§ Access temperature, data, and device control through a 2-wire
§ Operates from 3V or 5V supplies
§ Packaging: 25-ball BGA
§ Operating temperature: -40°C to +100°C
§ Programming temperature: 0°C to +70°C
§ Three levels of security
§ 127 bytes EEPROM for security level 1
§ 128 bytes EEPROM for security level 2
§ Address space is GBIC compliant (with use of external EEPROM at device address A0h)
5 x 5 BGA (0.8mm pitch)
Top View
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DS1852B-00025-BALL BGA
The DS1852 transceiver monitor manages all system monitoring functions in a fiber optic data
transceiver module, in accordance with proposal SFF-8472. Its functions include 2-wire communications
with the host system, EEPROM memory for identification, tracking, and calibration, an ADC with four
muxing inputs, three fast comparators, and a temperature sensor to monitor an optical transceiver. The
DS1852 has programmable alarm and warning flags for all four analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion
values (three user analog inputs plus supply voltage) as well as the temperature. These conditions can be
used to determine critical parameters inside each module. The three fast comparators have temperaturecompensated programmability. The temperature dependencies of the trip points aid in assessing critical
The DS1852 is offered for sale free of any royalty or licensing fees. However, users should be aware that implementation of the SFF-8472
proposed specifications may require the use of an invention covered by patent rights. Since these patents relate to the SFF-8472 specification
and not to the DS1852 itself, licensing questions should be directed to Finisar Corp.
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NameBall LocationsDescription
VCC D2, D4, E3Power-Supply Terminal. The DS1852 will support supply voltages
ranging from +2.7V to +5.5V.
GND B3, C2, C4, D3 Ground Terminal
SDA B52-Wire Serial Data. The serial data pin is for serial data transfer to and
from the DS1852. The pin is open drain and may be wire-OR’ed with
other open-drain or open-collector interfaces.
SCL A52-Wire Serial Clock. The serial clock input is used to clock data into
the DS1852 on rising edges and clock data out on falling edges.
A3Analog Input Pin (Bias Value). Input to A/D.
Pin D1Analog Input Pin (Lower Level). Input to A/D.
Rin A2Analog Input Pin (Received Power). Input to A/D.
ASEL B2 Address Select Pin. If set to logic 0, the device address is A0h. If set to
logic 1, the value in Table 3, byte D0h determines the chip address
(factory default is A2h). For SFF-8472 compliance, this pin should be
connected high.
Din C5Digital Input Pin (TX Disable). Digital input for mirroring in memory
RSin B4Digital Input Pin (Rate Select). Digital input for mirroring in memory
E5Digital Input Pin (TX Fault). Digital input for mirroring in memory
A1Digital Input Pin (LOS). Digital input for mirroring in memory map.
NC A4, B1, C1, D5, No Connect
E1, E2, E4, C3
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To prevent accidental overwrites of key device data, a data lockout feature is incorporated. A 32-bit
password provides access to the “manufacturer” memory locations. These locations are in addition to the
unprotected “user” memory locations:
1) User—This is the default state after power-up; it allows read access to standard IEEE identity table
and standard monitoring and status functions.
2) Manufacturer Level 1—This allows access to customer data table and some selected setups (password
3) Manufacturer Level 2—This allows access to all memory, settings, and features (password 2).
The level 1 password is located in Table 03h EEPROM (bytes D3h to D6h) and may be changed by
gaining access through the level 2 password.
The level 2 password is set in protected EEPROM and is programmed during factory test.
During power-up, the 32-bit password entry (addresses 7Bh to 7Eh) is set to all 1s. This is the value that
is compared to the level 1 password entry in Table 03h to grant level 1 access. Therefore, the level 1
password should not be set to all 1s or the user will gain level 1 access after each power-on.
By default, both passwords are factory preset to 00h.
To gain access to a security level, a 4-byte password is written into Table 00h, bytes 7Bh to 7Eh. If the
written data matches one of the passwords, that corresponding level of access is granted until the
password entry is changed or the power is cycled. Entering the level 2 password allows access to both
the level 1 data and the level 2 data. The 4-byte password is write-only.
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The ADC reads a total of five inputs: VCC (internal), temperature (internal), and external inputs Bin, Pin,
and Rin. All conversions are updated every 13ms (nominal) or 20ms (max) in rotation. The conversions
are absolute and compared to an internal reference. While the 16-bit values are read, only the upper 12
are significant. The lower four bits are undefined.
The temperature and analog voltage inputs are calibrated by Dallas Semiconductor and read with the
following scale:
Temperature: High byte: -128°C to +127°C signed; low byte: 1/256°C. The lower four bits
should be ignored.
VCC: This reads as an unsigned 16-bit quantity at 100mV LSB, with a maximum range of
6.5535V, when using the factory default value. The lower four bits should be ignored.
Bin, P
: These read as an unsigned 16-bit quantity at 38.147mV LSB, with a maximum range
in, Rin
of 2.500V, when using factory default values. The lower four bits should be ignored.
Each analog input has a 16-bit scaling calibration in Table 03h EEPROM. This allows the analog
conversion values to be calibrated for full scale at any input voltage from 0.2V to 6.5535V. The ADC
conversion value will clamp rather than roll over. Each external analog channel has a maximum input
voltage of VCC independent of the calibration factor.
The upper four bits of scaling select the coarse range; the lower 12 bits are for fine adjustments. The
algorithm to trim the scale is described below.
The scaling factors for each input (VCC, VBin, VPin, and VRin) are 16 bits wide. They are located in
Table 03h at addresses C8h to CFh, respectively. The 16 bits are a combination of two trims. The lower
12 bits are binary weighted and give the high resolution trim for scaling the input to output relationship.
The upper four bits are a coarse-adjust of the lower 12 bits. In other words, the upper four bits scale the
LSB value of the binary weighted lower 12 bits.
As an illustration, assume a value of 1V is needed to read full scale. Force a voltage less than 1V
(975mV, for example) to keep clamping out of the way. The closer to max voltage the better, but not too
1) Set the scale trim to 0FFFh (the upper four bits to all zeros and the lower 12 bits to all ones).
2) Use a SAR approach on the upper four bits, starting with 1000b, to find the smallest 4-bit trim
necessary to cause the voltage reading to be above the input (in this case, greater than or equal to
975mV). If they all clamp, that is okay. That means 0000b is the needed value for the upper four
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bits. This step has now adjusted the LSB of the lower 12 bits so that the best possible trim is
acquired with the lower 12 bits.
If too high a value is used in the four bits, then the resolution of the 12 bits is too high and absolute
accuracy is sacrificed. If too low a value is used in the four bits, then the resolution of the 12 bits is too
small, so a maximum reading is not possible and a large gain error is present through the entire range.
Example code can be found near the end of this data sheet.
VCC is compared to an internal reference voltage, and if it is below VCC minimum, all internal logic and
outputs are held in their reset state. When VCC rises above VCC minimum, the system reset is released.
The DS1852 will not begin monitoring operations until VCC has risen above the analog minimum
voltage. However, communication on the 2-wire bus can occur at a V
minimum voltage. This allows access to the power-on logic bit located in Table 00h, address 6Eh, bit 0.
The analog minimum voltage is less than 2.7V but greater than the digital minimum voltage. Above the
analog minimum voltage, the DS1852 will begin to function in a predictable manner but will not satisfy
specifications until VCC is above 2.7V.
level lower than the analog
The DS1852 has a three-input muxing fast alarm comparator with a response time of less than 10µs for
each input. This provides a coarse but fast approximation of whether analog inputs Bin, P
and Rin are
above their temperature-dependent value. Each comparator has an 8-bit max value set in Table 03h,
address D8h to E7h. The trip point range is adjustable from 10mV to 2.5V. Each LSB is approximately
10mV. The outputs of these comparators are readable in Table 00h (alarm bytes 1 and 0) and may be
overwritten if their corresponding fast alarm override bit is set inTable 03h EEPROM.
The Bin alarm can be set to eight unique temperature-dependent trip values, which allows the user to set
trip points for different temperature ranges. The Pin/Rin fast alarms act similarly, but can only be set to
four unique temperature-dependent values. For more information, refer to Table 03h.
There are 10 alarm comparators for the five analog channels. There is a 'high alarm' comparator whose
output is active if the analog signal is above its threshold and a 'low alarm' comparator whose output is
active if the analog signal is below its threshold. These comparators have a 2-byte set point in the same
format as the analog converter data in Table 03h. The outputs of these comparators are readable in Table
00h (70h) and may be overwritten if their corresponding alarm override bit is set inTable 03h
The 10 warning comparators function the same way as the alarm comparators, but can be set to trip at
different levels. Typically, they would be set to trip prior to the alarm comparators. The set points are in
Table 03h and the outputs can be read from Table 00h.
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The four digital inputs (Din, RSin, Fin, and Lin) can be read through the 2-wire bus. The logic levels at
these inputs are mirrored in the “logic states” byte (6Eh) in Table 00h.
Clock and Data Transitions
The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external resistor or device. Data on the SDA pin may only
change during SCL low time periods. Data changes during SCL high periods will indicate a start or stop
conditions depending on the conditions discussed below. See Figure 2 for further details.
Start Condition
A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a start condition that must precede any other
command. See Figure 2 for further details.
Stop Condition
A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a stop condition. After a read sequence, the stop
command places the DS1852 into a low-power mode. See Figure 2 for further details.
Acknowledge Bit
All address bytes and data bytes are transmitted through a serial protocol. The DS1852 pulls SDA low
during the ninth clock pulse to acknowledge that it has received each word.
Standby Mode
The DS1852 features a low-power mode that is automatically enabled after power-on, after a stop
command, and after the completion of all internal operations.
2-Wire Interface Reset
After any interruption in protocol, power loss, or system reset, the following steps reset the DS1852:
1) Clock up to nine cycles.
2) Look for SDA high in each cycle while SCL is high.
3) Create a start condition while SDA is high.
Device Addressing
The DS1852 must receive an 8-bit device address word following a start condition to enable a specific
device for a read or write operation. The address word is clocked into the DS1852 MSB to LSB. The
address word defaults to A0h then the R/W (READ/WRITE) bit when ASEL is a logic zero. If the R/W
bit is high, a read operation is initiated. If R/W is low, a write operation is initiated. The device address
is changed to the internal chip address (Table 03h address D0h) when ASEL is logic one. The default
internal chip address from the factory is A2h.
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Write Operations
After receiving a matching address byte with the R/W bit set low, the device goes into the write mode of
operation. The master must transmit an 8-bit EEPROM memory address to the device to define the
address where the data is to be written. After the byte has been received, the DS1852 will transmit a zero
for one clock cycle to acknowledge the receipt of the address. The master must then transmit an 8-bit
data word to be written into this address. The DS1852 will again transmit a zero for one clock cycle to
acknowledge the receipt of the data. At this point the master must terminate the write operation with a
stop condition for the write to be initiated. If a start condition is sent in place of the stop condition, the
write is aborted and the data received during that operation is discarded. If the stop condition is received,
the DS1852 enters an internally timed write process (tw) to the EEPROM memory. The DS1852 will not
send an acknowledge bit for any 2-wire communication during the EEPROM write process.
The DS1852 is capable of an 8-byte page write. A page is any 8-byte block of memory starting with an
address evenly divisible by eight and ending with the starting address plus seven. For example,
addresses 00h through 07h constitute one page. Other pages would be addresses 08h through 0Fh, 10h
through 17h, 18h through 1Fh, etc.
A page write is initiated the same way as a byte write, but the master does not send a stop condition after
the first byte. Instead, after the slave has received the data byte, the master can send up to seven more
bytes using the same nine-clock sequence. The master must terminate the write cycle with a stop
condition or the data clocked into the DS1852 will not be latched into permanent memory.
The address counter rolls on a page during a write. The counter does not count through the entire
address space as during a read. For example, if the starting address is 06h and four bytes are written, the
first byte goes into address 06h. The second goes into address 07h. The third goes into address 00h (not
08h). The fourth goes into address 01h. If more than nine or more bytes are written before a stop
condition is sent, the first bytes sent are overwritten. Only the last eight bytes of data are written to the
Acknowledge Polling
Once the internally timed write has started and the DS1852 inputs are disabled, acknowledge polling can
be initiated. The process involves transmitting a start condition followed by the device address. The
R/W bit signifies the type of operation that is desired. The read or write sequence will only be allowed to
proceed if the internal write cycle has completed and the DS1852 responds with a zero.
Read Operations
After receiving a matching address byte with the R/W bit set high, the device goes into the read mode of
operation. There are three read operations: current address read, random read, and sequential address
The DS1852 has an internal address register that contains the address used during the last read or write
operation, incremented by one. This data is maintained as long as VCC is valid. If the most recent address
was the last byte in memory, then the register resets to the first address. This address stays valid between
operations as long as power is available.
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