Single-Chip Voice Recording & Playback Device
for Single 20 to 30 Second Message
Features :
Single-chip, high quality voice recording & Playback solution
- No external ICs required
- Minimum external components
Non-volatile Flash memory technology
- No battery backup required
- 100K record cycles (typical)
- 100-year message retention (typical)
Single message of 20 to 30 seconds, with external resistor selection
Chip enable pin for simple message expansion
User-friendly, easy-to-use operation
- Programming & development systems not required
- Level-activated recording & edge-activated playback switches
Low power consumption
- Operating current: 25mA (typical, no load)
- Standby current: 1uA (typical, no load)
Automatic power-down feature for longer battery life
Single 5V power supply
General Description :
The APR9301 device offers true single-chip solid-state storage capability and requires no
software or microcont-roller support. It provides high-quality recording and playback with a
single 20- to 30-second message. It is ideal for portable voice recorders, toys, and many
other consumer and industrial applications.
APLUS’s proprietary analog/multi-level storage technology is implemented in advanced
Flash non-volatile memory cells,each of which can typically store more than 256 voltage
levels. The APR9301 device stores and reproduces voice signals in their natural forms,
eliminating distortion that is often introduced by encoding and compression. The device
combines a small size with low power consumption,non-volatility, and ease-of-use for a cost
effective solution to voice recording and playback
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PS : The APR9301 DIP & SOP is not [ PIN to PIN ]
Functional Block Diagram :
Figure 2 shows the functional block diagram for the APR9301 device.
Figure 2 APR9301 Functional Block Diagram
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Sample Application
Figure 3 shows the diagram for a single,
20-second message recording and
playback application using the APR9301
device. When pins are connected as shown
in this example,the operating modes are as
Record Mode (Level-Activated)
single voice message of up to 20 seconds
can be recorded.The /LED pin will go low
during the actual recording process to
provide a visual indication if an LED light is
connected to this pin. The chip is in record
Playback Mode (Edge-Activated)
Playback always starts from the beginning
of the message.The chip is in playback
mode after the /PlayE pin pulses low
(edge-activated). Playback will stop
immediately when the /PlayE pin pulses low
a second time.
If the newly recorded message is shorter
than the previously recorded message,
the remaining portion of the previous
message will not be played after the new
message is played back.
The input preamplifier, AGC, and main
amplifier circuits are disabled during
mode as long as the /RecL pin stays low
level-activated). If the message lasts longer
than 20 seconds, recording will terminate
automatically after the last available
memory cell is written. If the message is
than 20 seconds, the recording operation
will stop when the /RecL pin goes high.
The speaker driver is automatically
tristated during the recording operation.
Messages of up to 30 seconds can be
recorded by using
different OscR resistor values
(see Table 1).
Standby Mode (/CE = "0)
The chip will automatically return to the
standby state after recording or playback
operation is completed.
Power Down Mode (/CE = "1 `)
The chip is always in standby state.
No recording or playback is allowed.
Current consumption is typically less than
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