The DS2431 is a 1024-bit, 1-Wire® EEPROM chip
organized as four memory pages of 256 bits each.
Data is written to an 8-b yte scratchpad, verif ied, and
then copied to the EEPROM memory. As a special
feature, the four memory pages can individually be
write protected or put in EPROM-emulation mode,
where bits can only be changed from a 1 to a 0 stat e.
The DS2431 communicates over the singleconductor 1-Wire bus. The communication follows
the standard Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire protocol.
Each device has its own unaltera ble and unique 64bit ROM registration number that is factory lasered
into the chip. The registration number is used to
address the device in a multidrop 1-Wire net
Accessory/PC Board Ident if ic ati on
Medical Sensor Calibration Data Storage
Analog Sensor Calibration Including IEEEP1451.4 Smart Sensors
Ink and Toner Print Cartridge Identification
After-Market Management of Consumables
1024 Bits of EEPROM Memory Partitioned into
Four Pages of 256 Bits
Individual Memor y Pages can be Permanently
Write Protected or Put in EPROM-Emulation
Mode ("Write to 0")
Switchpoint Hysteresis and Filtering to Optimize
Performance in the Presence of Noise
Communicates to Host with a Single Digital
Signal at 15.4kbps or 111kbps Using 1-Wire
DS2431-40°C to 85°CTO-92
DS2431/T&R-40°C to 85°CTO-92, tape & reel
DS2431P-40°C to 85°CTSOC
DS2431P/T&R-40°C to 85°CTSOC, tape & reel
DS2431X-40°C to 85°CCSP, tape & reel
Commands, Registers, and Modes ar e capita li ze d for
1 2 3
TSOC, TO-92 pi nout:
Pin 1 ------------- GND
Pin 2 ------------- I/O
All other pins -- NC
CSP, approx. 68 × 68 mil
TSOC, Top View
A1 = NC
A2 = I/O
B1 = NC
B2 = GND
Top view, bumps not visible
1-Wire is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor Corp.
Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published spec ifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device
may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For informati on about device errata, click here:
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REV: 050704
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPRO M
I/O Voltage to GND-0.5V, +6V
I/O Sink Current20mA
Operating Temperature Range-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature+150°C
Storage Temperature Range-40°C to +85°C
Soldering TemperatureSee IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020A
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may caus e permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only,
and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of t he specifications is
not implied. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device rel i abili ty .
System requirement.
Maximum allowable pullup resistance is a function of the number of 1-Wire devices in the system and 1-Wire recovery times. The
specified value here applies to systems with only one device and with the minimum 1-Wire recovery times. For more heavily
loaded systems, an active pullup such as that found in the DS2482-x00, DS2480B, or DS2490 may be required.
Capacitance on the data pin could be 800pF when V
after V
Guaranteed by design, simulation only. Not production tested.
Voltage below which, during a falling edge on I/O, a logic 0 is detected.
The voltage on I/O needs to be less or equal to V
Voltage above which, during a rising edge on I/O, a logic 1 is detected.
After V
The I-V characteristic is linear for voltages less than 1V.
Applies to a single DS2431 attached to a 1-Wire line.
The earliest recognition of a negative edge is possible at t
Highlighted numbers are NOT in compliance with legacy 1-Wire product standards. See comparis on table bel ow.
Interval during the negative edge on I/O at the beginning of a Presence Detect pulse between the time at which the voltage is
80% of V
ε represents the time required for the pullup circuitry to pull the voltage on I/O up from V
δ represents the time required for the pullup circuitry to pull the voltage on I/O up from V
Current drawn from I/O during the EEPROM programming interval. The pullup circuit on I/O during the programming interval
should be such that the voltage at I/O is greater than or equal to Vpup(min). If Vpup in the system is close to Vpup(min) then a
low impedance bypass of Rpup which can be activated during programming may need to be added.
Interval begins t
sequence. Interval ends once the device's self-timed EEPROM programm ing cycle is complete and the current drawn by the
device has returned from I
has been applied the parasite capacitance will not affect normal communications.
, VTH, and V
are a function of the internal supply voltage.
is crossed during a rising edge on I/O, the voltage on I/O has to drop by at least VHY to be detected as logic '0'.
and the time at which the voltage is 20% of V
after the leading negative edge on IO for the last timeslot of the E/S byte for a valid Copy Scratchpad
to IL.
is first applied. If a 2.2kΩ resistor is used to pull up the data line, 2.5µs
I/O1-Wire Bus Interface. Open drain, requires external pullup resistor.
GNDGround Reference
N.C.Not Connected
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DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPRO M
The DS2431 combines 1 024 bits of EEPROM, an 8-byte register/control page with up to 7 user read/write bytes,
and a fully-featured 1-Wire interface in a single c hip. Each DS2431 has its own 64-bit ROM registration number
that is factory lasered into the chip to provide a guaranteed unique identity for absolute traceability. Data is
transferred serially via the 1-Wire protocol, which requires only a single data lead and a ground return. The DS2431
has an additional mem ory area ca lled the sc ratchpad t hat acts as a buff er when writing to t he main m emor y or the
register page. Data is first written to the scratchpad from which it can be read back. After the data has been
verified, a cop y scratchpad command transf ers the data to its final memory location. Applications of the DS2431
include accessory/PC board identification, medical sensor calibration data storage, analog sensor calibration
including IEEE-P1451.4 Sm art Sensors, ink and toner pr int cartridge identif ication, and after-m arket management
of consumables.
The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the relationships between the major control and memory sections of the
DS2431. The DS2431 has four main data components: 1) 64-bit lasered ROM, 2) 64-bit scratchpad, 3) four 32-byte
pages of EEPROM, and 4) 6 4- bit r egis t er pa ge. The hierarchical str uc ture of the 1-Wire protocol is shown i n Fig ur e
2. The bus master must first provide one of the seven ROM Function Commands, 1) Read ROM, 2) Match ROM, 3)
Search ROM, 4) Skip ROM, 5) Resum e, 6) Overdrive- Skip ROM or 7) Overdrive-Matc h ROM. Upon c ompletion of
an Overdrive ROM command byte executed at standard speed, the device enters Overdrive mode where all
subsequent comm unication occurs at a higher sp eed. The protoc ol requir ed for thes e ROM function c ommands is
described in Figure 9. After a ROM function command is successfully executed, the memory functions becom e
accessible and the master m ay provide any one of the four m emory function commands. The protoc ol for these
memory function commands is described in Figure 7. All data is read and written least significant bit first.
Figure 1. Block Diagram
Function Control
Control Unit
Data Memory
4 Pages of
256 bits each
Lasered ROM
Register Page
64 bits
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Figure 2. Hierarchical Structure for 1-Wire Protocol
DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPRO M
DS2431 Co m m a nd Level:
1-Wire ROM Function
Commands (see Figure 9)
Memory Function
Commands (see Figure 7)
Read ROM
Match ROM
Search ROM
Skip ROM
Overdrive Skip
Overdrive Match
64-bit Scratchpad, Flags
64-bit Scratchpad
Data Memory, Register Page
Data Memory, Register Page
Each DS2431 contains a uniqu e ROM code that is 6 4 bits long. T he f irst 8 bits ar e a 1-W ire f amily code. T he next
48 bits are a unique serial number. The last 8 bits are a CRC (Cyclic Redundanc y Check) of the f irst 56 bits. See
Figure 3 for details. T he 1-Wire CRC is generated using a polynomial generator cons isting of a shift register and
XOR gates as shown in Figure 4. The polynomial is X
CRC is available in Application Note 27.
The shift register b its are initial ized to 0. Then s tarting with the least sig nificant bit of the f amily code, one bit at a
time is shifted in. Af ter the 8t h bit of the fam ily code has b een enter ed, then th e serial number is entered. After the
last bit of the serial number has been entered, the shift register contai ns the CRC value. Shifting i n the 8 bits of the
CRC returns the shift register to all 0s.
+ X5 + X4 + 1. Additional infor mation about the Dall as 1- Wire
Figure 3. 64-Bit Lasered ROM
CRC Code
Figure 4. 1-Wire CRC Generator
48-Bit Serial Number
Polynomial = X8 + X5 + X4 + 1
8-Bit Family
Code (2Dh)
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DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPRO M
Figure 5. Memory Map
0000h to 001FhR/(W)Data Memory Page 0
0020h to 003FhR/(W)Data Memory Page 1
0040h to 005FhR/(W)Data Memory Page 2
0060h to 007FhR/(W)Data Memory Page 3
R/(W)Copy Protecti on B yte55h or AAh: Copy Protect 008 0:00 8Fh, and
any write-protected Pages
0085hRFactory byte. Set at
AAh:Write Protect 85h, 86h, 87h;
55h: Write Protect 85h, unprotect 86h, 87h
0086hR/(W)User Byte/Manufacturer ID
0087hR/(W)User Byte/Manufacturer ID
0088h to 008FhN/AReserved
Once programm ed to AAh or 5 5h this a ddress bec omes read-onl y. All oth er c odes can be s tored but will neith er
write-protect the address nor activate any function.
Data memory and regist ers are loc ated in a linear addres s spac e, as show n in Fi gure 5. T he data m emor y and t he
registers have unrestrict ed r e ad acc es s . T he DS 243 1 EE P RO M ar ra y co nsis ts of 18 rows of 8 bytes each. T he f irs t
16 rows are divided equally into 4 m emory pages (32 bytes each). These 4 pages ar e the primary data m emory.
Each page can be individually set to open (unprotected), write protected, or EPROM mode by setting the
associated protectio n byte in the regist er row. The last two r ows contain protect ion registers, an d reserved bytes .
The register row consists of 4 protection control bytes, a copy protection byte, the factory byte, and two user
byte/manufacture ID bytes. The m anufacturer ID can be a customer-suppl ied identification code that assists the
application software in identifying the product the DS2431 is associated with. Contact the f actory to set up and
register a custom manufacturer ID. The last row is reserved for future use. It is undefined in terms of R/W
functionality and should not be use d.
In addition to the main EEPROM array, an 8-byte vo latile s cratchpa d is inc luded. Writes to the EEPROM arr ay are
a two-step process. First, da ta is written to the scratchpa d, and then copied into the m ain array. This allows the
user to first verif y the data written to s cratchpad pr ior to c opying into the m ain arra y. The device on ly supports full
row (8-byte) copy operations. In order for data in the scratchpad to be valid for a copy operation, the address
supplied with a Write Scratchpad must start on a row boundary, and 8 full bytes must be written into the
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DS2431: 1024-Bit, 1-Wire EEPRO M
The protection contr ol registers determine ho w incoming data on a write-scratchpad com mand is loaded into the
scratchpad. A protection setting of 55h (W rite Protect) causes the incoming data to be ingnored and t he target
address main memory data to be loaded into the scratchpad. A pr otection setting of AAh (EPROM Mode) c auses
the logical AND of incoming data and target address main memory data to be loaded into the scratchpad. Any
other protection control register setting leaves the associated m emory page open for unrestricted write access.
Protection control b yte settings of 55h or AAh also wr ite protect the protection control b yte. The prot ection-contro l
byte setting of 55h does n ot block the cop y. This allows write-protected data t o be refreshed ( i. e., reprogramm ed
with the current data) in the device.
The copy protection b yte is used for a higher level of security, and should only be used after all other protection
control bytes, user bytes, and writ e-protected pag es are set to their fin al value. If t he copy protec tion b yte is set to
55h or Aah, all copy attem pts to the register row and user byte row are block ed. In addition, all copy attem pts to
write-protected main memory pages (i. e., refresh) are blocked.
The DS2431 employs three address register s: T A1, TA2, and E/S (Figure 6) . T hes e r egist er s are c om mon to man y
other 1-Wire devices but operate slig htly differ ently with the D S2431. Register s TA1 and T A2 must be lo aded with
the target address to which the data is written or from which data is re ad. Register E/S is a read-only tr ansferstatus register, used to verify data integrity with write commands. ES bits E2:E0 are loaded with the incoming
T2:T0 on a write-scratchpad command, and increment on each subsequent data byte. This is in effect a byteending offset counter within the 8-b yte scratchpad. Bit 5 of the E/S register, cal led PF, is a logic 1 if the data in the
scratchpad is not va li d du e to a los s of po wer or if the master sends l es s b ytes tha n n eed ed to reach the end of the
scratchpad. For a valid wr ite to the s cratchpa d, T2:T 0 must be 0 and t he m aster mus t have sent 8 da ta bytes . Bits
3, 4, and 6 have no function; they always read 0. The highest valued bit of the E/S register, called AA or
Authorization Accepted, ac ts as a flag to indicat e that the data stor ed i n the sc ratchpa d has alre ad y been copi ed to
the target memory address. Writing data to the scratchpad clears this flag.
Figure 6. Address Registers
Bit #76543210
Target Address (TA1)T7T6T5T4T3T2T1T0
Target Address (TA2)T15T14T13T12T11T10T9T8
Ending Address with
Data Status (E/S)
(Read Only)
AA 0 PF 0 0E2E1E0
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