Commercial, Industrial and Automotive Temperature Ranges
s/byte (typical)
The AT27C512R is a low- pow er , high- pe rf orman ce 524,288-bit one-time pro gramm able read only memory (OTP EPROM) organized 64K by 8 bits. It requires only one 5V
power supply in norm al read mo de operat ion. Any byt e can be acc essed in less than
45 ns, eliminating the n eed for speed reducing WAIT s tates on high-pe rformance
microprocessor systems.
Atmel’s scaled CMOS te chnol ogy prov ides hi gh-spee d, lo wer acti ve powe r consum ption, and significantly faster programming. Power consumption is typically only 8 mA
in Active Mode and less than 10 µA in Standby.
The AT27C512 R is ava ilable in a c hoice of indu stry st andard JEDEC-approved one-time programmable (OTP)
plastic PDIP, PLCC, S OIC, and TSOP packages . All
devices feature two-line c ontrol ( CE
the flexibility to prevent bus contention.
With 64K byte storage capability, the AT27C512R allows
firmware to be stored reliably and to be accessed by the
system without the delays of mass storage media.
Atmel’s 27C512R has addit ional features to ensure high
quality and efficient production use. The Rapid
ming Algori thm reduc es the time require d to prog ram the
part and guarantees reliable programming. Programming
time is typically only 100 µs/byte. The Integrated Product
Identification Code electronica lly identifi es the devic e and
manufacturer. This feature is used by industry standard
programming equi pmen t to se lect the prop er progr ammi ng
algorithms and voltages.
, OE) to give designe rs
System Considerations
Switching between active and standby conditions via the
Chip Enable pin may produ ce tra ns ien t vo ltag e ex cu rs i ons .
Unless accommodated by the system design, these transients may exceed data sheet limits, resulting in device
non-conformance. At a minimum, a 0.1 µF high frequency,
low inherent inductance, ceramic capacitor should be utilized for each device. This capacitor should be connected
between the V
close to the device as possible. Additionally, to stabilize the
supply voltage level on printed circuit boards with large
EPROM arrays, a 4.7 µF bulk electrolytic capacitor should
be utilized, again connected between the V
terminals. This capacitor should be positioned as close as
possible to the point where the power supply is connected
to the array.
and Ground terminals of the device, as
and Ground
Block Diagram
Absolute Maximum Ratings*
Temperature Under Bias............................... -55°C to + 125°C
Storage Temperature....................................-65°C to + 150°C
Voltage on Any Pin with
Respect to Ground ........................................-2.0V to + 7.0V
Voltage on A9 with
Respect to Ground .....................................-2.0V to + 14.0V
VPP Supply Voltage with
Respect to Ground ......................................-2.0V to + 14.0V
*NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maxi-
mum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to
the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other
Note:1 . Minimum voltage is -0.6V dc which ma y unde rshoot
conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions
for extended periods may affect device reliability.
to -2.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns. Maximum
output pin voltage is V
+ 0.75V dc which may
oversh oot to +7.0 volts f or pu lses of les s than 20 ns .
Operating Modes
Output DisableV
Rapid Program
PGM InhibitV
Product Identification
Notes: 1. X can be VIL or VIH.
2. Refer to Programming Characteristics.
= 12.0 ± 0.5V.
3. V
4. T wo identifier bytes may be selected. All Ai inputs are held low (VIL), except A9 which is set to VH and A0 which is toggle d low
) to select the Manufacturer’s Identification byte and high (VIH) to select the Device Code byte.