Rainbow Electronics KXО- V63 User Manual

LVDS VCXO SMD-version 2,5V 3,3V
operating temperature
±25 ppm ~ ±100 ppm
±25 ppm ~ ±100 ppm standard -20° ~ +70°C available -40° ~ +85°C (=KXO-V63T)
storage temperature -40° ~ +125°C symmetry 50% of waveform rise & fall time (Tr) max. 400ps typ. 850ps max. (20% ~ 80% of waveform) rise & fall time (Tf) max. 400ps typ. 850ps max. (80% ~ 20% of waveform) LVDS offset output voltage 1,125V ~ 1,375V "O" level max. 0,9V ~ 1,1V "1" level min. 1,43V ~ 1,6V input voltage VDD standard + 3,3V ± 5%
available +2,5V ±5% input current max. 45 ~ 60 mA output load 100 Ohm start up time max. 10 ms pulling range min. ± 50 ppm, ± 100 ppm tristate funcion
enable/disable delay time 200 ns max. phase jitter (12kHz ~ 20MHz) RMS: 1ps typ. 3ps max. contents of reel 1000 pcs. lead-free since production start part no. 12.93400 ~ 12.93599
soldering pattern
pin #2 pin #4 / pin #5
“H” (+3.3 V) or OPEN OUTPUT
GEYER ELECTRONIC Lochhamer Schlag 5 82166 Gräfelfing/München Tel. 089/546868-0 Fax 089/546868-91 quartz@geyer-electronic.de
soldering condition
reel diameter 330 mm