exist as and be opened from a file within the Report Library. These
options are provided under the Reports menu item.
2. To create a new report go to ‘Reports’ and click on ‘New Report Template’.
3. Use the tabs above the report editor to select the report section to review and/or modify.
There are tabs for defining the Header, Summary Content, Per-Sample Content,
Conclusion, and Footer sections.
4. The Report Toolbar Ribbon provides the ability to add and edit content for each report
section. The buttons enable adding: text (), defined text () (e.g. date, page number,
Workspace name, etc.), images (), summary data graphs (), individual data graphs (
), data tables (), and statistics ().
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Chapter 3: Quick-Start Guide
5. To add a report object, simply select the item from the Toolbar Ribbon, then click and drag
a region on the Report Editor window where the item is to be located. A dialog box will
open where the item properties can be defined.
6. Note that different sections of the report allow different objects to be added. The Header
and Footer sections allow Text, Defined Text and Images to be added. The Summary
Content section only allows Summary Graphs and Summary Statistics (data tables) to be
added. Per-Sample Content allows Text, Defined Text, Images, Individual Graphs and
Statistics to be added, and the Conclusion section only allows Text and Images.
7. Refer to Help Contents for detailed descriptions concerning adding and configuring report
8. To edit information in any object, highlight the object and click the ‘Edit Report Item
Property’ button ().
9. If additional pages are needed for the Per-Sample Content section, the Add Page button (
) enables this. Additional pages are displayed as tabs below the Report Editor window.
10. Report objects can be selected and aligned to each other using the Align Left (), Align
Center (), and Align Right () buttons.
11. Objects can also be cut (), copied () and pasted () as desired.
12. When the design of the report is complete, click the ‘Generate Report’ () button. This
prepares and displays a pdf report for the selected samples in the selected Workspace.
13. Report templates can be saved to an existing or new template file (), or to an open
Workspace ().
Exporting and Saving
1. To export a graph, from the Graph Details View, click on Export Graph () button in the
Toolbar Ribbon. To export graphs from the Multiple Samples View, click on the ‘Export’
button. This action prompts for a destination file name and image type for the graph(s) to
be saved.
2. To export the data from a Workspace, select ‘Export Analysis’ () from the Workspace
menu item. This action prompts for destination filename for a .csv export of all data.
3. To save the configuration of a Workspace to an Experiment Template, select the ‘Save
Experiment Template As’ () option under the Workspace menu item. This prompts the
user to name an Experiment Template or overwrite an existing user-defined Experiment
Template. Note that pre-defined Experiment Templates cannot be modified.
4. To import a saved Experiment Template into the RDA-II application, navigate to the Start
Page and click the ‘Import ET’ button at the bottom of the experiment template list. This
prompts the user to select the Experiment Template file to import.
5. To save the Workspace, select either ‘Save Workspace’ () or ‘Save Workspace As’ ()
option from the Workspace menu item.
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4. Workspaces
Introducing Workspaces
Understanding Workspaces is key to working with RainDrop Analyst II. With Workspaces, a user
can manage and manipulate data sets from any number of assays, configure analyses, graphs
and data reports, and provide a framework for automating the analysis of RainDrop data via
Experiment Templates. RainDrop Analyst II presents data sets in Workspaces as a way for the
user to easily organize and manipulate collections of samples. The Workspace interface allows
the user to define processing steps and analysis options that yield the statistical data that is
required and most meaningful for a given assay.
Enabling this capability is accomplished through a collection of linked windows. These windows
are: the Graph View, the Sample View, the Analysis View, the Detailed Information View, and
the Run View. The Graph View is displayed as a tab adjacent to the Start Page when a
Workspace is open. If multiple Workspaces are open, multiple tabbed Graph Views are
displayed, each identified by the name of the corresponding Workspace. Within each Graph
View, there are two displays: a Graph Details view for an individual sample, and a Multiple
Samples view, where graphs from multiple samples in the Workspace can be shown side-byside. Each view is linked to the others for a particular Workspace so that the user is able to
select individual samples from one window and simultaneously update the information in the
other windows accordingly. Further detail concerning these windows/views is provided
elsewhere within Help, under Views.
Chapter 4: Workspaces
Configuring the Workspace
The layout of the Workspace windows can be configured according to the user’s preference by
resizing the window panels, moving individual windows to different locations on the main
screen, or by docking ( )/undocking ( ) windows to either the left or right side of the main
screen. The user can also close individual Workspace windows, if desired. Closed windows can
be reopened from the Window menu item. By default, RainDrop Analyst II always starts using
the layout that was in use when the application was last closed. The default layout can be
brought back at any time by selecting the ‘Reset Windows’ option under the Window menu
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Chapter 4: Workspaces
Creating a Workspace
RainDrop Analyst II provides several options for creating a new Workspace.
Click on an Experiment Template from the Start Page. This opens a new Workspace
using the selected Experiment Template.
Click on the ‘New Workspace’ icon () on the main window under the Workspace
menu, or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+N / Command-Shift-N). These options
bring up a dialog window where the user can select the Experiment Template that is to
be used.
Drag and drop RainDrop Sense data files directly on the main window where indicated:
, click on the ‘Add Samples’ icon ( ) on the main window,
or select the ‘Add Samples’ option from the Workspace menu item. This opens a new
Workspace using the Default Experiment Template.
Opening a Saved Workspace
Opening a Workspace in RainDrop Analyst II can be done from the Start Page either by clicking
on a recent Workspace in the Recent Workspace panel, or by clicking on the ‘Browse’ button at
the bottom of that panel. Alternatively, a Workspace can be opened by clicking on the ‘Open
Workspace’ icon () on the main window, selecting the option under the Workspace menu
item, or by using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+O / Command-Shift-O).
Saving a Workspace
Saving a Workspace in RainDrop Analyst II is done by clicking on the ‘Save Workspace’ icon ()
on the main window, selecting the ‘Save Workspace’ option under the Workspace menu item,
or by using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+S / Command-Shift-S).
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Chapter 4: Workspaces
To save an open Workspace using a different name, the Workspace menu item has an option to
‘Save Workspace As…’ ().
If a Workspace contains unsaved information, an asterisk will appear at the end of the
Workspace file name, at the top of the window. Similarly, the ‘Save Workspace’ icon () will
only be enabled when there is unsaved information in the Workspace. The icon will be grayed-
out () if there is nothing to new to save.
Workspace files have the *.rdw extension.
Closing a Workspace
Closing a Workspace in RainDrop Analyst II is done by clicking on the window close icon ( ) on
the corresponding Graph View tab, or selecting the ‘Close Workspace’ option () under the
Workspace menu item.
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5. Experiment Templates
Understanding Experiment Templates
Experiment Templates are essentially Workspaces that do not have any associated sample data.
They are used to create an empty Workspace prior to adding RainDrop sample data. RainDrop
Analyst II provides pre-defined Experiment Templates that are configured for the following dPCR
The use of Experiment Templates facilitates an expedient analysis, by providing predefined
analysis settings such as an intact droplet filter, spectral compensation settings, graph settings,
analysis gates and locations, droplet statistics and reports. Experiment Templates are listed on
the Start Page as well as in the Experiment Templates Library. Once an experiment template is
opened, the template name will be noted at the bottom of the Workspace window. An asterisk
at the end of the template name indicates that the template contains modifications that are
unsaved. Predefined Experiment Templates cannot be permanently modified by the user, nor
can they be deleted. However, the user is able to save modified Experiment Templates as new
Experiment Templates. These new user-defined templates can be modified, exported, imported
or removed from the library. Creating user-defined Experiment Templates is a convenient
means for the user to configure an analysis workflow for dPCR assays that are frequently run.
Chapter 5: Experiment Templates
Creating an Experiment Template
An Experiment Template can only be created by saving the template from an open Workspace.
This restriction is simply due to the fact that configuring analysis options, gates, filters and
statistics is best achieved using a data set that is representative of the assay whose analysis the
user wishes to define.
From the Workspace menu, the user has the option to ‘Save Experiment Template As…’ ()
which gives the user the ability to save the analysis settings for the selected (highlighted) sample
as a new user-defined Experiment Template. This operation creates the new Experiment
Template in a file location that the user can define.
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Chapter 5: Experiment Templates
Saving an Experiment Template
Saving an Experiment Template is only enabled from an open Workspace that is associated with
a user-defined Experiment Template. This restriction is in place to prevent a pre-defined
Experiment Template from being changed.
From the Workspace menu item, the user has the option to ‘Save Experiment Template’ ()
which gives the user the ability to save the analysis settings for the selected (highlighted) sample
to the existing user-defined Experiment Template.
An asterisk at the end of the template name indicates that it contains modifications that are
Experiment Templates Library
RainDrop Analyst II manages a library of Experiment Templates. These include the pre-defined
and user-defined templates. The library provides the following features:
Importing an Experiment Template file
Exporting an Experiment Template to a file
Renaming the Experiment Template name
Deleting a user-defined Experiment Template
Changing the Default Experiment Template
Importing an Experiment Template
Following the creation of a new Experiment Template, if the user wishes to use the template in
RainDrop Analyst II, it must be imported into the Experiment Templates Library. This can be
done in one of two ways.
From the Start Page, the user can click the ‘Import ET’ button at the bottom of the
Create New Workspace panel. This action opens a dialog which allows the user to
browse for the template file and import it into the Experiment Templates Library.
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Chapter 5: Experiment Templates
Select the ‘Experiment Templates Library’ () option from the Library menu item which
opens the Experiment Templates Library. From this window, the user clicks on the
‘Import…’ button to open the dialog which allows the user to browse for and import the
desired Experiment Template.
Exporting an Experiment Template
RainDrop Analyst II provides the capability for the user to export Experiment Templates from
the Experiment Templates Library. This action creates an Experiment Template file (*.rde) that
can be shared with other users. From the Experiment Templates Library, the user selects the
template to export and then clicks the ‘Export’ button. This action opens a dialog window which
allows the user to set the export location.
Renaming an Experiment Template
RainDrop Analyst II allows the user to rename user-defined Experiment Templates. From the
Experiment Templates Library, the user selects the template to rename and then clicks the
‘Rename’ button. This action opens a dialog window which allows the user to change the name
of the template.
Note: The user cannot rename a pre-defined Experiment Template.
Deleting an Experiment Template
RainDrop Analyst II allows the user to delete user-defined Experiment Templates. From the
Experiment Templates Library, the user selects the template to delete and then clicks the
‘Delete’ button. This action opens a dialog window which allows the user to confirm the
deletion of the selected template.
Note: The user cannot delete a pre-defined Experiment Template.
Setting a Default Experiment Template
To specify the default Experiment Template, the user must first navigate to the Experiment
Templates Library. The user then selects the template to set as default and clicks the ‘Set as
Default’ button. The icon for the template changes to a gold color to indicate that it is now the
default template.
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6. Start Page
The Start Page is the default starting point for running RainDrop Analyst II. The Start Page
serves the purpose of associating RainDrop sample data files with either an Experiment
Template, useful for processing a new set of data, or a pre-existing Workspace, which is useful
for adding data to an existing analysis. In either case, the association of data to an Experiment
Template or Workspace is necessary for RainDrop Analyst II to properly filter, process and
display appropriate graphs and statistics for RainDrop samples.
The Start Page is divided into two panels: Recent Workspaces and Create New Workspace.
Recent Workspaces
The Recent Workspaces panel provides a listing of recently saved Workspaces organized by
date-modified, with the most recently modified Workspace at the top of the list. The Recent
Workspaces panel allows the user to quickly access saved Workspaces by a simple mouse-click
on the appropriate entry.
Alternatively, the user can click on the ‘Browse’ button at the bottom of the panel to bring up a
dialog that will allow the user to search local or networked drives for saved Workspaces.
Once a valid Workspace has been selected, it is added to the Start Page view as a new tab.
Chapter 6: Start Page
Create New Workspace
The Create New Workspace panel provides a listing of all Experiment Templates that are present
in the Experiment Template Library. Experiment Templates are simply Workspaces with no
associated sample data. Templates contain all the necessary filtering and processing steps that,
when applied to RainDrop sample data, will yield a complete analysis. Experiment Templates
are either built-in (pre-defined by RainDrop Analyst II and cannot be modified), or they can be
user-defined (created by the user and can be modified). Built-in Experiment Templates are
indicated by the icon, while user-defined Experiment Templates are indicated by the icon.
The arrows at the bottom of the window can be used to scroll through different pages of
templates. RainDrop Analyst II allows one Experiment Template to be marked as the default
template. This is indicated by a gold highlighting: . The default template can either be a builtin template or a user-defined template. Launching a new Workspace from the Create New
Workspace panel is done by clicking on one of the listed Experiment Templates. This creates a
new Workspace and adds it to the Start Page view as a new tab.
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