Rainbow Electronics BA3170 User Manual

Regulator ICs
Trickle-charge IC for two-cell, lithium-ion batteries
The BA3170 is a trickle-charge IC developed for two-cell, lithium-ion batteries.The IC includes a charge control circuit, a charge output transistor, and an LED driver for showing the charging status.
Applications Lithium-ion (two cell) battery chargers, and charging circuits
1) Output voltage can be varied using an external resis­tor.
2) The output pin is PNP output with low saturation volt­age.
3) Built-in output current limiting circuit protects batter­ies from excessive current, and prevents destruction of the IC due to output shorts. The initial charge current is set to a low value (the cur­rent limit pin voltage can be used to vary the current limit value).
4) Pulse charging at over 99% of the final voltage.
5) Built-in over-discharge battery return circuit.
6) Built-in charge fault protection circuit.
7) Built-in over-voltage battery operation circuit.
8) Built-in LED output for charge display (two outputs).
9) 12-pin power package provides large power dissipa­tion in a compact package.
10) Temperature protection circuit prevents thermal de­struction of the IC.
Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25C)
Recommended operating conditions (Ta = 25C)
Regulator ICs BA3170
Block diagram
Regulator ICs BA3170
Pin descriptions
Electrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25C, V
CC = 12V, R1 = 58.7k, R2 = 10kΩ)
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