AD0–AD7 – Multiplexed Address/Data Bus
N.C. – No Connection
MOT – Bus Type Selection
CS – Chip Select
AS – Address Strobe
W – Read/Write Input
DS – Data Strobe
RESET – Reset Input
IRQ – Interrupt Request Output
SQW – Square-Wave Output
– +5V Supply
GND – Ground
DS1288724 PDIP Module
Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published specifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device
may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For information about device errata, click here:
DS128870°C to +70°C
1 of 19073102
The DS12887 real-time clock (RTC) plus RAM is designed to be a direct replacement for the DS1287.
The DS12887 is identical in form, fit, and function to the DS1287, and has an additional 64 bytes of
general-purpose RAM. Access to this additional RAM space is determined by the logic level presented on
AD6 during the address portion of an access cycle. A lithium energy source, quartz crystal, and writeprotection circuitry are contained within a 24-pin dual in-line package. As such, the DS12887 is a
complete subsystem replacing 16 components in a typical application. The functions include a nonvolatile
time-of-day clock, an alarm, a 100-year calendar, programmable interrupt, square-wave generator, and
114 bytes of NV SRAM. The RTC is unique in that time-of-day and memory are maintained even in the
absence of power.
The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the pin connections with the major internal functions of the
DS12887. The following paragraphs describe the function of each pin.
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The RTC function continues to operate, and all of the RAM, time, calendar, and alarm memory locations
remain nonvolatile regardless of the level of the VCC input. When V
reaches a level of greater than 4.25V, the device becomes accessible after 200ms, provided that the
oscillator is running and the oscillator countdown chain is not in reset (Register A). This time period
allows the system to stabilize after power is applied. When V
internally forced to an inactive level regardless of the value of
falls below 4.25V, the chip-select input is
CS at the input pin. The DS12887 is,
therefore, write-protected. When the DS12887 is in a write-protected state, all inputs are ignored and all
outputs are in a high-impedance state. When V
falls below a level of approximately 3V, the external
VCC supply is switched off, and an internal lithium energy source supplies power to the RTC and the
RAM memory.
is applied to the DS12887 and
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GND, VCC – DC power is provided to the device on these pins. V
is the +5V input. When 5V are
applied within normal limits, the device is fully accessible and data can be written and read. When VCC is
below 4.25V typical, reads and writes are inhibited. However, the timekeeping function continues
unaffected by the lower input voltage. As VCC falls below 3V typical, the RAM and timekeeper are
switched over to an internal lithium energy source. The timekeeping function maintains an accuracy of ±1
minute per month at +25°C, regardless of the voltage input on the VCC pin.
MOT (Mode Select) – The MOT pin offers the flexibility to choose between two bus types. When
connected to V
, Motorola bus timing is selected. When connected to GND or left disconnected, Intel
bus timing is selected. The pin has an internal pulldown resistance of approximately 20kW.
SQW (Square-Wave Output) – The SQW pin can output a signal from one of 13 taps provided by the
15 internal divider stages of the RTC. The frequency of the SQW pin can be changed by programming
Register A, as shown in Table 1. The SQW signal can be turned on and off using the SQWE bit in
Register B. The SQW signal is not available when V
is less than 4.25V, typically.
AD0–AD7 (Multiplexed Bidirectional Address/Data Bus) – Multiplexed buses save pins because
address information and data information time-share the same signal paths. The addresses are present
during the first portion of the bus cycle and the same pins and signal paths are used for data in the second
portion of the cycle. Address/data multiplexing does not slow the access time of the DS12887 since the
bus change from address to data occurs during the internal RAM access time. Addresses must be valid
prior to the falling edge of AS/ ALE, at which time the DS12887 latches the address from AD0 to AD6.
Valid write data must be present and held stable during the latter portion of the DS or
WR pulses. In a
read cycle the DS12887 outputs 8 bits of data during the latter portion of the DS or RD pulses. The read
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cycle is terminated and the bus returns to a high-impedance state as DS transitions low in the case of
Motorola timing or as RD transitions high in the case of Intel timing.
AS (Address Strobe Input) – A positive-going address-strobe pulse serves to demultiplex the bus. The
falling edge of AS/ALE causes the address to be latched within the DS12887. The next rising edge that
occurs on the AS bus clears the address regardless of whether CS is asserted. Access commands should
be sent in pairs.
DS (Data Strobe or Read Input) – The DS/ RD pin has two modes of operation depending on the level
of the MOT pin. When the MOT pin is connected to VCC, Motorola bus timing is selected. In this mode,
DS is a positive pulse during the latter portion of the bus cycle and is called Data Strobe. During read
cycles, DS signifies the time that the DS12887 is to drive the bidirectional bus. In write cycles the trailing
edge of DS causes the DS12887 to latch the written data. When the MOT pin is connected to GND, Intel
bus timing is selected. In this mode the DS pin is called Read ( RD ). RD identifies the time period when
the DS12887 drives the bus with read data. The RD signal is the same definition as the output-enable
( OE ) signal on a typical memory.
R/ W (Read/Write Input) – The R/ W pin also has two modes of operation. When the MOT pin is
connected to VCC for Motorola timing, R/ W is at a level that indicates whether the current cycle is a read
or write. A read cycle is indicated with a high level on R/ W while DS is high. A write cycle is indicated
when R/ W is low during DS.
When the MOT pin is connected to GND for Intel timing, the R/ W signal is an active-low signal called
WR. In this mode, the R/ W pin has the same meaning as the write-enable signal ( WE ) on generic RAMs.
CS (Chip-Select Input) – The chip select signal must be asserted low for a bus cycle in the DS12887 to
be accessed. CS must be kept in the active state during DS and AS for Motorola timing and during RD
and WR for Intel timing. Bus cycles that take place without asserting CS latch addresses but no access
occur. When VCC is below 4.25V, the DS12887 internally inhibits access cycles by internally disabling
the CS input. This action protects both the RTC data and RAM data during power outages.
IRQ (Interrupt Request Output) – The IRQ pin is an active-low output of the DS12887 that can be
used as an interrupt input to a processor. The
IRQ output remains low as long as the status bit causing the
interrupt is present and the corresponding interrupt-enable bit is set. To clear the IRQ pin, the processor
program normally reads the C register. The
When no interrupt conditions are present, the
RESET pin also clears pending interrupts.
IRQ level is in the high-impedance state. Multiple
interrupting devices can be connected to an IRQ bus. The IRQ bus is an open drain output and requires an
external pullup resistor.
RESET (Reset Input) – The RESET pin has no affect on the clock, calendar, or RAM. On power-up, the
RESET pin can be held low for a time to allow the power supply to stabilize. The amount of time that
RESET is held low is dependent on the application. However, if RESET is used on power-up, the time
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RESET is low should exceed 200ms to ensure that the internal timer that controls the DS12887 on power-
up has timed out. When RESET is low and VCC is above 4.25V, the following occurs:
A) Periodic Interrupt Enable (PEI) bit is cleared to 0.
B) Alarm Interrupt Enable (AIE) bit is cleared to 0.
C) Update Ended Interrupt Flag (UF) bit is cleared to 0.
D) Interrupt Request Status Flag (IRQF) bit is cleared to 0.
E) Periodic Interrupt Flag (PF) bit is cleared to 0.
F) The device is not accessible until RESET is returned high.
G) Alarm Interrupt Flag (AF) bit is cleared to 0.
H) H. IRQ pin is in the high impedance state.
I) Square-Wave Output Enable ( SQWE ) bit is cleared to 0.
J) Update Ended Interrupt Enable (UIE) is cleared to 0.
In a typical application RESET can be connected to VCC. This connection allows the DS12887 to go in
and out of power fail without affecting any of the control registers.
The address map of the DS12887 is shown in Figure 2. The address map consists of 114 bytes of user
RAM; 10 bytes of RAM that contain the RTC time, calendar, and alarm data; and 4 bytes that are used for
control and status. All 128 bytes can be directly written or read except for the following:
1) Registers C and D are read-only.
2) Bit 7 of Register A is read-only.
3) The high-order bit of the seconds byte is read-only.
The contents of four registers (A, B, C, and D) are described in the Registers section.
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