• AVR – High-performance and Low-power RISC Architecture
– 120 Powerful Instructions – Most Single Clock Cycle Execution
– 32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
– Fully Static Operation
• Data and Non-volatile Program and Data Memories
– 2K Bytes of In-System Self Programmable Flash
Endurance 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles
– 128 Bytes In-System Programmable EEPROM
Endurance: 100,000 Write/Erase Cycles
– 128 Bytes Internal SRAM
– Programming Lock for Flash Program and EEPROM Da ta Security
• Peripheral Features
– One 8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler
– One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler,
Compare, Capture Modes and Two PWM Channels
– On-chip Analog Comparator
– Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
– USI – Universal Serial Interface
– Full Duplex UART
• Special Microcontroller Features
– debugWIRE On-chip Debugging
– In-System Programmable via SPI Port
– External and Internal Interrupt Sources
– Low-power Idle, Power-down, and Standby Modes
– Enhanced Power-on Reset Circuit
– Programmable Brown-out Detection Circuit
– Internal Calibrated Oscillator
with 2K Bytes
Pin Configurations
Figure 1. Pinout ATtiny2313
2543A–AVR–0 8/ 0 3
Rev. 2543A– A VR –0 8/ 03
OverviewThe ATtiny2313 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR
enhanced RISC architecture. By executing powerful instructions in a single clock cycle,
the ATtiny2313 achieves throughputs appr oaching 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system
designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.
Block Diagram
Figure 2. Block Diagram
PA0 - PA 2
PB0 - PB7
PD0 - PD6
The AVR core combines a ric h instr uctio n set wit h 32 general purpose worki ng regi sters .
All the 32 regi sters are dire ctly conn ected to the Arithm etic Logic U nit (A LU), all owing
two independent regist ers t o be acces sed i n one sing le inst ructi on execut ed in one clo ck
cycle. The resulting arc hitect ur e is more code eff icient whil e achievi ng throug hput s up to
ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.
The ATtiny2313 provides the fol lowing features: 2K bytes of In-System Programm able
Flash, 128 bytes EEPROM, 128 bytes SRAM, 18 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general
purpose wo rking re giste rs, a singl e-wire Inte rface f or O n-chip Debu ggi ng, two fle xible
Timer/Counters with compare modes, internal and external interrupts, a serial programmable USART, Universal Serial Int erface wi th Star t Condition Detector , a progra mmable
Watchdog Timer with internal Oscillator, and three sof tware sele ctable p ower savin g
modes. The Idle m ode stops the CPU whil e allowing the SRAM, Ti mer/Cou nters, and
interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down mode saves the register contents but freezes the Oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next interrupt
or hardware reset. In Standby mode, the cryst al/resonator Oscillator is running while t he
rest of the devic e is sleeping . This allo ws very fast sta rt-up com bined with low-pow er
The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density non-volatile memory technology.
The On-chip ISP Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed In-System
through an SPI serial interface, or by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer.
By combining an 8-bit RISC CPU with In-System Self-Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel ATtiny2313 is a powerful microcontroller that provides a highly
flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications.
The ATtiny2313 AVR is supported with a full suite of program and system development
tools including: C Compilers, Macro Assemblers, Program Debugger/Simulators, In-Circuit Emulators, and Evaluation kits.
Pin Descriptions
VCCDigital supply voltage.
Port A (PA2..PA0)Port A is a 3-bit bi-directional I/O port with in ternal pull-up resistors (sel ected for each
bit). The Port A output buf fers have symmetrical drive char acteristics with both high sink
and source capability. As inputs, Por t A pins that are externally p ulled low w ill source
current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port A pins are tri-stated when a reset
condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.
Port A also serves the functions of various special features of the ATtiny2313 as listed
on page 54.
Port B (PB7..PB0)Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected for each
bit). The Port B output buf fers have symmetrical drive char acteristics with both high sink
and source capability. As inputs, Por t B pins that are externally p ulled low w ill source
current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port B pins are tri-stated when a reset
condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.
Port B also serves the functions of various special features of the ATtiny2313 as listed
on page 54.
Port D (PD6..PD0)Port D is a 7-bit bi-direct ional I/O port w ith intern al pull-up resistor s (selected for each
bit). The Port D output buffers have symmetri cal drive character ist ics with both high sink
and source capability. As inputs, Port D pins that are externally pulled low will source
current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port D pins are tri-stated when a reset
condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.
Port D also serves the functions of various special features of the ATtiny2313 as listed
on page 57.
XTAL1Input to the inverting Oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.
XTAL2Output from the inverting Oscillator amplifier. XTAL2 is an alternate fun cti on for PA1.
About Code
Reset input. A low level on this pin for longer than the minimum pulse length will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. The minimum pulse length is given in Table
15 on page 35. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to generate a reset. The Reset Input
is an alternate function for PA2 and dW.
XTAL1 is an alternate function for PA0.
This documentation contai ns simpl e code examples that bri efly show how to use var ious
parts of the device. These cod e example s assume tha t the part speci fic header file is
included before compilation. Be aware that not all C compiler vendors include bit definitions in the header files and interrupt handling in C is compiler dependent. Please
confirm with the C compiler documentation for more details.
DisclaimerTypical values contained in this data sheet are based on simulations and characteriza-
tion of other AVR microcontrollers manufactured on the same process technology. Min
and Max values will be available after the device is characterized.
IntroductionThis section discusses the AV R core architecture in general. The main function of the
CPU core is to e nsu re corre ct program exec ution. The CP U mu st there fore b e abl e to
access memories, perform cal culations, control peripher als, and handle interrupts.
Architectual OverviewFigure 3. Block Diagram of the AVR Architecture
Data Bus 8-bit
Control Lines
Direct Addressing
and Control
32 x 8
Indirect Addressing
I/O Module1
I/O Module 2
I/O Module n
I/O Lines
In order to maximize per formance and parallelism, the AVR uses a Harvard architecture
– with separate memories and buses for program and data. Instructions in the program
memory are executed with a single level pipelining. While one instruction is being executed, the next instruction is pre-fetched from the program memory. This concept
enables instructions to be executed in every clock cycle. The program memory is InSystem Reprogrammable Flash memory.
The fast-access Regist er File contains 32 x 8-bit general purpose working registers with
a single clock cycle a ccess time. This a llows single -cycle Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
operation. In a typical AL U operation, two operands are out put from the Registe r File,
the operation is executed, and the result is stored back in the Register File – in one
clock cycle.
Six of the 32 registers can be used as three 16-bit indirect address register pointers for
Data Space addressing – enabling efficient address calculations. One of the these
address pointers can also be used as an addres s pointer for look up ta bles in Flash program memory. These adde d function registers are the 1 6-bit X-, Y-, and Z-register,
described later in t his section.
The ALU supports arithmetic and logic operations between registers or between a constant and a register. Single register operations can also be executed in the ALU. After
an arithmetic operation, the St atus Regist er is updat ed to reflect i nformation a bout the
result of the operation.
Program flow is provided by conditional and unconditional jump and call instructions,
able to directly address the whole address space. Most AVR instructions have a single
16-bit word format. Every program memory address contains a 16- or 32-bit instruction.
During interrupts and subroutine cal ls, the return address Program Counter (PC) is
stored on the Stack . Th e Stac k is effectiv ely al locat ed in t he general data SRAM , a nd
consequently the Stack size is only limited by the total SRAM size and the usage of the
SRAM. All user programs must initialize the SP in the Reset routine (bef ore subroutines
or interrupts are exe cuted). The S tack Pointer (SP ) is read/wri te accessible in the I/O
space. The data SRAM can easily be accessed through the five different addressing
modes supported in the AVR architecture.
The memory spaces in the AVR architecture are all linear and regular memory maps.
ALU – Arithmetic Logic
A flexible inte rrupt modu le has its con trol regist ers in the I/O space with an additio nal
Global Interrupt Enabl e bit in the St atus Regis ter. All i nterr upts have a sep arat e Interrup t
Vector in the Interrupt Vector table. The interrupts have priority in accordance with their
Interrupt Vector pos ition. The lower the Interrupt Vect or address, the higher the priorit y.
The I/O memory space contains 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions as Control
Registers, and other I/O functions. The I/O Memory can be accessed directly, or as the
Data Space locations following thos e of the Regi ster File, 0x20 - 0x5F.
The high-performance AVR ALU operates in direct connection with all the 32 general
purpose worki ng register s. Withi n a single cl ock cycle, arithmet ic operat ions betw een
general purp ose regis ters or be tween a re giste r and an imme diate ar e ex ecuted . T he
ALU operations are divided i nto three main categories – ari thmet ic, logical, and bit-functions. Some implementations of the architecture also provide a powerful multiplier
supporting both signed/unsi gned m ultiplic ation and fractio nal format. See the “Ins truction Set” section for a detailed description.
Status RegisterThe Status Register contains information about the result of the most recently executed
arithmetic instruction. This information can be used for altering program flow in order to
perform conditi onal opera tions. Note that the Stat us Registe r is update d after all AL U
operations, as specified in the Instruction Set Reference. This will in many cases
remove the need for using the dedicated compare instructions, resulting in faster and
more compact code.
The Status Register is not a utomaticall y stored wh en ent ering an i nterrupt routine and
restored when returning from an interrupt. This must be handled by software.
The Global Interrupt Enable bit must be set for the interrupts to be enabled. The individual interrupt enable control is then performed in separate control registers. If the Global
Interrupt Enable Register is cleared, none of the interrupts are enabled independent of
the individual interrupt enable sett ings. The I-bit is cl eared by hardwar e after an in terrup t
has occurred, and is set by the RETI instruction to enable subsequent interrupts. The Ibit can also be set and cleared by the application with the SEI and CLI instructions, as
described in the instruction set reference.
• Bit 6 – T: Bit Copy Storage
The Bit Copy instructions BLD (Bit LoaD) and BST (Bit STore) use the T-bit as sour ce or
destination for the operated bit. A bit from a register in the Reg ister File can be copied
into T by the BST instruction, and a bit i n T can be copied into a b it in a reg ister in the
Register File by the BLD instruct ion.
• Bit 5 – H: Half Car ry F la g
The Half Carry Flag H indicates a Half Carry in some arith metic opera tions. Half Carry Is
useful in BCD arithmetic. See the “Instru cti on Set Description” for detailed information.
• Bit 4 – S: Sign Bit, S = N
⊕ V
The S-bit is always an exclusive or between the negative flag N and the Two’s Complement Overflow Flag V. See the “Instruction Set Descr iption” for detailed information.
• Bit 3 – V: Two’s Complement Overflow Flag
The Two’s C omplem ent O verflow Fla g V s upports two’s compl eme nt a rithmet ics. S ee
the “Instruction Set Descr iption” for detailed information.
• Bit 2 – N: Negative Flag
The Negative Flag N indicates a negative result in an arithmetic or logic operation. See
the “Instruction Set Descr iption” for detailed information.
• Bit 1 – Z: Zero Flag
The Zero Flag Z indicates a zero result i n an arith metic or logic operation. S ee the
“Instruction Set Description” for detailed information.
• Bit 0 – C: Carry Flag
The Carry Flag C indicates a carry in an arithmetic or logic operation. See the “Instruction Set Description” for detailed information.
General Purpose
Register File
The Register F ile is optim ized f or the A VR E nhanc ed RIS C in struction set. I n orde r to
achieve the required performance and flexibility, the following input/output schemes are
supported by the Register File:
•One 8-bit output operand and one 8-bit result input
•Two 8-bit output operands and one 8-bit result input
•Two 8-bit output operands and one 16-bit result input
•One 16-bit output operand and one 16-bit result input
Figure 4 shows the structure of the 32 general purpose working registers in the CPU.
Figure 4. AVR CPU General Purpose Working Registers
R260x1AX-register Low Byte
R270x1BX-register High Byte
R280x1CY-register Low Byte
R290x1DY-register High Byte
R300x1EZ-register Low Byte
R310x1FZ-register High Byte
Most of the instruction s operati ng on the Regist er File have di rec t access to al l regi sters ,
and most of them are single cycle instructions.
As shown in Figure 4, each register is also assigned a data memory address, mapping
them directly into the first 32 locations of the user Data Space. Although not being physically implemented as SRAM locations, t his memory organizati on provides great
flexibility in acces s of the regi sters, as the X-, Y- and Z -pointe r registe rs can b e s et to
index any register in the file.
The X-register, Y- regi ster, and
The registers R26..R31 have some added functions to their general purpose usage.
These registers are 16-bit address pointers for indirect addressing of the data space.
The three indirect address registers X, Y, and Z are defined as described in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The X-, Y-, and Z-registers
R27 (0x1B)R26 (0x1A)
R29 (0x1D)R28 (0x1C)
R31 (0x1F)R30 (0x1E)
In the different addressi ng mode s these ad dress registe rs have f unctions as f ixed di splacement, autom atic increment, and aut omatic decreme nt (see the instruction set
reference for details).
Stack PointerThe Stack is mainly used for storing temp orary data, for storing l ocal variables and for
storing return addresses after interrupts and subroutine calls. The Stack Pointer Register always points to the top of the Stack. Note that the Stack is implemented as growing
from higher memory locati ons to lower mem ory locations. This implies that a Stack
PUSH command decreases the Stack Pointer.
The Stack Pointer points to the data SRAM Stack area where the Subroutine and Interrupt Stacks are located. This Stack space in the data SRAM must be defined by the
program before any subroutine calls are executed or interrupts are enabled. The Stack
Pointer must be set to point a bove 0x60. The Stack Poi nter is decremented by one
when data is pushed ont o the Stack with the PUSH instruction, and it is decremented by
two when the return address is pushed onto the Stack with subroutine call or interrupt.
The Stack Pointer is incremented by one when dat a is popped f rom the Stack with the
POP instruction, and it is incremented by two when data is popped from the Stack with
return from subroutine RET or return from interrupt RETI.
The AVR Stack Pointer is implemented as two 8-bit registers in the I/O space. The number of bits actually used i s implementation dependent. Note that the data space in some
implementations of the AVR architecture is so small that only SPL is needed. In this
case, the SPH Register will not be present.
Bit1514131211109 8
Initial Value00000000
Instruction Execution
This section describes the gener al access timing conc epts for i nstruct ion execut ion. The
AVR CPU is driven by the CPU clock clk
, directly generated from the selected clock
source for the chip. No internal clock division is used.
Figure 6 shows the parallel instructi on fetches and instruc tion exec utions enab led by the
Harvard architecture and the fast-access Register Fil e concept. This is the basic pipelining concept t o obtain up t o 1 M IPS p er MH z with t he co rrespondin g u nique res ults for
functions per cost, functions per clocks, and functions per power-unit.
Figure 6. The Parallel Instruc ti on Fetches and Instruction Executions
1st Instruction Fetch
1st Instruction Execute
2nd Instruction Fetch
2nd Instruction Execute
3rd Instruction Fetch
3rd Instruction Execute
4th Instruction Fetch
Figure 7 shows the internal timing concept for the Register File. In a single clock cycle
an ALU operation using two register operands is executed, and the result is stored back
to the destination regis ter.
Reset and Interrupt
Figure 7. Single Cycle ALU Operation
Total Execution Time
Register Operands Fetch
ALU Operation Execute
Result Write Back
The AVR provides several different interrupt sources. These interrupts and the separate
Reset Vector each have a separate program vector in t he program memo ry space. Al l
interrupts are assigned indi vidual en able bits w hich must b e wr itten logic one together
with the Global Interrupt Enable bit in t he Status Register in order to enable the interrupt .
The lowest addresses in the p rogram memory spa ce are by def ault def ined as t he Rese t
and Interrupt Vectors. The complete list of vectors is shown in “Interrupts” on page 45.
The list also determines the priori ty levels of the different interrupts. The lower the
address the higher is the priority level. RESET has the highest priority, and next is INT0
– the External Inte rrupt Request 0. Ref er to “ Inter rupts” on page 45 for more i nformat ion .
When an interrupt occurs, the Global In terrupt Enab le I-bit is cleared and al l interrupts
are disabled. The user softw are ca n wri te logi c on e to the I-bit t o en able n este d int errupts. All enabled interrupts can then i nterrupt the current interrupt routine. The I-bit is
automatically set when a Return from Interrupt instruction – RETI – is executed.
There are basicall y two types of inter rupts. The first type is triggered by an event that
sets the interrupt flag. For these interrupts, the P rogram Counter i s vectored to the
actual Interrupt Vector in order to execute the interrupt handling routine, and hardware
clears the corresponding interrupt flag. Interrupt flags can also be cleared by writing a
logic one to the flag bi t posi tion( s) to be c leared. If an i nterr upt condi tion oc curs whil e the
corresponding interru pt ena ble bit is cleared , the inte rrupt flag w ill be set an d rem embered until the interrupt is enabled, or the flag is cleared by software. Similarly, if one or
more interrupt conditions occur while the Global Interrupt Enable bit is cleared, the corresponding interrupt flag(s) will be set and remembered until th e Global Interrupt Enable
bit is set, and will then be executed by order of pri ority.
The second type of interrupts will trigger as long as the interrupt condition is present.
These interrupts do not necessarily have interrupt flags. If the interrupt condition disappears before the interrupt is enabled, the interrupt will not be tri ggered.
When the AVR exits from an interrupt, it will always return to the main pr ogram and execute one more instruction before any pending interrupt is served.
Note that the Status Register is not automatically stored when entering an interrupt routine, nor restored when returning from an interrupt routine. This must be handled by
When using the CLI instruction to disable interrupts, the interrupts will be immediately
disabled. No interrupt wil l be executed after the CLI instruction, even if it occ urs simultaneously with the CLI instruction. The following example shows how this can be used to
avoid interrupts during the timed EEPROM write sequence..
Assembly Code Example
in r16, SREG; store SREG value
cli ; disable interrupts during timed sequence
sbi EECR, EEMWE; start EEPROM write
out SREG, r16; restore SREG value (I-bit)
C Code Example
char cSREG;
cSREG = SREG; /* store SREG value */
/* disable interrupts during timed sequence */
EECR |= (1<<EEMWE); /* start EEPROM write */
EECR |= (1<<EEWE);
SREG = cSREG; /* restore SREG value (I-bit) */
When using the SEI instruction to enable interrupts, the instruction following SEI will be
executed before any pending inter rupt s, as shown in this example.
Assembly Code Example
sei; set Global Interrupt Enable
sleep ; enter sleep, waiting for interrupt
; note: will enter sleep before any pending
; interrupt(s)
C Code Example
_SEI(); /* set Global Interrupt Enable */
_SLEEP(); /* enter sleep, waiting for interrupt */
/* note: will enter sleep before any pending interrupt(s) */
Interrupt Response TimeThe interrupt execution response for all the enabled AVR interrupts is four clock cycles
minimum. After four clock cycles the program vector address for the actual interrupt
handling routine is executed. During this four clock cycle period, the Program Counter is
pushed onto the Stack. The vect or i s normall y a jum p to t he int errupt routin e, and thi s
jump takes three clock cycles. If an interrupt occurs during execution of a multi-cycle
instruction, this instruction is completed before the interrupt is served. If an interrupt
occurs when the MCU is in sleep mode, the interrupt execution response time is
increased by four clock cycles. This increase comes in additio n to the st art-up time from
the selected sleep mode.
A return from an interrupt handling routine takes four clock cycles. During these four
clock cycles, t he Program Counter (two bytes) is popped back from the St ack, the Stack
Pointer is incremented by two, and the I-bit in SREG is set.
AVR ATtiny2313
Reprogrammable Flash
Program Memory
This section describes the different memories in the ATtiny2313. The AVR architecture
has two main memory spaces, the Data Memory and the Program Memory space. In
addition, the ATtiny2313 features an EEPROM Memory for data storage. All three memory spaces are linear and regular.
The ATtiny2313 contains 2K bytes On-chip In-System Reprogrammable Flash memory
for program storage. Since all AVR instr uctions are 16 or 32 bi ts wide, the Flash is organized as 1K x 16.
The Flash me mory has an endurance of at least 10 ,000 write/erase cycles. The
ATtiny2313 Program Counter (PC) is 10 bits wide, thus addressing the 1K program
memory locations. “Memory Programming” on page 160 contains a detailed description
on Flash data serial downloading using the SPI pins.
Constant tables can be allocated within the entire program memory address space (see
the LPM – Load Program Memory instruction description) .
Timing diagrams for instruction fetch and execution are presented in “Instruction Execution Timing” on page 10.
Figure 8. Program Memory Map
Program Memory
SRAM Data MemoryFigure 9 shows how the ATtiny2313 SRAM Memory is organized.
The lower 224 data memory locations address bot h the Regi ster File, the I/O mem ory,
Extended I/O memo ry, and the internal data SR AM. The first 32 locations address the
Register File, the next 64 location the standard I/O memory, and the next 128 locations
address the internal data SRAM.
The five dif ferent addressing modes for the data memory cover: Direct, Indire ct with Displacement, Indirect, Indirect with Pre-decrement, and Indirect with Post-increment. In
the Register File, registers R26 to R31 feature the indirect addressing pointer registers.
The direct addressing rea ches the entire data space.
The Indirect with Displacement mode reaches 63 address locations from the base
address given by the Y- or Z-register.
When using register indirect addressing modes with automatic pre-decrement and post-
increment, the address regis ter s X, Y, and Z are decremented or incremented.
The 32 general purpose working registers, 64 I/O Registers, and the 128 bytes of inter-
nal data SRAM in the ATtiny2313 are all accessible through all these addressing
modes. The Register File is described in “General Purpose Register File” on page 8.
Figure 9. Data Memory Map
Data Memory
32 Registers
64 I/O Registers
Internal SRAM
(128 x 8)
0x0000 - 0x001F
0x0020 - 0x005F
Data Memory Access TimesThis section describes the general access timing concepts for internal memory access.
The internal data SRAM access is performed in two clk
Figure 10. On-chip Data SRAM Access Cycles
Compute Address
Address valid
cycles as described in Figure
Memory Access Instruction
Next Instruction
EEPROM Data MemoryThe ATtiny2313 contains 128 bytes of data EEPROM memory. It is organized as a sep-
arate data space, in which single bytes can be read and written. The EEPROM has an
enduranc e of at lea st 100, 000 write /erase cycle s. The acc ess be tween th e EEPR OM
and the CPU is described in the following, specifying the EEPROM Address Registers,
the EEPROM Data Register, and the EEPROM Control Register. For a detailed description of Serial data downloading to the EEPROM, see page 173.
EEPROM Read/Write AccessThe EEPROM Access Registers are accessible in the I/O space.
The write access time for the EEPROM is given in Table 1. A self-timing function, however, lets the us er softw are detec t wh en the n ext b yte can be written. If the u ser code
contains instructions that write the EEPROM, some precautions must be taken. In
heavily filtered power suppl ies, V
causes the device for some period of time to run at a voltage lower than specified as
minimum for the clock frequency used. See “Preventing EEPROM Corruption” on page
20. for details on how to avoid problems in these situations.
is likely to rise or fall slowly on power-up/down. This
In order to prevent unintenti onal EEPROM writes, a specific wr ite pro cedure must be f ollowed. Refer to the description of the EEPROM Control Register for details on this.
When the EEPROM is read, the CPU i s halted for four clock cycles before the next
instruction is execut ed. Wh en the E EPRO M is w ritten, the CPU is h alted fo r two cl ock
cycles before the next instr u ction is executed.
This bit is reserved in the ATtiny2313 and will always read as zero.
• Bits 6..0 – EEAR6..0: EEPROM Address
The EEPROM Address Register – EEAR specify the EEPROM address in the 128 bytes
EEPROM space. The EEPROM data bytes are addressed linearly between 0 and 127.
The initial value of EEAR is undefined. A proper value must be written before the
EEPROM may be accessed.
For the EEPROM write operation, the EEDR Register contains the data to be written to
the EEPROM in the address given by the EEAR Register. For the EEPROM read operation, the EEDR contains the data read out from the EEPROM at the address given by
The EEPROM Program ming mode bits setting def ines which prog ramming action that
will be triggered when writing EEPE. It is possible to program data in one atomic operation (erase the old value and program the new value) or to split the Erase and Write
operations in two differen t operations. T he Program ming times for the different m odes
are shown in Table 1. While EEPE is set, any write to EEPMn will be ignored. During
reset, the EEPMn bits will be reset to 0b00 unless the EEPROM is busy programming.
Table 1. EEPROM Mode Bits
003.4 msErase and Write in one operation (Atomic Operation)
Table 1. EEPROM Mode Bits
011.8 msErase Only
101.8 msWrite Only
11–Reserved for future use
• Bit 3 – EERIE: EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable
Writing EERIE to one enables the EEPROM Ready Interrupt if the I-bit in SREG is set.
Writing EERIE to zero disables the interrupt. The EEPROM Ready Interrupt generates a
constant interrupt when Non-volatile memory is ready for programming.
• Bit 2 – EEMPE: EEPROM Master Program Enable
The EEMPE bit determines whether writing EEPE to one will have effect or not.
When EEMPE is set, setting EEPE within four clock cycles wi ll program the EEPROM at
the selected address. If EEMPE is zero, setting EEPE will have no effect. When EEMPE
has been written to one by software, hardware clears the bit to zero after four clock
• Bit 1 – EEPE: EEPROM Program Enable
The EEPR OM P rog ram Enabl e S ignal EE PE is th e pr ogram ming enab le sign al t o the
EEPROM. When EEPE is written, the EEPROM will be programmed according to the
EEPMn bits setting. The EEMPE bit must be written to one before a logical one is written to EEPE, otherwis e no EEPROM write takes pl ace. When the write a ccess time has
elapsed, the EEP E bit is cleared by hardwa re. When EEPE has been set , the CPU is
halted for two cycles before the next instruction is executed.
• Bit 0 – EERE: EEPROM Read Enable
The EEPROM Read Enable Signal – EERE – is the read strobe to the EEPROM. When
the correct address is set up in the EEAR Register, the EERE bit must be written to one
to trigger the EEPROM read. The EEPROM read access takes one instruction, and the
requested data is available immediately. When the EEPROM is read, the CPU is halted
for four cycles before the next instruction is executed. The user should poll the EEPE bit
before starting th e read operati on. If a write oper at ion is in progress, it i s ne ither possi ble
to read the EEPROM, nor to change the EEAR Register.
Atomic Byte ProgrammingUsing Atomic B yte Prog ramming is the si mplest mo de. When writin g a byte to the
EEPROM, the user must write the address into the EEAR Register and data into EEDR
Register. If the EEPMn bits are zero, writing EEPE (wi thin four cycles after EEMPE is
written) will trigger the erase/write operation. Both the erase and write cycle are done in
one operation and the total programming time is given in Table 1. The EEPE bit remains
set until the erase and write operations are completed. While the device is busy with
programming, it is not possible to do any other EEPROM operations.
Split Byte ProgrammingIt is possible to split the erase and wri te cycle in two d ifferent operations. Th is may be
useful if the system requires short access time for some limited period of time (typically
if the power supply voltage fal ls). In order to t ake advantage of this method, it is req uired
that the locations to be w ritten have be en eras ed before the write op eration. But si nce
the erase and write op erations are split, it is possi ble to do t he erase o perations w hen
the system allows doing time-cons uming operations (typically after Power-up).
EraseTo erase a byte, the address must be written to EEAR. If the EEPMn bits are 0b01, writ-
ing the EEPE (within four cycles after EEMPE is written) will trigger the erase operation
only (programming time is given in Table 1). The EEPE bit remai ns set until the erase
operation completes. While the device is busy programming, it is not possible to do any
other EEPROM operations.
WriteTo write a location, the user must write the address into EEAR and the data into EEDR.
If the EEPMn bits are 0b10, wri ti ng the EEPE (within four cycles after EEMPE is written)
will trigger the write operation only (programming time is give n in Table 1). The EE PE
bit remains set until the write o peration co mpletes . If the l ocation to be writ ten has not
been erased before write, the data that is stored must be considered as lost. While the
device is busy with programming, it is not possible to do any other EEPROM operations.
The calibrated Oscillator is used to time the EEPROM accesses. Make sure the Oscillator frequency is with in the requirements desc ribed in “Oscillator C alibration R egister –
OSCCAL” on page 26.
The following code examples show one assembly and on e C function for writing to the
EEPROM. The examples assume t hat interrupts are controlled (e.g. by disabling interrupts globally) so that no interrupts will occur during execution of these functions.
Assembly Code Example
; Wait for completion of previous write
rjmp EEPROM_write
; Set up address (r17) in address register
out EEAR, r17
; Write data (r16) to data register
out EEDR,r16
; Write logical one to EEMWE
; Start eeprom wri te by setting EEWE
C Code Example
void EEPROM_write(uns igned int uiAddress, unsigned char ucData)
/* Wait for completion of previous write */
while(EECR & (1<<EEWE))
/* Set up address and data registers */
EEAR = uiAddress;
EEDR = ucData;
/* Write logical one to EEMWE */
EECR |= (1<<EEMWE);
/* Start eeprom write by setting EEWE */
EECR |= (1<<EEWE);
The next code examples show assembly and C functions for reading the EEPROM. The
examples assume that interru pts are controlled so that no interrupts will occur during
execution of these functions.
Assembly Code Example
; Wait for completion of previous write
rjmp EEPROM_read
; Set up address (r17) in address register
out EEAR, r17
; Start eeprom read by writing EERE
; Read data from data register
in r16,EEDR
C Code Example
unsigned char EEPROM_read(unsigned int uiAddress)
/* Wait for completion of previous write */
while(EECR & (1<<EEWE))
/* Set up address reg ister */
EEAR = uiAddress;
/* Start eeprom read by writing EERE */
EECR |= (1<<EERE);
/* Return data from data register */
return EEDR;
Preventing EEPROM
During periods of low V
the EEPROM data can be corrupted because the supply volt-
age is too low for the CPU and the EEPROM to operate properly. These issues are the
same as for board level systems using EEPROM, and the same design solutions should
be applied.
An EEPROM data corruption can be caused by two situations wh en the voltage is too
low. First, a regular write sequence to t he EEPROM requires a minimum volt age to
operate correctly. Second ly, the CPU itself can execute ins tructions incorrectly , if the
supply voltage is too low.
EEPROM da ta corruption can easily be avoided by fol lowing this design
Keep the AVR RESET ac tive (low) during periods of insuf ficient power supp ly voltage.
This can be do ne by enab ling the i nternal B rown- out Detect or (BOD). If the de tection
level of the internal BOD does not match the needed detection level, an external low
reset Protecti on circ uit ca n be used. If a re set occurs w hile a write ope ration i s in
progress, the write oper ation will be compl et ed provide d that the power supply voltage i s
I/O MemoryThe I/O space definition of the ATtiny2313 is shown in “Register Summary” on page
All ATtiny2313 I/Os and peripherals are place d in the I/O space. All I/O loc ations may be
accessed by the LD/LDS/LDD and ST/STS/STD instructions, transferring data between
the 32 general purpose working registers and the I/O space. I/O Registers within the
address range 0x00 - 0x1F are directly bit-accessible using the SBI and CBI instructions. In these registers, the value of single bits can be checked by using the SBIS and
SBIC instructions. Refer to the instruction set section for more details. When using the
I/O specific c ommand s IN and OUT, t he I/O ad dresses 0x 00 - 0 x3F mus t be used.
When addressing I/O Registers as data space using LD and ST instructions, 0x20 must
be added to these addresses.
For compatibility wit h future devices, reserved bits should be writ ten to zero if accessed.
Reserved I/O memory addresses should never be written.
Some of the status flags a re cleared by writing a l ogical one to them. Note that, u nlike
most other AVRs, the CBI and SBI instructions wi ll only operate on the specified bit, and
can therefore be used on registers containing such status flags. The CBI and SBI
instructions work with registers 0x00 to 0x1F only.
The I/O and peripherals control registers are explained in later sections.
General Purpose I/O Registers The ATtiny2313 contains three General Purpose I/O Registers. These registers can be
used for storing any information, and they are particularly useful for storing global variables and status flags. General Purpose I/O Registers within the address range 0x00 0x1F are directly bit-accessible using the SBI, CBI, SBIS, and SBIC instructions.
Figure 11 presen ts the princip al clo ck system s in the AV R and the ir distributi on. All of
the clocks need not be active at a given time. In order to redu ce power consump tion, the
clocks to modules not being used can be halted by using different sleep modes, as
described in “Power Management and Sleep Modes” on page 30. The clock systems
are detailed below.
Figure 11. Clock Distribution
General I/O
AVR Clock
Control Unit
Source clock
Reset Logic
Watchdog Timer
Watchdog clock
Flash and
CPU Clock – clk
I/O Clock – clk
Flash Clock – clk
External Clock
Calibrated RC
The CPU clock is routed to parts of the system concerned with operation of the AVR
core. Examples of such module s are the General Purpose Reg ister File, the Stat us Register and the data memory holding the Stack Pointer. Halting the CPU clock inhibits the
core from performing general operations and calculations.
The I/O clock is used by the majority of the I/O modules, like Timer/Counters, and
USART. The I/O clock is also used by the External Interrupt module, but note that some
external inter rupts are d etected by as ynchrono us logic, al lowing suc h interrup ts to be
detected even if the I/O clock i s halted . Also note that start conditi on detect ion in the USI
module is carried out asynchronously when clk
is halted, enabling USI start condition
detection in all sleep modes.
The Flash clock controls operation of the Flash interface. The Flash clock is usually
active simultaneously with th e CPU clock.
Clock SourcesThe device has the following clock source options, selectable by Flash Fuse bits as
shown below. The clock from the selected source is input to the A VR cl ock gene rator,
and routed to the appropriate module s.
Note:1. For all fuses “1” means unprogrammed while “0” means programmed.
The various choices for each clocki ng optio n is given i n the followi ng secti ons. When the
CPU wakes up from Power-down, the sel ected clock source is us ed to time the start-up,
ensuring stable Oscillator operation before instruction execution starts. When the CPU
starts from reset, there is an additional delay allowing the power to reach a stable level
before commenci ng n ormal op eration . Th e Wa tchdog Os cillator i s used for timing this
real-time part of the start-up time. The number of WDT Oscillator cycles used for each
time-out is shown in Table 3. The freque ncy of the Watchdog Oscillator is voltage
dependent as shown in “ATt iny2313 Ty pic al Charac teris tics – Preli minary Dat a” on page
Table 3. Number of Watchdog Oscillator Cycles
Typ Time-out (VCC = 5.0V)Typ Time-out (VCC = 3.0V)Number of Cycles
4.1 ms4.3 ms4K (4,096)
65 ms69 ms64K (65,536)
Default Clock SourceThe device is shipped with CKSEL = “0010”, SUT = “10”, and CKDIV8 programmed.
The default clock source setting is t he Internal R C Oscillator wit h longest start-up t ime
and an initial system clock prescaling of 8. This defaul t settin g ensur es that all user s can
make their desired clock source setting using an In-System or Parallel programmer.
Crystal OscillatorXTAL1 and XTAL2 are input and o utput , respectively, of an inverting amplifier which can
be configured for use as an On-chip Osc illator, as shown i n F igure 12. Either a quartz
crystal or a ceramic resonator may be used.
C1 and C2 should always be equal for both crystals and resonators. The optimal value
of the capacitors depends on the crystal or resonator in use, the amount of stray capacitance, and the electromagnetic noise of the environment. Some initial guidelines for
choosing capacitors for use with crystals are given in Table 4. For ceramic resonators,
the capacitor values given by the manufacturer should be used.
Figure 12. Crystal Oscillator Connections
The Oscillator can operate in three different modes, each optimized for a specific frequency range. The operating mode is selected by the fuses CKSEL3..1 as shown in
Table 4.
Notes: 1. The frequency ranges are preliminary values. Actual values are TBD.
2. This option should not be used with crystals, only with ceramic resonators.
0.4 - 0.9–
Recommended Range for Capacitors C1
and C2 for Use with Crystals (pF)
The CKSEL0 Fuse together with the SUT1..0 Fuses select the start-up times as shown
in Table 5.
Table 5. Start-up Times for the Crystal Oscillator Clock Selection
Start-up Time from
Power-down and
000258 CK
001258 CK
010 1K CK
011 1K CK
100 1K CK
Notes: 1. These options should only be used when not operating close to the maximum fre-
0116K CK14CKCrystal Oscillator, BOD
1016K CK14CK + 4.1 msCrystal Oscillator, fast
1116K CK14CK + 65 msCrystal Oscillator,
quency of the device, and only if frequency stability at start-up is not important for the
application. These options are not suitable for crystals.
2. These options are intended for use with ceramic resonators and will ensure frequency stability at start-up. They can also be used with crystals when not operating
close to the maximum frequency of the device, and if frequency stability at start-up is
not important for the application.
Additional Delay
from Reset
(VCC = 5.0V)Recommended Usage
14CK + 4.1 msCeramic resonator, fast
rising power
14CK + 65 msCeramic resonator,
slowly rising power
14CKCeramic resonator,
BOD enabled
14CK + 4.1 msCeramic resonator, fast
rising power
14CK + 65 msCeramic resonator,
slowly rising power
rising power
slowly rising power
Calibrated Internal RC
The calibrated internal R C Oscillator provides a f ixed 8.0 MH z clock. T he frequ ency is
nominal value at 3V and 25°C. I f 8 MHz frequency exc eeds the specif ication of the
device (depends on V
), the CKDIV8 Fuse must be programmed in order to divide the
internal frequency by 8 during start-up. The device is shipped with the CKDIV8 Fuse
programmed. This clock may b e selected a s the system clock by p rogramming the
CKSEL Fuses as sho wn in T able 6. If selected, it will o perate with no external com ponents. During reset, hardware loads the calibration byte into the OSCCAL Register and
thereby automaticall y calibrates the RC Oscillat or. At 3V and 25°C, this cal ibr ation gives
a frequency within ± 1% of the nom inal fr equency. When th is Osc illator is u sed as t he
chip clock, the Watchdog Oscillator will still be used for the Watchdog Timer and for the
Reset Time-out. For more information on the pre-programmed calibration value, see the
section “Calibration Byte” on page 162.
Table 6. Internal Calibrated RC Oscillator Operati ng Mo des
CKSEL3..0Nominal Frequency
0010 - 00114.0 MHz
0100 - 01018.0 MHz
Note:1. The device is shipped with this option selected.
When this Oscilla tor is sele cted, sta rt-up times are determ ined by the SUT Fuse s as
shown in Table 7.
Table 7. Start-up times for the internal calibrated RC Oscillator clock selection
Oscillator Calibrat ion Register
Start-up Time from Power-
006 CK14CKBOD enabled
016 CK14CK + 4.1 msFast rising power
Note:1. The device is shipped with this option selected.
Initial ValueDevice Specific C a libra tion Value
down and Power-save
6 CK14CK + 65 msSlowly rising power
Additional Del ay from
Reset (VCC = 5.0V)Recommended Usage
• Bits 6..0 – CAL6..0: Oscillator Calibration Value
Writing the calibration byte to this address will trim the internal Oscillator to remove process variations from the Oscillator frequency. This is done automatically during Chip
Reset. When OSCCAL is zero, the lowest avai lable frequency is chosen. Writing nonzero values to this register will increase the frequency of the internal Oscillator. Writing
0x7F to the register gives the hi ghest availab le frequency . The calibrated Os cillator is
used to time EEPRO M and Fla sh acc ess. If EEPRO M or Flas h is writt en, do no t calibrate to more than 10% above the nominal fre quency. Ot herwise, th e EEPROM or Flash
write may fail. Note that the Oscillator is intended for calibration to 8.0/4.0 MHz. Tuning
to other values is not guaranteed, as indi cated in Table 8.
Avoid changing the c ali bration value in large steps when calibrating the Calibrated Inter nal RC Oscillator to ensure stable operation of the MCU. A variation in frequency of
more than 2% from one cycle to the ne xt can l ead to unpr edicat ble behavi or. Cha nges in
OSCCAL should not exceed 0x20 for each calibration.
Table 8. Internal RC Oscillator Frequency Range.
Min Frequency in Percentage of
Nominal Frequency
Max Frequency in Percentage of
Nominal Frequency
External ClockTo drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be driven as shown in
Figure 13. To run the de vice on an exte rnal clock, the CK SEL Fuses must be programmed to “0000”.
Figure 13. External Clock Drive Configuration
When this clock source is selected, start-up times are determined by the SUT Fuses as
shown in Table 10.
Table 9. Crystal Oscillator Clock Frequency
CKSEL3..0Frequency Range
0000 - 00010 - 16 MHz
Table 10. Start-up Times for the External Clock Selection
Start-up Time from Power-
006 CK14CKBOD enabled
016 CK14CK + 4.1 msFast rising power
106 CK14CK + 65 msSlowly rising power
down and Power-save
Addition al Delay fr om
Reset (VCC = 5.0V)Recommended Usage
When applying an external clock, it is required to avoid sudden changes in the applied
clock frequency to ensure stable operation of the MCU. A variation in frequency of more
than 2% from one clock cycle to the next can lead to unpredictable behavior. It is
required to ensu re that th e MCU is kept in Reset during such changes in the clock
Note that the Sy stem Cl ock Presc aler can be us ed to imp lement ru n-time changes of
the internal clock frequ ency while still ensuring stable operation.
128 kHz Internal
The 128 kHz Internal Oscillator is a low power Oscillator providi ng a clock of 128 kHz.
The frequenc y is no minal at 3 V and 25°C . Th is clock may be se lected as th e syste m
clock by programming the CKSEL Fuses to “0110 - 0111”.
When this clock source is selected, start-up times are determined by the SUT Fuses as
shown in Table 11.
Table 11. Start-up Times for the 128 kHz Internal Oscillator
Clock Prescale Register –
Start-up Time from Power-
006 CK14CKBOD enabled
016 CK14CK + 4 msFast rising power
106 CK14CK + 64 msSlowly rising power
Initial Value0000See Bit Description
down and Power-save
Addition al Delay fr om
ResetRecommended Usage
• Bit 7 – CLKPCE: Clock Prescaler Change Enable
The CLKPCE bit must be written to logic one to enable change of the CLKPS bits. The
CLKPCE bit is only u pdated wh en the other bits in C LKPR a re simu ltanio sly writte n to
zero. CLKPCE is cleared by hardware four cycles after it is written or when CLKPS bits
are written. Rewriting t he CLKPCE bit wit hin this ti me-out per iod does nei ther ext end the
time-out period, nor clear the CLKPCE bit.
These bits define the division factor between the selected clock source and the internal
system clock. These bits can be written run-time to vary the clock frequency to suit the
application requirements. As the divider divides the master clock input to the MCU, the
speed of all synchronous peripherals is reduced when a division factor is used. The division factors are given in Table 12.
To avoid uni ntenti onal ch ang es of c lock freque ncy, a spec ial wr ite pr ocedure must be
followed to change the CLKPS bits:
1. Write the Clock Prescaler Change Enable (CLKPCE) bit to one and all other bits
in CLKPR to zero.
2. Within four cycles, write the desired value to CLKPS while writing a zero to
Interrupts must be disabled when changing prescaler setting to make sure the write procedure is not interrupted.
The CKDIV8 Fu se determi nes the initia l value of the CLK PS bits. If CKDIV8 is unp rogrammed, the CLKPS bits will be reset to “0000”. If CKDIV8 is programmed , CLKPS bits
are reset to “ 0011”, giving a divisi on factor of 8 at start up. This feat ure should be used i f
the selected c lock sou rce has a highe r frequen cy tha n the maxi mum freq uency of the
device at the present operating conditions. Note that any value can be written to the
CLKPS bits reg ardless of the CKD IV8 Fuse setting. T he Applic ation softwa re must
ensure that a sufficient division factor is chosen if the selcted clock source has a higher
frequency than the maximum frequency of the device at the present operating conditions. The device is shipped with the CKDIV8 Fuse programmed.
Sleep modes enable the application to shut down unused modules in the MCU, thereby
saving power. The AVR provides various sleep modes allowing the user to tailor the
power consumption to the application’s requirements.
To enter any of the three sleep modes, the SE bit in SMCR must be written to logic one
and a SLEEP instruction must be executed. The SM1 and SM0 bits in the MCUCR Register select which sleep mode (Idle, Power-down, or Standby) will be activated by the
SLEEP instruction. See Table 13 for a summary. If an e nabled interrupt occurs while the
MCU is in a sleep mode, the MCU wakes up. The MCU is then halted for four cycles in
addition to the start -up time, executes the inter rupt routine, and resumes exec ution from
the instruction f ollowin g SLEEP. T he conte nts of the regist er file and SRAM are un altered when the device wakes up from sleep. If a reset occurs during sleep mode, the
MCU wakes up and executes from the Reset Vector.
Figure 11 on page 22 presents the different clock systems in the ATtiny2313, and their
distribution. The figure is helpful in selecting an appropriate sleep mode.
MCU Control Register –
The Sleep Mode Control Register contai ns control bits for power management.
These bits select between the five available sleep modes as shown in Table 13.
Table 13. Sleep Mode Select
SM1SM0Sleep Mode
Note:1. Standby mode is only recommended for use with external crystals or resonators.
• Bit 5 – SE: Sleep Enable
The SE bit must be written to lo gic one t o make the MCU enter the sle ep mode when the
SLEEP instruction is executed. To avoi d the MCU entering the sleep mode unl ess it is
the programmer’s purpose, it is recommended to write the Sleep Enable (SE) bit to one
just before the execution of the SLEEP instruction and to clear it immediately after waking up.
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