CLOCK OSCILLATORS SMD-version 2,5 / 3,0 / 3,3V
frequency range 1,0 ~ 67,0 MHz
frequency stability
at -20° ~ +70°C
at -40° ~ +85°C
± 50 ppm
± 100 ppm
operating temperature standard -20° ~ +70°C
available -40° ~ +85°C (=KXO-V96T)
storage temperature -50° ~ +125°C
symmetry 40% ~ 60% at 50% VDD level
rise & fall time max. 5 ns (10% Vdd ~ 90% VDD level)
"O" level max. VOL: 10% VDD
"1" level min. VOH: 90% VDD
input voltage Vdd +2,5 ~ +3,3V ±5%
stand-by control voltage (pin#1)
VIH(min): 70% Vdd
VIL(max): 30%Vdd*
supply voltage -0,5V ~ +7,0V
input current max. 20 mA (pin #1=Open or VIH)
output load max. 15pF (CMOS)
start up time max. 10 ms
disable delay time max. 150 ns
enable delay time max. 10 ms
stand by current max.* 50 µA (Pin #1=VIL)
aging for first year max. ±5 ppm at +25°
jitter deterministic jitter 5pS max.
random jitter
norm 1-sigma
7ps max.
7ps max.
peak to peak 40ps max.
lead-free since production start
contents of reel 1000 pcs.
part no. 12.95000 ~ 12.95499
* Internal crystal oscillation to be halted (pin#1=VIL)
test circuit
soldering pattern
soldering condition
output waveform
GEYER ELECTRONIC Lochhamer Schlag 5 82166 Gräfelfing/München
Tel. 089/546868-0 Fax 089/546868-91 quartz@geyer-electronic.de
reel diameter 245 mm